Here's What July's Full Moon In Capricorn Means For Your Zodiac Sign

full moon in capricorn july 2023 horoscope
It is that time again…the full moon. Life’s ebbs swell with promise, yet its luminescence reveals all that needs attention in the subconscious or our waking reality. This upcoming full moon in Capricorn arrives on July 3rd at 7:39 EST, and this lunation will highlight themes involving our purpose and legacy.

The sign Capricorn presides over the 10th house of career and purpose and is the sign that is in association with ambition. We may question our direction and whether it aligns with our passion or for the sake of duty. Full moons present the peak moment in our realization and the questioning of our overall intention. This event will prompt within our psyche the question of what we are truly working toward and whether we are enjoying how our lives are playing out.

Interestingly, we did not have a new moon in Capricorn this year, as the Aries sign intercepted the new moon twice in 2023. This means that whatever seed may have been planted back in January may have yet to be rooted in alignment with your vision involving long-term plans. Luckily, this full moon will help pivot you in the right direction by the need to release what has been outmoded in your journey.

As the moon moves through Capricorn, it will also oppose Mercury in Cancer, the planet of communication, and square off Chiron in Aries, the asteroid associated with our core wounds. These celestial bodies will present the importance of expressing integrity and honoring our vulnerability. To know that it is safe to express our true selves even though our decision may not be popular to “societal standards.” This full moon will trigger a raw response within our psyche that will propel you to live truthfully. In this case, it will involve integrating our happiness with purpose. Facing this truth will unearth your elixir.

To better understand how this full moon in Capricorn impacts you, read on for your sun, moon, and rising signs. Then you can implement the following self-care practice to help you confidently move forward during this lunation. And be sure to read what your full July horoscope as in store for you next.

What the full moon in Capricorn means for your zodiac sign

Aries Full Moon Horoscope

The career and public life are fully highlighted during this lunation. As your tenth house is activated, it is time to step up and recognize how much power you have in your life decisions and direction. In the career realm, your superiors may allow you to claim your authority. This is your moment to speak up and name your terms. Honor your shine.

Full moon in Capricorn self-care practice: Disengage from your work life. Rest and rejuvenate at home with loved ones for perspective. Connect with your ancestral roots and review how authority was expressed throughout generations.

Taurus Full Moon Horoscope

Whatever you thought was true may be questioned as the full moon illuminates your ninth house of higher thought and belief systems. It is a hopeful period for you to seek a new view of how you wish to live in joy and shine your gifts. Whether to publish, travel, or broadcast, this is the perfect time to claim your dreams and begin charting your plans.

Full moon in Capricorn self-care practice: Gather new forms of inspiration by opening your mind to new concepts and skills. Ground yourself by writing down your ideas, taking a class, or reading a book to help you with perspective.

Gemini Full Moon Horoscope

Inviting peace and serenity in your life is by going within Gemini. The eighth house of vulnerability, self-worth, debt, and shared resources will be the highlight during this full moon event. What do you want? This is the path to realizing your emotional and material life priorities. It is time to tie loose ends involving your long-term visions, whether single or in a partnership. You will see clearly what needs settling.

Full moon in Capricorn self-care practice: Organization and structure will help you feel more at ease. As you fully engage with your inner self, you will feel more grounded by asking others for assistance to help solidify your plans.

Cancer Full Moon Horoscope

During this full moon, the focus is on how you will engage in love and relationships. Cancer. The seventh house of partnerships is activated, and people near and dear to you will hold the spotlight. Assess your feelings about your partnership and whether its nature serves your highest good. It can be the commitment talk, taking things to the next level…or ending your relationship.

Reflect first, and then decide.

Full moon in Capricorn self-care practice: Pivoting the focus to self will help you understand your core needs. Take a moment for yourself and your beloved by holding a heart-to-heart discussion to assess what you truly want and need in this relationship.

Leo Full Moon Horoscope

Returning to self by engaging in personal wellness will help you feel more optimized during this lunation. As the sixth house of daily routine, self-care, and health will be highlighted, your body may feel sensitive to your current environment. Observe your current patterns and whether you have been overworked lately due to endless multitasking. It’s time to slow down, rejuvenate, and restructure your schedule that involves your well-being.

Full moon in Capricorn self-care practice: Disengage from the daily tasks and schedule a wellness retreat that involves the mind-body-spirit connection, such as reiki healing, acupuncture, or spa day.

Virgo Full Moon Horoscope

Romance, play, and creativity will be your top priority as the fifth house is fully illuminated. During this full moon event, indulge in play and invite joyful experiences that nourish your soul. This is a celebratory period as you will experience more abundant opportunities with your passions and have clarity in your relationships. Capitalize your happiness as the compass in your decisions.

