These Are the 3 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Starting Your Own Business

Miki Agrawal is a woman who wears many hats. Actually, it wouldn’t be surprising to find out she owns her own millinery brand. Miki is the co-founder of Thinx underwear (you know, the period panties). She’s also helped created Tushy, the fanciest bidet ever (yes, really). Before that she opened up a super hip, organic pizza shop called Wild, and oh yeah, did we mention she’s also an author? As you may have already guessed, Miki knows a thing or two about starting a business.
1. What sucks in my world? For Miki, this was periods, processed foods and, well… dirty bottoms. This question seems simple enough, but good business solves real problems, and this is definitely a solid jumping off point.
2. Does it suck for other people? If something is a problem for you, well that’s a total bummer. But sorry to break it to you, an idea that only solves a problem specific to you (or even your close group of friends) isn’t going to take off. Your idea needs to be able to serve a massive audience.
3. Can I be passionate about this for a really long time? If your idea is something you think you might tire of at any time in the near future, it won’t work. Miki told attendees at the Women’s Travel Fest that she and the other founder of Thinx worked on their product for years before they actually launched. Basically, your business is your baby, and you need to be prepared to nurture it unconditionally.
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(Featured Photo via Getty)