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What says Olympics better than a laurel head wreath?! We’re making a simple crown that you can don at your next viewing of the games. This is quick, easy and cheap — that’s a triple win, meaning you’ve already got three medals, and the games have barely even started.

Channel Your Inner Olympian with Our DIY Laurel Head Wreath

Channel Your Inner Olympian with Our DIY Laurel Head Wreath

What says Olympics better than a laurel head wreath?! We’re making a simple crown that you can don at your next viewing of the games. This is quick, easy and cheap — that’s a triple win, meaning you’ve already got three medals, and the games have barely even started.

– white card stock

– thick wire (we used floral wire, but any artistic wire would work)

– gold spray paint

– wire cutters

– hot glue gun + glue

– scissors


1. Cut leaves out of card stock — you’ll want around 40.

2. Spray paint leaves gold on both sides.

3. Cut wire and curve into a headband.

4. Glue a little over half of your leaves together in twos making a slight “v” shape.

5. Glue leaf sets to the wire with the leaves facing forward.

6. When you reach the back of the band, use the remaining single leaves and glue some facing up, some facing down.

“Naaa, naaaa, na, na, naa, naaa, naaa!” That was the Olympic theme song – obvs. We are SO excited about the Winter Olympics. What better way to spend a cold dreary day than sitting on the couch with your closest friends watching curling? And what better way to watch said game than wearing your very own hand-crafted laurel head wreath?

First you need to cut out some leaves. We didn’t draw the leaves first. Instead we cut these free-hand since the leaves don’t need to be uniform. A little variation is great. We cut out around 40 leaves, but the amount will depend on how big your crown is, or rather, how big your dome is.

Take your foliage outside and douse them with gold spray paint. Let the first side dry, flip them over and coat the second side.

Now you need some wire. Curve your wire into the shape of a head wreath leaving an opening at one end.

Plug in your hot glue gun and let it heat up. Add a drop of glue to one leaf and place the second leave on top at an angle. You want to create a “v” shape with the leaves. Leave yourself a handful of singles for the back of the crown.

For this next part you need to be swift because the glue dries quickly. Squeeze a dollop of glue onto the wire and add a leaf cluster facing forward. Add more glue and another leaf pair that slightly overlaps with the first. Keep adding more until you get to the back section of the crown.

Okay, now for the back. You’re going to add single leaves to the back side — some will point up and some will point down. Over lap them slightly as you glue them to the wire.

And that’s how you make a laurel head wreath! Grab your torch and pop that sucker on your head. It’s Olympics time.

Yup, that’s right. We won gold. No biggie.