A Quick Guide To Balancing Your Hormones

Social media really turned “hormones” into quite the buzzword. Our TikTok feeds are constantly filled with things to eat, supplements to take, and exercises to do all in hopes of balancing our hormones. The influx information is so overwhelming, and you may not know where to start.

Don’t worry though, we’ve answered all of your burning questions and have broken down simple, accessible ways to boost four of your happiest hormones.

What are hormones?

This is a totally normal question to have. With so much misinformation out there, it is hard to separate facts from fiction.

Board-certified doctors over at Parsley Health explained them best: “Hormones are the most potent chemical messengers in our bodies, telling your body what to do and when. That’s why when your hormones are out of balance, you may be able to feel the effects, whether it be via insomnia, fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, or mood swings.”

What does it mean to have a hormone imbalance?

Hormone imbalances occur when your hormones “aren’t communicating properly, and your body incorrectly produces too much or too little of any hormone,” the doctors at Parsley Health explained. “And if the production of just one hormone in any of these glands is thrown off, it can affect all the others, quickly creating a snowball effect that leaves you feeling off.”

What can cause a hormone imbalance?

There are tons of things that can disrupt your hormone production, leaving an imbalance in its wake. Chronic stress, anxiety, fatigue, poor diet, weight gain or difficulty losing weight, acne, hair loss and more.

What can I do if I think I have a hormone imbalance?

First off, definitely reach out to a trusted medical professional for their opinion and advice. The way to improve your hormonal balance starts with taking care of yourself, and choosing to actively be involved in your health. That means eating well, sleeping through the night, and exercising routinely, to start. There are plenty of ways to boost your endorphins, serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine naturally, so keep reading to find out how.


Image via Jennifer Enujiugha / PEXELS

Let’s start with endorphins. Endorphins are your body’s natural painkillers and stress-reducers. You probably think of endorphins as the boost of joy you get when you’re excited – which is exactly what they do. After all, like Elle Woods famously said, “Endorphins make people happy!” There are tons of ways to boost your endorphins, but we recommend exercising, laughing, dancing, expressing your creativity, eating spicy foods (pass the hot sauce, please!), and burning essential oils. All of these act as a natural catalyst to increase your endorphin levels, so give them a try.


Image via Lutchenca Medeiros / Unsplash

Serotonin stabilizes your mood, improves sleep and basically manages all the important things in your body, like your emotions, appetite and digestion. Naturally boost your serotonin levels by meditating, spending time in nature, soaking in vitamin D, sweating it out in an infrared sauna or getting a massage. If taking care of myself means regular massages, then you better believe I’m all in!


Image via freestocks / Unsplash

Now onto oxytocin, AKA the love hormone. Oxytocin is responsible for that warm and fuzzy feeling you get when surrounded by others, especially love interests. Increase your oxytocin by petting cute animals (uh – sign me up!), hugging someone, doing a good deed, talking to a loved one on the phone and spending time with people you care about.


Image via Polina Tankilevitch / PEXELS

Finally we have dopamine, the feel-good hormone you’re probably already familiar with. This happy hormone is responsible for managing your brain’s reward center. Help your dopamine flourish by listening to upbeat music, eating a protein-rich diet, sleeping well, completing a task on your to-do list, and (our favorite) eating chocolate.

You should know that you can improve several of your hormone levels through one task. Like meditating, for instance, can benefit both your serotonin and dopamine output. This definitely makes improving your hormone health way easier, and certainly less stressful.

Let's Talk Hormonal Imbalance-Tok

Chances are, you’re reading this article because of something you saw on social media, probably TikTok. #HormoneImbalance and #HormoneBalancing each has millions of views on the platform, but like many things you should take TikTok advice with a grain of salt.

Dr. Datta-Thomas knows women are turning to social media for medical advice, and sees the potential in education through TikTok.

“The medical system right now is often leaving patients and healthcare clinicians dissatisfied,” she said in an interview with Motherly. “Time for discussion and counseling is hard to fit into the 15-20 minute visits designed by health insurance companies, so opportunities for education are limited.”

Dr. Jill Purdie, MD, an OB/GYN and medical director, agrees that a lack of provider trust or thorough explanations can be an issue.