Full moon in Capricorn self-care practice: Hold a full moon circle, and invite those with your best interests. Engage in an activity that involves play, anything that connects you with your inner child.

Libra Full Moon Horoscope

Re-establishing your place in the home will help you release any pent-up emotions regarding your authority. The full moon phasing in the fourth house of home and family will lead to cathartic moments concerning your feelings about what you have been building. It can also be ancestrally related. Reflect on the state of your well-being by observing your feelings, and make the necessary changes in the flow of the household for balance.

Full moon in Capricorn self-care practice: Rest, reflect, and rejuvenate at home if you feel heightened emotionally. Invite someone who can hold space for you to express yourself.

Scorpio Full Moon Horoscope

You may receive news or a new form of inspiration in your waking consciousness as the full moon extends its rays into your third house of information and communication. This full moon will be exceptionally busy in your mental space. Whatever is generating in your mind, be sure to write it down, as it can be helpful later. This lunation will present this perfect moment to share your ideas. Step out of your comfort zone. You’d be surprised by the results.

Full moon in Capricorn self-care practice: Meditate in your space and clear your mind by journaling your ideas and musings. Have a go at automatic writing.

Sagittarius Full Moon Horoscope

Reviewing your budget and spending habits will hold you steady, Sagittarius. The full moon will highlight your second house of money, finances, and building stability. Any splurging may lead to an extensive flow of overindulging that may spiral uncontrollably. Review where you are now financially, and narrow your focus toward a long-term investment such as a business endeavor or property. Research and remember to focus on the bigger picture instead of instant gratification.

Full moon in Capricorn self-care practice: Begin an abundance practice. This will help you develop a healthier relationship with money.

Capricorn Full Moon Horoscope

All eyes are on you, and are you feeling comfortable in your element or living on autopilot? The full moon taking its place in your first house will give you extra support in sharing your true self with the world. This is your moment to consider that you have what it takes to unapologetically position your place in the world. It is time to extend your light and become the person you envisioned.

Full moon in Capricorn self-care practice: Celebrate yourself by writing down a list of wins every day, no matter how small; this gratitude practice will reap incredible results in your journey.

Aquarius Full Moon Horoscope

It is time to wind down and retreat within yourself, dear Aquarius. The full moon will be in your twelfth house of the subconscious realms, dreams, and healing. This lunation will allow you to clear out the excessive self-limiting beliefs you may have been building without realizing it. Take this time to rest and reflect upon the past that may be holding you back from moving forward. Face whatever may feel unsettling, and express unconditional love to self to heal.

Full moon in Capricorn self-care practice: Any self-care ritual that involves release work will help you feel anchored. Try somatic breathing, gentle yoga, or intuitive painting.

Pisces Full Moon Horoscope

This is a period for you to reflect on who is on your side Pisces. The eleventh house of friends, networks, and connections will be illuminated. Discern the state of your energy around those you invite into your space. Any buried forms of feelings regarding your place in the groups may rise to the surface. Be mindful of your feelings, and begin placing positive boundaries. Luckily, this full moon can bestow news about your aspirations. Keep the faith.

Full moon in Capricorn self-care practice: Invite those whom you can truly count on to be with you to nurture your feelings. Schedule a night out with your nearest and dearest.

Lumi Pelinku is a New York City-based astrologer, transformation coach, and energy healer. She hosts a weekly podcast, Align Your Stars that shares her core beliefs about how astrology can invoke hope and empowerment. As your guide, she will go the distance to help those astrologically or spiritually curious to live the life of their dreams. Follow her @lumipelinku on Instagram.

Have you ever wanted to learn about your birth chart? Lumi is extending you the opportunity to learn the easy steps to cast your birth chart with her free Astrology 101 eBook to help you locate your planets and understand their significance. Visit her website and claim your free copy today.

As the great Carl Sagan stated, "The cosmos is within us. We are made of star stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself." The planets shift within moments in time, and we, too, reflect these rhythms in our unique way. It can place challenging yet enlightening moments in our lives. Astrology has given me this sense of peace in knowing what I can do to help best prepare me for those struggling moments in life and also reassured me. These hardcore moments, however, made me the person I am now, sharing the cosmic intel. In reading this, I hope you will find the peace, comfort, and inspiration to follow your stars. In my journey, I've discovered that in moments you believe you're lost, you're interweaving your unique constellation. With all this said, let's look at this upcoming New Moon in Taurus and see what's in store for you. Read for your sun, moon, and rising signs for extended insight!

