Why Does My Breath Always Stink?

As much as we love swapping tips and tricks to solve our biggest beauty dilemmas, there are some questions we may not feel comfortable asking our friends about, let alone Google without going incognito. Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. In this series, we’re tackling those embarrassing beauty queries by turning to experts in the field to get you the answers you need — minus any awkward feelings.

Whether we’d like to admit it or not, we’ve all had bad breath at some point (like, earlier today, even). And while many people think that garlic– and onion-laden foods are to blame, anyone who has had persistent bad breath knows that it’s not always that simple. To get to the bottom of this not-so-cute hygiene issue, we turned to the pros. So, sit back, scroll, and learn what causes bad breath — and how to stop it in its tracks.

The Big Secrets Behind Bad Breath

Brit + Co: Give it to me straight: What causes bad breath?

Lewis Gross, NYC-based dentist and director of Holistic Dentists and founder of Alka-White: Many people think that odorous foods cause bad breath, so they avoid eating garlic and onions before a big date. In reality, these aromatic foods [may] have a pungent aroma and are not the cause of halitosis [AKA bad breath]. True bad breath is caused by a disruption in the oral microbiome and the overproduction of volatile sulfurous compounds by anaerobic bacteria.

B+C: Okay, in layman’s terms now.

Victoria Veytsman, NYC-based dentist, Top RealSelf Contributor, and owner of Cosmetic Dental Studios: Halitosis is caused primarily by bacteria in the mouth, on the tongue, and under the gums. There are other dental causes too, like cavities or crowns that don’t fit well [because food can get trapped there].

B+C: Isn’t there such a thing as good bacteria, though?

LG: Bacteria can come in both good and bad forms. Our mouths contain certain types of bacteria to help us break down the foods we eat. However, the foods we eat also affect the amount of bacteria in our mouths. When we eat foods that are highly acid forming, it causes our mouths to become more acidic and harmful bacteria to grow. This bacterial imbalance is one of the main causes of bad breath.

B+C: So acidic foods are part of the issue. Are there any foods that people often overlook?

LG: Acidic-forming foods are usually foods that have been processed, such as dairy, certain meats, grains, all simple carbohydrates (starches), and sugar. Alcohol, coffee, soda, and energy drinks are all dehydrating and acid-forming. Citrus fruits and vinegar are acidic on the teeth but alkaline-forming to the body.

Harold Katz, California-based dentist and founder of The California Breath Clinics: Dairy foods can cause major bacteria in your mouth. This happens because their proteins are loaded amino acids which contain dense proteins. Bad breath bacteria create odors by breaking down proteins, and the more “sulfur-laden” the proteins, the worse the odor. Milk, cheese, and ice cream are all hidden culprits.

B+C: Apart from acidic foods, do braces or Invisalign affect breath?

VV: If you follow up with oral hygiene and regular cleanings, this shouldn’t cause bad breath. It is easier, though, for bacteria that causes bad breath to get caught in brackets and on retainers, so be sure to keep everything clean!

The Solution for stopping Bad Breath

B+C: Alright, so you can avoid eating acidic foods and keep dental accessories sparkly clean, but is there anything else you can do to prevent bad breath?

LG: You can prevent bad breath by staying hydrated, eating less acid-forming foods, paying regular visits to your dentist and oral hygienist, doing oil-pulling to detox, and keeping up with your oral hygiene by using products such as alkaline mouthwash. Alka-White Mouthwash ($17) is an alkaline oral care all-in-one solution that neutralizes the acidic environment in your mouth and therefore balances the oral microbiome to prevent the proliferation of bad breath- causing bacteria.

VV: Don’t forget to floss! It will get rid of the bacteria between the teeth and under the gums.

B+C: What about at the dentist’s office? Are there any solutions there that you can’t get at home?

VV: You can go for more regular cleanings and even a deep cleaning. There are also laser treatments available now that loosen the bacteria from the tongue and tonsils.

The Big Picture

B+C: If all of the above doesn’t work and bad breath just won’t quit, could that suggest a larger health problem?