“My guess is that women turn to social media because they don’t feel heard or supported by their healthcare provider,” she said to Motherly. “Maybe someone just simply said ‘it’s not your hormones,’ but did not offer any explanation as to why or treatment options.”

However, without knowing you or your body, TikTok docs (and people claiming to be docs) can only give you so much advice. That’s why it is increasingly important to double and triple-check everything you hear from social media, especially in regards to your health.

Now that we’ve scheduled our medical appointments, we’re off to get some massages while petting cute dogs and eating some chocolate, so do not disturb!

Keep updated on all things health and wellness with Brit + Co.

Photo: Luna Active Fitness/Unsplash

Last month I chatted Amanda Montell by mentioning the glaring loneliness epidemic that's taken over lately. While we had a great conversation about overcoming our overthinking, it really got me wondering: how did we get here?

According to a study conducted by the U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, the pandemic and our increased reliance on technology seems to be the source of the collective social decline we’re experiencing. In 2022 — two years out from the 2020 lockdowns — only 39% of adults reported feeling emotionally close to others. For those of us who consider ourselves to be introverts, this may feel par for the social course — but it really isn't.

There's potential for greater health concerns here, both mentally and physically. Dr. Murthy discovered that a prolonged decline in social connection with others “...can increase your risk of heart disease by 29% and risk of stroke by 32%.” That’s no laughing matter, especially if heart disease runs in your family like it does in mine.

It’s something Eric Liu, CEO of Citizen University elaborated on during an episode of NPR’sMorning Edition podcast last year. He said, “When you are alone and disconnected, there’s more stress, there’s more inflammation, there’s more anxiety.” And while some of us prefer our own company, statistics show that's not always the healthiest choice for us in the long run.

To understand all this even more, I spoke with Licensed Perinatal Mental Health & Trauma Therapist Becca Reed, LCSW, PMH-C. Together, we broke down how we can combat the loneliness epidemic and positively affect our health at the same time. Here's what I learned!

How prevalent is the loneliness epidemic actually?

Image via Liza Summer/Pexels

I've joked with my sister that there seems to be a change in the way people interact with each other since the pandemic, but there's some truth to it. Reed says, "Since the pandemic began, I've observed a marked increase in feelings of loneliness across various age groups. What’s particularly interesting is the depth of loneliness people have expressed, even after moving back into engaging in normal activities."

Think about the last time you went to the grocery store — did it seem like some people exist in their own worlds without apparent regard for others? It could very well be a symptom of this very epidemic. "Many of my clients have reported feeling disconnected not just from others, but also from parts of themselves. The pandemic disrupted our regular social habits and created a void that many are still learning how to fill," explains Reed.

Does social media play a role in the way we perceive introversion and loneliness?

Image via Arina Krasnikova/Pexels

I can't completely shun social media because it's introduced me to different brands, people, and even my career as a journalist. However, I've also wondered if social media has a major influence on the way we think and interact with the world around us — especially in regards to introversion and loneliness. Reed believes there's more to it than that.

"Our lifestyles and societal values greatly influence how we view introversion and loneliness. For instance, highly individualistic cultures, like in the U.S., often celebrate extroversion," she says before adding, "This celebration can make quieter, introverted ways of engaging with the world seem less valuable."

This may pose an issue for those who are always busy and aren't actively interacting with others beyond a surface level. Reed says, "Additionally, our busy modern lifestyles are filled with long work hours and personal commitments. This can leave little room for deep, sustained social interactions. As a result, those who may not reach out actively can feel further isolated."

What are some signs that someone is experiencing loneliness?

Image via Ivan Samkov/Pexels

Dr. Murthy also told NPR, “Some people react to loneliness by withdrawing and getting quiet. Others react to loneliness by becoming irritable and angry, and they may lash out more” before adding “...sometimes we need somebody else to tell us, ‘Hey, you’ve been withdrawing more’ to help us understand we might actually be dealing with loneliness.”

This is something that Reed also reiterated. She says, "Signs of loneliness frequently include significant changes in mood and behavior. This might look like increased irritability, persistent sadness, or withdrawal from usual activities" while "Physically, loneliness might manifest through disrupted sleep patterns or a change in appetite."

