Make a Splash With These Watercolor Tiles in Your Home

With some many pretty patterns, it’s tough to choose our fave. Got one? Tweet it to @BritandCo!

With some many pretty patterns, it’s tough to choose our fave. Got one? Tweet it to @BritandCo!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Want to learn watercolor on your schedule? In this three-class bundle, you’ll get access to on-demand classes that you can take at your own pace. In our new Watercolor Lover Bundle, you’ll start with an introduction class, and work your way up to digitization to create all kinds of watercolor artwork.

You’ll get access to these three watercolor classes for just $61 (originally $87):

  • Intro To Watercolor Painting
  • Watercolor Lettering + Illustration
  • Watercolor Painting + Digitization

You’ll start with the basics by learning how to work with watercolors to paint florals. Then, in the second class, you learn how to incorporate lettering into your watercolor skills. And lastly, our third class will show you how to create watercolor fruit slices, but you’ll take it to the next level by digitizing them to create colorful patterns in Adobe Photoshop.

Here are a few more details about each class:

INTRO TO WATERCOLOR PAINTING: In this class, you’ll start with a basic introduction to watercolor supplies, brush up on color theory, and then put it all into action by creating your own flower arrangement one petal at a time. Your awesome instructor, Jenna Rainey, will be guiding you every step of the way. After taking this class, you’ll know how to:

  • Build a custom watercolor palette using the principles of color theory
  • Properly hold your paint brush and create the outline of florals using different brush strokes
  • Fill-in and use shading techniques to bring your florals to life on paper
  • Use Rainey’s tips for bleeding watercolor together and a simple way to fix mistakes

WATERCOLOR LETTERING AND ILLUSTRATION: Let’s combine some of our favorite things. In this class, you’ll learn how to use watercolors to combine illustrations and florals with lettering. Yes, please! Plus, your instructor, Valerie McKeehan, will be teaching you all of her techniques and tips to create beautiful watercolor designs. By the end of this course, you’ll know how to :

  • Layout a cohesive design using anchor points, margin lines, and more
  • Use a Micon pen to add in details to your watercolor illustrations
  • Work with watercolor to add embellishments and quotes into your final design

WATERCOLOR PAINTING AND DIGITIZATION: This painting class is great for both beginner and intermediate watercolor artists! In it, you’ll learn how to paint a variety of colorful fruits, including vibrant blood oranges, lemons, and strawberries. But you’re not done there! Your instructor, Susan Chiang, will also be showing you how to digitize your watercolor artwork in Adobe Photoshop. By the end of this course, you’ll know how to :

  • Use the three most popular watercolor techniques
  • Paint colorful fruit slices with intricate details
  • Import your artwork for digitization in Adobe Photoshop
  • Create digital elements from your paintings to arrange your artwork the way you want it

And don’t forget to scoop up your class supplies. For all the classes, you’ll need the following:

For the full supply lists, make sure you take a glance at the Materials section for each class.

Loving on bundles? Good news — There’s more! Check out our curated collection of bundles hand-picked with you in mind. They have our top performing classes bundled up so you can save big!

Ready to enroll in this bundle? Make sure to share your final projects by tagging us on Instagram and using the hashtag #bcclasses. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Before my sister announced she was pregnant again, I kept thinking about the process of giving birth and recovery. It seemed like it was such an odd thing to fixate on given my strong stance on waiting to TTC (try to conceive) until my son turns 5, but I guess I could sense someone close to me was expecting. That's not even the part that freaked me out though.

When my sister shared she's having a C-Section, I couldn't help but research recovery tips for this major procedure — I wanted to know how to help her heal. And I wanted other moms to know what they can do to help themselves, too! I reached out to Dr. Jillian LoPiano, OBGYN and Chief Health Officer at Wisp, to understand everything you need to know about C-Sections and how to recover from one!

What factors determine if someone will need a C-Section?


While some moms have vaginal deliveries and others go on to receive C-sections, it's important to know that one isn't 'better' than the other — all births are valuable and valid. The only question that matters in this case is, "What determines if someone needs a C-Section or not?"

