The BritList: Tetris Lighting, Muppet Babies & More

Can you believe it’s August 24th? Where did the summer run off to? As fall approaches, we’re thinking about healthy and sweet lunchbox snacks, swooning over non-traditional engagement rings, and taking advantage of all the fresh fruit we can get in the form of berry mojito slushies. Here are 10 things that didn’t quite fit into this week’s articles, but definitely made us look.

1. Floor Plans of TV’s Best Homes: THe minute we saw this we thought to ourselves, how can we recreate the set of Friends right here at Brit HQ?

2. Tetris Constructable Light: We’ve seen our share of Tetri-inspired objects, but this one has quickly made it to the top of our wish list. Made of seven interlocking pieces, you can stack your light in any combination and only turns on when pieces are stacked together. These aren’t quite ready to ship, but will be in stock over on Amazon in late October.

Handmade Muppet Hats

Can you say, muppet babies?! These are too adorable. Thanks to Swiss Miss for the great find.

4. Literary Jukebox: A simple project that pairs a daily quote with a thematically matched song, the Literary Jukebox is one that made us look, listen, and read.

5. Pencil Pushers: Oh Bakerella, you’ve done it again. These almost make us wish we were going back to school!

6. Dog Shaming: As Brit’s darling pup Pixel goes through his teenage months, eating one passport, book, and pillow at a time, we turn our attention to Dog Shaming. This blog definitely made us giggle.

7. The Dipr: Umm, a spoon designed specifically for Oreos? While the concept of “no sticky fingers” and a “germ-free dunking experience” doesn’t quite sell us, this is a pretty hilarious gadget and one we might have to test drive here at HQ.

Counting Sheep with Path Data Science

If you’re not on Path yet, get there and check out Brit’s completely biased review of Path’s latest update. Now that you’ve taken care of that, be sure to check out this blog post describing the sleep patterns of Path users by age, social habits, gender, and more. The section above represents age – click here for the full infographic.

9. Logitech Washable Keyboard: No matter how clean you think you are, it’s likely your keyboard has started to look a little grimy. You’ve tried taking a q-tip to it to clean in between the keys, but nothing quite does the trick and those drops of Dr. Pepper are starting to look petrified. Get yourself a sleek washable keyboard!

Tori, Our Summer Intern

Finally, how can we keep waxing poetic about summer without giving a proper shout out to our rockstar summer intern, Tori Lewis?! Contrary to what the photo above might tell you, Tori is not actually a toddler but did catch the baking bug rather early. She’s an English and Communications major at Stanford. She loves happiness and Oxford commas, is a cupcake and hummus connoisseur, and believes in living passionately, creatively and originally. Check out all of her Brit + Co. articles here and be sure to follow her on Twitter. (And if you’re interested in interning here in the fall, apply here.)

We have made it to Leo Season! As we rise above the emotive waters of Cancer season, the mist begins to clear. Did you feel a pulling in your heartstrings and a desire to get to the bottom of what has been left in limbo? The good news is that the Sun in Leo highlights your true passion and gumption. It will also extend a positive outlook in your life no matter what – but bravery is a must. This is your moment to step forward and realize your dreams. With all this said, let’s see what is in store for your zodiac sign this week!

Your Weekly Horoscope Themes For July 22-28

Mariam Antadze/Pexels

We kick off this week with Leo Season on July 22. You will be smiling and feel positive and hopeful these next few weeks. Also, there can be periods of grandiosity or indulgence. Be mindful and measure your actions. Love and relationships will enter a new phase, such as fiery exchanges, grand gestures, and drama. The key to working with this solar season is to explore your creative side and approach life and love with pure intention, like a child. Shifting your mindset and factoring in integrity will radiate support in areas of interest.

Pride can be a major setback. Balancing this out will require you to glow up and genuinely cater to your dreams.

Speaking of balance, your will is tested on July 23 with the Sun-Pluto opposition, prompting you to accept your need to change your ways. This celestial event will enable you to realize your capabilities as you learn how to let go of the outmoded in your life story.

Make this your cosmic mantra. I attract peace as I accept and release the past.

The messenger planet, Mercury, phases into Virgo, its natural expression on July 25. Our thinking and process of getting things done will be methodical and sensible. Being overly analytical and critical can be a sticking point, potentially leading to work conflicts or delays. Luckily, you will have a sound mindset and focus with the Sun-Mars sextile also occurring on this day. Get ready and know that the Universe will hold space and support your dreams. All it takes is belief and to take your first step.

Learn to trust in the process and take this opportunity to complete or review future tasks before Mercury retrograde begins next month.

Chiron retrograde begins on July 26 and will complete its backspin motion until December 29. Anytime a retrograde occurs for any planet or asteroid, you need review and reflection. In the sign of Aries, the asteroid Chiron prompts us to evaluate our ability to take ownership and lead.

