Amber Venz Box's Recipe For Success? Slow Living For Her Family *And* Her Business

ltk amber venz box interview

Amber Venz Box is no stranger to working hard to achieve her goals. After all, she and her husband Baxter Box created a multibillion-dollar business with content creator shopping app LTK. As much as the power couple pours into their business, they're also committed to their family of six. Specifically, Venz Box made it a point to be more intentional about the way she moves through life with her family — but it hasn't always been this way.

Prior to being the founder and president of LTK, a loving wife, and doting mama of four, Venz Box lived with her dad. "I was a personal shopper in the Dallas area who also had my own blog where I'd link out to different things I was wearing," said Venz Box. When I asked her if she had an idea LTK would grow to become as successful as it is, she smiled and laughed. "Honestly, I was living at home and my only goals at the time were to move out of my dad's place, and support my shopping habit." It was then that I knew I'd found a kindred spirit in Venz Box's realistic honesty.

Since growing LTK and her family to the level they're at now, Venz Box is ready to share how she's taking the time to recenter what matters so she can show up in the roles she's taken on.

Photo by Amber Venz Box

Before Venz Box sat at the helm of LTK alongside her husband Baxter, she was known as the young girl who crafted things for her classmates. "I was literally making and selling jewelry in high school. I figured out how to make the popular earrings Jessica Simpson used to wear and would sell them for $20 when it cost $18 to make them," she said with a laugh. It was her first hard lesson about learning how to effectively price items so she could profit from them.

From there, Venz Box's unique style inspired her to move to LA so she could learn the ropes of being a stylist. "I spent so much time carrying around heavy loads of clothes and realized it wasn't as glamorous as I thought it would be," she said. This caused her to pivot and turn her attention to blogging while working as a personal shopper in retail. She was also maintaining her jewelry business as a side-hustle.

"I was dating Baxter around this time and since he has a background in engineering, he helped me create the basis for what LTK is today. He was like 'You're doing all of these things for your blog but they're cutting you out of your business,'" Venz Box said. She never thought about it like that until he pointed out she could build something lucrative. Eventually rewardStyle was born, and the couple were able to secure brands like ShopBop and Net-a-Porter as the first retailers for the app. Eventually, rewardStyle became — AKA LTK.

Photo by Amber Venz Box

Being a first-time mom means that I'm always curious about how other moms navigate having a family while working or maintaining their own hobbies. For Venz Box, trial and error have been the name of the game. "Honestly, my oldest daughter Bird is eight, and I'm just now figuring things out so that should tell you a lot," she said. On a more serious note, she says three things help her move through her roles more efficiently — prioritization, delegation, and boundaries.

"When Bird was younger, she was always with me whether I was traveling or being watched while I was in a meeting. But, my second son Boyce had digestive issues so I found I couldn't travel with him the way I could with Bird," Venz Box noted. In addition to trying to figure out a system that worked for her children, Venz Box realized she wasn't good at setting boundaries. She said, "Sometimes I would leave for work before my kids woke up and not get home until after bedtime. I was literally missing spending quality time with them in order to finish work. To make matters worse, I'm a people pleaser so I was having a hard time say no to just about anyone. Guilt always crept in."

When she learned to started prioritizing what matters to her — family first — Venz Box was then able to begin delegating work tasks to others and setting boundaries. "My number one rule is that Baxter and I don't work on weekends. That's time for us to spend together as a family and pour into the kids," she said.

Photo by Amber Venz Box

Prioritization, delegation, and setting boundaries led Venz Box to discover the art of slow living. "Being on the go all the time was not only starting to affect Baxter, but our kids were also becoming anxious," she said. She also mentioned they lived in a busy area of Dallas and this probably contributed to that anxious feeling her family was beginning to feel. The desire to make a change came to a head when Venz Box realized she wanted to consider moving in January.

"When I first told Baxter about my idea, he just laughed like he usually does when I present him with something big or wild. But, I made him listen so he knew I was serious," she said. Once Baxter decided he was on board with moving, Venz Box said she had a brief moment of panic. " We were watching TV so when he said he was ready to move whenever I was, my chest got a little tight. I thought, 'Oh no. This is really happening,'" she said.