From personal experience, I've been known to dissociate if I'm feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or upset so I'm very familiar with exacerbating any loneliness I've felt by withdrawing. This also resulted in spending a lot of days in my early 20s sleeping when I wasn't working or remaining in my room with the door locked.

"If you notice a loved one seeming unusually quiet, canceling plans more frequently, or expressing feelings of emptiness, they might be experiencing loneliness," warns Reed.

How can we combat the loneliness epidemic in our daily interactions?

Image via Pavel Danilyuk/Pexels

If you've noticed that you're being affected by the loneliness epidemic, there are different ways to combat it. Reed says, "Small daily interactions can be very impactful to combating loneliness. Simply making eye contact, sharing a smile with a stranger, or having a quick chat with a neighbor can foster a sense of connection." This sounds so Starbucks and Bookstore-coded for those of us who don't want to feel overwhelmed by anything grand.

At the same time, Reed says there are things we can do in our personal relationships to help us start feeling a sense of community again. "Reaching out regularly to friends and family through calls, messages, and face-to-face interactions is essential. Building a community around shared interests, can also help bridge the isolation gap," she shares.

Is the loneliness epidemic going to be a prolonged problem, or is it possible to turn around?

Image via Alena Darmel/Pexels

Like other things, it can seem like the loneliness epidemic won't get any better. But, Reed wants you to have hope. "While it's possible the impact of the pandemic on social interactions could be a prolonged issue, humans are inherently driven to connect." Though she says, "The pandemic has intensified social anxieties and shifted communication habits."

This can look like people finding it difficult to interact with others the way they used to (hi social anxiety). Still, that doesn't mean we have to approach things as if there's nothing to look forward to in terms of interacting with others. Reed says, "People are finding new ways to engage with each other as we be come more aware of the impacts of loneliness and actively work towards building stronger, more resilient community networks. This adaptability is a positive sign that we're moving towards more interaction again, despite the challenges."

All we can do is turn lemons into lemonade as we continue to find new normals that support our lifestyles, communication, and connection needs.

Has the loneliness epidemic impacted you? Let us know in the comments and follow the conversation on Facebook.

Lead image via Tiana/Pexels

10 Things I Hate About You and The Office fans listen up! There's a new project coming to Netflix from Kate Hudson and Mindy Kaling, and you NEED to know about it. Just like the best female-led TV shows, Running Point promises to be empowering, hilarious, and just a lot of fun. Keep reading for everything you need to know about the new TV show.

What is Running Point about?

Image via Netflix

This new TV show follows Isla Gordon (played by Kate Hudson), who becomes President of the Los Angeles Waves basketball team after a scandal means her brother has to retire. In the male-dominated world of sports, Isla will have to prove to everyone around her — her brothers, the board, and the fans — that she can balance work AND play.

When does Running Point come out?

Image via Netflix

Running Point is coming to Netflix in 2025.

Who's in the Running Point cast?

Image via Netflix

Running Point stars Kate Hudson, Brenda Song, Drew Tarver, Scott MacArthur, Fabrizio Guido, Toby Sandeman, Chet Hanks, Max Greenfield, Keyla Monterroso Mejia, Roberto Sanchez, Uche Agada, and Dane DiLiegro.

I am so excited to see another show written by Mindy Kaling, especially one that stars Brenda Song and Kate Hudson! Let us know what you're currently binge watching on Facebook.

Lead image via Netflix

A 5K is a 3.12 mile race, and it's one of the most popular distances around the world for hobby joggers and elite athletes alike. Unlike a half marathon or full marathon, the 5K leaves you feeling tired, but able to actually walk afterwards — and with the same sense of accomplishment. Some seasoned runners may look down on the 5K, but I'm here to tell you that it's no small feat. In fact, in my 14 years of competitive running, the 5K was my main focus for 12 years.

If you're looking to run your first 5K and have no background in cardio or endurance sports, a simple google search for “beginner 5k workouts” will lead you to dozens of workout plans. While I have coached true beginners, my coaching specialty is with more intermedia runners, or runners trying to run their fastest 5K. You don't have to be a standout athlete or elite runner to set goals, and there are some simple steps everyone can take to get faster. Heres how to train for a 5K race, the Paxton way.