For any past unresolved issues, Chiron retrograde extends the chance for you to heal and rebuild your confidence.

Key Dates For Your July Weekly Horoscope

Eugenia Remark/Pexels

  • 7/22 Sun enters Leo
  • 7/23 Sun opposes Pluto
  • 7/25 Mercury enters Virgo, Sun sextile Mars
  • 7/26 Chiron Retrograde

Read Your Sun, Moon, And Rising Signs For Your Weekly Horoscope July 22-28

Mariam Antadze/Pexels

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Focus on creativity and passion for life this week, Aries. As the Sun enters Leo, it's an excellent time to showcase your talents and enthusiastically pursue your dreams. However, on Tuesday, be mindful of power dynamics in friendships or group settings with the Sun-Pluto opposition. Diplomacy will be vital in navigating any potential conflicts. Utilize this energy for productivity with networks. By Thursday, the stickiness at work clears up as Mercury's move into Virgo powers up your efficiency and helps you excel in daily tasks and organization. Reorganize your workspace or daily environment for a better flow. The Sun-Mars sextile boosts your energy levels, particularly in collaborative projects. Balance your personal goals with teamwork for optimal results this week.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Home is where the heart is, Taurus. The Sun entering Leo will inspire you to create a harmonious home environment and connect with your loved ones this week. Tuesday's Sun-Pluto opposition may present challenges in your career or public life, encouraging you to stay rooted in your beliefs. Thursday brings Mercury into Virgo, enhancing your creativity and practicality, making it an ideal time for artistic endeavors or to rekindle the fires in your romantic life. The Sun-Mars energizes your financial sector, motivating you to take proactive steps towards economic stability. Focus on balancing your personal and professional life while leveraging your creative strengths for success.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

As the social butterfly of the zodiac, you will thrive in this department this week, Gemini. As Leo Season begins, your focus sharpens on communication and intellectual pursuits. Engage in stimulating conversations and explore new ideas with curiosity and enthusiasm. Tuesday's Sun-Pluto opposition may challenge your beliefs or delay travel plans. Rethink your priorities and work toward your dream—avoid being a wallflower. Thursday presents Mercury entering Virgo, boosting your analytical abilities and attention to detail, which is beneficial for effectively organizing your thoughts and daily routines. The Sun-Mars sextile supports your assertiveness and energy, empowering you to pursue personal goals with determination. Focus on the end goal to keep your momentum going. You got this!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

This week calls for strengthening your financial stability and reinforcing your self-worth, Cancer. As the Sun enters Leo, assess your investments and values. The Sun-Pluto opposition on Tuesday may bring power struggles in shared resources or intimate relationships to light, encouraging you to investigate further to help improve your long-term plans. Thursday brings Mercury into Virgo, motivating you to express your ideas clearly while inspiring you to refine your skill set. The Sun-Mars sextile gets things moving with your home and family life, as it will help you reach steady progression. This week, prioritize clear communication and emotional balance, Cancer, for successful outcomes in both personal and financial realms.

Ogo Johnson/Pexels

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

The spotlights on you, Leo, as the Sun enters your sign this week! This is your time to be comfortable in expressing your individuality. Tuesday's Sun-Pluto opposition creates lessons involving cooperation in your partnerships or close relationships and urges you to find harmony while respecting mutual needs. Thursday enhances your focus on practical matters and financial stability as Mercury enters Virgo. You will have a laser focus on what must be done to attract success in your professional endeavors. The Sun-Mars sextile highlights your social connections and group activities, inspiring you to take the lead. Wear your crown proudly, step up, and make it happen, Leo. We are rooting for you!

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Peace and serenity can be found in your waking life as you remain still, Virgo. This week begins with introspection and spiritual renewal as the Sun enters Leo, prompting you to reflect on your personal growth and achievements. Tuesday's Sun-Pluto opposition may test your workplace dynamics or reveal hidden tensions, encouraging you to stay grounded and diplomatic in handling challenges. Mercury entering your sign on Thursday enhances your communication skills and intellectual pursuits, which is beneficial for organizing your thoughts and planning effectively. The Sun-Mars sextile supports your career ambitions and leadership roles, empowering you to showcase your gifts and take the initiative professionally.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Your friends reflect who you are, Libra. As the Sun enters Leo this week, focus on strengthening friendships and engaging in community activities. Connect with like-minded individuals and pursue collective goals with enthusiasm. Tuesday's Sun-Pluto opposition may challenge your creative projects or romantic relationships, urging you to find a balance between passion and compromise. Thursday brings Mercury into Virgo, enhancing your intuition and introspection, making it an ideal time for spiritual practices or charitable endeavors. The Sun-Mars sextile ignites your thirst for knowledge and adventure, inspiring you to explore new horizons intellectually or through travel. Step out of your comfort zone.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

What is your legacy, Scorpio? Leo season begins with you questioning your purpose and life's work. Take charge of your ambitions and strive for recognition in your professional endeavors. Truthfulness is the key to success. Tuesday's Sun-Pluto opposition may stir tensions in your family dynamics or home life, encouraging you to balance work commitments with personal responsibilities. Thursday sees Mercury entering Virgo, enhancing your influence within friendships and group activities, aiding you in effective teamwork and collaborative efforts. The Sun-Mars sextile intensifies your desires and investments, motivating you to shift your mindset regarding security. Whatever has been weighing you down lately will be released this week.

