How To Stay In Touch With A Friend Long Distance

Woman talking on the phone in a flower shop.

Adult friendships are tricky. Between careers, partners, and kids, everyone is so much busier than they used to be. Add distance to the mix, and it can feel impossible to keep up. Sure, social media helps when it comes to acquaintances and casual friends, but maintaining a close friendship takes more effort.

So if find yourself on the other side of the country — or even the state — from one of your BFFs, know that it is possible to be involved in each other's day-to-day life. Friend dates are still a go, and your friendship can even become stronger when it's long distance. Below, find a few ways to keep your LDF alive and well no matter how much space lies between you.

Watch a TV Show or Movie Together

Miss your binge-watching parties? You still have options when it comes to watching a TV show or movie together: in real time while texting or on your own so you can catch up later. Either way, you can talk out all your feelings together. Just try to stay on a similar schedule so your reactions feel fresh.

Cook Together

Return to 2020's glory days of video socializing, and make dinner or tackle a classic baking recipe together.

Plan a Vacation

Planning a trip is a triple threat of quality time: Not only do you get to spend weeks or months hatching an itinerary, but then you get to travel together. And, you'll have plenty to reminisce about when it's over.

Send Mail

Whether it's a postcard, a letter written on your nicest stationery, or a wrapped gift, it's a rare treat to receive an item in the mail you're truly excited about — especially something you didn't order and pay for.

Take a Course Together

Find an interest you share and take an online class in it — whether live or on your own time. It can be ongoing or a one-off. While the subject matter really can be anything, creative and hands-on courses like cake decorating, watercolor painting, or flower arranging get our vote.

Start a Book Club

All you need is two people to start a club, so here's your chance to tackle those much-talked-about BookTok reads. Who knows? You might eventually want to grow your membership.

Make a Joint Playlist

Spotify allows users to co-create playlists, so you can both add your favorite songs to the mix. Make multiple playlists or update a master one on a regular basis. Either way, you can stay on the same page music-wise.

Work Out

Take a live class, start a video at the same time, or work through a routine via FaceTime. You could even go for walk and chat your steps away. Whatever activity you choose, it's a great way to spend quality time together while getting in some movement.

Play a Game

Whether it's a video or a virtual board game, this lets you truly interact from anywhere in the world.

Have a Weekly Call

Even if all other attempts to talk or hang out fail, a standing phone date every week or month helps ensure you'll be in touch, no matter busy your lives get.

Don't Avoid Issues

Surely, you're acquainted with avoidance? That feeling that makes you run in the opposite direction even when you know it'll only make the situation worse. This can happen if either, or both, of you gets busy and the relationship starts to slide. The best way to prevent this is to understand that your relationship will ebb and flow. Just don't run the other way when it ebbs. Talk about it! It doesn't have to spell the end. Most likely, it's just one phase of a long and happy friendship.

How have you strengthened your friendships? Let us know in the comments and on Twitter, and check out our email newsletter for more relationship content!

Featured image: Amanda Filkins/Pexels

Are you feeling a lack of motivation lately? Don’t worry, because things are about to change. As we near the middle of 2024, you may have let go of your New Year's resolution or neglected your past passion project. The great news is that Jupiter, the planet of optimism and expansion, is leaving the earth sign Taurus and entering the air sign Gemini on May 25. In the next stage of our journey, we will be more socially oriented and open-minded to ideas from all sides.

Everything to know about the planet Jupiter in astrology

Photo by Planet Volumes on Unsplash

The Planet Jupiter

Astronomically, Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest in our solar system—also known as the “gas giant.” Jupiter can also be viewed as the bodyguard, protecting our home planet from incoming asteroids.

Astrologically, Jupiter bestows luck and expansive opportunities in our natal charts and transits. Due to its exuberant nature, it can over-inflate good and challenging aspects. In your darkest hour and time of need, look to your Jupiter sign as the key and clue to where you can find the silver lining. You may be in for a huge lesson and luck wherever Jupiter touches your birth chart or in transit. The teacher or guru often walks into your life around these momentous periods, and so long as you are open to learning, you, too, one day will become the teacher as well. Click here to find out where your Jupiter is in your birth chart.

When Does Jupiter Enter Gemini?

Jupiter in Gemini Dates: May 25, 2024 to June 9, 2025

What Does Jupiter in Gemini Mean For You?

Let’s explore this last year before we dive into what’s next. The planet Jupiter spends 12 months in every sign. From 2023 to 2024, while in Taurus, our primary focus was exploring the path of self-worth, wealth, and financial security. Although Taurus is a grounded and earthy sign, last year felt anything but because Jupiter inflates and expands on whatever it touches. Sound familiar? We experienced inflation, resulting in a rise in food prices while also becoming more indulgent and spending more on material comforts.

It could have been a challenging year regarding real estate or business ventures, as everything felt stuck because Jupiter enhances whatever it touches. With Taurus's fixed energy escalated by Jupiter’s influence, it could have already made us feel like sitting ducks with a massive credit card bill. Online shopping and retail therapy galore.

The good news is that as Jupiter shifts, we will focus on collaboration, communication, and multiple streams of opportunities. Although Jupiter is astrologically considered in a “detrimental” position with Gemini, there is a plus side when this transit occurs.

