Keep the Fam Connected With This Photo Sharing Service
Even though Mom and Dad are on Facebook now, it’s still hard to keep in touch with them and the rest of the fam. Some relatives never go on Facebook. Other relatives, you just don’t want to add as FB friends. And then there’s Instagram, which would be great for Mom and Dad to use in order to see daily pictures of their newborn granddaughter, but c’mon — they just got the hang of Facebook. Oh, and can’t forget about Grammie and Gramps, who are stuck in their “back in my day…” ways. Now there’s a way to keep the whole family in the loop with your latest Facebook posts and Instagram pics.
Kidpost is an email subscription service that allows your family to see the photos you posted of your little ones on your social media. Here’s how it works: Pick and choose what photos you want to share and add #kidpost to those photos. That’s it! Kidpost will do the rest. It’ll scan through your social media, pick out the photos you hashtagged and send those pictures in an email to your family and friends.
These emails won’t be sent every time you put #kidpost on a photo. Emails are sent only once a day so you don’t have to worry about Kidpost emails flooding your inbox. As of right now, Kidpost only supports Facebook and Instagram. But they’re still in beta and trying to expand their supported services to Twitter and Flickr.
You can connect up to three additional Kidpost, so if your hubbie wants to share his photos in the same email as yours, he can. Grandma and Grandpa will finally be able to stay in the loop of their grandchild’s most special Kodak moments. Also, Kidpost keeps their emails clean and simple, which we love. Comments, likes and shares that you garnered from your friends on social media don’t show up in the Kidpost emails. Only the picture and your caption will show up. If Gramps wants to “like” a picture, he can do so within the email and you’ll be notified.
If you want to try out Kidpost, you can sign up for a free 60 day trial. If you love it, you can subscribe monthly or annually. The monthly fee is only $3, or you can save a few bucks by signing up for $30 annually.
Who are you going to send your Kidpost emails to? Let us know in the comments!