"There are a number of maternal fetal factors both in the perinatal period and during labor that can cause a provider to recommend a C-Section. Common indications are baby position (such as breech position) or placental abnormalities are common indications," says Dr. LoPiano.

These abnormalities can be:

  • Placenta Previa
  • Placenta Accreta
  • Placenta Increta
  • Placenta Percreta

What resources do patients need before their C-Section?


No question is too silly to ask your doctor, but Dr. LoPiano says you should receive all the information you need regardless of the delivery method.

"If a CS [C-Section] is planned, or there is a known indication for this mode of delivery, then this would be discussed during prenatal care and at hospital admission," she adds.

From their your provider will go over the "surgery, indications, risks, benefits and alternatives through the process of informed consent." This is usually when you'll also receive recovery tips and what else you should expect.

What can patients and their support partners expect the day of a C-Section?

Amina Filkins

Even if you've watched every episode Grey's Anatomy or House, you may not know all the ins-and-outs of having a C-Section. To be clear, Dr. LoPiano says that delivering via a Cesarean means you'll be having "abdominal surgery" that's "performed in an operating room."

'If it is a planned procedure, the patient will arrive and be prepped for surgery with an IV, neuraxial anesthesia placement, and preoperative medications and fluids. The support partner can expect a briefing on the surgery and under most circumstances is allowed in the OR after anesthesia is deemed in place and adequate with mom and baby stable," she says.

For anyone who's not aware, what occurs during a C-Section?

Jonathan Borba

Unless you've watched demonstrations on YouTube, you could be clueless about how C-Sections are actually performed. Dr. LoPiano says, "An incision is made in the lower part of the abdomen and carried through to the uterus. An incision is then made in the uterus to deliver the baby and the placenta is delivered. The uterus is repaired and then each layer of the abdomen is closed in succession."

In other terms, there are literal layers to a C-Section, which is why it's considered a major surgery.

Are moms required to stay in the hospital longer after having this procedure?

Büşranur Aydın

I had the option of staying another 24 hours in the hospital after a vaginal birth, but I chose to leave after just one day left the hospital just one day — I was ready to sleep comfortably in my own bed. However, C-Sections have a little bit of a different timeline!

Dr. LoPiano explains, "In general uncomplicated vaginal deliveries are discharged home the next day or the day after. C-Sections are generally discharged on postoperative day 2 or 3 depending on mom and baby’s clinical scenarios."

How long does it take to recover from this procedure?

cottonbro studio

Postpartum recovery looks different for everyone, but the rules are a little different after you've had a C-Section. "Since it is abdominal surgery, no lifting beyond 5 pounds is recommended along with no exercise beyond walking for 6 weeks in order to allow all of the layers of the abdomen that were repaired to heal," says Dr. LoPiano.

This isn't the time to be superwoman and force yourself to get back to 'normal.' Even something like "returning to work or exercise after 6 weeks" should be taken at a pace you're comfortable with, according to Dr. LoPiano.

"However, this is strictly from a surgical standpoint. There are many factors that go into postpartum or 'fourth trimester' wellness that need to be addressed and most providers and advocates advocate for longer family leave for this reason," she says.

How can a mom's support village help her as she recovers?

William Fortunato

I will probably scream this from the mountaintops forever, but moms need as much support as they can get during postpartum. Not only is their body physically healing, but there's the drop in hormones that they have to deal with while learning to care for a newborn. Some things are instinctual, but that doesn't mean a mom should have to figure things out by herself. This mirrors what Dr. LoPiano says about the recovery period.

"It is important that a mom’s 'support village' helps her along the way with physical and mental recovery from the surgery. Physical support can include incision care, helping take over physical tasks like carrying heavy items, massages, etc. In terms of mental support, encouraging bed rest and relaxation, treating mom to things she likes, and more [is essential]."

What's considered normal vs. concerning while a mom is recovering from a C-Section?