The sign of Gemini extends an outlet for us to become more experimental in our lives. It can be a perfect time to begin that side hustle you were contemplating alongside your job. This is the period to “explore,” not invest. Jupiter in Gemini will give us fun, exploration, and opportunity. Our social calendars are also expected to erupt, and it's time to party.

It is about openness and possibility – refrain from dogmatic systems to stay afloat.

Note that Jupiter last appeared in Gemini in 2012. Reflect on what happened in your life then and for the collective to see what themes may be resurfacing.

Meanwhile, if you have a mutable rising sign or are a mutable sign – Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces – Jupiter in Gemini will light up your year.

What Happened 12 Years Ago When Jupiter Was in Gemini?

The last time when Jupiter was in Gemini, pop culture was electrifying with the rise of K-Pop, and Kim and Kanye got together, birthing their ship name ‘Kimye.’ We can expect bands to reemerge as Gemini is about interconnectedness and teamwork. Life was more collaborative and filled with incoming messages from all sides.

Information can get a bit scattered as Gemini represents messages and experimentation. So, it is best to slow down and listen intently before jumping into the next big thing.

It was also the year Taylor Swift released her Red album while dating Harry Styles. FYI, Taylor is a Sagittarius, and we will likely receive big news later this year. Here's a little cosmic intel: Jupiter will trine her North Node in Aquarius in September, opening a door for her to explore her story even deeper. It can push her to tap into a wellspring of creativity while she uncovers a new approach involving her talents. It will likely attract incredible breakthroughs involving personal development and destiny. Could it be a marriage proposal? Shift in love status? Album drop? Time will tell.

While we wait and see what happens, listen to The Tortured Poets Department. I’m a big fan of this one.

Your Jupiter in Gemini Reading For Every Astrological Sign

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Read for your sun, moon, and rising sign for an extended interpretation.


Exciting things will emerge as Jupiter will reside in your 3rd house of communication and ideas. It is time to level up your knowledge, requiring you to start something new that involves your skills. Embrace curiosity as you explore new subjects, languages, and connections. There is potential for short-distance travel to enhance your educational or business pursuits. Your adaptability shines, effortlessly navigating diverse situations with confidence. Avoid scattering your focus and prioritize your goals, maintaining consistency in your efforts. A structured approach to your studies or projects will prevent you from spreading yourself too thin. By setting clear objectives and staying disciplined, you can capitalize on these opportunities and bring your dreams to fruition during this transit.


During Jupiter's transit through your 2nd house, Taurus, seize outlets to enhance your finances and values. It is time to step into your confidence and see your dreams take root by becoming more hands-on instead of waiting. Explore new income sources and improve your financial literacy to attract new income streams. Your adaptability shines this year, enabling you to navigate changing financial landscapes confidently. To achieve your goals, maintain discipline in your financial practices. Avoid impulsive spending and focus on creating a solid financial plan. Set savings goals and budget accordingly. With dedication and perseverance, you can lay the foundation for long-term financial stability and achieve your aspirations.


This is your year, Gemini! With Jupiter in your 1st house, embrace opportunities for self-exploration and growth. Get out of your comfort zone by taking chances. The Universe grants your wishes when you remain curious and with an open heart. Embrace change confidently, knowing you can navigate diverse opportunities and challenges. To realize your visions, maintain discipline in focusing on your goals. Hone your skills, set clear objectives, and take decisive action. Avoid scattering your energy and stay committed to your aspirations. Harness Jupiter's expansive energy to manifest your dreams authentically and create a fulfilling future aligned with your true self.


Get ready to witness your evolution as Jupiter navigates through your 12th house. This time will help you focus on your deep spiritual growth and inner exploration. Connect with your intuition and emotional depth. Tap into your inner truths while unpacking the unresolved. Dedicate time to meditation and self-reflection, releasing old patterns, and nurturing your spiritual side. To manifest your dreams, maintain discipline in your spiritual practice. Set energetic boundaries, prioritize self-care, and allow yourself to let go of what no longer serves you emotionally. By focusing on your spiritual journey, you can manifest your dreams with clarity and purpose, guided by the wisdom of your inner self.


This is your opportunity to expand your networks while reigniting your aspirations. Jupiter in your 11th house will power up your connections with like-minded individuals and join groups in alignment with your interests. Invest your time and energy in spaces that involve you to extend leadership while influencing others positively. With your social calendar booming this year, stay focused on long-term objectives, prioritize commitments, and avoid distractions. Set clear goals and take consistent action. Turn aspirations into tangible achievements, leaving a lasting impact on your social sphere.


Expect recognition and career advancement as Jupiter is residing in your 10th house. Stepping up and showcasing your skills will shine. Your dedication will show as you share your true passions. If you have plans to launch your business or switch careers, this is your year. You will excel in your career endeavors, earning respect from peers and superiors. Stay focused on career goals, set high standards, and pursue growth opportunities. Avoid perfectionism and self-doubt, trusting in your abilities. With determination, climb the ladder of success and leave a lasting impact in your field. Boldness is key.