Photo by RF._.studio/PEXELS

The first step to bettering your 5K is to pick a race and sign up for it — most cities have a few 5K to choose from each weekend, so there should be plenty to choose from. Having a race on the calendar ensures you won’t skip out on your training. I recommend giving yourself 8-10 weeks to properly train.

The best 5K training plans, in my opinion, include 4-5 days of running a week. Every week should include:

  • One or two speed workouts
  • A few easy jogs
  • A long run

You should never run hard or fast two days in a row — easy jogging and rest between speed workouts are both essential for rebuilding muscles damaged with hard workouts. Here's how each of the three main training workouts should go.

Photo by cottonbro studio/PEXELS

Speed Workouts

Every speed workout should begin with a 5-10 minute jogging warm up and a 5-10 minute jog/walk cooldown. This will help ensure you do not pull or strain any muscles.

The actual "speed" part of speed workouts can go one of two ways:

  • Run 2-3 minutes at a harder 7 out of 10 effort, with a standing or walking rest of 2-3 minutes between each push.
  • Run 6-8 repeats of a steep hill for 45-60 seconds in length with a walk back down, before repeating again.
Note: These are not sprint workouts, and you should never push yourself so hard that you're lying on the ground gasping for air afterwards.

Easy Jogs

Easy jogs should be kept at a conversational pace, so this would be a good time to grab your girlfriend or hop on the phone if you want some company. The best jogs should be about 2-3 miles in length, or 20-35 minutes in duration.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio/PEXELS

Long Runs

Long runs are arguably the most important workout of the week, and anyone trying to better their 5K time should make sure to include them in their training plan. Like the name suggests, a long run should be your longest run of the week. Your longest run can be anywhere from three miles at the beginning of the plan to 12 miles if you're an experienced and seasoned vet. I recommend starting with 3 miles at the beginning of your 8-10 week plan and working your way up to 5-8 miles by the end. You should do this by adding one half to a full mile each week. Although it may sound silly to run 8 miles in order to run a 3.1 mile race, this will help build your endurance more than any of your other weekly runs. Having endurance will make the race seem easier, and I can guarantee you'll pass people left and right in your final mile.

Note: You should also have at least 10 days between your longest long run and your 5k race so that you can feel as fresh as possible on race day.

Photo by Blue Bird/PEXELS

The most important thing to remember on race day is to not go out too fast. If you sprint the first mile, the rest of the race will be miserable. Race day adrenaline will make you jittery and willing to sprint at the start, but working on controlling that will ensure a better race experience. Try to make your second and third mile faster than your first and give it all in the last .1 mile. After you’re done, soak in the race day atmosphere and grab a free banana! Don’t forget that the post race pain is temporary and remember not to sign up for another race while on an endorphin high!

Looking for more workout inspo? Be sure to sign up for our weekly email newsletter!

Header image by Ashvin Praveen/Dupe

Memorial Day weekend is nigh, and in the midst of planning your epic BBQ spread and a slew of themed cocktails, it's also time to start noting the Memorial Day sales you'll be shopping for a much-needed summer refresh. We've got the scoop on savings in just about every category – from beauty to home decor to fashion – so you know exactly when and where to save big.

Scroll on for the Memorial Day sales we're most excited about for 2024, and make sure to come back here for additional sale info!

Dyson V8 Cordless Vacuum


What: Items up to 60% off

When: May 24-27

KitchenAid Artisan Series 5 Quart Tilt Head Stand Mixer


What: Deals on everything from home goods to decor

When: Now through Memorial Day


  • 20% Off Sitewide with code MEMORIAL20
  • May 15-29


  • Up to 30% off everything
  • May 8-June 4

Purple Mattress

Mila Mirror

Anthropologie Home

What: Savings on home goods

When: May 21-27

Peony Vase Thank You Card Set


What: 15% off stationery & photo books

When: May 22-29

Sherpa Deluxe Black Guarenteed On Board Soft Sided Dog & Cat Carrier


What: BOGO 50% off select summer products and 20% off select sherpa carriersWhen: May 24-27