With that, the family moved to a sprawling ranch in West Texas and continue to thrive as a result of slower living. However, not all of the kids were okay with it at first. "The two younger ones — Bizzy Jean and Boots — were super excited about moving and being able to go to school with their older siblings," said Venz Box. She shared that Boyce was fairly indifferent and only cared about being at school with his older sister Bird.

"Bird gave the most pushback out of anyone. She'd spent two years building a friend group in Dallas so she had anxiety about moving," she said.

Photo by Amber Venz Box

However, once the family got settled into their ranch, Bird opened up and she's been excited about where they live as well as her new school. Venz Box told me she feels the benefits of slow living have been presenting themselves for not only her family but for herself as well. "I'm finding I'm able to spend more time with my family, get rest and not have so many people coming in or out of the house. Stress is even reduced which benefits my overall health," she said.

Aside from being excited about school, her kids have been looking forward to activities outside of the house and don't have a hard time when Venz Box or Baxter have to leave. "We can do something as simple as leave to go to the grocery store and it doesn't result in meltdowns," she said with a smile.

Photo via Amber Venz Box

LTK also receives the benefits of Venz Box's more intentional approach to life. There 700+ global employees who are able to work remotely as opposed to being required to work in Dallas. They're still required to her in person — known as 'hoteling' — but remain remote for the majority of their employment. "This opens up the door for people to do things like take walks in the afternoon to refresh themselves and focus when it's actually time to work. There's also less of a disruption because they're not being interrupted at the office by constant doorbells, boxes being opened from deliveries and more," Venz Box said.

Now that LTK's team is able to focus on being productive, they've been able to have incredible collaborations and rollout new features for the app that are going to benefit brands as well as content creators. During NYFW, LTK partnered with Influencer Management Firm Kensington Grey Agency Inc. to host a happy hour event and panel discussion that highlighted various Black creators. "So many of Kensington's influencers use the LTK shopping app and since we've been huge supporters of each other, it only made sense to collaborate in this huge way during NYFW," Venz Box proudly said.

Recent Rollouts — LTK Cart, LTK Marketplace and LTK Comments

Photo by LTK

LTK Buy Now With LTK Cart

One of LTK's first rollouts this fall was the launch of Buy Now with LTKCart. Creators will now have the opportunity to shop and checkout with select brands — including Lucchese Bootmaker, Misa LosAngeles, Buffbunny, and Roe Wellness. This not only helps creators have a more seamless app experience but it benefits the brands who are participating in LTKCart as they've seen a 2X conversion increase since the launch.

LTK Marketplace

Introduced at LTKCon, LTK Marketplace is a new feature that allows creators to submit proposals to brands whose campaigns they'd like to be a part of. Venz Box said, "For the last decade, Influencer marketing has been like a dating app where only one side gets to pick who they want to date. Now, vetted, professional creators get to pitch the brands they love to participate in their upcoming campaigns and this dynamic is industry changing."

Photo by LTK

LTK Comments

Also introduced at LTKCon, LTK Comments will grant creators the ability to comment on each other's posts for a more interactive experience. Of the new feature, Venz Box said "Creators have made emotional connections with their community, which serve as the heart of the creator-guided shopping experience. Empowering these audiences to connect provides a powerful engagement dynamic that furthers the trust and engagement shoppers have with the creators they have chosen to follow."

It's clear that Amber Venz Box's recipe for success — slow living for both her family and LTK — is paying off in more ways than one. Her last piece of advice for moms and parents trying to figure things out is to " clear about why you want to do something and why it matters in the long run." Things may not happen overnight but as long as you can find a way to prioritize what's important to you and set boundaries along the way, Venz Box firmly believes you can breadcrumb your way to your goals. It's clear she's found a way to be more present in the various areas of her life - especially the areas that truly matters — and that's always beautiful to see.