What To Expect For The Taurus New Moon In 2024

Photo by Maria Orlova/PEXELS

This New Moon in Taurus brings a soothing sense of calm and stability, perfect for grounding and setting intentions.

This is the perfect opportunity to unlock your inner sage. Get that yoga mat out and begin that meditation practice you have been wondering about — and don't forget to use an aroma therapy diffuser to amp up your experience! Besides Pluto beginning its retrograde dance, it's a calm week in the cosmos, and what better time than now? The best part is that we can look forward to the New Moon in Taurus on May 7th, meaning that we're officially out of the eclipse fog from last month, along with Mercury retrograde. Phew. It will be steadily calm and attract a new flow of centeredness within your consciousness. There is serene magic in the air, and you cannot help but feel grace and composure. Get acquainted with earth-based practices such as crystal work, smudging your home, or becoming a plant parent.

Also, an overflow of earth energy (grand earth trine and stellium) will enable us to ground down our ideas. Venus, alongside Jupiter and Uranus, is trailing this New Moon. Although Taurus is seen as fixed and stagnant in energy, we can use this secure sign to our advantage when it involves our long-term ventures - romantically or life-purpose. This grand earth trine includes the asteroids Lilith in Virgo (the shadow feminine/magic) and Ceres in Capricorn (the earth mother/resources), along with the New Moon in Taurus (beauty and finances). This cosmic trio will promote a peaceful interchange of groundedness and realistic expectations that involve our long-term visions. It's also a powerful time to manifest our dreams. These earth goddesses will give you a clearer vision of what you truly want while you receive a download of information regarding the steps toward success. It's also a fantastic time to renew your vows or create that dating profile with Venus, the love planet, embodied in her sign, which means that our senses will be heightened and the romantic mood will be lit.

Friendly suggestion: Have a date with yourself, book a photoshoot, or visit the salon because your beauty will magnify and reflect in your aura. You may get lucky with Venus on your side.

This power day will also have support and backing from Saturn, the planet of structure and disciplines. With Saturn in Pisces, the line of structure involves our long-term dreams and addressing our past karma. You must face your past and address the missteps or unresolved matters to move forward in your journey. The great news is that this New Moon will be in a supportive position with Saturn, and this will grant you acceptance and resolution involving past dealings. You'll feel steady and ready to move forward. This aspect encourages discipline, responsibility, and practicality in your process. Use this energy to focus on long-term goals and take practical steps towards your ambitions. Once you remove that cosmic baggage (I'm sure you will at this point), it will awaken your magical self, and you will attract results.

New Moon In Taurus Horoscopes For Your Sun, Moon, & Rising Signs


This lunation will bring a flow of centeredness and certainty regarding the next steps in your journey. The New Moon in your 2nd house will help you see your wants and needs. Take a moment to pause and reflect on your deepest desires and aspirations. What truly brings you joy and fulfillment? Slow down and reconnect with your inner self. Saturn in your 12th house will help you see your past patterns (subconsciously) and grant you the grace to let go and rebuild your self-worth. Use this lunar energy to set intentions for nurturing your sense of security and stability. Whether financial goals, inner work, or cultivating a sense of belonging, trust that the Universe supports your journey toward manifesting abundance in all its forms. You will see the results when you make peace with the past. You are strong.


This cosmic alignment is like a fresh breeze sweeping your life, bringing a renewed sense of purpose and vitality. With the New Moon in your sign (lucky you) along with Venus, your aura will magnify in the best way possible. Use this time to plant seeds of intention that align with your confidence. What do you truly want to manifest in your life? Whether pursuing your passions, nurturing your relationships, or investing in your personal growth, the time is now to believe in the magic the Universe can grant. With all this earth energy on your side, you have endless support from networks and friends who will cheer you on. Factor in your dreams and aspirations and get ready to witness its progression. Let your light shine bright.


Saturn will place a challenge to your personal beliefs, but is it a challenge? Perhaps it's an opportunity to explore your journey's root cause of stagnation. As the New Moon phases into your 12th, it will enable you to step back from the hustle culture and carve out moments of stillness and introspection. This is a period for you to reflect on what truly matters. You will reach a breakthrough regarding what's holding you back from achieving your dreams. Become open-minded and curious (this is your jam). Use this lunar energy to recharge your spiritual batteries and set intentions for inner peace and emotional well-being. Whether through meditation, journaling, or simply spending time in nature, trust that this cosmic alignment guides you toward a more profound sense of connection and clarity. Approach life like a child.


