Everything You Should Know About Postpartum Life, According To The Experts

everything to know about postpartum

Motherhood continues to be an eye-opener, but one of the things that I've become passionate about is postpartum. My experience involved a lot of clueless moments which is why I think people should keep talking about it. While mom shaming opinions exist, there’s still plenty of good adviceto listen to.

So, let's talk about the word itself. Postpartum directly refers to the period after a mom has given birth and doesn't indicate anything bad will happen. However, when it comes to something like childbirth, there will always be unexpected situations and details, which is why mamas need a ton of support as they adjust to caring for a newborn and themselves. Someone once told me that a mom gives birth twice — once to her newborn and a new version of herself — and no truer words have been spoken.

Because I'm so passionate about postpartum, I decided to reach out to Dr. Kerry Krauss, FACOG and Dr. Erin Barrett, PhD Nutritional Biochemistry so they could share board-certified tips, as well as their own experiences. Dr. Krauss is a practicing OB-GYN at Holy Redeemer Health System and a Medical Director at Natural Cycleswhile Dr. Barrett is the Director of Product Innovation and Scientific Affairs at Shaklee.

Not only are they healthcare professionals who are committed to helping women navigate this new time in their lives, they're also moms who get it.

What's One of the Biggest Misconceptions About Postpartum?

Image via Варвара Курочкина/Pexels

When I ask about postpartum misconceptions, Dr. Kerry Krauss chuckles and says, "People don't like talking about how hard it is. I mean, it's a shell shock. I have two kids and you'd have thought I would've been more prepared for postpartum when I was an OB-GYN Resident, but I wasn't." It's something I wholeheartedly agree with because none of my prenatal classes really prepared me to go through postpartum once I was in it.

It still makes me shudder when I think about how unprepared and lonely I felt. I was in a lot of pain because I had an episiotomy in addition to tearing and assumed I’d be able to quickly bounce back. Also, I couldn’t keep up with housework after giving birth and that made me feel like I was somehow failing to balance everything.

But, Dr. Krauss wants moms to know that the postpartum period will look different for everyone and that no two babies are alike. "Even if you're a seasoned mom, there's no guarantees that your experience with your new baby will mirror the ones you had with your first or second baby," she says.

How Can Moms Start Preparing For Postpartum Before Giving Birth?

Image via cottonbro studio/Pexels

Dr Krauss and Dr. Barrett both agree that education is paramount to helping a mom feel more prepared to navigate the postpartum period. "One thing I encourage moms to do before giving birth is look into breastfeeding classes," says Dr. Krauss. She says there's so much trouble shooting related to breastfeeding that moms aren't always prepared for so she feels like this is essential. She shares she had trouble breastfeeding both of her kids and ended up exclusively pumping, leading to "mom guilt" wrecking her mind.

"Moms often think 'If I don't do this, I'm not a good mom' and it's not true. If you love your baby, you're not failing. That's why I always say arming yourself with knowledge can help combat this," says Dr. Krauss.

Likewise Dr. Barrett encourages mothers to start being mindful of their overall wellbeing before giving birth. She says, "So many moms become more aware of the things they're putting in their bodies, but it can still be a confusing time. That's one of the things we focus on at Shaklee. We want moms to have access to more nutritious options."

How Can Moms Care For Their Wellbeing Before and After Giving Birth?

Image via Sarah Chai/Pexels

"A lot of moms have trouble finding time to cook and eat fresh meals that include good protein, calcium, hydration, vitamin D, etc.," Dr. Krauss says. I was personally at the mercy of my parents, sister, and S.O. when it came to eating. Sometimes I'd forget because I was trying to figure out how to maneuver the first two weeks of motherhood, but they helped me remember. Also, it was my sister who reminded me to still take my prenatal vitamins.

Those vitamins are something Dr. Barrett recognizes most moms usually take note of when they realize they're pregnant. She says, "It's one of the first times women consider supplementation and what they’re putting into their bodies. We [at Shaklee] have a unique opportunity to help women understand why it’s important to take prenatal vitamins with the various programs we have." The program she's referring to is Shaklee's Personalized Pre-Natal/Post-Natal Multivitamin program.

While she agrees that a multi-vitamin is all-encompassing, she says that Omega-3's are powerful while B-vitamins can help with mental healthy and energy levels. She also knows there are various supplements for mood regulation but she advises moms to be careful of anything that contains herbal ingredients if they're pregnant or breastfeeding.

Simply put, Dr. Barrett feels moms should do the following:

  1. Take prenatal vitamins 6-8 weeks after your baby is born whether you're breastfeeding or not (biotin is beneficial for hair, skin, nails).
  2. If you're able to continue breastfeeding, keep taking pre-natal vitamins the entire time so you can get the necessary nutrients you need.
  3. Take a multi-vitamin to help cover any needs that aren’t being met.
  4. Use collagen only once you've stopped breastfeeding.
  5. Remember to maintain a protein-rich diet.
She also says, "You can start slow so you don't overwhelm yourself. Set an alarm or alert to check in with yourself throughout the day. Although your baby's wellbeing is important, your health matters too!"

How Can a Mom Recognize If She's Experiencing Symptoms of Postpartum Anxiety or Depression?

Image via Ivan Samkov/Pexels

"Here's the thing — postpartum disorders are increasingly common," Dr. Krauss says. "It actually got worse during COVID because of the lack of support and loneliness moms felt." Detailing her own experiencing, she explains that she knows firsthand how it feels to have a rough time during postpartum. "While I was doing my residency, I performed a six-hour hysterectomy while 40 weeks pregnant. I thought because I had an easy pregnancy, I didn't have much to worry about," she says. "But after I delivered, things got hard. My daughter wasn't a good breastfeeder or sleeper. She was also colicky."

If you're feeling down or anxious most of the day, Dr. Krauss wants you to know these are warning signs to pay attention to. Also, if your loved ones have noticed you're feeling more anxious or depressed, that could be another indicator something else is going on besides baby blues.

