Want to Raise Creative Thinkers? Play Make-Believe

Something very important seems to be disappearing from playgrounds across the land — the age-old tradition of fantasy play. Not just physical play (as in swinging, sliding and running around like a maniac), but the kind where a child’s mind is fully active, like sneakily learning coding basics through a mobile game. It’s easy for parents to be distracted by more immediate goals, like raising an adventurous, non-picky eater or teaching your kid to be digitally savvy, so worrying about fantasy play can seem like a low priority. But it’s a big deal, especially when you’re someone who’s trying to encourage your child to be a creative thinker (what parent isn’t?). And we’re not the only ones who think this is crucial for our kids.

The Study

Every now and then a researcher who believes in the importance of play gets the data and the science together to back the idea up. An alert for all us parent-types came across the pond from Dr. Louise Bunce of Oxford Brookes University in the UK, who recently presented findings that will be published in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. Dr. Bunce engaged with 70 youngsters from the ages of four to eight to see how they used fantasy play and whether it had an effect on their creative thinking. In the study, the kiddos were first interviewed to see how much their play fell into three categories of pretending: mirroring real life, involving events that are improbable in reality and involving impossible events. Then they were asked to perform a series of creative tasks, such as showing different ways to move across a room.

But does all this pretending while playing have an impact on their creativity? Dr. Bunce’s theory is that make-believe play requires kids to stretch their brains to imagine the world as something other than what it is, which is also essential in creative thinking. The study’s results seem to back this up — the kids who engage in more fantastical play have better results on the creativity portion of the study.

There’s a bit of a conundrum; the researchers don’t know if fantasy play leads to more creative thinking or if a child who is already a creative thinker naturally engages in more fantasy play. It’s a total chicken-and-egg scenario. “Nonetheless,” says Dr. Bunce, “these results provide encouraging evidence for parents and teachers who could consider encouraging children to engage in fantasy play as one way to develop their creative-thinking skills.” This idea of giving children the freedom to play in weird and wonderful ways is so key to developing and fostering ingenuity.

Play Is Being Lost

In our homework- and extra-curricular-crazed culture, our kids don’t get enough freedom to delve into their worlds of make-believe. Many kids, it seems, are rushing through that stage and pushed far too quickly into a reality-based existence. While reality may be where our little ones live physically, they should be encouraged to keep their heads in the clouds as much as they can for as long as they can.

How Do You Encourage This Kind of Play?

It’s easy. Carve out some time for pretend play as if it’s a piano lesson or soccer practice. Try to steer the wee ones away from a TV show they passively watch or a video game that doesn’t involve imaginative play and encourage them to use their minds instead. While this might be met at first with groans and resistance, they’ll soon forget about that as they start to create their own pretend worlds. If your child needs a bit of inspiration, give them a variety of cues. You’re a talking frog: What would you say? You live under the sea: What would you do? You can fly: Where would you go? Engage their originality in various ways from role-playing to drawing to singing a ditty based on the fantasy they’re engaged in.

In a world where kids are growing up too fast and a time when schools aren’t embracing creativity as much as they should, it’s up to us to get the next generation playing and thinking in unique and magical ways. And while you’re at it, you should play too: We’re never too old to have fun and become more creative.

Do you make sure your kids take time to engage in creative play? Tell us @BritandCo!

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A lot of people pride themselves on being optimists, and TBH, if you canstay positivewith everything that’s going on in the world today, major props to you. For most people who consider themselves the glass-half-full type, it’s a lifestyle. They try to look at everything that comes their way, from relationship troubles to work mistakes, with a positive spin. But a recent study investigated whether optimists still stay more positive than pessimists when things get really tough, and what they found was pretty surprising.

Scientists analyzed nine previous studies to see how both optimists and pessimists brace themselves for receiving important and potentially negative news, like medical test results. They found that even though people who identify as optimists tend to be more positive in general, they too start assuming the worst as the moment of truth about something important nears. It’s easy to understand this instinct, since some people tend to believe that preparing yourself for the worst will ultimately make it less shocking if it happens. On the other hand, some people would rather stay positive whenever possible, since it’s easier to fight off stress and anxiety when you have a sunny outlook. Here, we’ve gathered some of our favorite expert tips for staying optimistic when you’re dealing with some super hard stuff.