Timothy Chase, cosmetic dentist and practicing partner at SmilesNY: Yes, bad breath can mean you have a cavity, a failing filling, an infected tooth, or even gum disease that can lead to loss of teeth and has been associated with other systemic diseases, such as coronary artery disease, stroke, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.

And there you have it: the reasons for — and solution for stopping — bad breath. According to Chase, a dentist can help you rule out and treat a dental origin of bad breath (if there is one) or point you in the right direction if the problem is from another area. So if you find yourself struggling with stinky breath despite your best dental hygiene attempts, it’s time to make good on your half-yearly visit. Your mouth, and your breath, will thank you.

Have any more awkward beauty questions? Let us know @BritandCo!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Illustrations by Sarah Tate

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Alcohol is often associated with late nights and regretful hangovers. But drinking can also mean QT with your girlfriends and great skin. Say what now? As it turns out, alcohol isn't as bad for our complexions as we thought, so long as we consume a glass here and there — not a fishbowl with friends on a Friday night (oops!). However, just like our taste buds, our skin is picky about our liquor choices.

The Best Alcoholic Drinks for Your Skin 

Red wine might not compare to your sacred bottle of vitamin C serum, but it's not the worst thing that can happen to your complexion. According to Debra Jaliman, a board-certified dermatologist in New York City, it's the best boozy beverage to consume. "There are studies that one glass of red wine per day for women is good because it contains resveratrol — a known powerful antioxidant [with] anti-aging properties," she notes. And while she believes you can reap its antioxidant benefits by indulging in a glass of red wine, she says "much more resveratrol can be packed into skincare." Products formulated with resveratrol (or other polyphenols) have been known not just to slow down the aging process, but also reverse visible signs of aging — like pesky sun spots, fine lines, and wrinkles — too.

As beneficial as red wine can be, it's important not to go overboard. "If you have skin conditions such as rosacea, you should be careful as it may aggravate or trigger a flare-up," says Jaliman. On top of that, the sugar in alcohol can have a lasting impact on the skin's youthful appearance. "Alcohol also causes dehydration of skin, leading to pronounced lines between the eyebrows, droopy eyelids, [dry] skin, enlargement in pores, reddish skin tone, and deeper nasolabial folds," explains Alissia Zenhausern, a board-certified naturopathic physician in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Four Tips to Drink Your Way to a Better Complexion

While Zenhausern doesn't recommend we use red wine to achieve better skin, she understands the importance of a GNO and says some red wines — like organic ones — are better for beauty than others. Ahead, read her tips for choosing the best alcoholic bevvies for your skin.

1. Limit Drinking: "Drinking more than two glasses twice a week can actually interfere with the lining of your gut and can lead to gut inflammation, which can present itself on your skin," she adds. On top of limiting how many days a week you drink, Zenhausern also says to try not to drink two days in a row.

2. Be Picky: Drinking in moderation is one thing, but choosing high-quality alcohol is equally as important. Because of that, Zenhausern says to choose only the purest alcohols possible. "The United States allows grapes used for wine to be sprayed with Roundup," Zenhausern reveals. Roundup is a systematic herbicide that uses a chemical compound called glyphosate to kill weeds in crops. And while the Environmental Protection Agency does not consider the pesticide carcinogenic, those with concerns about non-organic products might want to steer clear and instead select an organic wine. In addition, Zenhausern says wines that come from outside of the United States — such as France — are safe because they do not spray their grapes with pesticides.

3. Avoid Beer: If you're not a red wine drinker, that's okay. However, beer is not the next best pick. Because it contains gluten, Zenhausern says it can trigger gut inflammation, which can easily turn into skin inflammation. If you can't resist, Zenhausern suggests opting for a gluten-free alternative like Green Dubbel Dark Ale or Stone Delicious IPA.

4. Drink Water: Since any alcohol — even one claimed to be the best for your skin — can dehydrate your complexion, Zenhausern says always drink at least one glass of water for every glass of wine. "This will help keep you hydrated and will prevent dehydration of the skin," she explains.

Do you have a favorite organic red wine? Tell us @BritandCo!

