Dating Diaries: Here's What I Learned From Dating After Divorce

dating after divorce

For February, we're introducing the Dating Diaries — a chance for women to work through their romantic lives and teach us a little something in the process. Whether they're single, taken, or some kind of mixture in between, these women are ready to dish on all the dos and don'ts, the ins and outs, and anything else they care to share about modern dating.

Following the separation from my ex, I couldn’t imagine dating someone new. I felt relief removing myself from the tension and pain that led to the demise of our relationship – I felt free. My daughter, who was five at the time, and I had a new home and I was ready to just focus on her and work. I couldn't fathom what dating after divorce would even look like.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov

Alternate weekends without my daughter were tough initially — really tough — but I knew she needed time with her dad and it gave me time to catch a break. I'm the primary caregiver, except for two weekends a month, and single motherhood can be exhausting (although rewarding in many ways, which is another story for another time).

A girlfriend who had already finalized her divorce came over on one of my kid-free weekends and shared stories and photos of her latest pursuits – the carefree Brazilian photographer she met on location (she has a cool, creative job that sends her all over the world), the French suitor she met while traveling in Paris, the Los Angeles dude with the cool apartment she met online.

We giggled like teenagers, but it still felt like it was so not for me. My new home was my happy place – I didn’t want anyone in it who could change that. I needed to heal.

Photo by cottonbro studio

Finally, one sunny weekend in a Trader Joe’s parking lot, I opened Bumble just to see what all the fuss was about. I didn’t even realize I'd created a public profile before men in my area were swiping right.

My first date was with a guy in San Francisco, where I lived before the separation. I was getting a haircut in the city and asked him to meet me after. Funny enough, he was the former CEO of a dating app!

We met at an outdoor cafe and the conversation was so energizing. It was so refreshing to talk to a man without tension or resentment (yeah, it was bad). I was giddy, however still not ready to commit — but I was happy it was a pleasant experience. Dating someone in SF when I only have two weekends a month didn’t make sense (it’s an hour away from Sonoma, where I live now), so we kept the conversation going for a bit but it eventually fizzled out.

My journey in online dating was very non-committal at first. It was 2020 after all, and I had a daughter at home and really no time to date. I went on hikes mostly to keep it outdoors. I eventually dated someone for 8 months and it was exactly what I needed: we had fun together when I could meet up, but there was never any talk of anything more. After a year of dating though, I was in a different place, healed maybe, and realized I did want more.

There were dates and a couple short-term relationships until I met Dan, another journalist in nearby Napa, on Hinge. We met at the Napa Wine Academy where wine nerds waxed poetic about blends, balances and bouquets and let us sip from their very expensive collections. That turned into dinner, great conversation (travel, divorce, career), and a kiss at the end of the night. That was two years ago and he has since developed a relationship with my daughter and my dog too. ;)

Top Tips For Dating After Divorce

Photo by Kampus Production

So after all that, I had a lot to take away. If you're in a similar boat and thinking about kick starting your own romantic life, here are my tips for dating after divorce — online and IRL.

Take your time.

Post-divorce is a major life change – you’re back to being single but you’re also a kind of a different person with different priorities, especially if you’re a mom. Take the time you need to heal and get back to self.

Date slowly.

My friend, who just recently divorced, was excited about the first guy she met online but then she didn’t hear from him for a few days. She started to freak out. “I like him, but I don’t want to be too demanding if I’m expecting too much,” she texted me.

I (now the expert, lol) texted her back: “I found the key to making yourself sane is to be easy breezy for the first couple months until you know for sure that you want more. Keep yourself busy with other dates! It will help you get through the quiet periods. Everyone can be a little cautious, especially after divorce.”

Start by casually socializing and making new friends with little expectation. This can help you ease into dating again without putting too much pressure on yourself – or them.

Try IRL activities if online dating isn’t for you.

Find the things you love to do: cooking classes, improv, hikes, etc. Just being outside of your home will open up new experiences and encounters. Online dating isn’t for everyone – find connections IRL can be exciting too.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov

Listen to yourself.

Think about what you want in a new relationship. What are your priorities, values, and deal-breakers? Listening to how you’re feeling along the way can help you navigate the dating scene in a more honest way.

Prioritize self-care.

Take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. Not only can feeling healthier make you more attractive, but focusing on self care can help you prioritize your needs first. I started meditating, doing hot pilates, and swimming at the gym. I felt great!