Dallas IV Hat


What: 25% off sitewide with code USA25

When: May 23-27

CZ Crescent with Stars Necklace

Sterling Forever

What: 20% off sitewide with code SUMMER20

When: May 24-28

Stemless Wine Chiller Pair


What: 20% off sitewide

When: May 17-27

The Coated Pan

Material Kitchen

What: 20% off (*promo excludes bundles and collaborations)

When: May 23-27

EOS Classic Organic Mattress


What: 20% off sitewide with code MEMORIAL20

When: May 15-29

Pierrette Dress


What: Extra 15% off sale styles with code MDAY24

When: May 27

Sea Green Pleated Tennis Skirt

Gold Hinge

What: 25% off sitewide with code MDAY25

When: May 23-27

Calista FAUXblo Thermal Blowout Brush


What: 20% off sitewide

When: May 24



What: Take $200 off sitewide on all CAROL bikes

When: May 24-30

Cartolina Louise Cover-Up


What: 30% off sitewide

When: May 22-28

Carve Designs Zella Mesh Pullover

Carve Designs

What: BOGO red, white, and blue swim; buy 1 swimsuit, get one swimsuit 50% off

When: May 23-27

Essentia Stratami Organic Mattress


What: 25% off sitewide, plus receive free GOTS Certified Organic Cotton Sheets with qualifying mattress purchases

When: May 13-31

Harper Wilde Bliss Scoop Bralette

Harper Wilde

What: 20% off sitewide

When: May 24-27

MARLOWE. Soap Bar Discovery Gift Set


What: 20% off sitewide

When: May 27

Pura 4 Diffuser


What: 25% off sitewide through code only (subscriber early access: May 23-27), 25% off sitewide, plus subscribe to the Pura V4 and get a free car set

When: May 21-22

Vacation Classic Whip SPF 30


What: 20% off sitewide, plus get a free boat keychain or pen on orders over $65 (while supplies last)

When: May 24-27

Custom Pet Portrait Phone Case

West & Willow

What: 20% off sitewide with code MDAY

When: May 20-28

Olsen Leather Lounge Chair

Industry West

What: 20% off sitewide with code Memorial20

When: May 21-31

Claira Dress


What: Additional 35% off all final sale styles. (No returns or exchanges with discounts automatically applied at checkout.)

When: May 23-27

3 Seat Chaise Couch in Coconut


What: 15% off sitewide with code HONOR

When: May 16-27

Blush & Bronze Hydro-Blur Cheek Duo

Stila Cosmetics

What: 20% off orders $0 to $49 with code MDAY20, 25% off orders $50 to $99 with code MDAY25, 30% off orders of $100+ with code MDAY30

When: May 27

Tree Flyer 2


What: 20% off select styles online

When: May 13-20

Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on these Memorial Day sales + all the best deals!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This post has been updated.

Just like fantasy stories can transport us to new worlds, period dramas are one way to get a whole new (er, old) glimpse of the world you wouldn't see otherwise. Just like contemporary films, period dramas have their fair share of relationship drama and scandal, with some amazing outfits to boot. After you've watched (and rewatched) season 3 of Bridgerton, add one — or better yet, all — of these picks to your watchlist! Once you've figured out what you're pressing play on first, read up on why The Bridgerton Cast Is “Obsessed” With Claudia Jessie.

Atonement — Stream on Prime Video

Image via Universal Pictures

Every time I talk to my team here at Brit + Co about their favorite period dramas, Atonement always makes the list. And for good reason! It's an emotional, sweeping piece that feels like different genres as it moves from family drama to romance to a war epic. The cast includes names like Saoirse Ronan, James McAvoy, and Keira Knightley.

Little Women — Stream on Hulu

Image via Sony Pictures

Everyone can love this story, even if you don't have sisters — although being a sister has definitely made me love it even more. There are two versions I recommend: the 1994 version with Winona Ryder, Christian Bale, and Kirsten Dunst, or Greta Gerwig's 2019 version with Saoirse Ronan, Timothée Chalamet, and Emma Watson.