This post has been updated.

Challengers is honestly just one giant tennis match. While we watch Zendaya's Tashi, Mike Faist's Art, and Josh O'Connor's Patrick play the game in a literal sense, we also see their personal relationship spiral, ricocheting back and forth as each character plays a different role every couple of years. And the crazy Challengers ending is a culmination of this intense emotional journey because it solidifies Patrick, Tashi, and Art's relationship — both to one another, but also to tennis itself.

What did the ending of The Challengers mean?

Image via Niko Tavernise/Amazon MGM Studios

There is a lot of tension between Tashi, Art, and Patrick throughout the movie, and it all builds to the titular Challenger match. It's Art vs. Patrick, and they're playing for way more than just the title and the money (though of course, they're definitely playing for the title and the money) — this is one final chance to prove themselves to Tashi, who's sitting court-side looking very unimpressed.

Both men lose their cool during different sets, but it's in the third and final set that everything comes to a head. At the end of the match, Patrick confesses to sleeping with Tashi using a tennis ball and racket signal only Art recognizes. For a split second Art is is complete shock, and I expected him to completely lose it. And, technically, he does, but in a totally unexpected way. Rather than jump the net and punch Patrick in the face, Art channels his emotions into his tennis, and the fury he feels actually allows him break through whatever slump he's been stuck in.

Unable to have a conversation about Patrick's secret, Art and Patrick talk with their serves and returns. And because Tashi doesn't catch the signal, for the first time in the whole movie, she's cut out of the conversation.

Did Tashi love Art and Patrick?

Image via Niko Tavernise/Amazon MGM Studios

Tashi's been pulling the strings ever since she met Art and Patrick, and she's never not been in control. After Patrick sends the signal, she knows something is going on between them, she just doesn't know what — and it unnerves her. Thanks to Zendaya's expert subtlety, the twitch of her eyebrow or the particularly anxious way she grips her hands are the only things that give her away. But her confusion, and the men's anger, quickly turn to pure joy in the final moments of the movie.

Patrick and Art end up playing so intensely that they meet at the net and embrace, prompting Tashi's iconic tennis yell before she gives one of her first genuine laughs of the film and the screen cuts to black. The first time I saw the movie, I thought "What?!" but the more I think about it, the clearer the Challengers ending is.

Patrick and Art (whose relationship begins six or seven years before the movie opens) haven't spoken since the big fight surrounding Tashi's injury, and their hug proves they're just happy to be playing together again. It's what they've always loved, and their fight over Tashi almost ended it forever. Tashi's pure elation shows she's happy to watch some good tennis, especially after she failed to help Art break out of his rut.

We've only seen Tashi scream like that once before, when she admits to a perfect tennis match. While Tashi does care for Patrick and Art, the end of Challengers proves the characters' true love was never really each other — it was always the game.

What did you think of the Challengers ending? After you rewatch the movie (and then rewatch it again), check out the other Most-Anticipated Spring Movies For 2024.

Lead image via Niko Tavernise/Amazon MGM Studios

It’s not just the products you use that make for a flawless face — the tools of the trade are just as (if not more) important in creating the look you really want. Sure, we know we should keep our arsenal of brushes and sponges clean to keep breakouts at bay. But knowing when it’s time to toss your old standbys for a fresh set can be the difference between a perfected visage and a hot makeup mess.

To suss out whether your brushes and sponges are ready for the trashcan or just in need of a serious scrub, we turned to the people who use them on the daily, as well as a few skincare experts. Plus, we scored tips to keep your instruments immaculate, so you won’t have to splurge on a new set every season.