Try therapy.

I started therapy after my divorce to understand the patterns (not listening to my instincts, people pleasing, and so on) I wanted to break as I started to date again. My therapist has been amazing in my journey to understand myself better, manage a difficult co-parent, and navigate a new relationship. Therapy can help you make better choices in your next relationship and process your feelings and experiences post-divorce.

Photo by Elevate via Pexels

Try to be patient.

Finding the right person may take time, so be patient and don't rush into a new relationship. Focus on enjoying the journey and meeting new people along the way. You’ll know when you know!

Have fun!

Enjoy the ride. Dating after divorce is a chance to rediscover yourself and learn about new people while learning more about yourself. I had very few bad dates as I went into it without expectation. I enjoyed meeting the people I met, who had lived through cool experiences and were mostly in the same boat as I was. Embrace the journey and have fun with it!

Looking for more relationship advice? Be sure to sign up for our weekly newsletter!

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I used to think being in a healthy relationship meant that things would be easy peasy, but I now know it takes more than "I love yous" to learn how to be a good partner — especially when dealing with mental health. Since it's Mental Health Awareness Month, I figure it's the perfect time to talk about how neurodivergence can show up in relationships — particularly when you're married to or dating someone with ADHD — and why it doesn't have to spell doom.

That's not to say that things like financial red flags or a serial messy partner are things you have to deal with — it's more about realizing what your personal thresholds are while loving someone who perceives things a little differently.

However, sometimes while you're navigating those relationship boundaries on your own, other people's opinions can cloud your perception. Licensed therapist Natalie Rosado, LMHC, of Tampa Bay Counselingand Counseling with Natalie says, "Unfortunately, there are numerous stigmas that can affect how people view these relationships, making dating more challenging." But with over a decade of experiencing helping clients learn to take care of their mental health, Natalie has a few tips that'll help you learn how to be a good partner to someone who has ADHD.

What are common misconceptions about neurodivergence in relationships?

Image via Yan Krukau/Pexels

It seems like as soon as people find out two people are dating, their relationship becomes THE topic of conversation among their peers and otherwise. I know because I'm guilty of letting my curiosity get the best of me, but I try not to make assumptions about what goes on BTS. Knowing this, I can only imagine some of the things that people say about couples where one partner has a diagnosed mental illness or is neurodivergent.

Natalie says the common myths and stigmas associated with these types of relationships are:

  • Relationships with people who have mental health issues are doomed to fail.
  • People with mental health issues are violent and dangerous.
  • Mental health problems are a sign of weakness, and you can 'fix' your partner.
  • You should only consider someone as a romantic partner if they are 'cured' of their mental illness

How can someone effectively communicate with their partner if they ADHD?

Image via Viktoria Slowikowska/Pexels

Someone who has ADHD may process things a little differently than another person, which doesn't have to be a terrible thing. To be more specific, Natalie breaks down how someone can have conversations with a partner who has ADHD. "Effective communication with a partner who has ADHD requires specific strategies because ADHD can affect a person's ability to focus, organize thoughts, listen actively, and manage impulses, which can sometimes make interactions and day-to-day living difficult," she says.

A few ways to navigate this is by doing the following:

  • Seek Understanding of ADHD: Understanding how ADHD can affect communication and behavior can help you develop empathy and more effective strategies tailored to your relationship.
  • Establish Eye Contact: Making eye contact can help them focus and signal that the conversation is important.
  • Check for Understanding: After you’ve communicated something important, ask your partner to repeat back what they've understood. This can ensure that your message has been understood correctly.
  • Use "I" Statements: This can prevent your partner from feeling defensive and keeps the conversation more constructive.

How can you recognize signs that something is triggering your partner?

Photo by cottonbro studio/PEXELS

This is such an important question because sometimes we're not aware that something we're doing or saying is triggering our partners whether they have ADHD or not. Natalie says, "A clear sign that something may be triggering your partner is a noticeable and abrupt change in their mood or behavior," and "Triggers can also provoke physical responses."

Based on her experience, these physical responses can include shaking, trembling, a sudden inability to speak, crying, rapid breathing, or even a panic attack. "Observing these changes can indicate that your partner is experiencing something deeply distressing. If your partner suddenly withdraws from a conversation, shuts down emotionally, or tries to leave the situation entirely, it might indicate that they are feeling overwhelmed or triggered, as well. Or a sudden silence or unusually passive communication can be a sign your partner is triggered," Natalie says.

