Pisces Compatibility: How Every Zodiac Works With This Water Sign

Pisces Compatibility with every zodiac sign

Your favorite dreamy Pisces may have their head in the clouds sometimes, but their hearts are typically in the right place. This water sign has big feelings and big ideas — both traits that are lovely in theory, but not always compatible with every sign in the zodiac. Where some may find a Pisces' emotions endearing, others may find them excessive. And while big ideas are inventive and exciting, some might want more direct follow-through on them. Either way, there's a good match for every astrological sign, and this is how Pisces compatibility adds up there.

Key Pisces Personality Traits

Pisces tend to be one of the more intuitive zodiac signs, leaning on that intuition to guide their relationships and overall morals. Their empathetic nature leads them to helping others before themselves, which is noble, but can be a blocker for them overall. Still, they'll ensure the needs of those around them are taken care of, often making them good caretakers in their friendships, relationships, and partnerships in general. One thing to remember, dear Pisces? Please don't let this inclination lead to martyrdom — that can cause a ton of resentment in any type of relationship.

Outside of their penchant for empathy, Pisces also lean on the more romantic side. They love noticing the little things like the shells on the beach, or the stars in the sky, and they especially love to share those moments with the people around them. They also love to share their dreams, thoughts, and ideologies with friends, partners, and strangers alike — and they love when others return the favor so they can expand their mindsets.

When it comes to romantic relationships specifically, a Pisces will value intimacy and partnership to the utmost degree. If someone isn't bringing that same energy to the relationship, it's likely that they just aren't compatible with a Pisces. And while a Pisces loves to nurture and take care of their romantic partners, they also don't want to be taken advantage of or neglected in that regard either. If you're with a Pisces, be sure to thank them for the little things they do, and see how you can return the favor. It's not that Pisces are tit-for-tat, but they don't want to exhaust their delicate emotional energy on someone who doesn't seem to feel the same way about them.

Zodiac Signs That Are Most Compatible With Pisces

It probably comes as no surprise that other water signs, Cancer and Scorpio, are likely the most compatible with Pisces. These signs all tend to understand each other's emotional and intellectual wants, needs, and desires. This allows the water signs to interact a little more freely with one another without having to learn how to lean into these proclivities. That being said, sometimes too much of the same can be too much. Big emotions on both sides can clash and lead to a little bit of chaos, but hopefully each person in the relationship can bring themselves back to center and work towards a solution together.

A Pisces would also be compatible with the earth signs of Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo. These signs, though very different from a Pisces, bring a grounding mentality to the relationship. When a Pisces may go off on a tangent about all the things they want to do over the next year, an earth sign may be able to help them make (and enact) a plan to make those dreams a reality. Or, if an earth sign is getting too bogged down in the day-to-day mundane tasks of life, a Pisces can liven things up and remind them that the world is so much bigger than their to-do list.

Zodiac Signs That Are Least Compatible With Pisces

There are three signs that aren't particularly compatible with Pisces — Gemini, Leo, and Sagittarius. When it comes to Geminis, this air sign's indecisiveness can clash with a Pisces. Where a Pisces wants to make clear (though at times, emotionally-driven) decisions, a Gemini may flip back and forth between their options. Geminis might not have the emotional vernacular to match a Pisces either, leaving them to potential lapses in communication and relatability.

When it comes to fire signs of Sagittarius and Leo, their fiery nature might not nurture a Pisces' emotional needs either. Though a Sagittarius and Pisces are both dreamier beings, a Sagittarius will likely come off too blunt for a Pisces at the end of the day. And Leos are often more invested in their own personal journey — not inherently bad when paired with the correct partner — that it could leave a Pisces feeling left out and lonely.

Pisces Compatibility With Every Zodiac Sign

Pisces and Aries:

Cupid's arrow doesn't seem to be aimed at this pair. The assertive (and sometimes stubborn) nature of an Aries doesn't match well with the more emotional needs of a Pisces. That doesn't mean it can never work out between these two signs — opposing viewpoints can bring balance at times in a yin-and-yang sort of way. As long as a Pisces and Aries can find a middle ground, they can ultimately compliment each other well.