Dupe/Spencer Wirkkala

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

You are reaching your prime, Sagittarius! With the Sun entering Leo this week, you will experience a feeling of renewal and momentum in changing your storyline. Engage in a new field of study or take a class. The inspiration will flow. Tuesday's Sun-Pluto opposition may challenge your beliefs or communication style, urging you to seek clarity and understanding in conflicts. Reflective listening and observation create peaceful interactions. Mercury entering Virgo on Thursday ignites your capabilities to take the lead with your long-term plans. Speaking with superiors or launching your passion project leads to success. The Sun-Mars sextile attracts luck in your professional networks. Reach out or reconnect.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

This week sheds light on more profound matters, such as intimacy and vulnerability, Capricorn. Leo Season helps you revamp your connections while focusing on your shared resources (single or married). Tuesday's Sun-Pluto opposition may challenge your financial decisions or values, urging you to maintain balance and avoid control issues. Avoid major purchases and review your accumulated wealth. On Thursday, you are prompted to investigate ways to optimize your life spiritually and intellectually as Mercury enters Virgo. Engage with the higher mind and experience breakthroughs. The Sun-Mars sextile extends support to health and self-care rituals. Slow down and love yourself.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Are you in love, Aquarius? As the Sun enters Leo this week, focus on your definition of love and commitment. Tuesday's Sun-Pluto opposition challenges your individuality or relationship dynamics, encouraging you to stay true to yourself while respecting others' perspectives. Thursday brings Mercury into Virgo, allowing you to intuitively connect with your loved ones and understand what needs to be done to build security in your life. Take matters into your own hands and trust yourself. The Sun-Mars sextile powers up your creativity and romantic pursuits, inspiring you to express yourself boldly or turn over a new leaf regarding your love story. You hold the key.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Do you have a sound mind and sound body, Pisces? Leo season shifts the focus on your health and daily routines. The Sun-Pluto opposition on Tuesday illuminates unresolved issues within the subconscious realms. Work on your spiritual practices, clear your energy, and seek inner peace to avoid power struggles in personal interactions. Mercury entering Virgo on Thursday brings attention to your approach to relationships or partnerships. If you have been overextending lately, this is the starting point for understanding the importance of discernment. The Sun-Mars sextile energizes your domestic activities, motivating you to create a harmonious living space. Find your peace.

For even more astro advice, be sure to follow the conversation on Facebook!

After confirming their breakup rumors were, in fact, only rumors, Justin and Hailey Bieber broke the internet on May 9, 2024 by announcing they're expecting! The couple has talked about wanting to start a family in the past, and I am so excited for this new chapter in their lives. A source tells People that Justin is so excited to help "raise his baby. They have a name that they think is perfect. They’re also starting to decorate a nursery. They can’t wait to meet the baby." And thanks to one of Hailey's recent Instagram posts, fans are thinking the couple is expecting a daughter. Check out Hailey Bieber's pregnancy announcement — and the photos — below!

How has Hailey Bieber's pregnancy been so far?

David Sims/W Magazine

Hailey Bieber revealed to W Magazine that her pregnancy was difficult in the beginning because while she "wanted the freedom to go out and live my life," she felt like she was hiding this important aspect of her life. "I probably could have hid it until the end, but I didn’t enjoy the stress of not being able to enjoy my pregnancy outwardly," she admits. "I felt like I was hiding this big secret, and it didn’t feel good.”

But like many other expectant mothers, Hailey's also getting adjusted to the idea that her life with Justin won't be the same after the baby comes. “In the beginning [of pregnancy], it was super emotional for me," she continues. "Like, ‘I love this human so much. How can I possibly bring someone else into this?’ I’m trying to soak in these days of it being Justin and me, just the two of us.”

That's something every first-time mother has to come to terms with. But the good news is that, while this change is a huge one, it's not a bad one!

What is Hailey Bieber's baby name?

Hailey Bieber posted on Instagram on May 25, 2024 dressed in red — and a strawberry pimple patch & cherry blossom nails to boot. "Little cherry blossoms on my nails little cherry blossom in my belly," she captioned the post. Fans are taking this as a sign that Hailey and Justin are having a daughter!

"A GIRL CONFIRMED AHHHHHH," one user comments, while another agrees, "baby bieber is a girl 🥳🥳."