Jupiter takes over your 9th house realm, and your life will feel like Wonderland. This is your time for personal growth through higher learning and travel. Expand your horizons, explore new cultures, and deepen your understanding of the world. Learning prayer or meditation can be a powerful tool to level up your spiritual practice. Jupiter's touch will reconfigure anything you once considered tangible. Let go and observe possible new paths to help you achieve fulfillment. Share your story and listen to others to get perspective. Commit to educational pursuits or travel plans, prioritize learning opportunities aligned with your interests, and remain open-minded.


This will be a powerful time in your life, as Jupiter in your 8th house will scope opportunities to pay attention to your shared resources, intimacy, and unresolved fears. Your instincts will sharpen as you focus on your feelings toward others or situations. Embrace the quiet periods and invest time in your inner work. In doing so, your connections and your interconnectedness to life will deepen. The silver lining of this Jupiter transit lies in your emotional depth and intuitive ability. Facing your fears will open the door to your fulfillment. Commit to your healing and growth.


This Jupiter phase will shift your focus toward your partnerships and relationships. With your 7th house active this year, it is your moment to understand your connections and gain clarity regarding your love status. Deepen connections, explore collaborations, and broaden your perspective on love. If you have experienced a waterlog in your love life, Jupiter in Gemini will breathe life back into your connection or in dating. Approach relationships with enthusiasm, embracing diverse experiences and perspectives. Commit to being unapologetically honest to attract healthy relationships, communicate openly, and be willing to compromise.


Expect your work and daily routines to go 180 as Jupiter takes rein in your 6th house. This is a period for you to seize opportunities at work while also refining your skills to enhance your efficiency. Observe what areas in your daily life need reinvention. It can be your wellness routine or your work environment. Establish healthy habits, set achievable goals, and focus on self-improvement professionally. Jupiter can escalate extremities, so remember that maintaining balance will attract steady progress in your career and complete alignment.


Fun times approach Aquarius as Jupiter crosses into your 5th house of creativity, self-expression, and romance. If you have experienced outmoded love stories or situationships, this is the year to explore deeper. Revamp your dating profile or take a class that unleashes your creative side. You may cross paths with “the one.” Something is ready to be birthed into existence (figuratively or literally). Think outside the box, experiment with ideas, and infuse creativity with your unique perspective. Be receptive to new ideas and approaches – don’t overthink it. In small, measured steps, get ready to witness your passions reach fruition.


Expect harmonious breakthroughs involving your emotional security and family systems as Jupiter resides in your 4th house this year. This can manifest a change of residence to a larger space or renovation. You will likely need to reevaluate your priorities at work while figuring out what truly matters to you. As you return to your family roots, you will have an opportunity to understand the root of your past regrets. Living conditions and family life will improve as you commit to creating a harmonious home, prioritize self-care, and make space for resolution with family.

Want to learn the basics of astrology and decode your birth chart? Take a look at Lumi's free beginner's astrology workbook.

Dear readers, if there's on thing that's certain, it's that we're just brimming with excitement for Bridgerton season 3(which premieres on Netflix May 16). The gossip amongst The Ton tells us that this next installment is absolutely worth giving a toast to – or even prepping an entire Bridgerton brunchspread! There are 8 whole episodes to indulge in, so you'll want something to sip on as the show unfolds. Take these Bridgerton-inspired cocktails with you for your season 3 watch party!

Garden Gimlet

This floral gimlet is perfect for an outdoor get-together, similar to how the Bridgerton cast strolls down the promenade. Simply mix 2 oz Empress 1908 Elderflower Rose Gin, 0.75 oz fresh lime juice, and 0.5 oz simple syrup in a coupe glass, then top things off tastefully with a lavender sprig. (via Empress 1908 Gin for Brit + Co)

Reprinted from The Official Bridgerton Guide to Entertaining. © 2023 by Netflix. Published by Random House Worlds, an imprint of Random House, a division of Penguin Random House LLC.

London Fog Latte

These London Fog lattes are also traditionally made non-alcoholic, but you can always add in a splash of your go-to spirit! To make one, steep 2 Earl Grey tea bags in hot water for 5 minutes, then add ¾ cup steamed (or warmed) milk and 2 to 3 tablespoons vanilla syrup or honey for sweetness. Yum! (via The Official Bridgerton Guide to Entertaining for Brit + Co)

Rumor-Stirring Blueberry Lavender Fizz

These fizzy sips come sans-alcohol, but you can always spice things up with your favorite vodka or gin. To make one of these cocktails, muddle 1 teaspoon dried lavender flowers in a cocktail shaker before adding 1 tablespoon blueberry jam, 1⁄2 ounce lemon juice, 1⁄2 ounce lime juice, 1⁄2 ounce heavy cream, and 1 large egg white and shaking vigorously (without ice) until texture changes to a foam. Next, add some ice and shake again until chilled. Strain the mix into a Collins glass and top it off with sparkling water and lemon zest! (via Brit + Co)

Alpine Wildflower Old Fashioned

Floral notes are key, and this Old Fashioned is a master at including the best flavors. To make it, muddle 2 oz Stranahan’s Original, 1 brown sugar cube, and a pinch of grated cinnamon in a rocks glass before adding 2 dashes Angostura bitters and stirring to combine. Add a big ice cube and garnish with edible flowers for full effect! (via Stranahan’s Original Single Malt Whiskey)

