This Black, Plus-Size Cosplayer Wants to Challenge Your Image of “Geek”

Every Body celebrates inclusivity and the representation of human beings in every shape and form.

Whether you’re into attending fan conventions or just stalk certain corners of the Internet, you’ve probably run into cosplay. The art of cosplaying — dressing up as characters from movies, shows, and books — is becoming more and more mainstream. There’s even a cosplay competition show, Cosplay Melee,on the Syfy network.

But more often than not, fat folks find themselves on the outskirts of cosplay communities. This is why professional cosplayers like TaLynn Kel are so vital to smashing ideals of what cosplay can and should look like.

Kel’s life as a professional cosplayer started when she needed an outlet when her father was dying of cancer. Kel explains in an email to Brit + Co, “I was overwhelmingly depressed. Once I learned about cosplay, I found something that spoke to a part of me that I knew was being suppressed. Once I knew this was something I could do, I did it.”

Being fat and taking up cosplay was, in Kel’s words, equal parts challenging, creative, and exhausting. She had a hard time finding costumes in stores that would fit. Her first pair of thigh-high boots were made of duct tape.

“I just enjoyed figuring out how to make things and figuring out how to create a look using a myriad of low-cost, non-toxic tools and supplies,” she recalls.

No matter where you look on the internet, you’ll see that cosplay is a performance art and, for lots of folks, a pretty serious hobby. It can take on many forms and standards, but as Kel explains, “Cosplay was never about looking exactly like the character (for me). It was about being able to embody traits that character represented.”

The quest for a character who spoke to her led Kel to her first comic book cosplay, the Dark Phoenix. Kel explains that, at the time, she was dealing with a lot of suppressed rage and emotional pain that she had to learn to cope with. The character, a villainous being from the Marvel multiverse, felt appropriate.

“(Cosplay) to me is an opportunity to outwardly express aspects of oneself that may otherwise not be acceptable,” she says. “I already physically embody that, so I need to get creative for those unseen aspects.”

Kel admits that, while there are a lot of fat folks involved in the cosplay community, their presence is often left out of the mainstream representation. That lack of diversity doesn’t just end with fat bodies either; Kel points out that the cosplaying community has internalized a lot of anti-Blackness.

“It’s easy to pretend that Black people aren’t out here doing these geek things like cosplaying and gaming when gatekeepers have built these communities around their identity,” she says. That dominant identity of the geeky white fan encompasses what Kel describes the type of person “that isn’t forced to acknowledge structural inequities like neighborhood and school segregation and intentionally created income disparities that have served to exclude Black people from aspects of life that white people take for granted.”

Kel penned a collection of essays titled Breaking Normal: Essays on My Fat, Black, Geek Lifein 2016 and is in the midst of releasing a follow-up: Still Breaking Normal: A Fat, Black, Femme Geek Navigating an Anti-Black World. Through her written work online and her own cosplay, Kel has received a ton of praise and support online, but notes that it’s only been from certain spaces in the cosplay community. She doesn’t expect mainstream acceptance to happen anytime soon.

“I’m a fat, Black, femme geek,” she reasons. “I’m fat. I don’t yo-yo diet. I don’t hate myself for being unable to fit into my cosplays. Instead, I make/buy/find a bigger one or redesign it to suit my current body.”

But that hasn’t stopped her. Kel advises anyone wanting to get involved in the cosplay community: “Know what you want, why you want it, and then have fun figuring it out. Just be honest with yourself about why you want to do it. If you are doing it to make friends, be honest about it and recognize that the cosplay world is just as socially complicated as everything else – we just look more fun.”

Are you part of a fan community? Tell us @britandco!

(Photos via TaLynn Kel)

You’re sustainable. You use reusable bags for grocery trips and swore off plastic water bottles in favor of saving the earth, but have you ever considered the environmental impact of your period? The tampons or pads that you just used during your last cycle make up one small speck in the nearly 200,000 metric tons of landfill waste derived from period products every year. Yep – it’s an unfathomable number, and it doesn’t even begin to account for the period litter scattered across the world’s beaches *or* the microplastics derived from them (which we have yet to quantify and truly understand their impact).

In a time where our planet really needs it, a lot of us want to practice sustainability, but it’s time to actually mean it. The founders of Sunny Period agree. In response, they developed the Sunny Cup, a first-of-its-kind reusable menstrual cup that inserts like a tampon with the help of a unique applicator.