How To Stay Positive

1.Learn to reframe negativity. “The trick to positivity is not avoiding pessimism,” says Elaine Taylor-Klaus, a certified professional coach. “It’s really about how quickly you can redirect your focus from negative to positive. Critical thinkers are going to see problems to be solved, but the ability to ‘reframe’ the conversation is the really important skill for people to practice.” She recommends getting into the habit of acknowledging negative thoughts and then asking, “What else is possible here?” This can guide you back into a positive mindset more quickly.

“Bottom line: Negativity happens,” she says. “Positivity is a choice, and the quicker you learn to reframe, the more time you’ll spend in a positive space. Then, over time, the more likely you are to turn directly to a positive interpretation of events.”

2. Ask yourself if this will matter a month or year from now. Sometimes things seem crucial AF in the moment, but might be inconsequential even just a few days after that. Just think about high school drama. “When we can leave the past behind and even know in the present moment that this feeling won’t last, it can help to remind us that time heals and life goes on,” explainsSharon Stokes, life-fulfillment coach.

3.Give back. Volunteering is an amazing way to change your entire perspective, saysLyssa Menard, a clinical health psychologist, founder of Strategies for Changeand assistant professor at Northwestern University’s medical school. “There are many organizations that don’t require an ongoing commitment, so sign up for an event that’s meaningful. Research shows that giving to others is one of the quickest routes toward happiness. While happiness and positivity are different, they’re correlated,” Lyssa says.

4. Role play to be more objective. Playing a little mind trick on yourself can work wonders, says Lori Scherwin of Strategize That, a career coaching service. “We’re often better at helping others than ourselves,” she notes. “Make the situation more objective and less personal to you. For example, consider if it were anyone else in the situation (like your best friend, partner or colleague). How would you see the same ‘problem?’ What advice might you give them to get out of it?” she asks. This will help you shift from being super hard on yourself to more objective, and most likely, more positive.

5. Make changes to things that are within your control. Spending time worrying about something that you can’t change isn’t really worth the effort. Instead, “Focus on areas where you have agency,” suggests Holly Burton, a career coach for women in male-dominated industries. “You may be stuck in a role you don’t love at work, but you could probably work a few extra hours a week and take on a project that interests you. You could also schedule some proactive meetings with your boss to make an action plan to develop the skills you need to make a lateral move,” she says. In most situations, whether they’re career-related or not, it’s possible to take actions to make things better for yourself.

6. Practice radical acceptance. Some professional coaches suggest trying out the idea of radical acceptance, which is basically accepting the things you cannot change, even if they’re not right or you don’t agree with them.

7.Try this gratitude challenge. First, journal about one event each day for seven days that made you feel happy and/or thankful and include the specifics of why it made you feel that way, going deep into the details. Second, send one random thank you email or text to someone each day, either personally or professionally. This message should include what they did and why it’s worthy of the shout out. Detailed gratitude journals are proven to improve your life satisfaction, so try to stick to a gratitude practice, even in the good times!

What do you do when you’re trying to stay optimistic? Have you tried any of these techniques? Tell us about it @BritandCo!

This article has been updated.

While it's always nice to see something realistic represented in our favorite TV shows, there are few things more painful than watching a TV breakup. Even when we don't actually know fictional characters IRL, it's absolutely devastating to see them break each other's hearts. (Although, it's equally as bad as never seeing your favorite prospective couple get together — I will never forgive The 100 for what they did to Clarke and Bellamy!!).

Keep reading to see some of our most heartbreaking splits — and then check outWhat Being Team Conrad Or Jeremiah Says About Your Dream TV Boyfriendto put a smile back on your face.

Image via NBC

Ross and Rachel from Friends

Friends is one of the most iconic sitcoms of all times, and Ross and Rachel is definitely one of the most devastating TV breakups. In season 3, this iconic couple decides to take a break in and in "The One with the Morning After," Ross wakes up with another woman named Chloe at the exact moment Rachel shows up at his door. Rachel finds out about the affair, and after a fight in Monica's living room, the couple calls it quits.

Regardless of how you feel about Ross claiming they "were on a break" when he slept with Chloe, seeing Rachel's reaction (and knowing the trust between them was broken) is one of the worst moments in the whole show. Just thinking about it makes my stomach bottom out!