In my opinion, Greta's version is a little bit more thought-provoking for the viewer, but between both film's arcs, I prefer the 1994 film's linear structure. You can't go wrong with either movie, so why not watch both?

Emily — Stream on Paramount+ With Showtime

Image via Bleecker Street

My Letterboxd review after seeing Emily in theaters basically called this family the English, more tragic version of Little Women's March sisters. The celebration of creativity and identity feel even more powerful against the darker aesthetic and all of the painful experiences Emily Brontë lives through. Plus, it has one of the most emotional scores of 2023 that I've had on repeat ever since I watched it!

Mr. Malcolm's List — Stream on Paramount+ With Showtime

Image via Bleecker Street

When Julia Thistlewaite gets rejected by London's most eligible bachelor (the titular Mr. Malcolm), she decides to turn her friend into his ideal match, and get a little bit of revenge while she's at it. Anyone who loves Bridgerton's costumes (and Princess Diana's revenge dress) is gonna want to add this to their queue.

Pride & Prejudice — Rent on Amazon Prime

Image via Focus Features

Avid fans of Jane Austen's book (including yours truly) will likely give you two recommendations that each have their own viral scene: Colin Firth's lake diving in the 1995 BBC mini series or Matthew MacFadyen's hand flex after helping Keira Knightley into a carriage in the 2005 film. All jokes aside, both titles are wonderful celebrations of the story!

Belle — Stream on Max

Image via Searchlight Pictures

In this political, historical romance, Belle is the illegitimate, biracial daughter of a British admiral who's raised by her uncle. As she grows up alongside her cousin, Belle questions her identity as she realizes she belongs with neither the servants nor the family. And when she meets John, she becomes in integral part of the abolitionist movement in England.

Downton Abbey — Stream on Peacock

Image via PBS/NBC

If you love period pieces but prefer a slower pace, I'd recommend Downton Abbey. The stakes are high and some viewers still haven't gotten over the death of their favorite character (I'm talking about myself here), but I don't think it's as overstimulating as a lot of other dramas involving war, death, and relationships. Plus you literally CANNOT go wrong with Maggie Smith as the Dowager Countess. The studio just announced a third movie, so now is the perfect time to start the series!

Becoming Jane — Rent on Amazon Prime

Image via Disney/Miramax

James McAvoy makes the list again with this semi-biographical film on Jane Austen's life. One of the best parts of any historical drama is when the main couple dances at a ball, and Becoming Jane has one of my favorite dances of all time. Fans of the author criticized the film when it came out, but if you go into it with an open mind, it's very enjoyable (and might just make you cry, too).

Marie Antoinette — Stream on Max

Image via Columbia Pictures

I finally watched Sofia Coppola's iconic film for the first time, and it was as much a feast for the eyes as I'd hoped. Kirsten Dunst stuns as the infamous queen, and in addition to the textured, maximalist visuals, the story did make me think about Marie Antoinette in a new way. Considering I've been obsessed with her since middle school, that's saying something!

Emma — Stream on Prime Video

Image via Focus Features

If you love the visuals in Marie Antoinette, then I'm pretty sure you'll love this 2020 Jane Austen retelling. Every detail of the movie feels like its own piece of art (even the physical blocking and movements of the actors feels like a dance), and they all come together to create something cohesive, beautiful, and fun. You can also go for Gwyneth Paltrow's 1996 version or Clueless, which was inspired by Austen's book.

Sense and Sensibility — Rent on Amazon Prime

Image via Columbia Pictures

With names like Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet, and Hugh Grant, this movie has always felt wildly underrated, so consider this my official plea asking you to watch it. It's got everything: Family! Drama! True love! Taylor Swift also said during her Tribeca Film Festival talk in 2022 that it inspired her album Evermore, so there's that.

Why Didn't They Ask Evans? — Stream on BritBox

Image via BritBox

I love this miniseries so much that I watch it every year. At this point, it's a tradition! Lucy Boynton and Will Poulter are so fun together, and their banter will leave rom-com lovers giggling and kicking their feet. Plus the 1930s fashions are just SO good.

Let us know what your favorite period dramas are in the comments, and check out the 2024 Movies you can look forward to this year!

Lead image via Sony Pictures

This post has been updated.