Cindy Belardo, 26, and Drew Jarvis, 23, might have come up with the Sunny Cup from opposite sides of the country, but both knew they needed to find a solution for traditional menstrual cups that just weren’t meeting their respective needs.

“I had not learned about menstrual cups before, and was so intrigued,” said Belardo. “But, the learning curve was something that was not ideal for me, and I really wanted to make it work. I knew that others would run into the same problem.”

Menstrual cups were downright frustrating to use.

“When I went to try menstrual cups, I was a little bit intimidated, but I was very willing to at least give it a shot. I spent an hour in the bathroom trying to put it in. I was laughing and crying, like “what the hell is this thing?” said Jarvis. “I ultimately realized, there's not really been much innovation with a period cup in years.”

That’s why they’re not only providing better solutions with Sunny, but working toward a more sustainable, more effective, and overall more inclusive approach to periods.

One menstruator will use an average of 9,120 tamponsor pads in their lifetime. More often than not, these single-use products (which are 90% plastic, BTW) end up in landfills, taking anywhere from 500 to 800 years to decompose, though plastic never truly decomposes.

In addition to the raw materials used to make tampons and pads themselves, manufacturing practices suck up energy and water sources, contributing to carbon emissions.

Menstrual cups can be reused for up to a decade with a lot less of an impact on the environment, but a very slim percentage of menstruators are actually using them. The Sunny Cup is reusable for up to a year, replacing an average of 225 tampons that one person can potentially use per year.

“I mean, billions of pads are going into landfills. You're not supposed to flush them, obviously, but people do,” said Jarvis. “After five years of prototyping, research, and development, we finally came up with a design that we feel will help beginner menstrual cup users switch to this really cool, sustainable option that saves you money and saves disposables from going into landfills.”

There’s a bias for tampons and pads because they offer convenience at the tear of a wrapper – but convenience isn't the only factor driving it. Many menstruators simply do not have the luxury of choice when it comes to period products.

This fact became a reality for Belardo in 2018 when she began working with menstruators in India through a research grant. Her team had the opportunity to survey 200 first-time menstrual cup users on their experience with the device.

“One important takeaway was the taboo around periods and the female body. That was not unique to the individuals we surveyed in India – it's here in the US and globally,” said Belardo. “It became very apparent that period poverty is a worldwide issue that needs to be addressed.”

Medical News Today defines period poverty as “the social, economic, political, and cultural barriers to menstrual products, education, and sanitation.” It’s estimated that 500 millionmenstruators around the world lack proper access to a few or all three of these things. Though not exclusively tied to a specific demographic, period poverty is most commonly present in low income, impoverished, and food insecure communities.

“Unfortunately, [period poverty] is everywhere. I think we don't really realize that where there's food insecurity, there’s poverty,” said Jarvis. “That can be in any community. You may not know those people are dealing with those circumstances.”

Period poverty can put a lot of stress on menstruators, depending on their situation. For those without proper access to period products, scarcity can cause physical stress. For those living in poverty, affording period products in the first place can cause financial stress. For those shamed for having a period, the embarrassment can cause emotional stress.

“When you don't have access to period products, a lot of young menstruators will miss school, which is driving a gap in education, and then ultimately leading into a gap in income for people with periods, which is disproportionately women, and is even more challenging for women menstruators of color,” expressed Jarvis. “Of course, that's no place that we should be living in.”

Societal stigmas and myths surrounding menstruation further the divide between menstruators and access to period-related resources. The belief that periods are gross, unnatural, or perverted comes from a lack of education and understanding, according to Belardo.

“We understand that periods are a bodily process that have been punished, stigmatized, and shamed by society, and we committed to educating and working with our community to co-create solutions to unmet needs,” said Belardo. “The only way we are going to see change is if we can shift society's understanding.”

Sunny is combatting period poverty in the states and abroad by simply normalizing periods. In addition to their menstrual cup, they’ve created a graphic novel for young people that aims to educate about periods. They continue to have candid conversations surrounding periods, sexual health, and period poverty through their social media channels. Sunny is also dedicated to donating products and resources to those who need them through, a non-profit that advocates for menstruators.

In addition to these things, Jarvis and Belardo are ensuring their efforts with Sunny are oriented towards menstruators of all backgrounds in order to serve the community at large.