Do you think you'll start incorporating slow living or more clear intentions into your own day-to-day life? Let us know in the comments, and join the conversation on Facebook!

Lead image via Amber Venz Box

On the days where motherhood feels incredibly tough, I like to reset my brain by looking at parenting quotes. They may not stem from an expert's POV, but they sure remind me I'm not alone. They also have the ability to make me cackle and remember I'll probably laugh about something that happened later.

I'm a recovering perfectionist, so I'm unabashedly calling myself out by saying that some things aren't worth losing sleep or being stressed over. From one sleep-deprived mama to the next, we need all the joy and rest we can get because our babies deserve a mommy who's not overstimulated all the time.

Still, I know how hard it can be to make sure you're being there for your little ones and yourself. Here's 20 thoughtful parenting quotes to remember when things get tough.

Funny & Light-Hearted Parenting Quotes

Parenting quotes aren't always full of thoughtful advice. Sometimes they're downright funny like this quote by Carrie Underwood.

It's inevitable that our little ones will become teens who don't think it's cool to hang out with mom, but all hope isn't lost! A dog never loses sight of how much it loves being around you!

I haven't gotten the hang of catching the mythical 8 hours of sleep, but I'm still pursuing it too! Care to join me?

When someone figures this out, please tell me. Sleep training seems like it's only beginning to work on me 🤣.

Strollers shouldn't be complicated, but that doesn't stop them from causing moms and dads to sweat.

Thoughtful Parenting Quotes

Wanting the best for your child seems to come with the territory of being a mom.

Teaching your kids about racism isn't a bad thing. It helps them understand that everyone isn't treated fairly based on their race or the color of their skin.

A mom's arms has the power to soothe aches and pains no matter if they're real or imagined.

Parenting books exist, but experience is always the best teacher.

Moms are always learning as much as their kids are.

This is by far one of my favorite parenting quotes because it helps reminds moms that we're human. We're rewarded for putting everyone else first, but it's not realistic to assume moms will never experience burnout.

Advice-Filled Parenting Quotes

Don't be in such a rush to get everything 'right.'

You know your kids better than anyone else so lean into that exclusive insight.

I'm still learning this, but there's truth to it.

This is one of those parenting quotes that makes me want to cry because I'm guilty of thinking I'm supposed to know everything.

Perfect moms don't exist.

Remember what Dory from Finding Nemo said: "Just keep swimming."

Manuals can help a lot, but don't let them make you feel like you're failing.

More Parenting Quotes

An adoptive mom is still a mother.

Even Oprah Winfrey agrees that moms who aren't biologically related to their kids are equally important!

Text Version of Parenting Quotes:

  1. "It just occurred to me that the majority of my diet is made up of the foods my kids didn't finish." — Carrie Underwood
  2. "When your children are teenagers, It's important to have a dog so that someone in the house is happy to see you." — Norah Ephron
  3. "Sleep at this point is just a concept. Something I'm looking forward to investigating in the future." Amy Poehler
  4. "My biggest parenting conundrum: why is it so hard to put someone who is already sleepy to sleep?" — Chrissy Teigen
  5. "I've conquered a lot of things...blood clots in my lungs — twice. Knee and foot surgeries. Winning Grand Slams being down match point. But I found out by far the hardest thing is figuring out a stroller." — Serena Williams
  6. "I think the basics are very important: the number one thing is making sure my child feels loved. And good about herself. And that what she does and who she is, is special and important, and should be celebrated." — Katie Holmes
  7. "The pain and suffering inflicted by racism is not a thing of the past and I bare the responsibility to speak with my kids honestly and often about it, even when the truth is uncomfortable." — Kourtney Kardashian
  8. "A mother's arms are more comforting than anyone else's." — Princess Diana
  9. I came to parenting the way most of us do — knowing nothing and trying to learn everything." — Mayim Bialik
  10. "You learn so much about yourself from being a parent and you care more about the world you are raising your kids in." — Kim Kardashian
  11. "Just because you're a parent doesn't mean your needs aren't important." — Hilary Duff
  12. "The best parenting advice would have to be to take it one day at a time. Everybody always says you're a new parent, no pressure. I'm just taking everything one day at a time because each day is going to bring me something new, if not 10 things new that I have to learn." — Kelly Rowland
  13. "You're going to get advice from a lot of people, and you can take bits and pieces, but you know innately what your child needs. You should trust that." — Lucy Liu
  14. "The one thing you've got to be prepared to do as a parent is not to be liked from time to time." — Emma Thompsom
  15. "We don't have to have answers for our children; we just have to be brave enough to trek into the woods and ask tough questions with them." — Glennon Doyle
  16. "No one's really doing it perfectly. I think you love your kids with your whole heart, and you do the best you possibly can." — Reese Wtiherspoon
  17. "You go through big chunks of time where you're thinking, 'This is impossible — Oh, this is impossible.' And then you just keep going and keep going, and you sort of do the impossible." — Tina Fey
  18. "Parenting shifts as your kids shift. The best thing for me has been throwing any kind of parenting manual out the window." — Kate Hudson
  19. "You don't have to give birth to someone to have a family." — Sandra Bullock
  20. "Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother." — Oprah Winfrey