"Depression and anxiety are poorly misunderstood, but your OB-GYN is your #1 resource to understanding what's normal and what's more persistent," she continues. "Truthfully, 50 percent of women miss their postpartum appointment because they think it's going to be a waste of time, but that's usually when providers utilize the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale to access where mothers are mentally and emotionally."

That's actually how I was able to learn that I was dealing with Postpartum Depression and was simultaneously prescribed Zoloft to help manage it. Dr. Krauss says, "Certain medications do have side-effects, but it’s not something you have to be on for the rest of your life. Hormones will stabilize after time, but sometimes you need help and that's okay."

What Advice Can Be Given To Moms Who Are Truly Struggling With Navigating Postpartum?

Image via Polina Zimmerman/Pexels

From one mom to the next, just know you're not alone if you're struggling with postpartum. It's easy to feel that way if you don't have a lot of physical support in your life, but so many women — including myself — have experienced the harshness of postpartum. You're not a horrible mom if you feel like you can't do everything. It's something even Dr. Krauss wishes were different.

"In the past, families used to live in multi-generational homes and had way more support whether they were working or not. But, we're more isolated these days and live in a society that truly doesn't have a system set up to support maternal wellbeing," she says. "When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was chosen to work at the hospital for three days straight because Hurricane Sandy was going on and it was one of the darkest points in my life," she remembers. Sadly, she barely had enough time to pump and even developed mastitis (inflammation in the breast). She eventually asked her residency's director if she could take medical leave because her postpartum depression had gotten so bad.

Dr. Krauss hopes by sharing her experience, other moms will understand there are resources that can help them navigate postpartum, like the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline which is available any time of day to help set you up with postpartum care. However, she's well aware that maternal health needs better policies, resources, and more affordable co-pays: "We need better access to postpartum care like therapy sessions because most providers don’t accept insurance."

To help combat this, Dr. Krauss said Natural Cycles — an FDA-approved birth control app — will be debuting an upcoming postpartum experience this spring. The goal is to help women maneuver postpartum as they recover from childbirth.

What Are Some Ways a Mom's Village Can Help Support Her?

Image via Polina Tankilevitch/Pexels

The last thing Dr. Krauss wants people to know is that postpartum disorders don't just happen the first couple of months after delivery. "Sometimes it happens after a year or it can be a delayed onset. Also, anyone who has a history of mood disorders needs to especially be aware of postpartum depression," she says.

Some of the ways a mom's support system can help her is by offering to stay with her for a week or two as she adjusts to having the baby home. This can look like a parent or close friend helping to care for the baby while Mom sleeps or takes a shower. It can also look like making sure Mom has access to meals.

Although my mom and sister weren't able to be in the hospital when I gave birth during the height of COVID in 2021, their help meant so much during the first couple of weeks of motherhood. I fondly referred to my sister as a drill sergeant because she made sure I routinely showered, pumped, ate, and slept during the week she stayed with us.

Dr. Krauss also suggests finding a virtual or local mom group to help you further connect with others. "It’s so hard to get out of the house but I think moms should," she says. "You need connection and that shared experience that comes from people who genuinely get it."

"The American philosophy is you should do more without taking breaks. We literally reward people who work more and push themselves to that limit. Unfortunately it’s making women feel like they’re not doing enough. It’s set up to make us fail. Eventually you end up reaching a point where that’s not possible as a mom," says Dr. Krauss.

So, make sure you check in with yourself daily during postpartum and ask for help. I can't stress that enough. We live in a society that pushes hard work and independence like Dr. Krauss said, but you are not meant to be a one-woman island who never struggles — especially during postpartum. You'll always deserve more than that.

If you have questions about your postpartum experience, make sure to check in with your physician. Check out our Motherhood page for more stories like this!

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Oprah Winfrey is much more than a legend. She's one of the reigning stars of daytime TV, creating such a memorable empire that just her first name carries weight. She's full of wisdomand loves celebrating the success of others. Excuse me, that's grounds for a standing ovation.

In addition to all of the things she's accomplished, Oprah has steadily added books to her book club list since 1996. To date, there are 105 titles she's read and chosen to share with others. If you're thinking, "That's a lot of books" then I agree. But, her goal is to highlight both seasoned and new writers who dare to weave together fiction as well as nonfiction works.

After going through the list, here's everything we think you need to add to your at-home library.

Image via Oprah Daily/Eli Schmidt

Yesterday, Oprah announced her book club's 105th pick On OprahDaily.com and CBS Mornings, where she appeared with author Colm Tóibín to discuss his newly released book Long Island. She had nothing but praise for the novel and said, "I was captivated. Tóibín builds the story around a woman whose life changes seemingly overnight with the news of her husband’s infidelity. It opens the door to her own secrets, grappling with choices she made long ago, urging her to break free from the silences she built around her life. A wonderful page-turner to start your summer reading.”

Image via Cody Love for Oprah Daily

On OprahDaily.com and CBS Mornings, Oprah Winfrey excitedly shared her book club's 104th pick: The Many Lives of Mama Love by Lara Love Hardin. In a touching video, Oprah can be seen surprising Hardin in what feels like a "full circle moment." While trying to process her book being chosen as Oprah's next book club pick, Hardin can be heard saying, "I'm just overwhelmed right now. I'm so grateful."

It's a memoir that details how Hardin's past addiction to opiates caused her to make dire decisions that led her to serve jail time. Not only that, but Hardin eventually finds a way to show herself grace as she reconnects with her children and becomes an ally for other women who are incarcerated.

For a sneak peek of what you can expect in the novel, read an exclusive excerpt on OprahDaily.com!

Long Island by Colm Tóibín

Long Island tells the tale of Eilis Lacey and the discovery of her husband's infidelity. Things start off well enough with Eilis and her husband Tony Fiorello living near his family. The family spends a lot of time together and it feels like they have a quintessential bond that can't be broken.