“It's vital to openly combat the stigma associated with our bodies in order to advocate and sustain our community's mental health. Part of that is being inclusive,” said Belardo. “Truly including everyone in this conversation, cis and trans men, cis and trans women, non-binary folks, menstruators and non-menstruators, lower-income countries and higher-income countries, people of color, et cetera, so that we can normalize our bodies.”

“We've had people get frustrated by that at times. But the reality is, we're a period care company, and we are addressing people with periods and we're not going to exclude anyone from that,” said Jarvis. “We knew that it was going to be political because we wanted to include everybody with a period. We realized that while we are passionate about earth-friendly products, inclusive education, and global impact, we were always going to be more than just a period product.”

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Photography by Scott Vo Photography.

Some quotes have been edited for clarity.

May is here, and we're celebrating it by sharing which Sephora birthday gift you can get this month. That's right — I'm talking about all the freebies you can find! Well, not all of them — just enough to help you find new makeup, skincare, or haircare products to add to your vanity. After looking at the options Sephora has to offer this month, we're sure you'll have a hard time choosing from all the great options.

Let's jump into the 6 glamorous Sephora birthday gifts you can get this month!

How do I redeem my free birthday gift?

In order to redeem your birthday gift, you have to become a beauty insider. Signing up is completely free.

Are birthday gifts only available online?

Some of them are, but some can be picked up in-stores. You'll want to look online to see if the birthday gift you want has the "Available online only" or "Available in Store only" label.

Can I redeem more than one gift?

Wouldn't it be nice if we could have all the things? Unfortunately, you can only choose one birthday gift set.

Am I able to redeem a VIB or Rogue birthday gift if I haven't reached those tiers?

If you recently became a beauty insider, you'll be in the 'insider' tier. Here's the requirements to reach the next tiers:

  • VIB: Spend $350 in one year
  • Rogue: Spend $1000 in one year

You'll have to continue spending those amounts to maintain your VIB or Rogue status. At that point, you'll be able to redeem a VIB or Rogue birthday gift.

Other than that, you have free reign to choose from 7 other great options! Here's everything you can choose during your birthday month!

Kosas Lip & Brow Birthday Set

What's included:

  • Wet Lip Oil Plumping Treatment Gloss in Shade 'Unbuttoned' (Soft Warm Blush)
  • Air Brow Clear + Clean Lifting Eyebrow Gel with Lamination Effect

Kosas is known for their skincare-friendly makeup which makes this birthday gift so exciting. You'll get one of the best lip oils that'll gives your lips a boost of hydration thanks to hyaluronic acid and it'll make them look kissable. Additionally, you can give your eyebrows a little boost with Kosas' air brow gel!

Youth To The People Cleanse & Hydrate Skincare Birthday Set

What's included:

  • Superfood Gentle Antioxidant Refillable Cleanser
  • Superfood Air-Whip Lightweight Face Moisturizer with Hyaluronic Acid
  • Superberry Hydrate + Glow Dream Night Cream + Mask with Vitamin C
We stan a good skincare set that features different options for us to try. If you choose this birthday option, you'll get to sample Youth To The People's goodies that can easily be incorporate into your morning or nighttime regiment. From a pH-balancing cleanser to a Vitamin C-infused mask, your skin will appreciate this moisturizing birthday gift.

Moroccanoil Ultimate Hydration Birthday Set

What's included:

  • Moroccanoil Treatment Hair Oil
  • Hydrating Shampoo
  • Hydrating Conditioner
  • Hand Cream
Give your hair some TLC with Moroccanoil's ultimate hydrating set. Each product is infused with argan oil so you can trust that your strands will receive hydration that results in sleek hair.

Sephora Birthday Gift 250 Bonus Points

Then again, you can decide to have an extra 250 bonus points added to your account. I reached the VIB rogue tier by choosing this option one year and my total accumulated points allowed me to save $10 off my next purchase. It's a win even if it's not a gift set.


Charlotte Tilbury Flawless Look Birthday Set

What's included:

  • Matte Revolution Lipstick in shade Pillow Talk
  • Airbrush Flawless Setting Spray
  • Magic Cream Moisturizer with Hyaluronic Acid
If you've reached the VIB or Rogue tiers — congratulations! You'll get to take home this Charlotte Tilbury Flawless Look birthday set! If the pretty packaging doesn't catch your eye, then the gorgeous packaging and award-winning products will!