Pisces and Taurus:

These two signs are definitely a good match for each other. Both Pisces and Taurus value true, intimate connections, leading them to a very romantic, loving partnership. Both signs want stability, and a Taurus does a great job at implementing that with a Pisces and all their big, dreamy ideas for their life together. Though a Taurus can also be stubborn at times, a Pisces will know how to coax them out of it.

Pisces and Gemini:

Pisces and Gemini don't seem to speak the same language most of the time. Geminis can be indecisive in a way that Pisces won't put up with. On the other hand, Pisces need more emotionally support than a Gemini can often offer given their laissez faire approach to life. If these two signs want to make it work, they will definitely need to dig into communicating clearly with one another.

Pisces and Cancer:

These wonderful water signs are ready to wade in the emotional tide pool together. Pisces and Cancer both feel everything deeply, and they're not afraid to shine a light on those emotions and dig into what they mean. This shared understanding allows them to communicate more freely, support each other, and show love more easily. That being said, beware not to wallow too much in the depths of your emotions — it can be hard to make your way out of that if you're unable to ground yourself.

Pisces and Leo:

Listen, Pisces and Leo are cut from very, very different clothes. In different factories. Potentially in different universes from one another. All joking aside, these two just aren't compatible, plain and simple. Where a Leo wants to be the center of attention and life of the party, a Pisces may prefer to be more laid back. Plus, Leo's need for that spotlight can lead to Pisces taking on too much of a burden in supporting and shining for them. That imbalance does not lead to a positive partnership to say the least. If these two really wanna make it work, they've got to find balance in how they show up for and with each other at home and otherwise.

Pisces and Virgo:

A Virgo can be very good for a Pisces in a partnership. As mentioned many times, a Pisces dreams big, but they don't always innately have the tools to make them happen. Virgos? They're doers, masters of making plans and lists and strategies to get things done. When paired together, there's nothing these two can't accomplish. Even when a Virgo is struggling to express their emotions as well, a Pisces can jump in and inspire them to dive into their feelings. Virgos, do note that your dry sense of humor could potentially hurt a Pisces' feelings.

Pisces and Libra:

Pisces and Libra love the prettier, finer things in life. Both of them want the world around them to be beautiful and balanced, making them extremely compatible. At times, their need for harmony could lead them to ignore problems and impede more solid judgment, but as long as they keep each other in check they should be alright. Plus, who doesn't want a little more peace and gentleness in their partnerships? Pisces, try not to be too emotionally intense with Libras so you don't throw them off. And Libras, don't let your indecision get in the way of your relational happiness.

Pisces and Scorpio:

The signs of Pisces and Scorpio are particularly passionate beings. Their intense feelings can be a lot for some, but when shared with each other are well-matched. Neither sign is afraid to dish on their desires, dreams, and otherwise because they inherently trust each other in a way they can't with everyone. That kind of intimacy is powerful in partnership, but both should be mindful of any boundaries the other sets. Understanding doesn't always mean readiness to talk about the tough topics, so go gently into that great, talkative night.

Pisces and Sagittarius:

While a Pisces and Sagittarius may seem similar in all their dreamy glory, at the end of the day...there's a reason opposites attract sometimes. While a Pisces needs someone to bring them down to earth, a Sagittarius often wants to fly off on their next big adventure. This can lead to a lack of intimacy, which is a major no-go for a Pisces. If these two are able to find a way to meet each other where they're at, they can have a really intense spiritual connection, though. grow together.

Pisces and Capricorn:

Much like the other earth signs in this list, Pisces and Capricorn can actually work very well together. Capricorns can bring that steadiness and stability that a Pisces actually craves to balance out their bigger feelings. However, Capricorns can be withholding emotionally at times, so a Pisces will definitely have to work a little harder to break down their walls and bring about that emotional intimacy they need as well. As long as Capricorns don't stick to their rise-and-grind mentality at all times and still make efforts to be present with their Pisces partner, things should be golden!

Pisces and Aquarius:

These two signs definitely get their signals crossed, making Pisces and Aquarius...less than compatible. Pisces needs more one-on-one time, needing that emotional intimacy and physical closeness, but an Aquarius is one of the single most independent signs in the zodiac. Both signs want the best for the world around them, so if they can harness that and get on the same page, it can be magnificent. However, at the end of the day, it just doesn't seem like this partnership has staying power.