Get ready to root down your aspirations and strengthen your connections, Cancer. This New Moon will power up your opportunity to build your dreams. If that book idea or business venture has been placed on hold, now is the time to build from the ground up. Nothing else can stand in your way if you store passion in your core. With Saturn positioned in your 9th house, you have the strength to get started. This is also a fantastic time to nurture your present connections or connect with your soul family that will cherish your devotedness. Nonprofit work or getting involved with causes will also attract serendipitous connections that can lead to your soul's fulfillment. Be open, and you will see the magic unfold. You are ready.


This lunar event will allow you to align with your long-term goals and public standing. The New Moon in Taurus, Venus, and Uranus will ignite inspiration and the grit to start anew or at least become bold in your approach. With Saturn residing in your resources and intimacy sector of life, it's time to get serious and begin planting your intentions involving these matters, and this requires you to hold still and analyze your inner world. Arrange a sit down with your partner or have a quiet moment to attract clarity. You will understand how to steer your professional path with determination and, most importantly, become more aligned with your heart. If you're feeling any sense of doubt in your direction, (don't) Venus will give you that dash of confidence, making it a magical moment for you to get what you want. Wear your crown proudly.


The world will be your oyster Virgo. These past few weeks have been intense; expect a second wind approaching. This New Moon will allow you to step into a new paradigm or venture. Take a class or start your meditation practice. With the moon taking place in your 9th house, you're in for a new awakening that involves your personal beliefs and vision. As a fellow earth sign like Taurus, your manifestation abilities will level up, and you will get ready to take the reins and take charge of your ventures. There is an opportunity to strengthen or form a love connection with Saturn, who supports you fully. Arrange a discussion or send that text message to clear the air. Observe what gets you excited or inspired, which jumpstarts things for you. Trust your gut.


Inner work is in store, with the New Moon phasing into your 8th house, it invites you to retreat. Meanwhile, Saturn's continued rein in your 6th house prompts a reevaluation of your daily rituals and health practices. Take this opportunity to refine your routines, prioritizing self-care and vitality. Whether single or in a relationship, this lunar event will ignite self-discovery and inner growth. Dedicate time to nurturing your relationship with yourself through self-love practices like meditation or journaling. This New Moon will be reflective but helpful for learning the importance of honoring your emotional depth and well-being. Believe in yourself.


Love approaches as this New Moon occurs in your 7th house of partnerships and commitment. Single or taken, you will feel a stirring in your heart filled with hope as love can be felt in every connection you make. Friends, family, or lovers, you will understand the roots of your love story and be given the antidote to break free from the past and start anew. This is your chance to manifest your dream partnership or breathe new life into your current relationship. Have a date with yourself or with your friends to open your heart. Saturn will also help you learn how to discern your connections and enable you to see what boundaries or structures need setting. Trust in the flow of genuine love and let your heart guide you towards the connection you deserve. Ah, l'amour!


Get ready to feel renewal as the New Moon powers up your 6th house of health and daily routines. Whatever is weighing you down in your daily life (physically or energetically), you will understand its root cause. Breaking free from toxic work environments or prioritizing your self-care will help you embrace healthier habits that nourish your mind, body, and spirit self. Book a spa day or get your aura photo taken. Meanwhile, Saturn's influence in your 4th house of home and family prompts you to find a balance between work and personal life. Schedule downtime and connect emotionally with loved ones to strengthen your emotional connections and well-being. Clear out and rejuvenate.


Let your hair down and embrace your wild side, Capricorn. With the New Moon lighting up your 5th house of dating, children, and creativity, you hold a lot of cosmic support in these ventures. Create a dating profile or reignite the fires of your current relationship; this is your chance to feel love in its purest form. You're also supported if you're considering starting a family (this lunation will give you the green light). Saturn, your ruler planet, will emphasize the importance of practicality and clear communication this week. Although playful and fun, use this lunation to ground your long-term goals and plans, ensuring they are realistic and achievable. By articulating your ideas effectively, you will feel confident in your plans, setting the stage for success. Cheers to you!


Slow down and observe your family life, as the New Moon in your 4th house will inspire you to reconnect with your loved ones while also analyzing your stance on your connection. Prioritizing downtime and reconnecting with your family roots will create healing for unresolved issues. It's also a fantastic opportunity to renovate your home or relocate to a place that will nourish your soul. This week, Saturn will encourage you to take a grounded approach to your financial endeavors. Use this time to assess your financial situation and cultivate confidence in managing money effectively. Consider long-term investments and business ventures, and focus on budgeting more strategically to achieve your financial goals per your plans. You got this.