But when Eilis discovers that a man's wife is carrying Tony's child and they don't want anything to do with the baby, she begins to start looking at her own desires as well as the things she's kept secret for the sake of her marriage. She ends up journeying to a familiar place to rediscover herself and it ignites an inner flame that she thought she lost.

The Many Lives of Mama Love by Lara Love Hardin

According to OprahDaily.com, here's the reading schedule for The Many Lives of Mama Love that'll take place on Oprah's book club's Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok channels.

Week #1: Chapters 1–8

Pages 1 to 103

Discussion begins on Saturday, March 9.

Week #2: Chapters 9–14

Pages 105 to 206

Discussion begins on Saturday, March 16.

Week #3: Chapter 15–End

Pages 207 to 304

Discussion begins on Saturday, March 23.

Be sure to grab your copy of The Many Lives of Mama Love so you can join the discussion!

Let Us Descend

Also listed on the Amazon top books list, Let Us Descend is a masterful tale that views slavery through the lens of a young girl who makes powerful discoveries as along her journey. When Annis is sold by her father — a white slave owner — she finds herself thrust into a world at a sugar plantation. Guided by otherworldly spirits, she finds herself coming to terms with who she is despite her circumstances.

"Demon Copperhead" by Barbara Kingsolver Has Something Big To Celebrate


Last year on Instagram, Oprah's book club announced that Demon Copperhead by Barvara Kingsolver was celebrating a longstanding run on the NYT Bestseller list. This is surely a testament to the way Kingsolver weaves emotion into her written work for readers to feel.

Read our synopsis of "Demon Copperhead" below!

Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver

It comes as no surprise that Demon Copperhead continues to give a name and face to the perils the young face while growing up. In this case, Demon is learning to come to terms with his upbringing along with the feeling he's not being seen.


Oprah's latest book club pick is written by the talented Nathan Hill. Hill paints a picture of the how the idealistic view of marriage and life can feel out of touch with reality. After falling in love during their college days, Jack and Elizabeth are shocked to discover things feel vastly differently decades later. Forced to either turn from each other or peel back layers of hidden things they've never addressed, they make a decision that'll change the course of everything they've known.

Bittersweet by Susan Cain

Bittersweet tackles an emotion we know all too well — sadness. Susan Cain calls for readers to acknowledge that they don't always feel positive, especially when heartbreaking things occur in life.

Nightcrawling by Leila Mottley

With the odds seemingly stacked against them, siblings Kiara and Marcus do what they can to survive while also helping a young neighbor. However, a chance encounter with a stranger grants Kiara with a job that helps sustain them — until she's caught up in a web of secrets that begins with an investigation. Found out what fate has in store for her in Nightcrawling.

Hidden Valley Road: Inside the Mind of an American Family by Robert Kolker

Robert Kolker takes a look at how six of the Galvin children were diagnosed with schizophrenia while the other four weren't. Hidden Valley Road: Inside the Mind of an American Family details how a 'perfect' example of a nuclear family grappled with secrets and mental illness, something that sounds all too familiar.

Olive, Again byElizabeth Strout

Olive is all at once stubborn and lovable in Olive, Again. From an odd birth experience to her reluctance to accept an inheritance, Olive's life goes through a series of ups and downs that readers will be able to resonate with.

Wild byCheryl Strayed

In a different take of Eat, Pray, Love, young Cheryl decides to go on a hike of more than a thousand miles after the death of her mother and dissolution of her marriage. Her journey is one of self-discovery and healing all at once.

Sula by Toni Morrison

Two friends, Nel and Sula, have a strong bond that takes them through many stages in their lives. But when a betrayal rocks their friendship, they find themselves on opposing sides. Learn what their outcome is in Sula.

House of Sand and Fogby Andre Dubus III

Living with roommates can prove to be tricky but one thing's for sure - stories and lives often intertwine. House of Sand and Fog weaves a tale of strangers whose lives do just that and then some.

The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver

The Poisonwood Bible follows the Price family, led by devout Evangelist Nathan, as they travel to the Congo in 1959. Determined to save souls, Nathan's fierceness and stubborn nature lead to tragedy that changes the trajectory of the women in his life.

White Oleander by Janet Fitch

When Astrid's mother is sentenced for committing murder, she faces herself immersed in the foster care system in Los Angeles. As the things she faces changes from each home she's placed in, Astrid comes of age and somehow finds her footing.

The Pilot's Wifeby Anita Shreve

When Kathryn's pilot husband dies in a crash, the peaceful and predictable life she'd been living is upended. What happens when she begins to doubt her husband's identity? Find out in The Pilot's Wife.

The Way of Integrity: Finding The Path to Your True Self by Martha Beck

Martha Beck paints a case of what it means to live a life that aligns with our true self in The Way of Integrity: Finding The Path to Your True Self. She also shares what happens when we fall out of that alignment but offers attainable ways to figure out who we really are.

Bewilderment by Richard Powers

When astrobiologist Theo Byrne finds himself coming to terms with his wife's death and their son's troubled behavior, he finds himself willing to do whatever it takes to get him the help he needs. Faced with a chance to try a neurofeedback treatment that features the brain patterns of his late wife, Theo decides it's worth trying in Bewilderment.

Gilead by Marilynne Robinson

Reverend John Ames decides to write to his son about his family's history - particularly that of his father and grandfather in Gilead. It's a tale that weaves together spirituality, wisdom and more.