When to wash…

We’ve been told time and time again that we should sanitize our brushes after every use, but we’ll admit that we don’t always have the time (or motivation) to do so. While celebrity makeup artist Joy Fennell admits that it can depend on how often you use your brushes, cleansing them should be part of your routine to get ready for the week, not when your brushes are encrusted with caked-on cream and liquid products. “In my opinion, you should wash your brushes at least once a week, especially concealer and foundation brushes,” she says, pointing to quick-drying formulas like Cinema Secrets Makeup Brush Cleaner ($24) and Make Up For Ever Instant Brush Cleanser ($23) to keep everything clean and germ free. “Those brushes tend to have thicker/tighter hairs and are harder to get into.” (Photo via 10’000 Hours/ Getty)

When it comes to your fluffy wands used for powder, there’s a bit more leeway. “You can stretch it for [a couple] weeks, and that also goes for your eyeshadow brushes,” New York-based makeup artist Merli Estime says. “Spot-clean them every couple of days, but a deep clean [is needed] every two weeks.”

Otherwise your #MOTD and skin could pay the price. “When you use your sponges and brushes [when they] are dirty, your application is not going to be the same as if it were fresh,” Estime says. “You’ll find that your foundation application is streaky because your foundation brush has so much buildup of product.” Although you can’t brush a breakout from one area of your face to another with dirty tools, you could cause harm if you’ve already popped a pimple or have a scratch. “Staph infections can occur and can be spread since the staph organism can live in the presence of oxygen,” Clarisonic co-founder and skin care expert Robb Akridge says. “Typically, these infections occur where there is a small cut or open lesion.”

One way to get rid of the skin-damaging dirt and buildup on brushes is to use a cleansing oil, like DHCDeep Cleansing Oil ($28) or Neutrogena Ultra Light Face Cleansing Oil & Makeup Remover ($8), before soaping up with a gentle formula like Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Liquid Soap ($7). As they do when they’re used to cleanse the face, the oils cut through the crusty bits of leftover makeup and soften bristles. “If you still have natural hair brushes, they also need conditioning too. Often, soaps tend to strip the hair and don’t add any conditioning to it, so then that’s how the brushes start becoming hard on your face,” Estime says.

Sponges, on the other hand, can vary based on the type you’re using. While Fennell tends to rely on classic makeup sponges that she can easily toss after working on her clients, she gives her own Beautyblenders ($20) a bath at least twice a week if not daily. “I don’t wash sponges, because washing them can just keep the bacteria in them,” she explains. “I usually buy a big pack so I can just throw them away after a job. Beautyblenders are a different story. You can wash yours at least one to two times a week and make sure it dries completely.”

While we only use an eyelash curler for a few seconds, it still comes in direct contact with the eye. And if you leave it dirty for too long, the device can become harder to open and close. “You should change out your rubber grips because they can hold a lot of bacteria in them as well,” Fennell says. While a wipe down with some alcohol can help kill the germs on the surface, according to Akridge, pop the curler into a pot if it’s made of metal. “Depending on the tool, boiling water is a great option for a once-a-week deep cleanse but not something I would recommend every day,” he says. There’s also always the option to switch out the rubber grips — after all, that’s precisely why they include extras in lash curler packages.

…And When to Toss

Keeping your tools clean and conditioned will help ensure that they last longer, but like everything else in life, they won’t last forever. There are a number of indicators that your brushes are on its last legs, er, bristles. One is that they start feeling harsher on your skin whether they’re natural hair or synthetic. Another, according to Fennell, is if you get a whiff of something weird. “If your brush ever smells weird, most likely it’s time to go,” she says. This is more likely to happen to natural hair versions since they tend to harbor bacteria more than synthetic brushes. (Photo via Paco Navarro/ Getty)

The most telltale sign, though, is when your brushes don’t return to their natural shape after a scrub down or start to shed when you use them — whether it’s a wand or an electric brush head like Clarisonic Sonic Foundation Makeup Brush ($39). “It’s hard to put an actual time on when you should throw away makeup brushes, but I generally look to see if hairs start falling out on a consistent basis or if the brush no longer goes back to its original shape,” Fennell says. One way to reduce the risk of molting makeup brushes, however, is to lay them flat after washing them to prevent the water from separating the strands from the glue at the base.

While typical makeup wedges can be tossed out after one use, Beautyblenders and similar sponges will last for a few months when cleaned regularly. “They’re recommended [to last about] three months. I would say about the same, depending on how often you use it,” says Estime, pointing out that depends on how often you use them. “The sponge will tell you when it’s not good anymore — it’ll start to break apart, and you’ll have little holes. At that point, I would just toss it.”