Have you been in hermit mode lately, Pisces? Get ready for a wave of creative inspiration and confidence, as the New Moon in your 3rd house will grant you a new flow of ideas. This alignment will allow you to start a new venture that aligns with your passion. Saturn's presence in your 1st house supports you in getting serious about your goals and aspirations. By preserving your energy and building solidity in your approach to life, you'll find more excellent stability and success in all areas of your life. Trust in your ability to articulate your thoughts and beliefs, and allow yourself to step into the spotlight confidently. Use this influence to discern where you invest your energy, focusing on activities and relationships that align with your long-term vision. Something magical is brewing.

Want to learn the astrology basics and decode your birth chart? Take a look at Lumi's new beginner's astrology workbook

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Header image via Caitlin Smith/Dupe

A Cinderella Story isn't just a movie — it's honestly a cultural moment. The costume montage, the spastic colons and synchronized swimming, the rain in this drought... even Gavin Degraw singing over the One Tree Hilltrailer on the DVD stand out! Everything about this film is iconically ingrained in our collective conscious, making Hilary Duff and Chad Michael Murray the Y2k blueprint for many of the "It" pairings we know and love today.

We last left our Princeton royalty preparing for their freshman year of college, dreaming of happily-ever-after — or at least graduation — and that was that! But in this era of reboots, I've often wondered what happened to our OG tortured poets after the credits rolled. Luckily, I'm not the only one! Chad Michael Murray just tee'd up a sequel, and yes that's me you hear squealing right now. Here's everything we know about what's to come for everyone's fave modern fairytale!

Is there a part two to a Cinderella story?

Photo via Warner Bros Entertainment Inc

There's Another Cinderella Story, starring Selena Gomez and Drew Seeley, but that's more so a part of a series of "Cinderella stories" rather than an actual sequel. So far, we haven't gotten a follow-up on our Princeton-bound faves.

Has "A Cinderella Story 2" been announced?

There's been no formal announcement yet, but that doesn't mean all hope is lost. During his press tour for Mother of the Bride, Chad Michael Murray told ETthat he's definitely interested in bringing Austin Ames back. He said that even his daughter told him, "You need to make another one of these, Daddy," after she watched A Cinderella Story for the first time.

His response to the idea? "Here you go, Hil. From me to you, let's do it!" — referring to Hilary Duff, of course! The timing couldn't be better either, given that Hilary just gave birth to her fourth child and could hypothetically be available to film in the coming months...just saying!

Again, there's no official information about this project yet, but with a main piece of the puzzle on board, we're one step closer to my own personal happily-ever-after — a real sequel to A Cinderella Story once and for all.

Wanna stay in-the-know about all things pop culture? Follow us on Facebook for more!

Header image via Warner Bros Entertainment Inc.

The stars are always moving and shaking things up from day to day, so naturally there's a lot to unpack in your weekly horoscope. Because no two zodiac signs experience these astral changes in the same way, I dug into it all, revealing what the planets have in store for you and how to use astrology to navigate the week ahead. Read along for your sun, moon, and rising sign for additional insight for the first week of May 2024!

​What To Expect In Your Weekly Horoscope: April 29 To May 5

Photo by Andres Ayrton/PEXELS

The planets Venus and Mars feel at home, meaning your love life is about to experience that same feeling.

We've ended April fully intact post-eclipse season and Mercury Retrograde. With the moon continuing to wane, this is an ideal period for you to slow down and release. As the moon loses its light each day, it ignites momentum for you to release the unwanted. The Sun, being in the sign of Taurus, extends stability for you to become more solid instead of impulsive.

The love planets, Venus and Mars, enter their dignity signs, Taurus and Aries. This moment will grant you grace and grit as you navigate your relationships these next several weeks. Venus enters Taurus on April 29, and it will beautify your outlook on things that involve creature comforts and love. Indulge yourself by booking a spa or self-care day that invokes the spark inside you, adding the confidence you need. Starting on April 30, Mars in Aries will power up your motivation while adding fuel to your fire involving your passion. This fuels the need for instant results, but practicing patience and optimism will buffer out the impulse. Watch your temper or for those around you who seem to have a short fuse. (Aries energy has a knack for this.) Be observatory in line with conflict.

May 1 is a powerful day as the love planet Venus faces the need to transform with Pluto – it will make love or self-worth feel like a pressure cooker.

Under pressure, Venus in square with Pluto can manifest as power and control issues between love and values. This is the moment to embrace change involving your desires. The split between wanting stability with Venus in Taurus and the radical energy of Pluto in Aquarius can lead to a powerful transformation in your love story while opening the path to realizing your worth. There is a part of you or the relationship itself that needs to evolve to attract a healthier outcome. Hold still, and don’t react. Just observe your environment. Take this as a sign to reevaluate your priorities in your relationship and everything else that can deflect you from living authentically.