Paloma Tea Party

The ton might've not been drinking tequila, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy a tequila cocktail for the season 3 release! This one takes on the flavors of a paloma, and it's scrumptious. To make it, mix 6 oz 21Seeds Grapefruit Hibiscus Infused Tequila, 2 oz simple syrup, 2 oz lime juice, and 6 oz grapefruit juice in a pitcher – or better yet, a tea kettle – with ice, and serve! (via 21Seeds Tequila)

Caviar Dreams

Remind yourself of all things fancy and elegant with this slow-sipper. To make it, shake 2 oz Stranahan's Original, 0.25 oz dry vermouth, 0.25 oz sweet vermouth, and 2 dashes aromatic bitters over ice. Strain into a cocktail glass, then garnish lavishly with olives, caviar, and a potato chip on the side. (via Stranahan’s Original Single Malt Whiskey)

Orange Honey Smash

This sweet, citrusy smash reminds us of the stunningly bright visuals in the show, and it's sure to be a hit. To make it, stir 2 oz Stranahan's Original, 0.5 oz sweet vermouth, 0.25 oz honey liqueur, 0.25 oz Amaro, 1 dash Angostura bitters, and 1 dash Orange bitters over ice. Then, strain into a coupe glass and garnish with an orange twist. (via Stranahan’s Original Single Malt Whiskey)

Subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on all things Bridgerton and for more cocktail recipes!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

In May 2024, a unique opportunity for personal growth and transformation awaits. As the communication Mercury regains momentum after last month’s retrograde and we emerge from the eclipse season, a new chapter is about to begin. This is your chance to gather the scattered pieces and rebuild a stronger, more enlightened version of yourself. Taurus season continues beckoning us to review our comforts, values, love stories, and finances. Although we live in uncertain times, note that no external source can dim your light as long as you remain heart-centered and in flow with your happiness.

Key Astrological Dates Of Taurus Season In May 2024

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash
  • 5/1 Venus square Pluto
  • 5/7 Sun sextile Saturn
  • 5/8 New Moon in Taurus
  • 5/13 Sun conjunct Uranus
  • 5/15 Mercury enters Taurus
  • 5/17 Mercury square Pluto
  • 5/18 Venus conjunct Uranus, Sun conjunct Jupiter
  • 5/20 Gemini Season Begins
  • 5/23 Full Moon in Sagittarius, Venus enters Gemini
  • 5/26 Jupiter enters Gemini

What To Expect In Your May Horoscope For 2024

Photo by Aamyr on Unsplash

We enter this month with an intense exchange between Venus and Pluto. As they form a square on the 1st, it can manifest as power and control issues between love and values. This is the moment to embrace change involving your desires. The split between wanting stability with Venus in Taurus and the radical energy of Pluto in Aquarius can lead to a powerful transformation in your love story while opening the path to realizing your worth. There is a part of you or the relationship itself that needs to evolve to attract a healthier outcome. Hold still, and don’t react. Just observe your environment. Take this as a sign to reevaluate your priorities in your relationship and everything else that can deflect you from living authentically. On the 7th, things will lighten up as the Sun is in a supportive position with Saturn, the planet of structure and stability. Clarity will set as the Sun lets you see your life direction while Saturn supports your future ventures. This will all unfold in time for the new moon in Taurus to happen on the 8th. Finally, we are officially out of the eclipse mist and equipped to potentially set a different course to invoke success. The best part is that this new moon energy will be grounding and quiet, giving you the space to set clear intentions to support your needs instead of what you want. Remember that your “wants” will only take you so far, while honoring your needs will attract a better flow.

On the 13th, a day filled with potential breakthroughs awaits. The Sun will merge with Uranus, the rebel planet, invoking themes of innovation and freedom from the old constraints. This can manifest in your desire to change or break from the usual routine. Transparency and honest discussions will open that door for you. This day can be filled with serendipitous events as you trust in yourself and try something new. It's an amazing opportunity to begin brainstorming ideas or troubleshooting what is holding you back from living the life you want.

Our thinking process will slow down when Mercury, the communication planet, enters Taurus on the 15th. Our conversations will be more down-to-earth and intentional. The way to master this planetary transit these next few weeks is to become simpler and more organized. Focusing on one thing at a time will grant you the desired results.

Focusing initially on this recent Mercury shift will be tricky as it squares off to Pluto on the 17th, staging a distress signal involving the FOMO. Pluto in Aquarius adds traction in the desire to evolve and look ahead to what’s next. At the same time, Mercury in Taurus promotes grounding and the desire to build solidity with our ideas. This planetary square can be gritty, leading to communication blunders or an inner mental conflict leading to a self-limiting belief. Let go and know that masterpieces of any kind were not created overnight. You are on the right path, and as long as you have self-acceptance, everything will fall into place as it should.

Your Astrological Forecast Continued For May 2024 Horoscopes

Photo by Hoang Huy on Unsplash

Expect an overflow of changes and certainty on the 18th with the celestial bodies of the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is the sign that desires stability, finances, love, and sensuality. This day will highlight all these themes, pulling you into making the necessary decisions involving love and self-security. Your love story from earlier this month will continue today as Venus joins Uranus, igniting a new flow in your relationships and shifting your narrative. What part of your love life needs reinvention? This is the day you will get answers about its direction and what you can do to attract the changes you want. The Sun merging with Jupiter will ignite an unfamiliar wave of optimism and the desire to take a leap professionally or romantically. This is also a great day to begin a new project or relationship or renew your vows.