Image via The CW/WB

Rory and Jess from Gilmore Girls

This is one of my personal most-devastating TV breakups because it seems like, out of all of Rory's boyfriends, Rory and Jess are just perfect for each other when they start dating. Not only does their love of books bring them closer together, but their personalities are so compatible. But when Jess leaves for California at the end of season 3 — without saying anything to Rory, I might add — is unacceptable! It breaks my heart, and based on the final look he gives Rory during A Year in the Life, he also regrets it BIG TIME.

Image via The CW/WB

Damon and Elena from The Vampire Diaries

This Vampire Diaries couple was truly endgame, and the will-they-won't-they of it all was one of my favorite things about the show. So when they broke up (to my horror), I was devastated.

Damon and Elena admit they're bad for each other in the season 5 episode "While You Were Sleeping" (then Damon tells her he doesn't even want to be friends. Ouch!!), but it's the season finale, "Home," that makes me extra emotional. When Damon gets stuck with Bonnie on the Other Side, he says goodbye to Elena, who's begging him not to leave but can neither see nor hear him. Say it with me: gut! wrenching!

Image via Erika Doss/Prime Video

Conrad and Belly from The Summer I Turned Pretty

The Summer I Turned Pretty fans are PASSIONATE about whether they're team Conrad or team Jeremiah (trick question, my OTP is Taylor and Stephen), and even the most dedicated Conrad stan hates the prom scene. You know, when he breaks up with Belly at her prom, in the rain. I know he just thinks Belly deserves better, but it's still very painful to watch.

Image via FOX

Schmidt and Cece from New Girl

When I hear "devastating TV breakup" I IMMEDIATELY think of Schmidt and Cece from New Girl. Schmidt gets away with a lot of ridiculous things throughout this show, but dating two girls at one time is not one of them. After Nick has a hard time keeping Schmidt's love life a secret, Schmidt finally comes clean to Cece in "Double Date," leaving both her and me in tears. No matter how many times you rewatch the show, it truly feels like their relationship (and maybe even the friend group) will never recover.

Image via BBC/Prime Video

Fleabag and The Priest on Fleabag

In the history of TV, I don't think I've ever heard anything as heartbreaking as "I love you," "It'll pass." Like, who approved that line?! The viral moment comes at the end of the Fleabag series finale, when Fleabag is sitting with The Priest at the bus stop. Over the course of the series, we not only see how much these two care about each other, but how well they know each other (like how The Priest recognizes when Fleabag zones out). To be loved is to be known, and that's what makes this devastating TV breakup even more devastating.

Image via HBO

Carrie and Aidan on Sex and the City

After so much back and forth, it's hard to accept Carrie and Aidan's final breakup on SATC. But in season 4's "Change of a Dress," Carrie realizes she's not ready for marriage and Aidan realizes he doesn't trust her after her affair with Big. The combo of broken trust and being at two different life stages makes this extra painful to watch, and I don't think any amount of rewatches (or And Just Like That binges) is going to change that.

What's YOUR most devastating TV breakup? Let us know on Facebook!

Lead image via The CW/The WB

It's fun to learn more about ourselves and to feel understood — that's why we take personality tests so incessantly. And since we live in an age of increased self-awareness, we can apply those tests to so many things, like our Hogwarts house and makeup preferences. Clearly, knowing thyself has taken on a whole new meaning lately, and we love the things that these tests can tell us — but did you ever wonder how your personality might affect your dreams? In a new study, Best Mattress Brand set out to discover whether specific types of people had particular types of dreams. Read on for their fascinating results.

The test explored each component of the Myers-Briggs types, which can be broken down into eight characteristics:

Extraversion or Introversion: This is the way you focus your energy. Extroverts focus on the outside world, and Introverts focus on their inner world.

Sensing or Intuition: This is the way you process information. Sensing individuals focus on the facts, and Intuitive individuals interpret the facts.

Thinking or Feeling: This is the way you make decisions. Thinkers process decisions logically, and Feelers make decisions with context and emotion in mind.

Judging or Perceiving: This is the lens through which you interpret the world. Judgers prefer decisive action, while Perceivers like to keep their options open.

Together, your individual combination of these eight traits creates your personality type. Given these traits as variables, the study surveyed 1,000 people on their Myers Briggs traits and their sleep habits.