Get ready to be “comfortably uncomfortable” because Pluto retrograde starts this week.

If you are unsettled, this Pluto retrograde phase (until October 11th) will help you see clearly what needs to be released from your trajectory to make room for positive changes. It's not a period to control or remain in harsh environments or situations. This can fall in line with unhealthy habits or relationship patterns. It's the moment to let go. Luckily, Mars will ignite that boost and positivity when this retrograde begins when it forms a sextile to Pluto on May 3rd. This phase will enable you to embrace the idea of facing the unresolved and powering through without looking back.

Key Dates For Your Weekly Horoscope For May 2024

Photo by jasmin chew/PEXELS

  • 4/29 Venus enters Taurus
  • 4/30 Mars enters Aries
  • 5/1 Venus square Pluto
  • 5/2 Pluto Retrograde
  • 5/3 Mars sextile Pluto

Weekly Horoscopes For Your Sign


Although it's past your birthday season, the spotlight continues to shine on you. Mars entering your sign this week will power up your mojo. Whatever you have your sights on, be sure to initiate, not wait on the sidelines, because that is how you can experience early burnout. The Venus square Pluto can make you feel like you are facing a dead end with your friends or networks. Don’t stress about the results. When your ruler, planet Mars, sextiles Pluto, you will get your second wind as you learn to discern your connections. Assess your connections and those who reflect your values. Remember to hold to your vision and belief. The right people will support your future visions in time. It all begins with you this week.


You will begin to see life around you as a work of art. Venus, your ruler planet, crosses into your first house of self-image, confidence, and identity. This can be a great week to indulge in self-care and upgrade your look. Venus beautifies whatever it touches; you will be magnetic in this sector. Book a photoshoot or update your dating profile, and you will likely attract a flow of potential love partners. The Venus square Pluto this week will trigger you to realize your worth in your professional and personal life. It can present challenges with authority. However, you will be equipped with the ingenuity to stand your ground with grace. Later this week, when Mars sextiles Pluto stemming from your twelfth house, it will grant you a new pattern of thinking that will enable you to establish the terms in your career direction.


These last few weeks have been lowkey. The tempo will rise this week, involving your ideas as Mars enters your third house of communication. With Venus also entering your twelfth house of the subconscious and dream realms of life, there will be an overflow of inspiration that may be hard to grasp. Take a moment and journal about everything that comes to mind regarding what needs to be improved or beautified in your life. The Venus square Pluto will ignite a phase of you realizing that you must stay true to yourself while empowering you to embrace your nonconformist ways. By the end of this week, you will feel a renewed sense of understanding of your purpose. Clearing out the unnecessary dialogue and finding your inner voice is a great place to start.


This week emphasizes social connections and future ambitions for you. Venus in Taurus energizes friendships and group activities in your 11th house, while Mars in Aries fuels your professional drive in the 10th house. Be mindful of power struggles involving friendship circles or networks, especially when Venus squares Pluto. Diplomacy is key. If you feel a bit of shade, learn how to deflect instead of adding fuel to the fire. Mars sextile Pluto encourages profound transformation and growth, urging you to confront inner fears. Prioritize self-care amidst career demands to avoid burnout. There will also be a lesson regarding boundaries and the power of saying “no." Overall, balancing socializing with career pursuits, maintaining boundaries, and embracing opportunities for personal development will be your main vibe this week. Trust your intuition when navigating challenges, and you will emerge stronger spiritually.


There is a lot of action for you this week, Leo, with your career, beliefs, and relationships. With Venus in Taurus boosting your professional aspirations in your 10th house and Mars igniting your thirst for knowledge in the 9th house, you're in for an exciting ride. Be ready for some intensity in your relationships as Venus squares Pluto, but don't worry, you've got this. Embrace the transformative opportunities coming your way with Mars sextile Pluto. Remember to find that perfect balance to keep things harmonious. Dive deep into open communication and mutual respect with your partner, and watch as your connection blossoms. Discuss your long-term ventures or visualize your dreams. Take time for yourself, nurture your spirit, and trust your intuition—it'll lead you to profound discoveries.