Now expect the fun to start as Gemini season begins on the 20th! Your hard work this month will pay off, and there will be a new wave of confidence or inspiration to expand your outlets involving your ideas. Remember that curiosity is vital to fully embracing this air season. Be like Alice in Wonderland and jump into the rabbit hole of possibility.

What’s more, this upcoming Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd will ignite fuel to your fire involving what needs to be done for you to break free from the mundane. It is time to reflect on your past perspective and old beliefs and release them once and for all. This May 2024 full moon will be ceremonial as you will feel a surge of optimism and feel comfortable with letting go. The best part of this day is that Venus will also enter Gemini, infusing the collective with a central focus on the betterment of humanity. While also learning the importance of embracing a love of all shades and shapes. This will be a positive phase in your life experience, and celebrating this milestone in your personal development with those who share your values will grant you that dash of magic you need.

We conclude this month with a momentous event. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and optimism, enters the sign of Gemini on the 26th and will remain in this sign for the following year. Moving forward, we are not being led by blind faith. We will embrace ideas and conventional thinking. Listening carefully and being open-minded to others' insights will ignite even more inspiration than you ever thought possible. Setting aside the conforms and old doctrines of what worked before will push you ahead of the curve.

Read Your Sun, Moon, & Rising Signs For Your May Horoscope For 2024

Brit + Co


Get ready to claim your power and momentum. After last month's solar eclipse, you are more than equipped to take charge of a matter on the back burner. On the 1st, Venus crossing paths with Pluto intensely can throw a curveball involving plans that involve networks or friendships. Remember to hold steady and not stress the results. Everything falls into place when you remain centered and calm. A second wind approaches when the New Moon in Taurus happens on the 8th extending you an opportunity to revamp your finances while powering up your self-esteem. Begin an abundance practice or begin a new mood board to help you get started while enabling you to hold onto your long-term vision. When Gemini Season begins on the 20th, this is your opportunity to share your ideas and strengthen your connections in your immediate environment. It is more lighthearted and joyful. These next three weeks will be creative and fertile–take advantage, and you might make a masterpiece. Witness a spiritual breakthrough and celebrate your past lessons involving your life experiences as the Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd prompts you to reflect on your future direction. Practically, this is the moment to finish that book, launch your podcast, or make an aspiration of yours finite and see through to its completion.


Happy birthday, Taurus! As your season unfolds, you'll feel confident and truly in your element. The New Moon in your sign on May 8th extends a fresh start in how you present yourself to the world, signaling a moment of self-renewal and how you will share your radiance with the world by sharing your gifts. A pivotal moment arrives on the 13th when the Sun aligns with Uranus in your sign, marking a bold move aligned with your passions. However, be mindful of impulsivity during this exciting time. On the 18th, when Venus joins Uranus in your identity and self-expression sector, your love life receives an unexpected boost of support. This contagious energy invites you to leap and confidently achieve your wants. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 23rd illuminates your 8th, urging you to release past fears and confront them head-on. This period offers opportunities to settle debts and receive unexpected financial blessings. It's also a time to deepen the intimacy with a partner or yourself.


Prepare for a journey of growth and transformation. As the month begins with Venus square Pluto on the 1st, you'll feel pressured to confront your limiting beliefs head-on. This intense transit catalyzes the importance of staying true to yourself, empowering you to embrace your rebellious spirit and make your mark on the world. The New Moon in Taurus on the 8th plants a seed of innovation deep within your subconscious, allowing you to realign with new dreams and aspirations that resonate deeply with your soul. As Gemini season begins on the 20th, you'll feel renewed energy and perspective, infusing you with a fresh outlook on life and how you wish to share your ideas to the world. Despite Mercury, your ruling planet, being in Taurus, this grounding influence provides you with the stability you need to make tangible progress toward your goals. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd will illuminate your love life and partnerships, urging you to take your connections to the next level. Reflect on what needs to evolve within yourself to create space for deeper, more fulfilling relationships. Embrace this opportunity for growth and transformation as you navigate the workings of love and self-discovery.

Brit + Co


Your focus turns towards your networks and friendships. The Sun sextile Saturn on the 7th presents an opportunity to ground your ideas and turn them into reality with the support of your current connections. With confidence and determination, you can contextualize and bring your passions to life, making it an ideal time to pitch ideas or seek career opportunities. The New Moon in Taurus on the 8th, highlighting the sector of friendships and networks, energizes you with motivation and grit to renew your aspirations and long-term dreams. This lunar event empowers you to set new goals and strengthen your bonds with like-minded individuals who share your vision for the future. However, beware of potential miscommunications and blunders on the 17th, as Mercury squares Pluto. Emotions may run high, particularly in professional networks or friendships, leading to unforeseen arguments if not handled carefully. Stay mindful of your feelings and strive for open, honest communication to gracefully navigate this transit. As the Full Moon illuminates your health and daily life sector on the 23rd, it invokes the need to prioritize your physical well-being and letting go of old habits. Take this opportunity to care for your body and release any burdens weighing you down daily. Revive your mind-body-spirit connection through release work, allowing yourself to let go of what no longer serves you in your immediate surroundings.