As someone who's known for finding a way to exit a conversation if I start feeling overwhelmed, I can say that this sounds all too familiar.

What makes having a partner with ADHD difficult? Should that be a dealbreaker?

Photo by cottonbro studio/PEXELS

Deal breakers are subjective, so no one can firmly tell you what you should or shouldn't deal with. At the same time, Natalie wants you to consider some things. "Dating someone with ADHD does have it's unique challenges, but understanding these challenges can help determine whether they might be considered deal-breakers, depending on one's personal limits, the dynamics of the relationship, and the willingness of both partners to work through these concerns."

She makes it clear that some things that may affect your relationship with your partner are their tendency to be inconsistent, distracted, forgetful, and disorganized. If you're finding that it's hard for you to find peace at home or in your relationship, it may be best for you to amicably part ways with your partner.

How can you support a partner with ADHD?

Image via Dmitriy Ganin/Pexels

We're fortunate that we live in a time where talking about mental illness and neurodivergence is more widely embraced, but that doesn't mean everyone is comfortable with the conversation. Natalie says, "As a clinical provider, I have been able to witness first hand the ways that a partner's support can really assist someone with an ADHD diagnosis. First, understanding the symptoms, challenges, and behaviors associated with ADHD can help you empathize with what your loved one is experiencing."

A few of the ways you can help your partner is by listening without judgment or interruption, and acknowledging their struggles, validating their feelings, and reassuring them that it’s okay to feel overwhelmed. Natalie says this "...can help provide a feeling of safety" while "Offering to help organize their environment, set up reminders, or plan daily schedules can help reduce stress and make daily tasks more manageable."

To go the extra mile, Natalie suggests celebrating small milestones and successes to boost their self-esteem and motivation since these two things can also be affected by ADHD.

If you're struggling while dating someone who has ADHD, just know that all relationships hit roadblocks here and there. The best thing you can do is ask yourself what you're honestly able to handle in a relationship, consider finding ways to effectively communicate with and affirm your partner, or decide to walk away.

For more mental health advice, be sure to check out our interview with Mandy Teefey of Wondermind!

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10 Things I Hate About You and The Office fans listen up! There's a new project coming to Netflix from Kate Hudson and Mindy Kaling, and you NEED to know about it. Just like the best female-led TV shows, Running Point promises to be empowering, hilarious, and just a lot of fun. Keep reading for everything you need to know about the new TV show.

What is Running Point about?

Image via Netflix

This new TV show follows Isla Gordon (played by Kate Hudson), who becomes President of the Los Angeles Waves basketball team after a scandal means her brother has to retire. In the male-dominated world of sports, Isla will have to prove to everyone around her — her brothers, the board, and the fans — that she can balance work AND play.

When does Running Point come out?

Image via Netflix

Running Point is coming to Netflix in 2025.

Who's in the Running Point cast?

Image via Netflix

Running Point stars Kate Hudson, Brenda Song, Drew Tarver, Scott MacArthur, Fabrizio Guido, Toby Sandeman, Chet Hanks, Max Greenfield, Keyla Monterroso Mejia, Roberto Sanchez, Uche Agada, and Dane DiLiegro.

I am so excited to see another show written by Mindy Kaling, especially one that stars Brenda Song and Kate Hudson! Let us know what you're currently binge watching on Facebook.

Lead image via Netflix

After The Gray Man and a year full of Barbie and Ken, The Fall Guy (plus the upcoming Ocean's 11 prequelwith Margot Robbie) continues to prove Ryan Gosling is THE definition of a star. And between his friendship with Emma Stone and his relationship with Eva Mendes,Ryan seems like the kind of guy we'd all want to be best friends with — and not just because of his endless #Kenergy.

Not only is Ryan the sweetest partner, he's also the ultimate girl dad to daughters Esmeralda and Amada. Their "interest in Barbie and disinterest in Ken," as Ryan tells People, get him to Barbieland in the first place, but he also just revealed they "asked specifically" he avoid one The Fall Guy stunt. “My kids didn't want me to be set on fire,” he says. “Even though I said, ‘Well, it's actually, technically the safer thing to do because there's a lot of protective stuff involved, [they] were like, ‘No. No fire.’ So I didn't do it.”