Pisces and Pisces:

These two will see each other, and see each other so incredibly deeply. Just be careful not to get too caught up in your own emotional whirlwinds — it could cause absolute chaos.

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I used to think being in a healthy relationship meant that things would be easy peasy, but I now know it takes more than "I love yous" to learn how to be a good partner — especially when dealing with mental health. Since it's Mental Health Awareness Month, I figure it's the perfect time to talk about how neurodivergence can show up in relationships — particularly when you're married to or dating someone with ADHD — and why it doesn't have to spell doom.

That's not to say that things like financial red flags or a serial messy partner are things you have to deal with — it's more about realizing what your personal thresholds are while loving someone who perceives things a little differently.

However, sometimes while you're navigating those relationship boundaries on your own, other people's opinions can cloud your perception. Licensed therapist Natalie Rosado, LMHC, of Tampa Bay Counselingand Counseling with Natalie says, "Unfortunately, there are numerous stigmas that can affect how people view these relationships, making dating more challenging." But with over a decade of experiencing helping clients learn to take care of their mental health, Natalie has a few tips that'll help you learn how to be a good partner to someone who has ADHD.

What are common misconceptions about neurodivergence in relationships?

Image via Yan Krukau/Pexels

It seems like as soon as people find out two people are dating, their relationship becomes THE topic of conversation among their peers and otherwise. I know because I'm guilty of letting my curiosity get the best of me, but I try not to make assumptions about what goes on BTS. Knowing this, I can only imagine some of the things that people say about couples where one partner has a diagnosed mental illness or is neurodivergent.

Natalie says the common myths and stigmas associated with these types of relationships are:

  • Relationships with people who have mental health issues are doomed to fail.
  • People with mental health issues are violent and dangerous.
  • Mental health problems are a sign of weakness, and you can 'fix' your partner.
  • You should only consider someone as a romantic partner if they are 'cured' of their mental illness

How can someone effectively communicate with their partner if they ADHD?

Image via Viktoria Slowikowska/Pexels

Someone who has ADHD may process things a little differently than another person, which doesn't have to be a terrible thing. To be more specific, Natalie breaks down how someone can have conversations with a partner who has ADHD. "Effective communication with a partner who has ADHD requires specific strategies because ADHD can affect a person's ability to focus, organize thoughts, listen actively, and manage impulses, which can sometimes make interactions and day-to-day living difficult," she says.

A few ways to navigate this is by doing the following:

  • Seek Understanding of ADHD: Understanding how ADHD can affect communication and behavior can help you develop empathy and more effective strategies tailored to your relationship.
  • Establish Eye Contact: Making eye contact can help them focus and signal that the conversation is important.
  • Check for Understanding: After you’ve communicated something important, ask your partner to repeat back what they've understood. This can ensure that your message has been understood correctly.
  • Use "I" Statements: This can prevent your partner from feeling defensive and keeps the conversation more constructive.

How can you recognize signs that something is triggering your partner?

Photo by cottonbro studio/PEXELS

This is such an important question because sometimes we're not aware that something we're doing or saying is triggering our partners whether they have ADHD or not. Natalie says, "A clear sign that something may be triggering your partner is a noticeable and abrupt change in their mood or behavior," and "Triggers can also provoke physical responses."

Based on her experience, these physical responses can include shaking, trembling, a sudden inability to speak, crying, rapid breathing, or even a panic attack. "Observing these changes can indicate that your partner is experiencing something deeply distressing. If your partner suddenly withdraws from a conversation, shuts down emotionally, or tries to leave the situation entirely, it might indicate that they are feeling overwhelmed or triggered, as well. Or a sudden silence or unusually passive communication can be a sign your partner is triggered," Natalie says.

As someone who's known for finding a way to exit a conversation if I start feeling overwhelmed, I can say that this sounds all too familiar.

What makes having a partner with ADHD difficult? Should that be a dealbreaker?