More titles on Oprah Winfrey's Book Club List:

  • The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese
  • Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano
  • That Bird Has My Wings by Jarvis Jay Masters
  • Finding Me by Viola Davis
  • The Love Songs of W.E.B. Dubois by Honorée Fanonne Jeffers
  • The Sweetness of Water by Nathan Harris
  • Home by Marilynne Robinson
  • Lila by Marilynn Robinson
  • Jack by Maryilnne Robinson
  • Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent by Isabel Wilkerson
  • Deacon King Kong by James McBride
  • American Dirt: A Novel by Jeanine Cummins
  • The Water Dancer: A Novel by Ta-Nehisi Coates
  • Becoming by Michelle Obama
  • The Sun Does Shine by Anthony Ray Hinton
  • An American Marriage by Tayari Jones
  • Behold the Dreamers by Imbolo Mbue
  • Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle
  • The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead
  • Ruby by Cynthia Bond
  • The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd
  • The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis
  • A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
  • Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
  • Freedom by Jonathan Franzen
  • Say You're One of Them by Uwen Akpan
  • The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski
  • A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
  • The New Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
  • Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Márquez
  • Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
  • The Road by Cormac McCarthy
  • The Measure of a Man by Sidney Poitier
  • Night by Elie Wiesel
  • A Million Little Pieces by James Frey
  • Light In August by William Faulkner
  • The Sound and Fury by William Faulkner
  • As I lay Dying by William Faulkner
  • The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
  • Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
  • The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers
  • One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez
  • Cry, The Beloved Country by Alan Paton
  • East of Eden by John Steinbeck
  • Fall on Your Knees by Ann-Marie MacDonald
  • A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry
  • The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen
  • Cane River by Lalita Tademy
  • Stolen Livens by Malika Oufkir and Michėle Fitoussi
  • Icy Sparks by Gwyn Hyman Rubio
  • We Were The Mulvaneys by Joyce Carol Oates
  • Drowing Ruth by C/hristina Schwartz
  • Open House by Elizabeth Berg
  • While I was Gone by Sue Miller
  • The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
  • Back Roads by Tawni O'Dell
  • Daughter of Fortune by Isabel Allende
  • Gap Creek by Robert Morgan
  • Vinegar Hill by Manette Ansay
  • River, Cross My Heart by Breena Clarke
  • Tara Road by Maeve Binchy
  • Mother of Pearl by Melinda Haynes
  • The Reader by Bernhard Schlink
  • Jewel by Bret Lott
  • Where the Heart Is by Billie Letts
  • What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day by Pearl Cleage
See Oprah Winfrey's entire book club list here.

Which book(s) are you going to add to your kindle or bookshelf? Let us know in the comments and subscribe to our newsletter for more updates!

Brit + Co. may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Lead image via Cody Love for Oprah Daily

This post has been updated.

2017's The Beguiled gave us one of the best groups of people of all time: Elle Fanning, Nicole Kidman, Sofia Coppola, and Kirsten Dunst just to name a few. And we're finally getting an Elle and Nicole reunion thanks to Apple TV+! "THRILLED to bring @rufithorpe genius hysterical heart-wrenching heartwarming book to your TV screens alongside a dream group of people!" Elle says on Instagram. Rather than having to test the success of its pilot, the series has already been ordered — even though the book it's based on isn't even out yet! Here's everything you need to know about the series.

What is Elle Fanning and Nicole Kidman's new TV show?

Image via Tima Miroshnichenko/Pexels

Margo's Got Money Troubles is coming soon to Apple TV+ thanks to a bunch of different producers. A24 is backing the film, as well as Elle and Dakota Fanning’s production company Lewellen Pictures and Nicole Kidman’s Blossom Films, to name a few.

Who's in the Margo's Got Money Troubles cast?

Images via Amy Sussman/Mike Coppola/Getty Images

We know for sure that Margo's Got Money Troubles will star Nicole Kidman and Elle Fanning, but we'll have to wait and see who else joins the supporting cast! We still haven't seen Elle and Dakota Fanning star in the same scene together, so I would love for this to be their onscreen debut ;).

What is Margo's Got Money Troubles about?

Image via Amazon

Margo Millet is the daughter of a Hooter's waitress and an ex-wrestler. She's always had to make it on her own, even though she's not sure how. When she enrolls in her local junior college, she's totally unprepared to get swept up into a torrid love affair with her English professor — or to get pregnant.

Now at 20 years old, Margo needs an income and fast. She decides to experiment with OnlyFans and ends up taking some of her estranged father's advice from the world of wrestling to create a character users will fall in love with. You can pre-order the book now!

When is Margo's Got Money Troubles coming out?

Image via Ron Lach/Pexels

We don't have an official release date for Elle Fanning and Nicole Kidman's TV show yet. I'm thinking if the TV show is in the early stages of planning, we could see it in 2025! Check out all of this year's best New TV Shows to hold you over until then.

What else has Elle Fanning and Nicole Kidman starred in?

Image via Focus Features

Elle Fanning and Nicole Kidman starred in 2017's The Beguiled. The movie follows John McBurney, an injured Union soldier, who winds up at a female Southern boarding school after deserting the Civil War. But soon, as the women help him, tensions turn to rivalries and friends turn to enemies.

Are you excited for Elle Fanning and Nicole Kidman's TV reunion? Let us know what other New TV Shows you're watching in the comments.

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Lead images via Amy Sussman/Mike Coppola/Getty Images

It's everyone's favorite time of year again. Get ready to soak up some sun and make this summer memorable by treating yourself to a wardrobe you love. Whether you're going on vacation, planning fun outings around town with friends, or filling up your schedule with endless parties and weddings, these summer fashion finds will help you look and feel your best all season long. From comfy and casual to elegant and chic, there is something for everyone on this list. Warning: You might just want to buy everything, though!

Thanks for reading about our favorite finds from across the internet! FYI: We participate in affiliate programs and may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

This Crochet Swim Cover up Is a Beach Day Must-Have


Swap out that old, worn-out tee you've been using as a cover-up (we see you!) for this boho-chic crochet beach dress instead. With several color options, from classic neutrals to bolds, this swimsuit cover-up will be your new go-to for pool days and beach vacations. Just pair it with a straw sunhat, some sandals, a tote bag, and your favorite swimsuit, of course!

See it on Amazon

This Bodysuit Is So Versatile


Sometimes, you don't want to put together a whole outfit, and this one-piece bodysuit solves that issue. Whether you're working out or going on a coffee run, this soft and seamless bodysuit is both versatile and comfy. Wear it alone in your favorite color, or wear an open button-down on top for an easy, breezy summer look.