This week is all about exploration and transformation for you. With Venus igniting your curiosity in the 9th house and Mars urging you to dive deep into vulnerability in the 8th house, a lot of inner growth is happening. Watch out for power struggles in relationships, especially with Venus square Pluto. Welcome those challenges—they're growth opportunities, especially with Mars sextile Pluto supporting you in facing the unknown and learning the importance of igniting change in your narrative. Focusing on financial planning and collaborations in your career would be best. Stay on top of your game at work by factoring in those who align with your interests. Regarding your job or your personal life, trust your instincts and make a move if you feel called to step up in your life direction, Virgo.


Expect inner growth opportunities involving your relationships this week, Libra. With Venus in Taurus sparking intimacy in your 8th house and Mars igniting passion in partnerships in the 7th house, your connections are intense. Watch for power struggles, especially with Venus square Pluto powering up a voice or feeling you didn’t know existed. Justice will be on your side when Mars sextiles Pluto, helping you see a clearer picture of your stance on love or close connections. Trust your instincts and communicate openly to strengthen bonds. Remember to capitalize on your well-being and integrity to keep yourself in check.


Scorpio, this week is a blend of relationships, work life, and home matters for you. Venus in Taurus sparks partnership harmony or the need to refine it, while Mars in Aries amps your energy for work and health routines. However, watch for tensions at home due to Venus square Pluto, and utilize this interchange to deepen emotional bonds. Focus on open communication and balance amidst any challenges. In relationships, prioritize understanding, stay productive in work, and care for your well-being. Navigate with patience and aim for harmony at home, especially with family responsibilities. Trust your inner strength to guide you through any turbulence, Scorpio—it's your power source.


Slow down and pay attention to your process of taking care of your mind and body, Sagittarius. With Venus in Taurus in your 6th house, focus on improving your daily routines and well-being. Begin a new fitness regimen or establish a self-care practice. The body is a temple and begins with how you view yourself. Whatever you wish to improve in your life starts with the body. As Mars enters Aries in your 5th house, it will stir fire (your element), and you will feel more passionate than usual. Reignite your connection with your romantic partner or start a new creative venture. This is the week to dial down and become more intentional in your process of life and what stirs your heart. Feel again, and your paradigm will shift.


This week revolves around fulfillment, home life, and financial matters. Venus enters Taurus in your 5th house, inspiring you to express yourself creatively and find joy in your hobbies. Mars moves into Aries in your 4th house, energizing your domestic sphere and prompting action on home-related projects. However, be cautious of power struggles around money or values as Venus squares Pluto. Accept the potential for transformation and empowerment with Mars sextile Pluto, especially regarding your financial security and family dynamics. Become open to receiving input from your loved ones to clear the air or establish a better path with your family unit.


This week is all about communication, emotional security, and personal growth. With Venus in Taurus in your 4th house, focus on nurturing your emotional well-being and finding comfort in your home environment. It's time to orchestrate a spring cleaning or beautify your surroundings. This will attract a flow of opportunities involving prosperity. When Mars enters your 3rd house, it will energize your communication style and prompt action on your ideas and plans. This will be an ideal week to get your message and witness movement. Practice your pitch or message by writing it down or speaking aloud to establish confidence. You will be heard. However, be mindful of power struggles, especially concerning your identity or self-expression, as Venus squares Pluto. Prioritize open communication, integrity, and truth when handling any challenges.


Focus on your inner dialogue, finances, and personal beliefs this week, Pisces. Venus entering Taurus in your 3rd house will ignite heartfelt conversations and harmonious interactions with siblings or neighbors. Be mindful of power struggles concerning communication or hidden influences, go within, and analyze the state of your connections energetically as Venus squares Pluto. Prioritize clear and compassionate communication when handling any conflicts. This is your opportunity to clear the air with any message that was left unresolved and make amends. As Mars moves into Aries in your 2nd house, it will motivate you to take initiative towards your stability and self-worth. To gain the upper hand is to face your subconscious patterns, and Mars sextile Pluto this week will extend the solution for you to learn how to rewire yourself into a better version.

Want to learn the astrology basics and decode your birth chart? Take a look at Lumi's new beginner's astrology workbook

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This post has been updated. Lead image by Getty/We Are.

Memorial Day weekend is nigh, and in the midst of planning your epic BBQ spread and a slew of themed cocktails, it's also time to start noting the Memorial Day sales you'll be shopping for a much-needed summer refresh. We've got the scoop on savings in just about every category – from beauty to home decor to fashion – so you know exactly when and where to save big.

Scroll on for the Memorial Day sales we're most excited about for 2024, and make sure to come back here for additional sale info!