All eyes are on you and your next move in the career and public life. The month kicks off with Venus square Pluto on the 1st, increasing pressure in your romantic or professional partnerships. This clash of beliefs regarding structure and risk may challenge you, but trust your inner voice to navigate any decisions. Impulsive actions should take a back seat during this intense period. The New Moon on the 8th allows you to plant a new seed regarding your career vision. Whether you're ready to go public with an idea or strive for tangible results, this is the moment to elevate your manifestation game and set your intentions for success. The 18th initiates a significant moment for you as Venus conjuncts Uranus. This could potentially bring a career advancement or a shift in status, such as marriage or its dissolution. As long as you grow, your love can strengthen. Embrace the unexpected as you navigate this transformative period in your life. As the Full Moon on the 23rd illuminates your romantic life, children, and creative pursuits, something within you is ready to be birthed into existence. Whether it's a boost in self-esteem, the completion of a project, or even news of pregnancy, receive the potential for new beginnings. If family planning is on your mind, this lunar phase offers favorable energy to start your journey.


Your focus shifts toward spirituality, dreams, and belief systems as you contemplate and reflect. With Venus square Pluto on the 1st, you may experience a shakeup in your process of the mind-body connection, prompting you to confront mental conflicts and past fears head-on. Mastering this ability to combat inner turmoil will pave the way for growth and expansion as you understand how your thoughts shape your reality. The New Moon in Taurus on the 8th brings fresh air, allowing you to make heartfelt wishes and set intentions aligned with your true desires. Whether launching a passion project or setting a new course for your dreams, this lunar event empowers you to manifest your aspirations confidently. There's also a boost of support in manifesting future love or renewing present partnerships. On the 18th, as Venus conjuncts Uranus, expect unexpected changes in your life situation, whether it's a new romantic relationship blossoming or your dream project taking shape. It's a period of excitement as you witness your paradigm shift unexpectedly. As the Full Moon in Sagittarius illuminates your home and family sector, it's time to reevaluate your emotional needs and address unresolved issues with loved ones. Whether you decide to move, renovate, or let go of the past, this lunar event will allow you to express your vulnerability and create a sense of emotional clarity. Embrace this clearance as you witness your dreams come alive in your inner and outer worlds.

Brit + Co


The focus turns inward as you invest time in inner work, seeking to align with your true path and live authentically. It begins with Venus square Pluto on the 1st, a pressure-filled transit that urges you to prioritize your happiness over others' expectations. While this may feel uncomfortable, especially in your partnerships, it's essential to clear out any lingering resentment and nurture the unseen aspects of life, including fears, intimacy, finances, and resources. The New Moon in Taurus on the 8th provides a fresh start, allowing you to set intentions for how you want to show up in your intimate connections and be more intentional in your life. As Gemini Season begins, you'll feel light and optimism in your love life. Clarity and inspiration guide you towards passion-filled pursuits, encouraging you to align more closely with your heart and take chances in dating or exploring new depths in partnerships. However, the Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd may bring challenges in communication and mental overwhelm. It's important to prioritize tasks and avoid diving headfirst into new endeavors. Take the time to reflect on what truly aligns with your heart and reach resolutions where miscommunications occurred. This busy period calls for careful consideration of your priorities, ensuring that you conclude rather than start anew for now.


This month shines on your romantic and business partnerships as you navigate moments of renewal and growth. Whether finally calling someone bae or healing from a recent breakup, this period prompts a deep reflection on your beliefs surrounding connections and staying true to your vision. The month begins with Venus square Pluto on the 1st, adding intensity as you confront unresolved issues rooted in your family dynamics that influence your approach to relationships. This is a time for conscious awareness and understanding, recognizing that the past does not define who you are or what you deserve in love. On the 8th, the New Moon in Taurus marks a new phase in your love story, offering opportunities to create a fresh path in existing or new partnerships. Manifest your desires on this day, but take the time to reflect on what you truly want and need in relationships. As Venus conjuncts Uranus on the 18th, expect a twist of fate or serendipitous encounter that guides you toward the right partner or life path. Trust the Universe and allow your energy to align with your desired reality. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd provides a chance to tie up loose ends regarding finances and develop a healthier relationship with money. Take this opportunity to understand the root causes of any financial patterns, whether excessive spending or frugality and create space for abundance and stability in your life. Assess what is missing in your life to make meaningful connections and cultivate lasting prosperity.


The focus turns to your health and well-being, prompting you to engage in release work and eliminate toxic surroundings or situations from your life. Whether it's a change in the workplace or establishing boundaries, now is the time to energetically and physically pinpoint your needs. When Venus squares Pluto on the 1st this will be a pivotal moment for you to realize the root cause of your mental conflict while also developing better skills involving your long term aspirations. Starting over or learning something new will place you ahead of the curve and ensure success. The New Moon in Taurus on the 8th will help you revive your body by establishing a new exercise routine or wellness practice. With Taurus' stability, consistency is key to attracting the desired outcome. Redecorating your surroundings or clearing your work desk can bring abundance and clarity to your core needs. As Gemini season begins, it's a chance to revitalize your relationships and discuss their direction. This period is favorable for romantic pursuits or forming new business connections. On the 23rd, the Full Moon in your sign puts you in the spotlight, urging you to embrace your true self and share your story with those who resonate with your values. It's a time of evolution and growth as you step into a more authentic life path and make peace with what you need to let go involving your old self.