Summer Fridays On-the-Go Hydration Birthday Set

What's included:

  • Jet Lag Mask
  • Lip Butter Balm for Hydration & Shine in Shade 'Vanilla'

While Sephora's other birthday gifts won't change in April, there's a new Rogue VIB option to look forward to! Sephora loves surprising their amazing customers with hydrating birthday gifts and this set is right on time for all your vacation needs. The air on airplanes can be drying so you'll need Summer Friday's jet lag mask for your face and their lip butter balm for your lips!

Which of the Sephora birthday gifts will you be taking home this month?

Brit + Co. may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This post is updated each month to reflect new Sephora birthday gift deals.

Growing up in the age of YouTube beauty vlogs, there weren’t many women of color talking about makeup. Jackie Aina, Nyma Tang, and Alissa Ashley were some of the first to talk about this industry from a Black woman’s perspective, and Tang pioneered the conversation by creating content where she found the darkest shades of makeup, and comparing it to her darker skin tone. Many Black women related to her struggle — the inability to find any beauty product that could extend past the names mahogany, mocha, or dark chocolate was frustrating to say the least.

When Fenty Beauty released their extensive shade range in 2017, the industry finally crept up to the cusp of something new. For the first time on both ends of the spectrum, women of color were represented fully by a complexion line. Other brands followed suit, but not fast enough. To this day, many brands still aren’t inclusive of darker shades in their products.

Unfortunately, colorism is extremely prevalent in the beauty industry, despite the cries for brands to do better. Luckily, a generation of Jackie, Nyma, and Alissa fans are now old enough to raise their voices about inclusivity. More and more creators continue to point out the hypocrisy of only using certain models, or only inviting certain influencers to events. TikTokers Golloria and Anayka She are part of the new generation, raising the torch to call out beauty brands that actually are inclusive, and those that…really aren’t. Golloria often repeats that “tone inclusivity is the bare minimum," reminding us that there's always room to grow.

Brands should be listening closely as they could be missing out on an entire market that wants to sing their praises. Here are some beauty houses that I love, featuring extensive range and true quality. Let’s sing said praises:

Fenty Beauty

Image via Fenty Beauty

While Fenty Beauty isn’t the first, the Rihanna-led brand is a pioneer in extensive shade ranges. The hype surrounding their first launch was well worth the lines. I’m a fan for life, not only because the products are amazing, but because there’s something for the fairest to the deepest among us.

Favorite Fenty Products

Pro Filt’r Soft Matte Longwear Foundation ($40)

This foundation comes in 50 different shades. Yes, you read that right!

Match Stix Contour Skinstick ($32)

You'll find these contour sticks in 10 different shades.

Danessa Myricks Beauty

Image via Danessa Myricks Beauty

As a makeup artist, Danessa Myricks found that not all products were found equal between her clients. Her makeup line is focused specifically on multi-use for all skin types. Myricks’ site has the best realistic examples of her products on each skin tone type.

Fave Danessa Myricks Beauty Products

Yummy Skin Blurring Balm Powder ($36)

You'll find this oil balancing balm in 11 different shades.

Colorfix Foils ($18)

These bold colors are safe to use on your eyes, lips, and face!


Image via Maybelline

This drugstore brand took the long way to finding extended shade ranges across products. However, being the old reliable comes with growing pains, and Maybelline eventually made inclusivity more of a priority. The first foundation I ever bought with my own money was from the FitMe line. At the time (and to this day), the beauty brand created something for everyone at an affordable rate. I still go back to it because while it’s nostalgic, it also gave me great skin days. (Special nod to the 15 baby lips I also bought.)

Fave Maybelline Products

Fit Me Loose Finishing Powder ($9)

Maybelline offers eight different shades in this powder to top off your foundation with.

Fit Me Matte + Poreless Foundation ($9)

Out of the 40 different shade options here, I love the warm coconut best!

Ami Cole

Image via Ami Cole

Ami Cole is a newer brand on the scene but it’s made a large splash in rethinking the classic beauty routine. The brand started with just three products and is expanding every day. Stay with me — the original skin tint has a limited shade range, but it focuses specifically on women of color. The skin tint is my favorite product and somehow feels universal with only six shades. It’s perfect for the no makeup makeup look so I highly recommend for anyone with a deeper skin tone.