Which of these parenting quotes did you resonate with? Let us know in the comments

Lead image viaVlada Karpovich/Pexels

TheDunkin' summer menujust hit stores on May 1, and I was so excited to get my hands on the new lineup! In addition to an all-new Refresher flavor, Dunkin’ launched two unique coffee-based drinks and three fun food items (both sweet and savory) to coordinate with the summer season. Of course, I had to see what all the hype was about via a bonafide taste test.

Here are my honest thoughts about the new items on the Dunkin’ summer menu, so you know what’s worth trying! Let's get into it!

Iced Vanilla Frosted Donut Signature Latte

First up, the Vanilla Frosted Donut Signature Latte. This one is so sweet. But so addicting! It may not be the prime choice for those who don’t like sweet drinks, though. I *do* like my coffees fairly sweet, so I didn’t think it was overwhelming when I tried it.

More than anything, this latte simply delivered joy once I got it in my hands. It’s topped with a good amount of whipped cream and a healthy dose of rainbow sprinkles, which fix just about any bad day as far as I’m concerned.

Blueberry Donut Coffee

I go wild for blueberry cake donuts, and I expected the new Blueberry Donut Coffee to taste just like one. I was a bit disappointed when it didn't! I got more of a donut flavor rather than a blueberry one when I sipped down the iced version of this bev.

All things considered, I still loved my first impression of the new Blueberry Donut Coffee. I got it iced (duh), and with cream, it came out to the perfect, most beautiful coffee color. It had maybe 75% of the Vanilla Frosted Donut Signature Latte’s sweetness, which meant it was still sweet enough for my liking.

This could be a great go-to order when you don’t quite want espresso, but are still looking for a nice caffeinated sipper.

Kiwi Watermelon Refresher

The first thing I wrote down in my tasting notes about the brand-new Kiwi Watermelon Refresher was: “MMMMMM SO GOOD.” And I stand by that!

Upon first sip, I got a refreshing (ha, get it?) swig of kiwi flavor and watermelon flavor, which was very nice and evenly balanced. I could see myself gulping this one down at the park or on a road trip this summer! It honestly tasted like candy, which I am not mad about a single bit.

That being said, most of the Dunkin’ Refreshers are really sweet, so if you like milder drinks, you may not fully like this newcomer.

I also got to try the Kiwi Watermelon Refresher with lemonade – a new thing for Dunkin’. I really loved it! With the lemonade, I still got the full effect from the kiwi and watermelon. It was never overpowered, unlike other fruity lemonade beverages from similar coffee chains.

Watermelon Burst Donut

I was really hesitant to try this new menu item because I normally don’t associate watermelon with donuts. One thing about the new Watermelon Burst Donut is that she’s messy… This sweet treat is coated in tons of pink, watermelon-flavored sprinkles and filled to the brim with watermelon jelly.