Brit + Co


As someone driven by ambition, this is a period for you to reflect on what truly fulfills you and embrace the idea of having fun. The Venus square Pluto on the 1st prompts you to examine your self-esteem as you navigate this new course in life. It's essential to shift your focus from the need for status to the joy in relationships and heartfelt connections. By aligning with the heart, you deepen your bonds with others and ignite inspiration for creative pursuits. The New Moon in Taurus on the 8th offers an opportunity to plant a new seed in your love life or creative endeavors. This is a favorable time to set intentions and perform manifestation work, whether attracting a future love partner or beginning a new creative venture. Embrace this energy to ignite a new phase filled with love, joy, and creativity. As Gemini Season begins, the focus shifts to the organization and daily rituals, prompting discussions about what truly brings you joy rather than simply what makes sense. Consider starting a somatic healing or meditation practice to help navigate these changes with ease. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd invites you to look inward and declutter your subconscious realms. While your dream life may be vivid and stimulating...journaling, meditating, and relaxation techniques can help you identify and release any emotional baggage or limiting beliefs. Embrace this opportunity to clear the path for personal growth and transformation.


The focus will be on your family and home life, prompting you to reflect on your emotional security and find comfort in slowing down. With Venus square Pluto on the 1st, pressure arises regarding your place within the home and defining your sense of security. This transit encourages you to let go of outdated outlooks and make room for deeper emotional connections with family. The New Moon in Taurus on the 8th offers a fresh start in your home dynamics. It allows you to renew your perception of family values and perhaps even consider a move or set new roots for generational healing. This is an ideal time to turn over a new leaf and embrace positive changes in your home life. When Gemini Season begins, expect to dive deeper into your true passion pursuits. While the new moon in Taurus may prompt a need to slow down and reflect, Gemini Season brings a new vision and energy to your creative process. Embracing a lighthearted approach, like a child, can lead to breakthroughs and fresh insights. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd encourages you to tie up loose ends in your friendships as you explore new ideas and possibilities. This lunar event extends a chance to reconnect with old friends, seek resolution, or pick up where you left off. Through this healing process and understanding, you'll gain clarity on your aspirations and begin to see the bigger picture of your place in the world.


This month, your mind is buzzing with ideas and while igniting endless discussions with those in your immediate surroundings. It's a stimulating period that can enforce the need to learn a new skill or share your ideas with others to witness your dream come alive. The new moon in Taurus on the 8th opens up endless possibilities for sharing your vision and setting intentions related to your passions. By immersing yourself in your local community and remaining receptive to information from all sides, you'll find yourself increasingly inspired in the long run. On the 18th, Venus conjuncts Uranus, bringing unexpected brilliance and otherworldly ideas your way. While this transit may feel overwhelming, jotting down your stream of consciousness can help you make sense of it later. Be open to initiating outings, as they may lead to romantic connections, but be mindful of potential situationships. Trust your intuition to navigate any curveballs Uranus may throw your way. This period will be essential for you to learn the importance of asserting boundaries and holding true to your beliefs. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd closes a chapter in your career. This lunar event may bring a promotion or signal the need to move on to something that brings you fulfillment. Take stock of where you are in your career path and assess opportunities for progression to help you maintain confidence and clarity moving forward.

What do you think of your May horoscope for 2024? Maybe it’s written in the stars, or maybe it’s... just a coincidence. Our resident astrologer is weighing in on *all* of YOUR big questions, from your career and personal development to your wellness and love life. Fill out this form to get the expert advice you’ve been dreaming of in an upcoming astrology feature!

If you're a classic romance girl who craves a little spice — I'm looking at you, Bridgerton fans — then Christina Lauren's The Paradise Problemis everything you need. I thought I was hooked on romantasy books, but I think this book has coaxed me right back over to the more traditional romance side — and I mean who can really have too much of either type of romance anyway, right?

But before I dig into all things The Paradise Problem, it's important to be clear up one thing: Christina Lauren isn't just one author like I initially thought. The two women responsible for bringing the world 30 romance novels are absolute powerhouses who also happen to be best friends: Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings. I know — this news alone seems like it deserves it's own summer novel. Since they don't have plans to do that, we at least get to have their unified essence in the books they've written and in this lovely interview.

It goes without saying, but The Paradise Problem is the perfect way to celebrate Christina Lauren's successful romance empire. Of their newest title, Christina and Lauren feel great about it being in the world. "This one is really fun so it's like going out and just celebrating. We're not worried," Lauren says with a smile. Confidence; I love it!

Ahead, learn more about how they birthed Christina Lauren and created the characters you'll come to love in The Paradise Problem.

The Making of a Romance Novel Empire 

Image via Brystan Studios

Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings

I know besties when I see them, and this writing duo has all the makings of two friends whose bond has been deepened by more than time. Still, curiosity get's the best of me when I mention what certainly feels like an empire to me before asking, "How did you two meet?" Their knowing smile says it all — they've clearly been locked in for a while, and they remember the exact moment things clicked for them.