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This Tank Top Comes In The Cutest Colors


Introducing your new favorite tank top this summer. This cropped knit top comes in a range of fun colors, like this bright green with blue trim or Barbie pink. Pair it with your favorite denim shorts for an unofficial summer uniform, or style it with a flowy maxi skirt for a dreamy night out on the town. This reviewer raves, "Such a cute top! Material is like a super light sweater material? High quality. Fit is perfect, stretchy, and soft."

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This Tiered Maxi Skirt Will Be a Summer Staple


Speaking of a flowy maxi skirt, we found the perfect one. This tiered A-line skirt will pair beautifully with just about everything in your closet. This skirt will be your BFF, especially if you're planning a capsule vacation wardrobe. Choose classic summery white or a fun pop of color to make planning outfits a million times easier. The elastic waistband and thicker fabric make it a comfy and durable yet affordable option that you'll wear for seasons to come.

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Give Bridgerton Vibes With This Floral Swimsuit


As we all celebrate the latest season of "Bridgerton," why not channel some Victorian-era vibes with this floral swimsuit? The corset-style tie front top and vintage-inspired floral print are simply stunning, and you'll definitely be turning heads on your next beach vacay. One five-star reviewer writes, "This suit is so cute and such surprisingly great quality! Even better quality than some super $$ suits out there! With the adjustable straps, it fits so well! Get it!"

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You Won’t Be Able To Get Enough of These Boxer Shorts


Boxer shorts have a chokehold on us this season, and there's no wonder why: they're comfy, cute, and incredibly fun to style. Pair these gingham boxer shorts with a cropped tank or your favorite graphic tee for the perfect summer outfit you'll reach for again and again. You might just want all the colors, too!

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These Designer Dupes Are Perfect for Packing Lightly


Don't shell out a fortune for designer sandals when you can get this trendy pair for just $30. Choose from various colors for a lightweight and comfy option to pack for your next summer trip. They go with everything from dresses to jeans and look effortlessly chic.

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This Ribbed Tank Top Is Ultra Chic


Level up your summer wardrobe with this ribbed tank top. This sleeveless knit top will easily elevate your typical warm weather attire, whether you pair it with linen shorts or denim pants. The structured fabric makes it feel and look expensive, but the $20 price tag makes it an affordable option to make your closet more chic.

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This Strapless Dress Is Made for Summer Weddings


You won't have to stress about what to wear to all those summertime weddings, thanks to this gorgeous and affordable strapless midi dress. Whether you want to be a stunner in blue or turn heads in bold pink, this dress comes in enough colors for everyone to find something they love. One top reviewer shares, "I purchased the navy dress and absolutely LOVE the way it looks on me! It is lined (wonderful) and the fabric has a good thicker quality so it is not see through and provides a tight hug to the body. A great piece to add to your wardrobe....dress up or down! I'm 6'0" tall and 168 lbs and purchased a medium. Fits like a glove."

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This Necklace Will Be Your Most Charming Accessory


Charm necklaces are the unspoken must-have accessory of the season, and this tropical one simply screams summer. Whether you're headed to the beach or want to bring some tropical vibes to an everyday look, this necklace will be a fun way to add some character to your outfits.

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This Oversized Tee Can Be Styled a Million Ways


You can't go wrong with an oversized T-shirt that will make dressing for hot weather much easier. Throw it on with denim shorts and sandals for an easy go-to summer look, or do a half-tuck into linen pants for dinner out with friends. You might as well get a few colors because you'll be reaching for this comfy tee repeatedly.

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Channel Cool Dad Vibes With These Denim Shorts


They're like your dad's shorts but way cuter. These mid-rise denim shorts are basically a summer essential. Gone are the days of distressed super short-shorts — all of the chic girls will be wearing these longer-style "dad shorts" this season. They're perfect for pairing with a classic white tee, sneakers, and a baseball cap for a day exploring a new town.

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You’ll Never Want To Take off These New Balance Sneakers


As long as you have some "dad shorts," you might as well complete the look with some "dad sneakers." All jokes aside, all the cool girls will be wearing New Balance sneakers this season, and we're here for it. They're incredibly comfortable for any long travel days, and they work with endless outfit options. You just may not want to wear any other shoes after these.

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This Satin Midi Skirt Adds Effortless Elegance to Your Closet


Satin midi skirts are one of the most versatile, beautiful pieces to elevate your summer wardrobe, and this $30 one is a no-brainer. With four gorgeous color choices, this luxurious-feeling skirt is made for date nights and rooftop parties. The hidden elastic waistband makes it comfy and stretchy while still looking expensive. As this top reviewer sums up, "This skirt is such a good price and so beautiful."

See it on Amazon

This Lounge Set Is So Easy To Throw On


Sometimes, you just need an easy and comfy outfit to throw on, and this matching lounge set is that. With several cute colors, this trendy cropped tank and shorts set will be your favorite outfit for coffee runs and hot girl walks this summer. This reviewer raves, "I love this set! I'm 5' 7" and 135 lbs. It is so insanely comfy and has a perfect fit! The color is spot on and super affordable, perfect for sleep, lounging, or even a chill out out of the house! 100/10 would buy again!"

See it on Amazon

This Striped Knit Dress Is an Instant Classic


Stripes never go out of style, and this striped knit midi dress is proof of that. With a snug yet stretchy fit and multiple color options, this dress will be an instant favorite. The classic look is easy to dress up or down, and the fitted design will make you feel confident all season long.

See it on Amazon

Everyone Needs a Pair of These Drawstring Shorts


When you need to be comfy yet cute, these elastic drawstring shorts are the answer. With various colors and styles, these shorts can be styled in many ways, making getting dressed the easiest part of your day. Get a couple of neutral colors to cycle through all season — you'll be shocked at how often you wear them!