The first bite I took was just of the donut dough itself – and it wasn’t half bad! My only complaint at that point was the fact that the pink sprinkles got all over the place. They made my lips and mouth messy, and fell off into my lap and around my car. Yikes!

The second bite, of course, included some of the watermelon jelly. This is when I decided that the Watermelon Burst Donut just isn't for me. The bready part was good, but the jelly was super sour – just not what I'd prefer from a donut as a chocolate girlie. I wouldn’t order it on my own accord.

Chocolate Chunk Cookie

Chocolate chunk cookies are classic – you can’t deny that! You also can’t mess it up, IMO. Dunkin’ hit the nail right on the head with this new packaged snack. First of all, I adore the size of the Chocolate Chunk Cookie. It’s huge and packed with big chocolate chunks – as it should be!

There’s a nice variety with texture in this cookie, too. I found that the chocolate chunks were creamy and sweet, while the rest of the cookie was crunchy and downright cookie-like. It made eating it fun!

The pre-packaged-ness of it all is also super nice for snacking on-the-go, or even saving for later (midnight snack, anyone?).

Green Goddess Wrap

Seemingly a direct competitor for Starbucks’ popular Spinach Feta Wrap, the new Green Goddess Wrap from Dunkin’ thoroughly impressed me. Unlike its counterpart, the Green Goddess Wrap is delivered with a very nice texture. I find that other options typically get soggy (after being warmed and put in a bag) and fall apart, but this one didn’t get that way at all.

I loved that the outside of the wrap got a little bit crispy, while the inside stayed gooey and warm. While the texture is quite enjoyable, I was left wishing for more flavor from the wrap’s contents.

Even if it was lacking a bit in flavor, you could easily doctor it up with spices, salt, or hot sauce. More than anything, I appreciate that the Green Goddess Wrap provides a substantial option for breakfast, brunch, or lunch via drive-thru.

Subscribe to our newsletter for more taste tests and reviews from your fave fast food spots!

Photos via Dunkin' and Meredith Holser.

Moms don’t always get a chance to curl up with their favorite book club reads, but that’s about to change thanks to these amazing Spotify audiobooks I came across. This special roundup is geared towards celebrating Mother’s Day, from memoirs to fictionalized versions of motherhood, with all the options aim to talk about the nuances of raising humans and how moms see themselves. So save some paper this year and skip the card because these Spotify audiobooks give moms something different to listen to. Happy reading — er...listening!

The Best Spotify Audiobooks For Moms

Choosing Family: A Memoir of Queer Motherhood and Black Resistance by Francesca T. Royster

Francesca T. Royster details her experience being a Black, Queer mom in Choosing Family: A Memoir of Queer Motherhood and Black Resistance in a riveting way. Along with her wife Annie, Francesca adopts a little Black girl and they begin navigating what it means to choose your family. From detailing the long adoption process to understanding what it means to be a mother, Francesca examines how her experiences have allowed her to be open to something other than the traditional nuclear family.

Narrated by Sarah Palmero.

Chouette by Claire Oshetsky

Tiny knew from the moment she was pregnant with Chouette that she'd be different. She felt it throughout her pregnancy and stands correct in her assumptions when her daughter is born. She works overtime to make sure Chouette wants for nothing, but it seems like her efforts are in vain.

Convinced that she'd rather learn how to care for a child whose nature is to be free and wild, Tiny doubles down on her stance to love her unconditionally. Confronted by the knowledge her husband is trying to find a way to make Chouette as normal as possible, Tiny's love and devotion to her daughter are relentlessly tested.

Narrated by Julia Whelan.

More: Life on the Edge of Adventure and Motherhoodby Majka Burhardt

Majka Burhardt was known for going on rock and ice climbing expeditions with her husband, but her pregnancy caused her to slow down in ways she was unwilling to. Knowing that things will be different from here on out, Majka starts the process of grieving the life she had before entering motherhood.

Although she eventually goes back to work, she constantly feels torn between being there for her twins and what she used to choose without a second thought. Also, she and her husband Peter struggle to find a sense of balance with the addition of children.