"In 2009 we were both writing fanfiction and reading each other's stories online. Then Lo (Lauren) was putting on a panel at San Diego Comic Con on fanworks and she invited me to be on it. So, I came out and we met for the first time, and we got along really well," says Christina.

From there, they wrote a one shot — quick fanfiction story — together, and eventually decided it was worth taking a chance on writing an entire book. The fact that both Christina and Lauren have experience writing fanfiction not only helped them prepare for their pivot into authorship, but it also got them accustomed to the honesty of online book reviews.

As far as people not knowing that Christina Lauren is actually two people, that's basically the point. "We want it [our books] to feel like they're written by one voice. We spend a lot of time editing to make sure it doesn't sound feel like two very distinct, combative voices in there," Lauren says while excitedly adding, "I mean everyday we get DM's that are like, 'I didn't know there were two of you!'"

Peeling Back the Layers of The Paradise Problem 

Warning: May contain some spoilers.

I have a deep appreciation for books that immediately call my imagination to the forefront and that's just one of the many things The Paradise Problem does as soon as you begin reading the first page. We're immediately introduced to Anna Green and "West" going their separate ways after choosing to amicably end their marriage. The kicker? See, they don't actually know each other.

How can two people essentially be strangers while they're married? Realistically, Anna and West's marriage was one of convenience. Each found themselves in a situation where their very survival relied on marriage, so they decided to become husband and wife solely on paper.

That seems pretty straightforward right? Wrong. Based on the first impressions of Anna and West, one has it together while the other is a hot mess. But, Christina Lauren is challenging us to rethink our approach to first impressions because they're not always everything. Once you start peeling back a person's layers, you can really start to understand their choices, reactions, family dynamics (and there are plenty of awkward encounters in this story on that front), and more.

Image via Jasmine Williams

Christina and Lauren knew what they wanted for these two characters in the end, but they had to figure out how to fully thread the needle for it to work — particularly when it came to West and his relationship to his family. They had his backstory, but they needed to figure out how to fully flesh out his world, parents and all. What they went with was jaw-dropping IMO, full of shady behavior, cocky attitudes, and beyond. But how does West's background and personality relate to Anna's?

"We always try to think about who's the perfect person for the characters — not who will complete them. Anna is very different. She does not come from a wealthy background, she's not super polished," says Lauren. But, there's more to her than meets the eye. She's a genuinely good person who has a loving heart that no amount of status can compete with once the layers are peeled back.

This is what begins winning West over, and the two soon begin to find there's some truth to the fictionalized relationship they have on display for West's family. Ultimately, The Paradise Problem begs readers to ask if opposites really do attract, confronting us — and our main characters — with this one scenario at a time.

Image via Jasmine Williams

In my humble opinion, The Paradise Problem feels like one of Christina Lauren's best books because it encompasses all the elements that fans of their work love. Christina says, "They love characters they either want to be or want to be friends with, heroes they want for their own, a lot of the settings..." She continues, saying, "The great thing about having a large catalogue of books is that there's something for everyone. Do you like funny books? We got you. Do you want super saucy books? We got you. Do you want something that's gonna rip your heart out? We got that too."

In case you have any doubts about that, check out all of the duo's books now and get your copy of The Paradise Problemtoday!

Be sure to watch our full interview with Christina and Lauren, officially known as Christina Lauren, on YouTube!

Lead image via Christina Lauren

Rom-coms are SO back, and after the flop-turned-viral Anyone But You gave us Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney onscreen, audiences are begging to see them together again. Glen's latest Vanity Fair profile (ahead of this year's summer moviesHit Man andTwisters) confirms "ideas are being batted around" for an Anyone But You 2, which I need in theaters, like, yesterday. Here's everything you need to know about the potential sequel — and which Shakespeare adaptation the duo should tackle next.

Will there be a second movie for Anyone But You?

Image via Sony Pictures

Both Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney have teased a potential Anyone But You 2. "I'm just so thankful that everybody is loving [Anyone But You]...a little love, a little romance," Sydney told Jimmy Fallonthere's "a high nine chance" for a sequel, while Glen confirms to Variety that the duo is "definitely trying to find the next thing...We’re reading everything and just trying to see what makes sense, what we can turn into something that audiences are going to respond to.”

Which Shakespeare story will Anyone But You 2 adapt?

Image via Sony Entertainment

There's nothing like a Shakespeare adaptation, and Anyone But You is actually loosely inspired by William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing (similar to how 10 Things I Hate About You is inspired by The Taming of the Shrew!). I think they should totally continue this theme for all future sequels. Glen and Sydney would do phenomenal with the hilarity of A Midsummer Night's Dream — maybe instead of an enchanted forest, they take on a busy and colorful local fair, with Claudia and Halle of course. Think about all the possibilities! Nothing says confusion and chaos like fun houses, carnival food, and dead cell phone batteries.

How old is Bea in Anyone But You?

Image via Eddy Chen/Sony Pictures

Bea is a law student at the beginning of Anyone But You, meaning she's in her mid-20s. Considering Sydney Sweeney is 26, this is the perfect fit!

What do you want to see from Anyone But You 2? Check out our TikTok for more pop culture news, and read up on Our Dream Sydney Sweeney & Billie Eilish Sister Movie!

Lead image via Sony Pictures