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Feel Flirty and Feminine in This Mini Dress


Wherever you're headed this summer, this mini dress should come with you. This mini dress is the epitome of sweetness, featuring fun lantern sleeves, a smocked waist, and a bow tie in the back. From wandering around new cities to attending endless summer celebrations, every occasion calls for this beautiful, classic dress.

See it on Amazon

Try Something New With These Mesh Flats


You'll be seeing mesh shoes everywhere this season, so why not give the trend a try? These mesh ballet flats will have you instantly channeling cool-girl style. Choose the classic black to go with everything or opt for the bold red to make a statement.

See it on Amazon

Treat Yourself to Arm Candy With This Bracelet Set


The secret to elevating your style without much work? Accessorize! This set of gold bracelets is ultra-affordable and can be added to any outfit last minute to make it look polished and chic. This reviewer even shares, "I wear them in the pool, shower and they have never tarnished or turned my skin green! Go buy them. The price is unbeatable."

See it on Amazon

This Tennis Dress Isn’t Just for the Court


You don't have to be a tennis pro to get behind the tennis dress trend. This adorable tennis dress is perfect for everything from pickleball games to coffee dates with friends. To level up the look, tie a sweater around your shoulders, add a claw clip, and wear your favorite trendy sneakers with ankle socks.

See it on Amazon

This 3-Piece Tank Set Is a Steal


Three tank tops for $30? It's almost impossible not to add this cropped tank set to your cart immediately. The thicker fabric on these tanks makes them a high-quality find that can be worn with almost anything. Trust us, they'll be on constant rotation this season and cut your packing time in half.

See it on Amazon

This Button Down Is a Closet Necessity


When in doubt, throw on a button-down. This loosely fitted button-down shirt can be worn on its own with jeans or open over a tank top and shorts. It's so easy to throw in your suitcase and plan several different outfits with it. With a variety of colors, this oversized button-down is a year-round staple that'll be well worth its weight in gold.

See it on Amazon

These Sunglasses Look Designer-Worthy


You'll look like a celeb in these retro sunglasses that look designer. The oval shape looks great on everyone and the gold frames make them look much more expensive than your average plastic black ones. Just take it from this top reviewer: "Obsessed with these! Trendy and such a good price. Easy to clean. I’ve gotten so many compliments wearing these. They block the sun and are comfortable to wear."

See it on Amazon

These Linen-Blend Pants Feel Like PJs


The fact that pajama-like pants are trendy is a win for us all. These drawstring linen-blend pants work great for lounging around the house or dressing up for dinner. Once you get a pair of these comfy pants, you'll wonder how you ever lived without them.

See it on Amazon

This Strawberry Bag Might Be The Cutest Thing Ever


This adorable printed tote will make you want to pick berries, ASAP! With a cute and simple strawberry design, this tote bag is perfect for picnics in the park or carrying on the plane while traveling. It holds so much and will have strangers begging you to tell them where you got it.

See it on Amazon

This Graphic Tee Has Favorite Shirt Potential


A graphic tee makes every outfit a favorite. Whether you wear it over biker shorts or with your favorite jeans, this printed tee is a classic everyone needs. It's comfy and perfectly oversized, and it comes in many colors to match your style.

See it on Amazon

Hop on the Barrel Jean Trend With This Affordable Pair


Give the barrel jean trend a try with these boyfriend-style jeans. Choose from lighter to darker washes for a staple pair of denim you'll wear beyond summertime. This five-star reviewer sums them up perfectly: "You'll look very fresh & modern in these jeans. The details are amazing! I get second looks every time I wear them. Super comfy & fit perfectly at my natural waistline. You gotta get them!"

See it on Amazon

Walk All Day in These Colorful Sneakers


If there's one item you need in your wardrobe this season, it's a pair of colorful sneakers. This purple and pink pair from the brand Gola are not only super cute and trendy, but they're also comfortable and supportive enough for all-day wear. Go ahead and book that walking tour on your next trip because you'll actually want to walk hundreds of miles in these!

See it on Amazon

Feel Like a Princess in This Floral Maxi Dress


You can't go through summer without a floral dress, of course. This subtle printed maxi dress is made for walking around pretty gardens and enjoying summertime blooms. Pair with your favorite sandals and a chic bun for a classic and effortlessly gorgeous look.

See it on AmazonSee it on Walmart

This Chic Matching Set Requires No Forethought


Matching sets do it again. This matching linen-blend tank and shorts set feels like loungewear but looks sophisticated. You'll look chic and elegant without even having to think about it — it's hard to beat that!

See it on Amazon

These Sandals Will Hold Up All Season And Beyond


Flip flops just don't cut it most of the time. This thicker pair of sandals is both sturdy and comfortable for all your summer travels, plus they go with everything in your wardrobe. One rave reviewer writes, "These are an exact copy of a much more expensive version; just get these you can't tell the difference and they are so versatile, I can tell I will wear them a lot!!"

See it on Amazon

This Hat Is a Trendy Girl’s BFF


Keep the sun out of your eyes, cover up bad hair days, or simply accessorize your look with this vintage-inspired baseball cap. Hats like this can turn a plain white tee and jeans into a trendy, head-turning outfit. This reviewer shares, "In love with this! Great quality embroidery and sturdy hat. Bright fashion statement. If you’re thinking about it, just get it! You won’t regret it!"

See it on Amazon

These Teardrop Earrings Can Be Worn Every Day


When planning out vacation outfits, the last thing you want to consider is what earrings you'll wear. Thankfully, these designer dupe teardrop earrings are an easy everyday solution. The subtle yet sophisticated style can be dressed up or down, making any outfit look chic.

See it on Amazon

Carry It All With This Bag Set


If you're a frequent traveler, you definitely need to invest in this four-piece bag set. With a handbag, messenger bag, wallet clutch, and cardholder, this matching set makes packing a breeze. And all for under $40? That's incredibly hard to pass up.

