For your mom, dad, siblings, and grandparents too.
40 White Elephant Gift Ideas for Every Member of the Family

Family holiday parties can be awkward: You’re dealing with potential out-of-left-field remarks from your one outspoken relative, you’re surrounded by lots of ugly Christmas sweaters, and you just can’t remember your cousin’s girlfriend’s name for the life of you. That tension can be hard to break (we try with the wine, we fail with the inevitable hangover), but a guaranteed goofy way of keeping things lighthearted is a good old-fashioned game of Yankee Swap — AKA White Elephant. The goal here is to find the weirdest ways to make your family laugh while getting them something that’s still sort of cool and to avert attention from the grumblings over no open oven space. Scroll through for our list of 40 perfectly wacky white elephant gifts to give every member of your family.