Photo by cottonbro studio/PEXELS

Deal breakers are subjective, so no one can firmly tell you what you should or shouldn't deal with. At the same time, Natalie wants you to consider some things. "Dating someone with ADHD does have it's unique challenges, but understanding these challenges can help determine whether they might be considered deal-breakers, depending on one's personal limits, the dynamics of the relationship, and the willingness of both partners to work through these concerns."

She makes it clear that some things that may affect your relationship with your partner are their tendency to be inconsistent, distracted, forgetful, and disorganized. If you're finding that it's hard for you to find peace at home or in your relationship, it may be best for you to amicably part ways with your partner.

How can you support a partner with ADHD?

Image via Dmitriy Ganin/Pexels

We're fortunate that we live in a time where talking about mental illness and neurodivergence is more widely embraced, but that doesn't mean everyone is comfortable with the conversation. Natalie says, "As a clinical provider, I have been able to witness first hand the ways that a partner's support can really assist someone with an ADHD diagnosis. First, understanding the symptoms, challenges, and behaviors associated with ADHD can help you empathize with what your loved one is experiencing."

A few of the ways you can help your partner is by listening without judgment or interruption, and acknowledging their struggles, validating their feelings, and reassuring them that it’s okay to feel overwhelmed. Natalie says this "...can help provide a feeling of safety" while "Offering to help organize their environment, set up reminders, or plan daily schedules can help reduce stress and make daily tasks more manageable."

To go the extra mile, Natalie suggests celebrating small milestones and successes to boost their self-esteem and motivation since these two things can also be affected by ADHD.

If you're struggling while dating someone who has ADHD, just know that all relationships hit roadblocks here and there. The best thing you can do is ask yourself what you're honestly able to handle in a relationship, consider finding ways to effectively communicate with and affirm your partner, or decide to walk away.

For more mental health advice, be sure to check out our interview with Mandy Teefey of Wondermind!

Lead image via Budgeron Bach/Pexels

A Cinderella Story isn't just a movie — it's honestly a cultural moment. The costume montage, the spastic colons and synchronized swimming, the rain in this drought... even Gavin Degraw singing over the One Tree Hilltrailer on the DVD stand out! Everything about this film is iconically ingrained in our collective conscious, making Hilary Duff and Chad Michael Murray the Y2k blueprint for many of the "It" pairings we know and love today.

We last left our Princeton royalty preparing for their freshman year of college, dreaming of happily-ever-after — or at least graduation — and that was that! But in this era of reboots, I've often wondered what happened to our OG tortured poets after the credits rolled. Luckily, I'm not the only one! Chad Michael Murray just tee'd up a sequel, and yes that's me you hear squealing right now. Here's everything we know about what's to come for everyone's fave modern fairytale!

Is there a part two to a Cinderella story?

Photo via Warner Bros Entertainment Inc

There's Another Cinderella Story, starring Selena Gomez and Drew Seeley, but that's more so a part of a series of "Cinderella stories" rather than an actual sequel. So far, we haven't gotten a follow-up on our Princeton-bound faves.

Has "A Cinderella Story 2" been announced?

There's been no formal announcement yet, but that doesn't mean all hope is lost. During his press tour for Mother of the Bride, Chad Michael Murray told ETthat he's definitely interested in bringing Austin Ames back. He said that even his daughter told him, "You need to make another one of these, Daddy," after she watched A Cinderella Story for the first time.

His response to the idea? "Here you go, Hil. From me to you, let's do it!" — referring to Hilary Duff, of course! The timing couldn't be better either, given that Hilary just gave birth to her fourth child and could hypothetically be available to film in the coming months...just saying!

Again, there's no official information about this project yet, but with a main piece of the puzzle on board, we're one step closer to my own personal happily-ever-after — a real sequel to A Cinderella Story once and for all.

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Header image via Warner Bros Entertainment Inc.

If there's one word to describe Bridgerton, it's romantic. The costumes, the makeup, the press tour moments between season 3 leads Nicola Coughlan and Luke Newton — all of it leaves me giggling and kicking my feet. And apparently, love might be in the air for two other Bridgerton cast members: Luke Thompson and Harriet Cains!


