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Do Not Sell My Personal Information

Please note that this applies to California residents only and is effective as of January 1, 2020

How We Use Your Personal Information

Our Services work with third parties, including advertising companies and website analysis firms, who use cookies to collect information when you visit our websites and visit third-party sites about your browsing activities, such as IP address and user search history data. This information, collected through cookies, is typically used by these third-party advertising networks to serve you with advertisements tailored to meet your preferences and likely interests. Some of our third-party suppliers, including advertising and website analysis firms, can also use mobile identifiers to collect information and provide behavioral advertising through your mobile devices and use of our mobile apps. Further details about how we use your personal information are found in our Privacy Policy.

Your Right to Opt Out of Sale of Your Personal Information

Under the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA), California residents have the right to opt out of the sale of personal information about them or their household. You need not be physically present in California to exercise this right, provided that you have a current California residence. There is no charge for making this opt-out request.

This right is subject to certain exemptions. For example, the law does not apply to information that has been aggregated and/or de-identified such that it could not reasonably be used to identify you. It also does not apply to information that we share with third-party service providers in order for them to perform certain business functions for us.

How to Exercise Your Opt-Out Rights

How you exercise your opt-out rights depends on whether you are a Website Visitor or a Mobile App User. The opt-out controls for our websites and apps are separate. If you use both a website and an app and wish to exercise your opt-out right across both platforms, you must submit two separate opt out requests by following the instructions for Website Visitors and Mobile App Users detailed below.

We may use your IP address to determine your geographic location and to thereby automatically determine what privacy rights are available to you. If you are having trouble exercising your privacy rights, please contact us at

You can opt out of the sale of your personal information collected on our website by clicking the "Opt-out of Sale of My Information" button below:

Do Not Collect My Personal Data