Skin Enhancing Tint ($32)

The six shades of this tint are meant to show off your skin, not cover it up.

Lip Treatment Oil ($20)

Not only does this look great, but it also nourishes your lips! Win-win!

What inclusive beauty brands do you love? Let us know in the comments, and be sure to sign up for our email newsletter for all the latest beauty news!

Header image via Ami Cole.

Within the expansive world of books, Asian American and Pacific Islander voices offer distinctive viewpoints and unique, thought-provoking perspectives to readers. These viewpoints help teach people about the rich culture and history of Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Americans. Plus, AAPI authors just tell really, really great stories! From heart-stopping thrillers, to swoon-worthy romances, to compelling memoirs— here are 16 books you should check out in celebration of AAPI Month!

Memory Pieceby Lisa Ko

In the 1980s, Giselle, Jackie, and Ellen were all outcasts who banded together to have friends and work towards their dreams. Now in the 2040s, the three of them are forced to confront the facts that the world around them has changed and their dreams must too. Giselle, a performer, must learn how to succeed in the elite social world. Jackie, a successful coder, must figure out how to still love his craft even as the coding industry shifts towards surveillance and monetization. And Ellen, a community activist, must come to terms with the increased policing and building that are going on in her neighborhood. This is a story of the changing world and how three lifelong friends must learn to navigate that change and build happy lives despite how different everything is.

The Fetishistby Katherine Min

Written by the late Katherine Min, The Fetishist is a tale of three individuals that explores race, femininity, and how complicated the feelings of family and grief can be. Twenty-three-year-old Japanese American Kyoko is full of anger and despair at the death of her mother, who was recently dumped by Daniel. She is determined to kill Daniel and make him pay for what he did, but her plans go wrong. Daniel is a violinist who is struggling to confront his past mistakes and move forward. Alma, Daniel’s lover, is a Korean American who is spending her final days wondering if she was truly loved in her life.

The Fox Wife by Yangsze Choo

Yangsze Choo weaves a tale of old love, second chance, and ancient folklore. It is 1908 in Manchuria, the last years of the Qing Empire, when a woman is found mysteriously dead in a doorway. Suspicions are cast onto the foxes, spirits who are said to transform into beautiful people to lure victims. Detective Bao has been investigating the foxes but has never come close, until now. Meanwhile, Snow is a creature devoted to hunting her child's killer. Both are on a path from China to Japan, but what will happen as more deaths and tragedies follow in their wake?

The Nature of Disappearing by Kimi Cunningham Grant

All Emlyn wants to do is forget about her past. Forget about her best friend Janessa who doesn’t speak to her and forget about the love of her life and her ex, Tyler, who left her for dead on the roadside. Now, three years later, she is living a whole new life in her own trailer with a healthy community around her. But one day Tyler reappears with news that Janessa is missing, shoving Emlyn back into that world that she tried so hard to leave behind. Reluctantly, Emlyn joins Tyler on a mission to try to find her ex-best friend. As they explore deeper into the wilderness Emlyn begins to suspect that not all is as it seems and that she might be in just as much danger as Janessa.

The Catchby Amy Lea

Melanie Karlsen’s brand is about to collapse and she is doing everything possible to stop that from happening. That is why she currently finds herself in an east-coast Canadian fishing village. There she is learning that the stereotypical “all Canadians are nice” statement is not true, especially Evan Whaler. But when an accident lands Evan in the hospital and Melanie is mistaken as his fiancée, the two team up to appease his nagging family and save Melanie’s brand. As their relationship grows from something fake to something more, Melanie must decide whether to embrace this wild love or continue her perfect city life.

Kindlingby Traci Chee

Kindlings were once considered the elite, the fighters who used their magic to wage war at the cost of their own lives. Now that the war is over, the kindlings have been cast aside and forgotten, their magic outlawed. But when violence sparks in the countryside and a village comes under siege, seven kindlings must step up and fight one last time. But can they break through their past and find that peace that they have been searching for through this final battle? This standalone fantasy by Traci Chee explores the deepest parts of humanity and what it means to be lost and led back to find a future worth fighting for.