But Cosmopolitan also points out that this could tease their baby's name — and Blossom would be the cutest name EVER!

When did Hailey Bieber announce her pregnancy?

On May 9, the couple separately posted nearly identical Instagram carousels of what looks like a vow renewal ceremony. In the photos, which overlook the mountains and feature a super cute rope swing, Hailey can be seen cradling her baby bump while wearing the most beautiful white lacy gown.

Hailey Bieber once promised GQ Hype that when she did get pregnant, the internet would be the last to know. "I want kids so bad but I get scared," Hailey Bieber also told The Sunday Times. "It's enough that people say things about my husband or my friends. I can't imagine having to confront people saying things about a child."

What have Justin and Hailey said about their pregnancy?

Image via Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images

And TBH, Hailey Bieber's pregnancy just proves how in love Justin and Hailey are!! "words could never truly describe the beauty of who you are," Hailey captioned an Instagram post celebrating Justin's 30th birthday. "love of my life, for life."


I literally cannot get enough of Justin and Hailey, and I can't wait to see what their growing family looks like over the next couple of years. Stay tuned for an official gender and baby name reveal (should they choose to share). I'm certain that this is gonna be one cute kid!

Check back here for the latest news on Justin and Hailey Bieber's baby, and read up on their full relationship timeline too!

Lead image via Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images

This post has been updated.

Looking to elevate your appetizer game for your next dinner party? Look no further than these delicious hors d'oeuvres. Each one packs a huge flavor punch inside a tiny bite that your guests will easily devour over and over. Make sure to pour out some wine or prep some festive cocktails and get the party goin' with these 12 fancy bite-sized appetizers.

Brit + Co

Grilled Strawberry Balsamic Chévre Bites

The fact that you have to grill the strawberries for this recipe already makes it feel really fancy. Pair said berries with a smearing of cheese, honey, balsamic, and fresh mint leaves for a super delicious pre-dinner bite. (via Brit + Co)

Brit + Co

Smoked Salmon Poke Bites

Smoked salmon is the perfect hors d'oeuvres ingredient! It's paired with small bits of rice, cucumber, avocado, ginger, and red onion to bring forth the classic flavors you'd get from sushi or a poke bowl. (via Brit + Co)

The Real Food Dietitians

Burrata Toast with Sautéed Mushrooms

Each bite of this burrata toast is savory, herby, and very umami, thanks to the mushrooms. This recipe is quite simple ingredients-wise, so the fancy flair will come from your presentation. (via The Real Food Dietitians)


Prosciutto Caprese Parcels

Prosciutto makes everything better, including these Italian-inspired hors d'oeuvres. Absolutely zero cooking is required for these tiny, 4-ingredient bites – simply bunch all the components up then blanket them in slices of prosciutto to feed and please your guests. (via Vikalinka)

Averie Cooks

4-Ingredient Cranberry Brie Bites

These bready bites are especially fit for the holiday season. The cranberry-brie-thyme combo is just *chef's kiss.* (via Averie Cooks)

Takes Two Eggs

Crispy Rice Salmon

This hors d'oeuvres recipe is sure to impress by presentation alone. A yummy salmon topping meets a bed of crispy sushi rice, balancing out the textures perfectly. (via Takes Two Eggs)

Completely Delicious

Rosemary Pretzel Bites with Honey Mustard Dipping Sauce

Who doesn't love a pretzel bite?! These pop-in-your-mouth pretzels are prepped with a creamy mustard sauce that's downright addicting. (via Completely Delicious)

The Original Dish

Rye Salmon Cakes with Yogurt Sauce & Pickled Shallots

You've heard of crab cakes, but those are often expected when it comes to hors d'oeuvres. Try out these salmon cakes to switch up the menu in such a delicious way. (via The Original Dish)

Half Baked Harvest

Prosciutto Wrapped Baked Brie Rolls

These rolls are made unbelievably easy with the help of store-bought puff pastry dough. Fold everything up, bake, and boom. Hors d'oeuvres in an instant! You could even play around with the fillings based on the occasion you're cooking for. (via Half Baked Harvest)

Vanilla and Bean

Mushroom Crostini with Whipped Goat Cheese

The creamy whipped goat cheese makes these appetizer bites so dreamy! Mushrooms join in on the mix, adding notes of umami to make 'em so fancy-schmancy. (via Vanilla and Bean)

The Fast Recipe

Spicy Cajun Deviled Eggs

Deviled eggs are the ultimate hors d'oeuvres. These ones in particular get the spicy treatment from Cajun-inspired seasonings. (via The Fast Recipe)

Rachel Mansfield

Peach Bruschetta with Whipped Ricotta Crostini

These bites have a sweeter effect from the tender peaches and honey. Using thick toasted bread is the way to go, so it can handle all the goodness! (via Rachel Mansfield)

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