Does your school make the list?
These College Students Stay Up the Latest in the World

When you were a college student, your life revolved around studying, classes, college sporting events, getting that all-you-can-eat cafeteria food and homework. Sleeping was probably pretty low on the list of things to-do. Ever wonder how your sleep schedule and workload compared to other students around the world? Lots of students use Dropbox for storing their schoolwork — in fact, there’s over 22.2 million GB of schoolwork, photos, essays, e-textbooks, podcasts, etc. saved on Dropbox by college students and there are over 94,000 shared folder invites to collaborate with classmates, faculty, or friends weekly.
1. Egypt: American University in Cairo
2. Chile: Universidad de Concepcion
3. South Korea: Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology
4. Greece: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
5. Australia: Monash University
While the US didn’t make the top five (whew), Dropbox reports the the school in the US with the most night owls is actually Princeton University. Carnegie Mellon clocks in at second place. Now you’re wondering how many students are out socializing on weekends? Dropbox has that info too. Here are the schools with the highest percentage of students who stop working on weekend evenings (as in, their Dropbox account goes silent) and go do other things. Again, no guaranteeing these kids are out partying, but we certainly would like to imagine they’re off having a good time.
1. South Africa: University of Cape Town
2. USA: University of New Mexico
3. Singapore: Nanyang Technological University
4. Netherlands: Wageningen University & Research Centre
5. Australia: Queensland University of Technology
YAAAAS, the US has finally made the list. Here’s another interesting tidbit from Dropbox that is United States-specific: schools in the South have a greater representation on the overall social butterflies list with 11 schools in the top 25. USA! USA!
What do you think of this data? Tell us in the comments below!
(Photos via Justin K. Aller/Getty + Thomas Lohnes/Getty)