It's an honest and raw look at one mother's journey as she works to understand how to navigate being a wife, mom, and working woman. Narrated by Majka Burhardt.

Honey, Baby, Mine by Laura Dern, Diane Lad and Reese Witherspoon

Laura Dern and her mother Diane Ladd peel back the layers of life, love, and more in Honey, Baby, Mine by having honest conversations. Stemming from an illness that plagued Diane's lungs, their conversations were born on the long walks that were meant to help her focus on other things. Daring to approach their conversations with open hearts and cover things that most mothers and daughters stray away from. The more Laura and her mother Diana share, the more their already close bond strengthens.

Honey, Baby, Mine is a recollection of those conversations and memories. Narrated by Laura Dern and Diane Ladd.

Interesting Facts About Space by Emily Austin

Although Interesting Facts About Space isn't completely about motherhood, it's an excellent listen for moms who want a break from things that talk about everything that comes with it.

Enid has an obsession with anything related to space and can share many facts about it. It's part of what moves her and keeps her going. Unfortunately, other areas of her life are all over the place. She spends most of her time listening to true crime podcasts and swiping right on dating apps that end in fruitless relationships.

Her relationship with her family is shaky at best, but she decides to be more intentional about her interactions with her half-sisters after their dad dies. It's around this time she unintentionally begins an affair and becomes paranoid that someone with violent motives is following her.

She eventually beings to realize that she has to deal with the one person she hasn't been honest with — herself.

Narrated by Natalie Naudus.

Down Came The Rain by Brooke Shields

Down Came The Rain is Brooke Shields' recollection of her postpartum experience and the depression that followed. She didn't expect to feel pure love and intense sadness after having her daughter, but those feelings came anyway. What makes this audiobook special is that Brooke speaks with clarity about how postpartum can be overlooked and implies that she hopes her story will make other moms feel less alone if they're struggling.

Narrated by Brooke Shields.

The Manicurist's Daughter by Susan Lieu

Susan Lieu takes listeners behind the scenes as she works to understand her family and how her future fits into the bigger picture. She talks about their escape from the ongoing Vietnam war in the 1980s and the way her own mother helped them transition successfully in California. Things were going well until Susan's mom unexpectedly died during a cosmetic procedure and the family forbid conversations about her.

It leads Susan down a long path of discovering how far people will go to change themselves and how no justice was brought against the surgeon who had a negative reputation with Vietnamese immigrants. Determined to find answers to her burning questions, Susan does everything she can to uncover secrets about the past. What she finds is unlike anythign she was prepared to discover.

Narrated by Susan Lieu.

Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng

Little Fires Everywhere is a chilling look at two mothers who have made choices that directly affect themselves and their children. One one side of the coin, Elena Richardson lives in the picturesque Shaker Heights with her devoted husband and their three children. She's as "by the book" as anyone can be and she relishes in the life it's afforded her.

Then there's the free-spirited Mia Warren who strikes up an uneasy friendship with Elena and even becomes her tenant along with her daughter Pearl. Somehow, Elena's children are charmed by Mia and Pearl, wanting to spend as much time with them in their own ways. It sounds perfect until it's revealed that Mia has a complicated and elusive past that even Pearl isn't 100% aware of.

Things reach a head when Mia learns that Elena's friends are trying to adopt her co-workers daughter that she felt she was unable to care for. This custody battle forces those in close proximity to deal with their internal biases about race and socioeconomic status. As Elena works to bring Mia down, her own carefully coordinated life begins to unravel and it affects her family in irreversible ways.

Narrated by Jennifer Lim.

Bringing Up Bébé: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting by Pamela Druckerman

Journalist Pamela Druckerman gives birth in Paris and secret wonders how French parents are able to get their children to behave so well. She can't help but notice the glaring difference between children in France compared to the children in America as if someone has drawn an invisible line that separates the two. What she learns over time surprises her like the fact no one tells French mothers who they're supposed to model their lives after in order to be 'successful mothers.'