It's clear that Ryan Gosling's children are spitfires and I love to see it! Here's everything you need to know about Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling's kids — and every single time Ryan Gosling was the ultimate girl dad.

How many children do Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes have?

Image via Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images

Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes have two children, Esmerelda Amada and Amada Lee. Amada was named after Eva's grandmother — both my sister and I have family names and I love seeing the way different families carry on that tradition!

How old are Ryan Gosling's kids?

Image via Daniel Boczarski/Getty Images for Universal Pictures

Esmerelda was born in September 2014, meaning she'll turn 10 this fall. Amada just turned 8 at the end of April!

How does Ryan Gosling prioritize his kids?

Image via Lionsgate

In his recent profile with WSJ, Ryan Gosling revealed he only picks roles that will benefit his whole family. "I don't really take roles that are going to put me in some kind of dark place," Ryan says. "The decisions I make, I make them with Eva and we make them with our family in mind first."

"I think La La Landwas the first," he continues. "It was sort of like, 'Oh this will be fun for them too, because even though they're not coming to set, we're practicing piano every day or we're dancing or we're singing.'"

Every couple needs to figure out what prioritizing their kids looks like for them, and considering how much I love all Ryan's recent roles, I'd say this is a shift that benefits everyone ;).

When did Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes have their daughters?

Image via Andrew Toth/Getty Images for New York & Company

Eva Mendes gave birth to Esmerelda on September 12, 2014 and later had Amada on April 29, 2016.

Are Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes still together?

Image via Sonia Recchia/Getty Images

Yes, Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes are still going strong, and thank goodness. Eva just revealed that Ryan provides a ton of support for her. "When I was 40, it was a big deal for people when I was pregnant, and it wasn't for me," she tells People. "And then I was 42 and I was pregnant with my second one and people were like, 'Oh my God, you're going to be so tired. That's why people have kids in their 20s.' I was like, that's the most sorry, asinine thing I've ever heard."

"[Ryan supports me] in all the ways I need to be supported," she continues. "He's got me in all the ways."

How has fatherhood affected Ryan Gosling?

Image via Hector Vivas/Getty Images

Considering Ryan Gosling's daughters are such a huge part of his life now, it's hard to believe that earlier in life, he wasn't sure he wanted kids. "After I met Eva, I realized that I just didn’t want to have kids without her," he tells GQ. "And there were moments on The Place Beyond the Pines where we were pretending to be a family, and I didn’t really want it to be pretend anymore." Now, I'm going to need you to pause and reread that quote because I can't believe that's a real sentence. I'm obsessed!

A source also told People in 2023 that "Ryan is such a fun dad. He is goofy and his girls love it."

Via WSJ, we also know that since Ryan Gosling's kids have started learning Spanish, they now call him Papi. "It kills me every time," he says. "There's just nothing, nothing better than that."

What has Eva Mendes said about their daughters?

Image via Eva Mendes/Instagram

Eva Mendes is just as obsessed with her and Ryan Gosling's children as he is, and she's talked about how they make life so much better. "Oh April…I have such a complicated relationship with you," she says on Instagram. "[April 2] would have been my brother’s birthday… a couple of weeks from now is the day we lost him…but then, the end of April we got the biggest blessing of all, my little girl was born 8 years ago. I hate you April. But I love you more."

Check out our email newsletter for the latest celebrity news and trending content, and check back here for the latest news on Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling's kids!

Lead image via Daniel Boczarski/Getty Images for Universal Pictures

Memorial Day weekend is nigh, and in the midst of planning your epic BBQ spread and a slew of themed cocktails, it's also time to start noting the Memorial Day sales you'll be shopping for a much-needed summer refresh. We've got the scoop on savings in just about every category – from beauty to home decor to fashion – so you know exactly when and where to save big.

Scroll on for the Memorial Day sales we're most excited about for 2024, and make sure to come back here for additional sale info!