Polina Zimmerman

Even if a mom doesn't have a vaginal birth, she will still experience some bleeding. "The mother can expect bleeding from the vagina for up to 6 weeks, with it slowly becoming less over that course of time," Dr. LoPiano assures. But if you're experiencing excessive pain and bleeding, you should consult your OBGYN as soon as possible.

The other things she says are concerning are "fever, headache, blurry vision, chest pain, shortness of breath and other clinical parameters." She notes that these are usually explained to the mom as she's leaving the hospital because they serve as "red flags for complications reasons to return."

I encourage you to reach out to your OBGYN or primary care physician if you still have questions about C-sections and what you can expect. Creating a birth plan to understand and prepare yourself for what's to come is a great way to help get you ready for this next, very exciting chapter!

We also have tons of advice about foods to avoid eating when you're pregnant, hiring a doula and breastfeeding!

Header image Sarah Chai

Capture your home or apartment building in a unique way by learning how to illustrate with line drawing techniques. In our Line Drawing: Illustrating Your Home online class, you’ll use loose, playful lines to sketch out the structure and details of your home. Then, you’ll add a pop of color to your illustration by learning how to apply a watercolor wash to your design.

Taught by student favorite, Peggy Dean, in her second line drawing course she’s going to teach you how to create an illustration of the place you call home. Your new skills will help you create a unique art piece to use as decor or as a gift to family and friends.


But hurry! For a limited time, you can get this class for 25% off. This offer ends on 12/16. Enroll in Line Drawing: Illustrating Your Home online class today.

Your final project will have you sketching out your home, looking something like this:

And then you’ll add a watercolor, to make your design look like this:

After taking this class, you’ll know how to:

  • Let loose and start drawing without things looking perfect
  • Use shapes to sketch out the structure of your home or building
  • Find the small details of your house and add them to your illustration
  • Add a watercolor wash to your house, bushes, a sidewalk, and more!

You’ll be able to use your skills to illustrate all kinds of things, including interiors, landscapes, cityscapes, and more!

So what are you waiting for? Enroll in our Line Drawing: Illustrating Your Home online course today!

Knowing when a relationship should end is incredibly challenging, especially if you saw a long-lasting, beautiful future with that person. However, stepping out of a situation that's not right for you can be incredibly empowering, as you're taking the first step to embracing the life you want for yourself. In today's Ask An Astrologist column, one Scorpio wants to know if — and how — she should break free from a long-term relationship that's not giving her what she needs. Read more to learn how our favorite astrologist, Lumi Pelinku, suggests she finally cut the cord!

Abbey Kline

Dear Lumi: Here is my challenge: I have been with a man for ten years — someone I have deeply loved and to whom I tied all my hopes and dreams. Yet, he has shown me that my hopes and dreams will never come true with him. He proposed and then changed his mind. I wanted to start a family, but he had a nervous breakdown instead. While he wants to stay together, we are only great companions, which has been a real challenge for the past three years. The fear of never having what I want if I leave overwhelms me. So, the question is: should I stay or should I go?

-Nicole, Brooklyn, NY

Supriya Bores

Dear Nicole: A woman who knows what she wants from the start, but doesn't see those promises fulfilled often falls into a repeating pattern. Love evolves, but the mind and body can play tricks if you're not aligned with your soul's desires. Observe how much energy you have left after waiting for him to change. How much effort are you putting into making him happy? As a holistic synergy coach, I see that you have given him your mind, body, and soul, yet he hasn’t delivered on his promises of family or commitment. If you’re ready to break ties, you must believe another person can grant your wishes. The Universe reflects what we embody and experience. Patterns of disappointment and false security will persist if your partner remains stuck in his reality. This situation might work for him, but is it working for you?

Your Scorpio Sun signifies a path of regeneration and self-empowerment. Your role is to rise above outdated patterns and align with your true vision. Scorpios are on a quest to confront and transform the sources of their struggles. We all create our destinies, but when we cling to wishing for someone or something to change, it won’t unless we take action. Having strong Scorpio energy in your chart, I’ve been where you are. I faced similar fears in my marriage. I realized over time that my partner wouldn’t change, and staying made me feel depleted and cut off from abundance. I feared the grief of ending the relationship, which felt like facing death. Yet, from the other side of that grief, I can tell you that you’ll emerge restored and vibrant, like a phoenix rising from the ashes. As a Pisces Sun, I can attest that leaving was incredibly hard, but I’m grateful for it.