As you'd imagine, there were a lot of discrepancies between Introverts and Extroverts. Interestingly enough, Extroverts are 17.7 percent more satisfied with their levels of energy during waking hours than their introverted counterparts. Perhaps it's because of their dream habits: Extroverts also have 8.3 percent fewer nightmares than Introverts. Extroverts also dream about traveling 13.9 percent more often than Introverts do.

What about the content of these dreams? If you're Intuitive, you're 16.8 percent more likely to dream about being killed than Sensers are. ­Apparently, Intuitive individuals' dreams are more violent across the board: They also dream about getting attacked and “punching something with no effect" more often.

There's also a substantial difference between Thinkers and Feelers when it comes to dreams. The more emotional Feelers dream about getting pregnant more often than Thinkers do, and they dream about their friends more often too. Perhaps Thinkers are just thinking too hard; they talk in their sleep almost 10 percent more than Feelers do.

The Judgers and Perceivers have their differences as well; in fact, Perceivers have night terrors 10.2 percent more often than Judgers, probably due to the fact that they experience reality so deeply.

Does your personality type match up with these findings? Let us know @BritandCo.

(Photo via Brit + Co)

This post has been updated.

Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris caused quite a stir at Elton John's Oscars afterparty, but for good reason! After dodging dating rumors for quite awhile, they dressed to impress and made their first public debut as a couple! Sophia even wore her best accessory — a mega-watt smile — that further confirms this blissful pair.

While some people love to know whencelebrity couples fell in love, the details about Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris' relationship have people wondering when this couple actually got together. Well, our wait is over because Sophia decided to open about what led to her romance with Ashlyn Harris and why certain rumors hold no merit!

Since we're clearly tuned in to this love story, here's everything you need to know about Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris's relationship!

Who is Sophia Bush?

Image via Robin L Marshall/Getty Images

Sophia Bush has had a lengthy career as an actress, and she's most recognized for her portrayal of Brooke Davis in the hit TV series One Tree Hill. She's also appeared in Nip/Tuck, Chicago Fire, Incredibles 2, and John Tucker Must Die. When she's not showing off her acting chops, she hosts the Drama Queens podcast alongside former One Tree Hill castmates Hilarie Burton and Bethany Joy Lenz!

Who is Ashlyn Harris?

Image via Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images for W Magazine

Ashlyn Harris is a former U.S. soccer player who had a successful run — no pun intended — as a goalkeeper during the career. She also won the 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup in Canada and continued making an impressionable mark. However, she announced her retirementin 2022 and — per her Instagrampage — has gone on to become the Global Creative Advisor for Gotham FC and Adidas Football.

When did the dating rumors about Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris start?

Image via Frazer Harrison/Getty Images and Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

June 2023

Rumors about a possible connection between Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris swirled last summer when Cosmopolitanreported they were on a panel at Cannes Lion International Festival of Creativity. Sophia shared a pic of the two at the festival on Instagramand wrote, "Love you @ashlynharris24 and @sophieannkelly" towards the end of her caption.

A source told Page Six, "It’s very new...They are definitely a couple.” But, Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris didn't confirm or deny anything at that time.

When did Sophia Bush file for divorce from Grant Hughes?

Image via Leigh Vogel/Getty Images

August 2023

A couple of months after Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris were seen getting cozy together, Sophia filed for divorce from her former husband Grant Hughes. Peopleshared that they were only married for a little over a year — 13 months — but didn't end on a bad terms. A source then told Entertainment Tonight, "Grant and Sophia are better off as friends and they weren’t getting enough time with each other before their breakup."

When did Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger file for divorce?

Image via Roy Rochlin/Getty Images

October 2023

While things seemed to quiet down, Ashlyn Harris soon filed for divorce from Ali Krieger after getting married towards the end of 2019. What's interesting is that a source told Peoplethis decision wasn't surprising. "Although it’s new information to the public, Ashlyn and Ali’s divorce began months ago and they have been living apart since the summer,” the source said.

This is also around the time it was speculated Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris had their first official date. A rep told People, "Grant will always want the best for Sophia, and is supportive of all that makes her happy and fulfilled." We guess it helps he and Sophia had a solid friendship before getting married!

As for Ali Krieger, she basically let the world know things were business as usual with an Instagrampost. She captioned a pic of her playing soccer with, "Preparing for playoffs while in my Beyoncé lemonade era." A comment from user @lgbtlfg said, "the fact that a lot of players in these comment’s usually mind their business and stay out of drama but are supporting ali should tell everyone all they need to know."