Dyson V8 Cordless Vacuum


What: Items up to 60% off

When: May 24-27

KitchenAid Artisan Series 5 Quart Tilt Head Stand Mixer


What: Deals on everything from home goods to decor

When: Now through Memorial Day


  • 20% Off Sitewide with code MEMORIAL20
  • May 15-29


  • Up to 30% off everything
  • May 8-June 4

Purple Mattress

Mila Mirror

Anthropologie Home

What: Savings on home goods

When: May 21-27

Peony Vase Thank You Card Set


What: 15% off stationery & photo books

When: May 22-29

Sherpa Deluxe Black Guarenteed On Board Soft Sided Dog & Cat Carrier


What: BOGO 50% off select summer products and 20% off select sherpa carriersWhen: May 24-27

Dallas IV Hat


What: 25% off sitewide with code USA25

When: May 23-27

CZ Crescent with Stars Necklace

Sterling Forever

What: 20% off sitewide with code SUMMER20

When: May 24-28

Stemless Wine Chiller Pair


What: 20% off sitewide

When: May 17-27

The Coated Pan

Material Kitchen

What: 20% off (*promo excludes bundles and collaborations)

When: May 23-27

EOS Classic Organic Mattress


What: 20% off sitewide with code MEMORIAL20

When: May 15-29

Pierrette Dress


What: Extra 15% off sale styles with code MDAY24

When: May 27

Sea Green Pleated Tennis Skirt

Gold Hinge

What: 25% off sitewide with code MDAY25

When: May 23-27

Calista FAUXblo Thermal Blowout Brush


What: 20% off sitewide

When: May 24



What: Take $200 off sitewide on all CAROL bikes

When: May 24-30

Cartolina Louise Cover-Up


What: 30% off sitewide

When: May 22-28

Carve Designs Zella Mesh Pullover

Carve Designs

What: BOGO red, white, and blue swim; buy 1 swimsuit, get one swimsuit 50% off

When: May 23-27

Essentia Stratami Organic Mattress


What: 25% off sitewide, plus receive free GOTS Certified Organic Cotton Sheets with qualifying mattress purchases

When: May 13-31

Harper Wilde Bliss Scoop Bralette

Harper Wilde

What: 20% off sitewide

When: May 24-27

MARLOWE. Soap Bar Discovery Gift Set


What: 20% off sitewide

When: May 27

Pura 4 Diffuser


What: 25% off sitewide through code only (subscriber early access: May 23-27), 25% off sitewide, plus subscribe to the Pura V4 and get a free car set

When: May 21-22

Vacation Classic Whip SPF 30


What: 20% off sitewide, plus get a free boat keychain or pen on orders over $65 (while supplies last)

When: May 24-27

Custom Pet Portrait Phone Case

West & Willow

What: 20% off sitewide with code MDAY

When: May 20-28

Olsen Leather Lounge Chair

Industry West

What: 20% off sitewide with code Memorial20

When: May 21-31

Claira Dress


What: Additional 35% off all final sale styles. (No returns or exchanges with discounts automatically applied at checkout.)

When: May 23-27

3 Seat Chaise Couch in Coconut


What: 15% off sitewide with code HONOR

When: May 16-27

Blush & Bronze Hydro-Blur Cheek Duo

Stila Cosmetics

What: 20% off orders $0 to $49 with code MDAY20, 25% off orders $50 to $99 with code MDAY25, 30% off orders of $100+ with code MDAY30

When: May 27

Tree Flyer 2


What: 20% off select styles online

When: May 13-20

Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on these Memorial Day sales + all the best deals!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This post has been updated.

Just like fantasy stories can transport us to new worlds, period dramas are one way to get a whole new (er, old) glimpse of the world you wouldn't see otherwise. Just like contemporary films, period dramas have their fair share of relationship drama and scandal, with some amazing outfits to boot. After you've watched (and rewatched) season 3 of Bridgerton, add one — or better yet, all — of these picks to your watchlist! Once you've figured out what you're pressing play on first, read up on why The Bridgerton Cast Is “Obsessed” With Claudia Jessie.

Atonement — Stream on Prime Video

Image via Universal Pictures

Every time I talk to my team here at Brit + Co about their favorite period dramas, Atonement always makes the list. And for good reason! It's an emotional, sweeping piece that feels like different genres as it moves from family drama to romance to a war epic. The cast includes names like Saoirse Ronan, James McAvoy, and Keira Knightley.

Little Women — Stream on Hulu

Image via Sony Pictures

Everyone can love this story, even if you don't have sisters — although being a sister has definitely made me love it even more. There are two versions I recommend: the 1994 version with Winona Ryder, Christian Bale, and Kirsten Dunst, or Greta Gerwig's 2019 version with Saoirse Ronan, Timothée Chalamet, and Emma Watson.