Hannah Quist

With your Pisces rising, you have the tools to adapt to life's changes. You’re spiritually gifted and connected, and you will become stronger as you align with your intuition. Your Leo Moon gives you the fire to attract incredible opportunities or, conversely, fall into recurring patterns. Embrace your worth, and know you deserve a love story that nurtures your well-being.

Your chart’s blend of water and fire shows powerful manifestation abilities. Believe you can attract an amazing partner, but focus on clearing your energy and moving forward. Looking back should only help you avoid repeating past mistakes. If you decide to leave, commit to moving forward without second-guessing. Breaking free will allow you to attract the life and love you truly desire. For you, as a Scorpio Sun, this is an essential rite of passage. Once you move through it, you’ll be amazed at the magic that awaits you.

With Love and Stars,


How To Cord-Cut In Relationships

Irene García

1. Prepare: Close your eyes and enter a meditative state. Ground yourself by feeling connected to the Earth and center your energy by focusing on your breath.

2. Identify Cords: With your energy senses active, scan your aura to find toxic cords of attachment. Gently trace each cord to see what it's connected to — people, places, objects, beliefs, or past experiences.

3. Cut the Cords: Visualize your dominant hand as an energetic knife. Spread your fingers and move your hand through each cord to sever it. As you do this, say silently or aloud, "I completely release you from my life." Breathe deeply between cuts to stay centered.

Destiny Buchman

4. Send Thanks: After cutting all the cords, sit quietly for a few minutes. Send gratitude and love to what you've released, acknowledging their role in your growth.

5. Finalize: Conclude the meditation and take a shower to cleanse and ground your energy.

Join Lumi live on September 15th for an insightful astrology event held remotely! She will dive into the Lunar Eclipse's impact on each zodiac sign and experience a live sound bowl healing session to help you realign and recharge. Don't miss this chance to connect with the cosmos and yourself. Click this link to learn more!

Looking for more astrological advice? Be sure to submit a question to Lumi here!

Header image via Cora Pursley

The holidays are about spending time with your loved ones and eating a ton of good food. And apparently it's also time for breakups. In Max's new movie, Kiernan Shipka and Nico Hiraga play two best friends trying to navigate friendship, relationships, and adulthood during their first year at college. When they make a pact to break up with their significant others, they wind up having one of the most chaotic nights of their lives, presumably on Drunksgiving (when people party the Wednesday before Thanksgiving).

It's unclear whether this movie will wind up on our list of favorite friends-to-loversstories, or if the relationship between Shipka and Hiraga's characters will stay platonic. Either way, we don't get many Thanksgiving-themed movies, and I'll take every one we can get! Here's everything you need to know about Sweethearts, on Max this fall.

​What is Sweethearts about?


Sweethearts Plot

Kiernan Shipka and Nico Hiraga play two best friends who are trying to nagviate friendship, relationships, and adulthood during their first year at college. When they return home for Thanksgiving break, and agree to break up with their high school sweethearts before classes start back up, a chaotic night out ends up putting their friendship to the ultimate test.

​When is Sweethearts coming out?


Sweethearts Release Date

Sweethearts is premiering on Max Thursday, November 28, which also happens to be Thanksgiving! We'll start perfecting our mashed potatoes, gravy, and cranberry sauce now.

Who's in the cast of Sweethearts?


Sweethearts Cast

The cast of Sweethearts includes Kiernan Shipka, Nico Hiraga, Caleb Hearon, Tramell Tillman, Ava Demary, Charlie Hall, Joel Kim Booster, and Christine Taylor.

Do you hope Sweethearts turns into a friends-to-lovers story? Or that Max keeps it strictly platonic? Let us know on Instagram! And while we're on the topic of Thanksgiving, check out 21 Easy Thanksgiving Finger Food Recipes you can make this fall. ;)

Lead image via Max