See it on AmazonSee it on Walmart

Add Some Color With This Bright Tee


Make your world a little brighter with this bold and colorful T-shirt. This bright pink and blue tee adds an element of fun to your wardrobe, and what's not to love about some extra color? The oversized, comfy feel will make it an immediate favorite in your closet.

See it on Amazon

These Bow Clips Are Too Cute To Pass Up


Bows are still having a moment! Pull your hair back in style with these too-cute-to-handle bow claw clips. This set of two is under $15, so you can keep one for yourself and give one to a friend without breaking the bank.

See it on Amazon

TheDunkin' summer menujust hit stores on May 1, and I was so excited to get my hands on the new lineup! In addition to an all-new Refresher flavor, Dunkin’ launched two unique coffee-based drinks and three fun food items (both sweet and savory) to coordinate with the summer season. Of course, I had to see what all the hype was about via a bonafide taste test.

Here are my honest thoughts about the new items on the Dunkin’ summer menu, so you know what’s worth trying! Let's get into it!

Iced Vanilla Frosted Donut Signature Latte

First up, the Vanilla Frosted Donut Signature Latte. This one is so sweet. But so addicting! It may not be the prime choice for those who don’t like sweet drinks, though. I *do* like my coffees fairly sweet, so I didn’t think it was overwhelming when I tried it.

More than anything, this latte simply delivered joy once I got it in my hands. It’s topped with a good amount of whipped cream and a healthy dose of rainbow sprinkles, which fix just about any bad day as far as I’m concerned.

Blueberry Donut Coffee

I go wild for blueberry cake donuts, and I expected the new Blueberry Donut Coffee to taste just like one. I was a bit disappointed when it didn't! I got more of a donut flavor rather than a blueberry one when I sipped down the iced version of this bev.

All things considered, I still loved my first impression of the new Blueberry Donut Coffee. I got it iced (duh), and with cream, it came out to the perfect, most beautiful coffee color. It had maybe 75% of the Vanilla Frosted Donut Signature Latte’s sweetness, which meant it was still sweet enough for my liking.

This could be a great go-to order when you don’t quite want espresso, but are still looking for a nice caffeinated sipper.

Kiwi Watermelon Refresher

The first thing I wrote down in my tasting notes about the brand-new Kiwi Watermelon Refresher was: “MMMMMM SO GOOD.” And I stand by that!

Upon first sip, I got a refreshing (ha, get it?) swig of kiwi flavor and watermelon flavor, which was very nice and evenly balanced. I could see myself gulping this one down at the park or on a road trip this summer! It honestly tasted like candy, which I am not mad about a single bit.

That being said, most of the Dunkin’ Refreshers are really sweet, so if you like milder drinks, you may not fully like this newcomer.

I also got to try the Kiwi Watermelon Refresher with lemonade – a new thing for Dunkin’. I really loved it! With the lemonade, I still got the full effect from the kiwi and watermelon. It was never overpowered, unlike other fruity lemonade beverages from similar coffee chains.

Watermelon Burst Donut

I was really hesitant to try this new menu item because I normally don’t associate watermelon with donuts. One thing about the new Watermelon Burst Donut is that she’s messy… This sweet treat is coated in tons of pink, watermelon-flavored sprinkles and filled to the brim with watermelon jelly.

The first bite I took was just of the donut dough itself – and it wasn’t half bad! My only complaint at that point was the fact that the pink sprinkles got all over the place. They made my lips and mouth messy, and fell off into my lap and around my car. Yikes!

The second bite, of course, included some of the watermelon jelly. This is when I decided that the Watermelon Burst Donut just isn't for me. The bready part was good, but the jelly was super sour – just not what I'd prefer from a donut as a chocolate girlie. I wouldn’t order it on my own accord.

Chocolate Chunk Cookie

Chocolate chunk cookies are classic – you can’t deny that! You also can’t mess it up, IMO. Dunkin’ hit the nail right on the head with this new packaged snack. First of all, I adore the size of the Chocolate Chunk Cookie. It’s huge and packed with big chocolate chunks – as it should be!

There’s a nice variety with texture in this cookie, too. I found that the chocolate chunks were creamy and sweet, while the rest of the cookie was crunchy and downright cookie-like. It made eating it fun!

The pre-packaged-ness of it all is also super nice for snacking on-the-go, or even saving for later (midnight snack, anyone?).

Green Goddess Wrap

Seemingly a direct competitor for Starbucks’ popular Spinach Feta Wrap, the new Green Goddess Wrap from Dunkin’ thoroughly impressed me. Unlike its counterpart, the Green Goddess Wrap is delivered with a very nice texture. I find that other options typically get soggy (after being warmed and put in a bag) and fall apart, but this one didn’t get that way at all.

I loved that the outside of the wrap got a little bit crispy, while the inside stayed gooey and warm. While the texture is quite enjoyable, I was left wishing for more flavor from the wrap’s contents.

Even if it was lacking a bit in flavor, you could easily doctor it up with spices, salt, or hot sauce. More than anything, I appreciate that the Green Goddess Wrap provides a substantial option for breakfast, brunch, or lunch via drive-thru.

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Photos via Dunkin' and Meredith Holser.

All I’ve been able to focus on as of late is my summer outfits. And as much as I love a denim shorts and graphic tee combo, dresses just make the whole shebang so much easier.

These Old Navy dresses make getting ready for hot summer days a total breeze – a one-and-done, if you will! The retailer is doing some super buzzy stuff with their current styles, so you can be sure your warm weather look will be on trend, too.

We’re talking lotsa linen. We’re talking adorable gingham prints. The current lineup of Old Navy dresses even includes strappier styles that look downright iconic in the summer sun. Scroll on for 14 top-tier summer dresses you can snag for such a good price!

Fit & Flare Linen-Blend Mini Dress

Starting off strong with this sexy strapless number! This linen mini lets you look super chic without exerting too much effort. It goes on easy and stays secure with a smocked stretchy bodice, while the skirt stays straight and breezy. This pick earns even more bonus points for having *pockets*!

