Infographic: See Which Hashtags Describe the Guys in Your City
Breaking down the local dating pool has gotten a lot easier for you + your gfs ever since the app Lulu turned your monthly w(h)ine and cheese night banter into a digital dude-ranking system. And now the ladies-only app that lets your been-there-done-that peers rate guys with hashtags has compiled its users’ evaluations into an infographic that shows just how #Dateable the men are in YOUR city.
According to the infographic, Chicago and Dallas are currently home to some of the countries best lookers (#GreatHair + #StrongHands, respectively), yet suffer from a case of city-wide #Broverdose. San Francisco’s brogrammers are scoring points for winking behind their Google Glass (#WorkEthic, #NerdyButILikeIt), but are missing the mark with their #QuestionableSearchHistory. Similarly, NYC guys have getting a raise on their mind… just not the kind that comes in the form of a plush paycheck (#BedroomEyes). New Yorkers: Maybe take a cue from your way-more adorable neighbors from Philly who WE are just dying to nuzzle into (#AmazingCuddles, #SmellsAmazeballs).
So are the dudes in your neck of the woods totally datable or trending duds? Do you use Lulu? Tell us in the comments below.
(h/t Time)