So fresh and so clean?
I Tried Lime As Deodorant and Here’s What Happened

There’s nothing I love more than the sun. Summer’s free-wheelin’ vibes and warm weather rays are everything, but damn, that heat and humidity wreak havoc on my hair, skin and — umm — my underarms. I turn into Sweaty Betty as soon as the mercury rises above 77° Fahrenheit, and I haven’t been able to find that miracle product to keep me dry and unbothered throughout the summer months. The only thing that seems to be fail-proof is walking around with washcloths under my arms, and that’s not exactly the greatest accessory for adorable off-the-shoulder dresses and next-level crop tops.
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I’m a big fan of citrus, with its tangy taste and tart smell, so I decided to try it out on a day where the temps were at a manageable 75° Fahrenheit (better safe than sorry).
After taking a shower, I cut a lime in half and rubbed it on my armpits. You can squeeze the lime and apply the juice to your underarms with a cotton pad, or you can apply the lime directly to your armpit, just like I did. It really is that simple. It feels strange rubbing produce on your body, but beyond that, it was super easy. Next, you wait for the lime juice to dry completely — then you’re good to go.
1. DO NOT apply to freshly shaved armpits. Seriously, don’t. The lime juice will sting.
2. Don’t expose your armpits to the sun. Components of the lime juice will make your pits more susceptible to sunburn.
3. Make sure the lime juice is dry before getting dressed. The juice may bleach your clothes.
I was really nervous about leaving the apartment with nothing more than lime juice on my underarms. I didn’t really notice a citrus-y scent after the lime juice dried and, while my pits remained pretty dry, they weren’t exactly odor free. This didn’t work well enough for me to ditch my daily deodorant. That being said, if I’m ever in a pinch and in desperate need of deodorant with only a lime in sight, I’ll use it.
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