The only thing Ashlyn said about it on Instagramis that she never intended for her and Ali's divorce to be made a public matter. A portion of her note says, "This process is never easy, but we were making our way through."

Have Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris publicly talked about their relationship?

Image via Vivien Killilea/Getty Images for Tequila Don Julio

March 2024

Besides showing up to Elton John's Oscars afterparty together, Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris were previously tight-lipped about their relationship. The only hint Sophia offered was much more of a reflective post about 2023 on Instagramat the beginning of January. She said, "This year taught me to listen to myself and no one else. To let go of expectation that wounds and grasp possibility that frees. To not care about optics and instead invest in honesty."

But, she's since chosen to own where she is in life.

Image via Lauren Dukoff/Glamour Magazine

Sophia Bush on the cover of Glamour Magazine

April 2024

Sophia Bush has now reached a point where she's publicly ready to stand in her truth regarding her life and her relationship status so much that she penned her own cover story for Glamour. The first thing she did was open up about how she really felt about her marriage and fertility struggles.

She wrote, "But after the wedding I found myself in the depths and heartbreak of the fertility process, which was the most clarifying experience of my life. It feels like society is finally making space for brutally honest conversations about how hard and painful any fertility journey is, but I kept mine private. I was trying to get through months of endless ultrasounds, hormone shots, so many blood draws that I have scar tissue in my veins, and retrieval after retrieval, while simultaneously realizing the person I had chosen to be my partner didn’t necessarily speak the same emotional language I did.”

Image via Lauren Dukoff/Glamour Magazine

As far as her relationship with Ashlyn Harris is concerned, the star is enjoying the love that exists between them. Contrary to alleged rumors, their initial relationship was a platonic one that stemmed from a place of understanding and support.

She told Glamour,I didn’t expect to find love in this support system. I don’t know how else to say it other than: I didn’t see it until I saw it. And I think it’s very easy not to see something that’s been in front of your face for a long time when you’d never looked at it as an option and you had never been looked at as an option. What I saw was a friend with her big, happy life. And now I know she thought the same thing about me.”

She also added, "A lot of effort was made to be graceful with other people’s processing, their time and obligations, and their feelings. What felt like seconds after I started to see what was in front of me, the online rumor mill began to spit in the ugliest ways. There were blatant lies. Violent threats. There were the accusations of being a home-wrecker. The ones who said I’d left my ex because I suddenly realized I wanted to be with women—my partners have known what I’m into for as long as I have (so that’s not it, y’all, sorry!).”

Image via Lauren Dukoff/Glamour Magazine

It's safe to say that Sophia Bush is thoroughly comfortable with her love life and identity as a queer woman. She said, "I’ve experienced so much safety, respect, and love in the queer community, as an ally all of my life, that, as I came into myself, I already felt it was my home. I think I’ve always known that my sexuality exists on a spectrum. Right now I think the word that best defines it is queer. I can’t say it without smiling, actually. And that feels pretty great.”

And this is what it looks like to reclaim your narrative when so many people are looking at a brief glimpse of the lives of celebrities. We love that Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris are loving each other on their terms without feeling pressured to share anything before they were ready to. Our hope is that their love story continues to unfold beautifully.

Be sure to watch Sophia Bush's interview with Glamour's Editor-in-Chief Samantha Barry here!

Full Credits From Glamour Magazine:

Writer: Sophia Bush

Photographer: Lauren Dukoff

Stylist: Deborah Afshani

Hair: Matthew Collins

Makeup: Afton Williams

Manicure: Brittney Boyce

Have Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris made their official red carpet debut?

Image via Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images for Kimball Stroud & Associates

April 27, 2024

Per Glamour, Sophia Bush and Ashlyn made their official red carpet debut as a couple on Friday. They attended the White House Correspondent's dinner where they were dressed to impress in complementing black ensembles.

It's easy to see the glowing couple couldn't stop laughing and smiling as they posed for pictures that seemed to capture every good angle of their faces and style.

Image via Paul Morigi/Getty Images

After the dinner, Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris posed for more pictures on the red carpet leading to the Correspondent's after-party. Now that we're able to see their full faces, we have to talk about how well their hair and makeup complements their outfits. It's clear that Ashlyn's contour and bronzer were expertly applied to her face while Sophia's blush gave her a natural flush.