The Return of Ellie Black by Emiko Jean

Ever since Detective Chelsey Calhoun’s sister disappeared twenty years ago, she has been searching for any clues as to what happened. As other girls go missing and are not found, Chelsey begins to give up hope. But when teenager Ellie Black, who disappeared two years ago, is found alive in the Washington State woods, Chelsey finally has hope again. There’s only one problem, Ellie will not say anything and it is now up to Chelsey to find out what happened and where Ellie was. For the sake of herself, her missing sister, and the girls who will continue to go missing if she does not solve this mystery.

The Djinn Waits a Hundred Yearsby Shubnum Khan

Akhbar Manzil has always drawn Sana close. With the abandoned estates’ dark halls, empty rooms, and mysterious East Wing, Sana wants to know more. When she ventures into the East Wing she finds a door that has been closed for centuries, a room that was suspended in time, and a young woman's diary. As Sana explores the diary and learns of young Meena, who tragically passed in the estate, something stirs. Watching and hunting Sana from the shadows, a grieving djinn from the time of Meena’s death has awoken. In this heartbreaking and mysterious love story, Shubnum Khan weaves a tale of searching for belonging.

Lies and Weddings by Kevin Kwan

With the Gresham Trust depleted and the family in severe debt, Rufus Leung Gresham is told by his mother to attend his sister's wedding at a luxury eco-resort and find a wealthy wife. Seducing a woman with money would save the family fortune and spare them from many scandals. But despite all of the wealthy and attractive women at the wedding, Rufus Gresham only has eyes for the humble girl next door. As a volcano erupts and the wedding goes up in flames, secrets are exposed, and his mother’s plans are revealed, can Rufus recover or will tragedy strike even further?

True Love and Other Impossible Odds by Christina Li

Grace Tang is a freshman in college, determined to move on from her heartbreaking senior year of high school and start her life new. But when her statistics class forces her to write an equation, she chooses to write an algorithm that will pair people with their perfect match. But some people are skeptical, including Grace’s coworker Julia. To prove her point, Grace starts dating her match, but as she grows closer and closer to Julia even she is finding herself starting to question the algorithm. Can Grace choose between the neat and predictable equations or will she risk a love that does not follow the formula?

Asking For A Friend by Kara H.L. Chen

This upcoming Young Adult novel by Kara H.L. Chen is the perfect summer rom-com to look forward to! There are only two things that Juliana Zhao is certain of; that she is a love expert and that she is going to win the Asian Americans in Business Competition. But when Juliana is dropped by her project partner and forced to pair up with frenemy Garrett Tsai, everything starts to fall apart. Arguments ensue and Juliana is forced to realize that maybe winning isn't everything and that her sheltered worldview won’t make her the perfect daughter or successful woman she strives to be.

Manila Takes Manhattan by Carla de Guzman

When Filipino musician and producer Mon Mendoza finds himself struggling to fit in while in New York City, he finds comfort in making some pancit canton, and unintentionally finds himself on a date with his neighbor. Actress Olivia Angeles has taken on so many characters, but the one she struggles most to embody is her true self. She finds that in a one-night stand with her insanely attractive and excellent cook neighbor. But now, one month later, Olivia and Mon find themselves working on the same movie. Can the two of them remain professional or will their steaming chemistry become too much?

You Know What You Did by K.T. Nguyen

Annie “Anh Le” Shaw had grown up poor but is now wealthy, with everything that she could ever want in her life. But when her Vietnam War refugee mother suddenly and unexpectedly dies, Annie’s perfect world begins to fall apart. Her OCD comes storming back, but her disturbing thoughts and fixations are actually coming true. As more people start to disappear and die, suspicions turn to Annie. To save her husband and daughter, she distances herself only to be found naked and next to a dead body in a hotel room. But all that matters is protecting her family, even if she loses herself in the process.

Their Divine Fires by Wendy Chen

Covering three generations of Chinese women and their love and affairs, this debut novel by Wendy Chen explores the ideas of ancestors, secrets, and folklore. In 1917, Yunhong falls deeply in love with a wealthy landlord's son, but when her brother ruins their wedding he ensures that her daughter will never know her father. As time passes her daughter, Yuexin, passes on stories to her daughters who try to unravel the family’s secrets. This novel dives deep into family history: what the ancestors get to decide to pass down to their future family, and what gets lost to time forever.