In my opinion, Greta's version is a little bit more thought-provoking for the viewer, but between both film's arcs, I prefer the 1994 film's linear structure. You can't go wrong with either movie, so why not watch both?

Emily — Stream on Paramount+ With Showtime

Image via Bleecker Street

My Letterboxd review after seeing Emily in theaters basically called this family the English, more tragic version of Little Women's March sisters. The celebration of creativity and identity feel even more powerful against the darker aesthetic and all of the painful experiences Emily Brontë lives through. Plus, it has one of the most emotional scores of 2023 that I've had on repeat ever since I watched it!

Mr. Malcolm's List — Stream on Paramount+ With Showtime

Image via Bleecker Street

When Julia Thistlewaite gets rejected by London's most eligible bachelor (the titular Mr. Malcolm), she decides to turn her friend into his ideal match, and get a little bit of revenge while she's at it. Anyone who loves Bridgerton's costumes (and Princess Diana's revenge dress) is gonna want to add this to their queue.

Pride & Prejudice — Rent on Amazon Prime

Image via Focus Features

Avid fans of Jane Austen's book (including yours truly) will likely give you two recommendations that each have their own viral scene: Colin Firth's lake diving in the 1995 BBC mini series or Matthew MacFadyen's hand flex after helping Keira Knightley into a carriage in the 2005 film. All jokes aside, both titles are wonderful celebrations of the story!

Belle — Stream on Max

Image via Searchlight Pictures

In this political, historical romance, Belle is the illegitimate, biracial daughter of a British admiral who's raised by her uncle. As she grows up alongside her cousin, Belle questions her identity as she realizes she belongs with neither the servants nor the family. And when she meets John, she becomes in integral part of the abolitionist movement in England.

Downton Abbey — Stream on Peacock

Image via PBS/NBC

If you love period pieces but prefer a slower pace, I'd recommend Downton Abbey. The stakes are high and some viewers still haven't gotten over the death of their favorite character (I'm talking about myself here), but I don't think it's as overstimulating as a lot of other dramas involving war, death, and relationships. Plus you literally CANNOT go wrong with Maggie Smith as the Dowager Countess. The studio just announced a third movie, so now is the perfect time to start the series!

Becoming Jane — Rent on Amazon Prime

Image via Disney/Miramax

James McAvoy makes the list again with this semi-biographical film on Jane Austen's life. One of the best parts of any historical drama is when the main couple dances at a ball, and Becoming Jane has one of my favorite dances of all time. Fans of the author criticized the film when it came out, but if you go into it with an open mind, it's very enjoyable (and might just make you cry, too).

Marie Antoinette — Stream on Max

Image via Columbia Pictures

I finally watched Sofia Coppola's iconic film for the first time, and it was as much a feast for the eyes as I'd hoped. Kirsten Dunst stuns as the infamous queen, and in addition to the textured, maximalist visuals, the story did make me think about Marie Antoinette in a new way. Considering I've been obsessed with her since middle school, that's saying something!

Emma — Stream on Prime Video

Image via Focus Features

If you love the visuals in Marie Antoinette, then I'm pretty sure you'll love this 2020 Jane Austen retelling. Every detail of the movie feels like its own piece of art (even the physical blocking and movements of the actors feels like a dance), and they all come together to create something cohesive, beautiful, and fun. You can also go for Gwyneth Paltrow's 1996 version or Clueless, which was inspired by Austen's book.

Sense and Sensibility — Rent on Amazon Prime

Image via Columbia Pictures

With names like Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet, and Hugh Grant, this movie has always felt wildly underrated, so consider this my official plea asking you to watch it. It's got everything: Family! Drama! True love! Taylor Swift also said during her Tribeca Film Festival talk in 2022 that it inspired her album Evermore, so there's that.

Why Didn't They Ask Evans? — Stream on BritBox

Image via BritBox

I love this miniseries so much that I watch it every year. At this point, it's a tradition! Lucy Boynton and Will Poulter are so fun together, and their banter will leave rom-com lovers giggling and kicking their feet. Plus the 1930s fashions are just SO good.

Let us know what your favorite period dramas are in the comments, and check out the 2024 Movies you can look forward to this year!

Lead image via Sony Pictures

This post has been updated.