*Sigh* Their smiles are the only confirmation we need that they're enjoying the bliss of being a couple.

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This article has been updated.

Lead image via Paul Morigi/Getty Images

One detail that the covers of the new books coming in May have in common are shades of pink, blue, and green — perfect summer colors. You'll find your classic rom-com books, but there's also a little devious behavior and a touch of magic to look forward to. But, don't just take my word for it. Let your imagination get lost in our top 11 new books coming in May!

Mistakes We Never Made by Hannah Brown (May 7)

Emma Townsend and Finn Hughes are involved in a classic cat and mouse situationship that's turned incredibly sour. They went from inching their way towards several romantic turning points to deciding they actually don't like each other anymore. One can assume their hearts got tired of being shown that almost doesn't count.

However, they have to put on their adult undies to get through a wedding weekend where everyone's expected to be on their best behavior because of the joyous moment at hand. It sounds too good to be true and the pair quickly realizes it is when the bride-to-be vanishes.

Forced to race against an invisible winding clock, Emma and Finn embark on a momentous journey to figure out if this wedding can actually be saved. Somewhere along the lines, they begin to remember what it was like when their undeniable attraction towards each other led to much more. Maybe a weird wedding mystery is just the thing they needed to prove that it's time to make things official.

The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley (May 7)

The Ministry of Time is a the modern time travel book you didn't know you needed to read until now. It shines a light on a young woman — aka the "bridge" — who's new job comes with a hefty salary and more responsibility than she considered. She's meant to help an expat called "1847," or Commander Graham Gore, adjust to living in a modern world when all he remembers is what it was like to live in the 1840s.

The more 1847 adjusts to life around him with other expats and this young woman whose so different than what he's used to, the more the bridge crosses the lines and allows herself to become immersed in his world beyond what her profession calls for.

This isn't without consequences and it's up to the bridge to decide what it really means to live in the future.

The Five Year Lie by Sarina Bowen (May 7)

Ariel Cafferty was head over heels in love with a man she thought she knew until it feels like he ghosted her without an explanation. She thought she was beginning to move on, but a vague text from him (Drew) years later brings back emotions she's tried to forget.

Suddenly Ariel begins to piece together clues that something is seriously wrong. Not only that, she can't shake the feeling that the truth is still being kept from her. In order to possibly save her and her son's life, she'll have to work to understand what happened to Drew and how far the mystery surrounding his disappearance actually goes.

Alternate Endings by Ali Rosen (May 7)

Alternate Endings is one of the new books releasing in May that I immediately connected to because I can relate to some aspects of Beatrice Leal's life. She's a working mother who's as dedicated to her son as she is to her job, but the only difference between us is that she's dealing with a tough divorce. To make it even more complicated, her boss also gets divorced and decides she wants to live in Ireland full-time.

This means she's requiring the team — including Bea — to be there twice a month and this throws a huge monkey wrench in the custody plans she and her ex-husband Lucas have half-heartedly agreed on. Still, Bea loves her job and reluctantly makes the first trip to Ireland where she meets the new CTO at her job — the sexy Jack Sander who ghosted her while they were in high school.

Despite the two decades that have passed since they've seen each other, there's no denying that the two still have electric energy that they acknowledge during one of their trips to Ireland. But as time passes, the lie they keep telling themselves gives way to something more and Bea finds that she may just have to change her approach to everything in life — especially when it comes to love.

The Paradise Problem by Christine Lauren (May 14)

Is it obvious that my favorite new books I've read involve some form of love? Besides this amazing cover that caught my eye, The Paradise Problem offers a completely new approach to being married that I've seen in a book.

Anna Green is impulsive and makes decisions solely so she survive from day to day. It's the main reason she married Liam "West" Weston when she needed a place to stay. It was supposed to be a marriage of convenience between two strangers. So when she doesn't bother looking at the "divorce" papers he had her sign and is surprised to find out they're still married when he visits her years later, Anna's more than flustered.

See, West is set to inherit a large fortune attached to his family's name and has to prove that he's been enjoying married life with his wife Anna. The problem is that they don't really know anything about each other and his family is demanding to see her.