RELATED: Find Out Which Natural Oils Are Best for Hair, Skin, and More

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

While it's always nice to see something realistic represented in our favorite TV shows, there are few things more painful than watching a TV breakup. Even when we don't actually know fictional characters IRL, it's absolutely devastating to see them break each other's hearts. (Although, it's equally as bad as never seeing your favorite prospective couple get together — I will never forgive The 100 for what they did to Clarke and Bellamy!!).

Keep reading to see some of our most heartbreaking splits — and then check outWhat Being Team Conrad Or Jeremiah Says About Your Dream TV Boyfriendto put a smile back on your face.

Image via NBC

Ross and Rachel from Friends

Friends is one of the most iconic sitcoms of all times, and Ross and Rachel is definitely one of the most devastating TV breakups. In season 3, this iconic couple decides to take a break in and in "The One with the Morning After," Ross wakes up with another woman named Chloe at the exact moment Rachel shows up at his door. Rachel finds out about the affair, and after a fight in Monica's living room, the couple calls it quits.

Regardless of how you feel about Ross claiming they "were on a break" when he slept with Chloe, seeing Rachel's reaction (and knowing the trust between them was broken) is one of the worst moments in the whole show. Just thinking about it makes my stomach bottom out!

Image via The CW/WB

Rory and Jess from Gilmore Girls

This is one of my personal most-devastating TV breakups because it seems like, out of all of Rory's boyfriends, Rory and Jess are just perfect for each other when they start dating. Not only does their love of books bring them closer together, but their personalities are so compatible. But when Jess leaves for California at the end of season 3 — without saying anything to Rory, I might add — is unacceptable! It breaks my heart, and based on the final look he gives Rory during A Year in the Life, he also regrets it BIG TIME.

Image via The CW/WB

Damon and Elena from The Vampire Diaries

This Vampire Diaries couple was truly endgame, and the will-they-won't-they of it all was one of my favorite things about the show. So when they broke up (to my horror), I was devastated.

Damon and Elena admit they're bad for each other in the season 5 episode "While You Were Sleeping" (then Damon tells her he doesn't even want to be friends. Ouch!!), but it's the season finale, "Home," that makes me extra emotional. When Damon gets stuck with Bonnie on the Other Side, he says goodbye to Elena, who's begging him not to leave but can neither see nor hear him. Say it with me: gut! wrenching!

Image via Erika Doss/Prime Video

Conrad and Belly from The Summer I Turned Pretty

The Summer I Turned Pretty fans are PASSIONATE about whether they're team Conrad or team Jeremiah (trick question, my OTP is Taylor and Stephen), and even the most dedicated Conrad stan hates the prom scene. You know, when he breaks up with Belly at her prom, in the rain. I know he just thinks Belly deserves better, but it's still very painful to watch.

Image via FOX

Schmidt and Cece from New Girl

When I hear "devastating TV breakup" I IMMEDIATELY think of Schmidt and Cece from New Girl. Schmidt gets away with a lot of ridiculous things throughout this show, but dating two girls at one time is not one of them. After Nick has a hard time keeping Schmidt's love life a secret, Schmidt finally comes clean to Cece in "Double Date," leaving both her and me in tears. No matter how many times you rewatch the show, it truly feels like their relationship (and maybe even the friend group) will never recover.

Image via BBC/Prime Video

Fleabag and The Priest on Fleabag

In the history of TV, I don't think I've ever heard anything as heartbreaking as "I love you," "It'll pass." Like, who approved that line?! The viral moment comes at the end of the Fleabag series finale, when Fleabag is sitting with The Priest at the bus stop. Over the course of the series, we not only see how much these two care about each other, but how well they know each other (like how The Priest recognizes when Fleabag zones out). To be loved is to be known, and that's what makes this devastating TV breakup even more devastating.