One Last Word by Suzanne Park

Sara Chae is the creator of the One Last Word app, an app that allows you to send a message to anyone after you pass away. With obvious and secure safeguards in place, these messages are only sent out after people are 100% confirmed to be dead. Or at least that’s what they are supposed to do. But when Sara wakes up to find that her messages were released, everything goes wrong. Drunk messages to her emotionally abusive mother, her ex-best friend, and a love confession to her high school crush, Harry Shim, all get spilled, leaving Sara (who is very much alive) to deal with the fallout. But when she is offered a mentorship program from none other than Harry, she realizes that this could be a path forward and could lead to everything she’s dreamed of.

In a Not So Perfect World by Neely Tubati-Alexander

When Sloane Cooper is offered an interview for her dream job as a video game designer at a top company she is jumping for joy. But somehow during the interview process, in front of an all-male panel, she finds herself promising to not get involved in any romance to stay focused on her work. Unfortunately for her, her extremely hot neighbor Charlie offers to take her on an all-inclusive trip to a tropical resort to make his ex jealous and return to him. Sloane agrees, thinking that the trip will be good for her to focus on her work. But can she resist falling in love with this man in such a romantic setting? His love life and her career depend on it.

Need more book recs? Be sure to checkout our storefront for all our favorite reads right now!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Header image via Amazon

Need an outfit for an upcoming wedding? How about a beach-front dinner? Or tropical destination vacation? Well this one clothing item can take you to all those places and more — slip dresses. They're tried and true, timeless and stylish, and functional and fashionable. And hey, Carrie Bradshaw boldly rocked one, very classically coined "the naked dress."

If you've seen the return of the naked dress trend, you're not alone. Even Sex and the City's Kristin Davis posted a cheeky little throwback of herself in a slip dress to "relive trends." And while the current dresses aren't that different from their predecessors, slip dresses really do come in so many different styles. From your typical black satin slip dress to a fun halter, blue slip, here are my favorite options for staying on trend now — and when it inevitably comes back around again. 😉

Shop Slip Dresses Here!

Target Women's Midi Perfect Slip Dress In Black

This simple black, satin slip will be great for so many occasions whether you want to dress it up or down with sandals; options are endless here! Plus it's listed at only $28! Talk about a bargain!

Reformation Aara Silk Dress

This blue silk number is #1 on my vacation wishlist. I think the lace detail is such a great nod to a vintage Chloe dress that Kendall Jenner was seen wearing this past year. Chic and timeless — my favorite combo!

Target Women's Lace Trim Maxi Slip Dress

The dark forest green color in this slip looks very elegant and luxe, but the price is very reasonable. This target slip dress is affordable yet stylish. I think this one would look great styled for a wedding with nude strappy, gladiator heels and a nude clutch.

Abercrombie Slip Asymmetrical Midi Dress

This Abercrombie dress might be one of my favorites on this list because of the stunning yet sexy detail on the lace on the ends. I think it would be styled perfectly for a night out or dinner with black pumps and a red lip!

Target Women's Midi Perfect Slip Dress In Pink

This Target pink slip dress is so versatile but it also has the bonus of having sizes from XS all the way up to XXXXL so it can fit many different body types. The color is also perfect for the summertime!

Reformation Provence Silk Dress

This dress had to be added to our roundup because it is such a popular and trending style at the moment. I've seen so many influencers and fashion girlies wearing it recently and I understand why! It's such a classic go-to style that is also very flattering. I love this one and will absolutely be getting it for myself, too!

Abercrombie Satin Slip Asymmetrical Midi Dress

Abercrombie is THE place to shop for any of your slip or satin dress needs. They have endless styles and so many cute options. I love this one because of the unique color and asymmetric shape of the slip. So cute and will be adding to my wishlist for sure!

Reformation Barrow Silk Dress

The blue color of this dress is so divine! The shape is also very flattering as well. I love Reformation for their silk dresses because they last so long and feel so high quality. I feel like a million bucks every time I wear one!

Abercrombie Scarf Slip Mini Dress

Another Abercrombie find that is too good to pass up. This one is donning a super chic style with the scarf around the neck. It looks like it belongs in a castle somewhere in France. Tres chic!!

J.Crew Petite Plume Women's Silk Cosette Nightdress With Lace

And to end, I thought I'd add this classic LBD with a typical slip style and a bit of lace on top. I love this one because it's an investment into your future wardrobe and will be worn for so many years to come.

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Lead Image via Reformation