With no other choice, West convinces Anna to keep up the married act and prays she'll be able to impress his family. However, he begins to realize that maybe he's had it wrong all along. Maybe he's supposed to fall in love with this feisty, art-loving, impulsive woman that's stealing his heart. Maybe he's supposed to protect hers.

Lovers and Liars by Amanda Eyre Ward (May 14)

The Peacock sisters aren't as close as they used to be and they have time and a lot of heartache to blame for that. Of course, there's always the roles they played in the fallout of their familial relationship.

Sylvie Peacock finds herself facing marriage again after being widowed and she thinks it might be time to move on. Cleo Peacock is the successful sister who can do no wrong and has the cushy lifestyle to prove it. So when her sister Sylvie falls for the charming Simon Rampling, her criminal defense intuition starts ringing. And Emma Peacock? Well, she's hiding secrets that's turned her into a woman who lets silence lead her. At the center of the sisters is their less than stellar mother who's domineering presence makes it clear these sisters have cowered in her presence for far too long.

One weekend will change everything for the Peacock family and nothing will be the same. — good or bad.

The Honey Witch by Sydney J. Shields (May 14)

Marigold Claude is ever popular with the many men who want to court her, but she couldn't care less. Her freedom lies in the nature and she gladly revels in it. Things seem to get even better when her grandmother feels she's worthy to become a Honey Witch. But, she can never fall in love.

Deciding she's okay with this rule, she carries on merrily until she meets Lottie Burke, someone who doesn't think magic exists. Intending to prove Lottie wrong, Marigold starts doing things out that feel out of character for her. Soon, something must darker presents itself and Marigold finds that she may have to break multiple rules just to save what she cares about.

One Perfect Couple by Ruth Ware (May 21)

Lyla is experiencing one bad situation after the another. From research that's gone awry to a relationship that's gotten off track, she feels like she's almost at the end of her rope. Suddenly it seems like her prayers are answered when she and Nico are given a chance to be on the TV show One Perfect Couple to win a grand prize that could help them out financially.

They're pit against four other couples and being to sense that something is horribly wrong when disaster strikes the minute they set foot on the deserted island where they're meant to compete. One Perfect Couple becomes more than a reality show and involves whether people can actually survive or not.

Goddess of the River by Vaishnavi Patel (May 21)

Ganga went from being a carefree goddess of the river to a mortal after she failed to control the godlings near her. With no other choice, she decides to become a queen after marrying King Shantanu so she can prove that she's worth of being a goddess again. While she is granted freedom, she can't bring the son she bore in her human form with her.

Once Prince Devavrata gets older and decides he doesn't want to take his father's place, he finds himself on a journey that puts him lock and step with his mother Ganga.

Swiped by L.M. Chilton (May 21)

What would you do if all of your dates from Tinder, Hinge, or Bumble ended up dead after you'd last seen them? Swiped helps Gwen Turner answer that very question when she's thrown into the wildest predicament of her life.

First thing's first — she's in a terrible rut and can't figure out how to put the pieces of her life back together again. She feels hopeless in the romantic department and has to contend with the fact that maybe leaving a great job to serve coffee might not have been the smartest decision.

So, she decides to download a dating app and goes on a series of dates that leave her more confused than ever. To make matters worse, they begin to turn up dead after she's been the last person to go on a date with them. This doesn't bode well with the police and she soon finds herself being carefully watched.

The more frequently things begin to happen, the more Gwen rushes to figure out who the date killer is. As she gets closer to finding out the truth, she'll find that she also has to contend with a dark secret that she thought no one else knew about.

I Hope This Finds You Well by Natalie Sue (May 21)

Not to be confused with Dolly Parton's "Jolene," I Hope This Finds You Well's main character of the same name finds herself in a work bind when HR sentences her to "sensitivity training." Her crime? Being exposed for sharing her negative opinions about co-workers. Restricted from certain interactions, Jolene decides to do whatever it takes to get through her training period.

So when an IT plunder allows her to see what everyone else has been privately talking about, Jolene feels conflicted about whether to report them or not. She even discovers that potential layoffs are about to affect her job so she does everything she can to make sure her role is secured.

Soon she'll have to decide what's more important: her job or the truth.

Which of the best new books coming in May are you looking forward to reading? Be sure to check out our storefront for even more reading recs!

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This post has been updated.

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