Image via HBO

Carrie and Aidan on Sex and the City

After so much back and forth, it's hard to accept Carrie and Aidan's final breakup on SATC. But in season 4's "Change of a Dress," Carrie realizes she's not ready for marriage and Aidan realizes he doesn't trust her after her affair with Big. The combo of broken trust and being at two different life stages makes this extra painful to watch, and I don't think any amount of rewatches (or And Just Like That binges) is going to change that.

What's YOUR most devastating TV breakup? Let us know on Facebook!

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Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris caused quite a stir at Elton John's Oscars afterparty, but for good reason! After dodging dating rumors for quite awhile, they dressed to impress and made their first public debut as a couple! Sophia even wore her best accessory — a mega-watt smile — that further confirms this blissful pair.

While some people love to know whencelebrity couples fell in love, the details about Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris' relationship have people wondering when this couple actually got together. Well, our wait is over because Sophia decided to open about what led to her romance with Ashlyn Harris and why certain rumors hold no merit!

Since we're clearly tuned in to this love story, here's everything you need to know about Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris's relationship!

Who is Sophia Bush?

Image via Robin L Marshall/Getty Images

Sophia Bush has had a lengthy career as an actress, and she's most recognized for her portrayal of Brooke Davis in the hit TV series One Tree Hill. She's also appeared in Nip/Tuck, Chicago Fire, Incredibles 2, and John Tucker Must Die. When she's not showing off her acting chops, she hosts the Drama Queens podcast alongside former One Tree Hill castmates Hilarie Burton and Bethany Joy Lenz!

Who is Ashlyn Harris?

Image via Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images for W Magazine

Ashlyn Harris is a former U.S. soccer player who had a successful run — no pun intended — as a goalkeeper during the career. She also won the 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup in Canada and continued making an impressionable mark. However, she announced her retirementin 2022 and — per her Instagrampage — has gone on to become the Global Creative Advisor for Gotham FC and Adidas Football.

When did the dating rumors about Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris start?

Image via Frazer Harrison/Getty Images and Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

June 2023

Rumors about a possible connection between Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris swirled last summer when Cosmopolitanreported they were on a panel at Cannes Lion International Festival of Creativity. Sophia shared a pic of the two at the festival on Instagramand wrote, "Love you @ashlynharris24 and @sophieannkelly" towards the end of her caption.

A source told Page Six, "It’s very new...They are definitely a couple.” But, Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris didn't confirm or deny anything at that time.

When did Sophia Bush file for divorce from Grant Hughes?

Image via Leigh Vogel/Getty Images

August 2023

A couple of months after Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris were seen getting cozy together, Sophia filed for divorce from her former husband Grant Hughes. Peopleshared that they were only married for a little over a year — 13 months — but didn't end on a bad terms. A source then told Entertainment Tonight, "Grant and Sophia are better off as friends and they weren’t getting enough time with each other before their breakup."

When did Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger file for divorce?

Image via Roy Rochlin/Getty Images

October 2023

While things seemed to quiet down, Ashlyn Harris soon filed for divorce from Ali Krieger after getting married towards the end of 2019. What's interesting is that a source told Peoplethis decision wasn't surprising. "Although it’s new information to the public, Ashlyn and Ali’s divorce began months ago and they have been living apart since the summer,” the source said.

This is also around the time it was speculated Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris had their first official date. A rep told People, "Grant will always want the best for Sophia, and is supportive of all that makes her happy and fulfilled." We guess it helps he and Sophia had a solid friendship before getting married!

As for Ali Krieger, she basically let the world know things were business as usual with an Instagrampost. She captioned a pic of her playing soccer with, "Preparing for playoffs while in my Beyoncé lemonade era." A comment from user @lgbtlfg said, "the fact that a lot of players in these comment’s usually mind their business and stay out of drama but are supporting ali should tell everyone all they need to know."

The only thing Ashlyn said about it on Instagramis that she never intended for her and Ali's divorce to be made a public matter. A portion of her note says, "This process is never easy, but we were making our way through."

Have Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris publicly talked about their relationship?