The Fit & Flare Linen-Blend Mini Dress comes in 4 other summer-ready colors and regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $35.

Sleeveless Linen-Blend Mini Dress in 'Blue Gingham'

Gingham is undoubtedly a cool fashion girl staple, so it's a must to work into your summer wardrobe this year. This gorgeous linen-blend mini dress makes perfect use of the pattern in a serene blue and white combo that's easy to pair with any type of summer shoe or light layer. The wide straps and smocked back keep the top half of this style in check, so you can move around comfortably.

The Sleeveless Linen-Blend Mini Dress in 'Blue Gingham' comes in 5 other colorways in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $35.

Fit & Flare Cami Mini Dress

When life gives you lemons (AKA a good weather day), wear bright colors! You'll be reaching for this cheery mini dress every time the sun's shining. The cami-inspired top is made to hug your figure, while the short skirt allows for some breathing room. The adjustable spaghetti straps and elastic smocked bodice help you find the comfiest fit possible.

The Fit & Flare Cami Mini Dress comes in 12 other playful colors in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $20 (on sale for a limited time, was $35).

Sleeveless Crochet Midi Dress

This crochet get-up is the coolest way to channel your California surfer girl summer fantasy. The woven textures and details intertwined in this midi dress perfectly recall 70's vibes. The v-neck makes way for you to get some more sun, all while feeling light and breezy, thanks to the airy cotton yarn construction. The midsection features a more open, see-through design to break up the monotony.

The Sleeveless Crochet Midi Dress also comes in black and is shoppable in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $50.

Fit & Flare Sleeveless Midi Dress

Time to feel CUTE! The sweetheart neckline amps up the femme vibes of this midi dress, and it's the perfect thing for summertime soirees and outdoor adventures. The straps on this adorable lil' number aren't adjustable, though the back to smocked with a stretchy material that snugly hugs your bust. This dress' hem hits around the calf, and this color in particular flaunts a playful eyelet layer with a slip underneath for coverage.

The Fit & Flare Sleeveless Midi Dress is shoppable in 9 other colors in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $35 (on sale for a limited time, was $50).

Fit & Flare Smocked Midi Dress

This bold blue will turn all the heads your way this summer! It'd also make for a stellar swimsuit cover-up since it's made to be loose-fitting and light when you wear it. The top is all the way stretchy, as the straps and bodice move with you with a smocked material.

The Fit & Flare Smocked Midi Dress comes in 2 other color options in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $24 (on sale for a limited time, was $40).

Short-Sleeve Mini Shirt Dress

Think of this piece like an elevated polo dress. It's got the collar and the buttons, but this time, it's more loose-fitting and free-flowing. This soft twill shirt dress even flaunts pockets on both sides along the seams. The wide, vented design means you get constant airflow, keeping you cool as a cucumber in the summer heat.

The Short-Sleeve Mini Shirt Dress comes in 3 more colors in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $28 (was $40).

Waist-Defined Midi Dress

This Old Navy dress is oh-so romantic. The buttons that line the length of the dress, alongside a pair of gorgeous flutter sleeves, make for an elegant look without sacrificing comfort one bit. This pick is easy to pull on and just as easy to take off. You'll appreciate that the shirred front shapes and sculpts your figure without restricting your movement.

The Waist-Defined Midi Dress comes in 3 other colors and patterns in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $45.

Sleeveless Linen-Blend Mini Dress in 'Lemons'

This colorful print is the one to wear for summer vacations. It's got illustrations of lemons, leaves, flowers, and other fruits in all sorts of different colors for a lively feel. It's very easy-fitting and doesn't require any extra bits or bobs like zippers or clasps. Wear it easily with your fave trendy sneakers or you go-to summer sandals to complete the look.

The Sleeveless Linen-Blend Mini Dress is shoppable in 5 other colors in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $35.

Sleeveless Racerback Maxi Dress

We all need a maxi in our lives, and luckily, this one is peak comfort. It's made from a stretchy ribbed knit fabric comprised of 40% cotton and 38% polyester, so it fits against your figure quite nicely. It boasts a high neckline (hello, coverage!) and a high leg slit for extra sexiness.

The Sleeveless Racerback Maxi Dress comes in 2 other colors in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $15 (on sale for a limited time, was $40).

Cloud+ Strappy Athletic Dress

If you're on the sportier side, this athletic dress is gonna become your new summer uniform. The moisture-wicking fabric keeps the vibes light and cool, no matter what you're up to. It stays on snugly with the help of built-in spandex shorts and secure, stretchy crossback straps.

In addition to this dark blue color, the Cloud+ Strappy Athletic Dress comes in gray, peach, black, and lilac. You can shop it in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $40.

Sleeveless Mini Swing Dress

Your next date night dress: found. This adorable polka dot ensemble has a playful v-neck, spaghetti straps, and a mini cut for the moments you might want to show more skin. Its 100% cotton construction means it's gonna be super breathable, and the limited color palette ensures you'll find something to style it with very easily.

The Sleeveless Mini Swing Dress is also shoppable in blue and black in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $15 (on sale for a limited time, was $30).

Fit & Flare Strappy Mini Dress

For the days where you just can't bear to put on some pants, this mini dress saves the day. It wears unbelievably light with a short length and tons of straps on the open back. The empire waist sits higher than your actual waistline to give your look a flattering elongated effect.

The Fit & Flare Strappy Mini Dress comes in 7 different colors in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $15 (on sale for a limited time, was $30).

Fit & Flare Rib-Knit Maxi Dress

This long dress makes we want to be on a tropical island somewhere, sipping away at a fruit smoothie with my toes in the sand. It's made of a thick ribbed knit material that feels loungey and flowy at the same time. It's rid of any zippers, buttons, or clasps to save you time when getting ready – but you'll still look very put-together in this neutral style.

The Fit & Flare Rib-Knit Maxi Dress comes in 4 other colors and is shoppable in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $40.

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Images via Old Navy.