Dyson V8 Cordless Vacuum


What: Items up to 60% off

When: May 24-27

KitchenAid Artisan Series 5 Quart Tilt Head Stand Mixer


What: Deals on everything from home goods to decor

When: Now through Memorial Day

Mila Mirror

Anthropologie Home

What: Savings on home goods

When: May 21-27

Peony Vase Thank You Card Set


What: 15% off stationery & photo books

When: May 22-29

Sherpa Deluxe Black Guarenteed On Board Soft Sided Dog & Cat Carrier


What: BOGO 50% off select summer products and 20% off select sherpa carriersWhen: May 24-27

Dallas IV Hat


What: 25% off sitewide with code USA25

When: May 23-27

CZ Crescent with Stars Necklace

Sterling Forever

What: 20% off sitewide with code SUMMER20

When: May 24-28

Stemless Wine Chiller Pair


What: 20% off sitewide

When: May 17-27

The Coated Pan

Material Kitchen

What: 20% off (*promo excludes bundles and collaborations)

When: May 23-27

EOS Classic Organic Mattress


What: 20% off sitewide with code MEMORIAL20

When: May 15-29

Pierrette Dress


What: Extra 15% off sale styles with code MDAY24

When: May 27

Sea Green Pleated Tennis Skirt

Gold Hinge

What: 25% off sitewide with code MDAY25

When: May 23-27

Calista FAUXblo Thermal Blowout Brush


What: 20% off sitewide

When: May 24



What: Take $200 off sitewide on all CAROL bikes

When: May 24-30

Cartolina Louise Cover-Up


What: 30% off sitewide

When: May 22-28

Carve Designs Zella Mesh Pullover

Carve Designs

What: BOGO red, white, and blue swim; buy 1 swimsuit, get one swimsuit 50% off

When: May 23-27

Essentia Stratami Organic Mattress


What: 25% off sitewide, plus receive free GOTS Certified Organic Cotton Sheets with qualifying mattress purchases

When: May 13-31

Harper Wilde Bliss Scoop Bralette

Harper Wilde

What: 20% off sitewide

When: May 24-27

MARLOWE. Soap Bar Discovery Gift Set


What: 20% off sitewide

When: May 27

Pura 4 Diffuser


What: 25% off sitewide through code only (subscriber early access: May 23-27), 25% off sitewide, plus subscribe to the Pura V4 and get a free car set

When: May 21-22

Vacation Classic Whip SPF 30


What: 20% off sitewide, plus get a free boat keychain or pen on orders over $65 (while supplies last)

When: May 24-27

Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on these Memorial Day sales + all the best deals!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This post has been updated.

Amazon's adaptation of Casey McQuiston’s famed Red, White & Royal Blueblew our minds with its perfectly extravagant and messy royal romance. Prince Henry and Alex Claremont-Diaz stole our hearts with their antics, proving that love isn't always as cookie cutter as we think it should be. Not only that, but it was the LGBT film we never knew we needed until it hit the big screen last year.

If you've been missing Prince Henry and Alex, you're in luck because a sequel to Red, White & Royal Blue is officially coming! Here's everything we know about the latest developments!

Is the main cast returning?

Image via Jonathan Prime/Prime Video

I'm happy to share that Nicholas Galitzine and Taylor Zakhar Perez are returning! I honestly don't think the Red, White & Royal Blue sequel would be the same if they weren't.

However, no other cast information has been released! Hopefully we'll see Uma Thurman and Clifton Collins, Jr. reprise their roles!

What's the sequel going to be about?

Image via Prime Video

As of yet, Variety reports that not much has been confirmed about the sequel's plot or release date. My guess is that there the two lovebirds will have to juggle new responsibilities and mishaps.

What the original plot of "Red, White & Royal Blue?"

Image via Prime Video

The novel centers around the character of Alex Claremont-Diaz, a first son of the United States, and his romantic relationship with Prince Henry, British royalty.

Take a walk down memory lane with these behind-the-scenes pictures 👀

Matthew López on Instagram: "“Yes, this is exactly how I always dreamed it would be. Locked in a cupboard with your elbow inside my rib cage.” #rwrbmovie"

Nicholas Galitzine on Instagram: "The bois 📸 @aneeshtheactress"

Matthew López on Instagram: "Spent the last two weeks rehearsing with @nicholasgalitzine and @taylorzakharperez It’s been a joy to watch Henry and Alex come to life in the room. Excited to make this movie with them. Here we go! #rwrbmovie @primevideo 📸: (the great Stephen Goldblatt)"

We cannot wait to see what new adventures are two lovebirds will cook up in Red, White & Royal Blue, but for now we’ll be rereading (and rereading) RWRB.

Stay updated on all the latest entertainment new with Brit + Co.

Header image courtesy of Amazon Prime Video.

This post has been updated.