Image via Vivien Killilea/Getty Images for Tequila Don Julio

March 2024

Besides showing up to Elton John's Oscars afterparty together, Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris were previously tight-lipped about their relationship. The only hint Sophia offered was much more of a reflective post about 2023 on Instagramat the beginning of January. She said, "This year taught me to listen to myself and no one else. To let go of expectation that wounds and grasp possibility that frees. To not care about optics and instead invest in honesty."

But, she's since chosen to own where she is in life.

Image via Lauren Dukoff/Glamour Magazine

Sophia Bush on the cover of Glamour Magazine

April 2024

Sophia Bush has now reached a point where she's publicly ready to stand in her truth regarding her life and her relationship status so much that she penned her own cover story for Glamour. The first thing she did was open up about how she really felt about her marriage and fertility struggles.

She wrote, "But after the wedding I found myself in the depths and heartbreak of the fertility process, which was the most clarifying experience of my life. It feels like society is finally making space for brutally honest conversations about how hard and painful any fertility journey is, but I kept mine private. I was trying to get through months of endless ultrasounds, hormone shots, so many blood draws that I have scar tissue in my veins, and retrieval after retrieval, while simultaneously realizing the person I had chosen to be my partner didn’t necessarily speak the same emotional language I did.”

Image via Lauren Dukoff/Glamour Magazine

As far as her relationship with Ashlyn Harris is concerned, the star is enjoying the love that exists between them. Contrary to alleged rumors, their initial relationship was a platonic one that stemmed from a place of understanding and support.

She told Glamour,I didn’t expect to find love in this support system. I don’t know how else to say it other than: I didn’t see it until I saw it. And I think it’s very easy not to see something that’s been in front of your face for a long time when you’d never looked at it as an option and you had never been looked at as an option. What I saw was a friend with her big, happy life. And now I know she thought the same thing about me.”

She also added, "A lot of effort was made to be graceful with other people’s processing, their time and obligations, and their feelings. What felt like seconds after I started to see what was in front of me, the online rumor mill began to spit in the ugliest ways. There were blatant lies. Violent threats. There were the accusations of being a home-wrecker. The ones who said I’d left my ex because I suddenly realized I wanted to be with women—my partners have known what I’m into for as long as I have (so that’s not it, y’all, sorry!).”

Image via Lauren Dukoff/Glamour Magazine

It's safe to say that Sophia Bush is thoroughly comfortable with her love life and identity as a queer woman. She said, "I’ve experienced so much safety, respect, and love in the queer community, as an ally all of my life, that, as I came into myself, I already felt it was my home. I think I’ve always known that my sexuality exists on a spectrum. Right now I think the word that best defines it is queer. I can’t say it without smiling, actually. And that feels pretty great.”

And this is what it looks like to reclaim your narrative when so many people are looking at a brief glimpse of the lives of celebrities. We love that Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris are loving each other on their terms without feeling pressured to share anything before they were ready to. Our hope is that their love story continues to unfold beautifully.

Be sure to watch Sophia Bush's interview with Glamour's Editor-in-Chief Samantha Barry here!

Full Credits From Glamour Magazine:

Writer: Sophia Bush

Photographer: Lauren Dukoff

Stylist: Deborah Afshani

Hair: Matthew Collins

Makeup: Afton Williams

Manicure: Brittney Boyce

Have Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris made their official red carpet debut?

Image via Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images for Kimball Stroud & Associates

April 27, 2024

Per Glamour, Sophia Bush and Ashlyn made their official red carpet debut as a couple on Friday. They attended the White House Correspondent's dinner where they were dressed to impress in complementing black ensembles.

It's easy to see the glowing couple couldn't stop laughing and smiling as they posed for pictures that seemed to capture every good angle of their faces and style.

Image via Paul Morigi/Getty Images

After the dinner, Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris posed for more pictures on the red carpet leading to the Correspondent's after-party. Now that we're able to see their full faces, we have to talk about how well their hair and makeup complements their outfits. It's clear that Ashlyn's contour and bronzer were expertly applied to her face while Sophia's blush gave her a natural flush.

*Sigh* Their smiles are the only confirmation we need that they're enjoying the bliss of being a couple.

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This article has been updated.

Lead image via Paul Morigi/Getty Images