Luke Thompson (who plays Benedict Bridgerton) and Harriet Cains (Philippa Featherington) were spotted at the Vanity Fair EE BAFTA Rising Star Party together, and they were getting cozy. The deeper I go into the rabbit hole the more I find and suddenly, this is my favorite (potential) celebrity couple!


These besties are clearly so comfortable around each other, and aren't afraid to get up close and personal. (A fact that might scandalize Harriet's character Philippa Featherington. It seems pretty par for the course for Benedict Bridgerton). Luke Thompson and Harriet Cains might be the couple I'm rooting for, but fans are also hoping to see Benedict find love with Sophie Beckett in Bridgerton season 4. And Luke is expecting to learn even more about his character the longer the show sticks around.

"The more you stay with a character, the more you start to see the chinks in the armor, a bit of vulnerability," he told Vestal Mag in 2022. "Benedict is no exception this season, no matter how blasé he seems to want to be."

I love seeing how Benedict isn't afraid to be his goofy self, and how much he looks out for his siblings (particularly Eloise, which is my favorite relationship on the show!), but things might change once he really, truly falls in love. I don't think Sophie will make him act any less himself, but I'm excited to see how she brings out different parts of his personality we haven't seen yet — and emphasizes the aspects we know and love.

Check out our Bridgerton season 3 interview for more news on your favorite show, and see if the Bridgerton World Tour is coming to a city near you!

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Memorial Day weekend is nigh, and in the midst of planning your epic BBQ spread and a slew of themed cocktails, it's also time to start noting the Memorial Day sales you'll be shopping for a much-needed summer refresh. We've got the scoop on savings in just about every category – from beauty to home decor to fashion – so you know exactly when and where to save big.

Scroll on for the Memorial Day sales we're most excited about for 2024, and make sure to come back here for additional sale info!

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Material Kitchen

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Essentia Stratami Organic Mattress


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What: 20% off sitewide

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Vacation Classic Whip SPF 30


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Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on these Memorial Day sales + all the best deals!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This post has been updated.

Amazon's adaptation of Casey McQuiston’s famed Red, White & Royal Blueblew our minds with its perfectly extravagant and messy royal romance. Prince Henry and Alex Claremont-Diaz stole our hearts with their antics, proving that love isn't always as cookie cutter as we think it should be. Not only that, but it was the LGBT film we never knew we needed until it hit the big screen last year.

If you've been missing Prince Henry and Alex, you're in luck because a sequel to Red, White & Royal Blue is officially coming! Here's everything we know about the latest developments!

Is the main cast returning?

Image via Jonathan Prime/Prime Video

I'm happy to share that Nicholas Galitzine and Taylor Zakhar Perez are returning! I honestly don't think the Red, White & Royal Blue sequel would be the same if they weren't.

However, no other cast information has been released! Hopefully we'll see Uma Thurman and Clifton Collins, Jr. reprise their roles!

What's the sequel going to be about?

Image via Prime Video

As of yet, Variety reports that not much has been confirmed about the sequel's plot or release date. My guess is that there the two lovebirds will have to juggle new responsibilities and mishaps.

What the original plot of "Red, White & Royal Blue?"

Image via Prime Video

The novel centers around the character of Alex Claremont-Diaz, a first son of the United States, and his romantic relationship with Prince Henry, British royalty.

Take a walk down memory lane with these behind-the-scenes pictures 👀


Matthew López on Instagram: "“Yes, this is exactly how I always dreamed it would be. Locked in a cupboard with your elbow inside my rib cage.” #rwrbmovie"


Nicholas Galitzine on Instagram: "The bois 📸 @aneeshtheactress"


Matthew López on Instagram: "Spent the last two weeks rehearsing with @nicholasgalitzine and @taylorzakharperez It’s been a joy to watch Henry and Alex come to life in the room. Excited to make this movie with them. Here we go! #rwrbmovie @primevideo 📸: (the great Stephen Goldblatt)"

We cannot wait to see what new adventures are two lovebirds will cook up in Red, White & Royal Blue, but for now we’ll be rereading (and rereading) RWRB.

Stay updated on all the latest entertainment new with Brit + Co.

Header image courtesy of Amazon Prime Video.

This post has been updated.