She learns that the French actually let their children exist as if instead of expecting them to hit every single benchmark that's expected of American children. Coupled with her notebook and curiosity, Pamela begins to investigate what helps French parents rear their children the way they do. She eventually comes to term with her own feelings about raising her child and relinquishes the idea that being a mom or child are supposed to be perfect.

Narrated by Abby Craden.

Looking for more reading recs? Be sure to check out our storefront for all our fave books!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Lead images via Spotify

All I’ve been able to focus on as of late is my summer outfits. And as much as I love a denim shorts and graphic tee combo, dresses just make the whole shebang so much easier.

These Old Navy dresses make getting ready for hot summer days a total breeze – a one-and-done, if you will! The retailer is doing some super buzzy stuff with their current styles, so you can be sure your warm weather look will be on trend, too.

We’re talking lotsa linen. We’re talking adorable gingham prints. The current lineup of Old Navy dresses even includes strappier styles that look downright iconic in the summer sun. Scroll on for 14 top-tier summer dresses you can snag for such a good price!

Fit & Flare Linen-Blend Mini Dress

Starting off strong with this sexy strapless number! This linen mini lets you look super chic without exerting too much effort. It goes on easy and stays secure with a smocked stretchy bodice, while the skirt stays straight and breezy. This pick earns even more bonus points for having *pockets*!

The Fit & Flare Linen-Blend Mini Dress comes in 4 other summer-ready colors and regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $35.

Sleeveless Linen-Blend Mini Dress in 'Blue Gingham'

Gingham is undoubtedly a cool fashion girl staple, so it's a must to work into your summer wardrobe this year. This gorgeous linen-blend mini dress makes perfect use of the pattern in a serene blue and white combo that's easy to pair with any type of summer shoe or light layer. The wide straps and smocked back keep the top half of this style in check, so you can move around comfortably.

The Sleeveless Linen-Blend Mini Dress in 'Blue Gingham' comes in 5 other colorways in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $35.

Fit & Flare Cami Mini Dress

When life gives you lemons (AKA a good weather day), wear bright colors! You'll be reaching for this cheery mini dress every time the sun's shining. The cami-inspired top is made to hug your figure, while the short skirt allows for some breathing room. The adjustable spaghetti straps and elastic smocked bodice help you find the comfiest fit possible.

The Fit & Flare Cami Mini Dress comes in 12 other playful colors in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $20 (on sale for a limited time, was $35).

Sleeveless Crochet Midi Dress

This crochet get-up is the coolest way to channel your California surfer girl summer fantasy. The woven textures and details intertwined in this midi dress perfectly recall 70's vibes. The v-neck makes way for you to get some more sun, all while feeling light and breezy, thanks to the airy cotton yarn construction. The midsection features a more open, see-through design to break up the monotony.

The Sleeveless Crochet Midi Dress also comes in black and is shoppable in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $50.

Fit & Flare Sleeveless Midi Dress

Time to feel CUTE! The sweetheart neckline amps up the femme vibes of this midi dress, and it's the perfect thing for summertime soirees and outdoor adventures. The straps on this adorable lil' number aren't adjustable, though the back to smocked with a stretchy material that snugly hugs your bust. This dress' hem hits around the calf, and this color in particular flaunts a playful eyelet layer with a slip underneath for coverage.

The Fit & Flare Sleeveless Midi Dress is shoppable in 9 other colors in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $35 (on sale for a limited time, was $50).

Fit & Flare Smocked Midi Dress

This bold blue will turn all the heads your way this summer! It'd also make for a stellar swimsuit cover-up since it's made to be loose-fitting and light when you wear it. The top is all the way stretchy, as the straps and bodice move with you with a smocked material.

The Fit & Flare Smocked Midi Dress comes in 2 other color options in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $24 (on sale for a limited time, was $40).

Short-Sleeve Mini Shirt Dress

Think of this piece like an elevated polo dress. It's got the collar and the buttons, but this time, it's more loose-fitting and free-flowing. This soft twill shirt dress even flaunts pockets on both sides along the seams. The wide, vented design means you get constant airflow, keeping you cool as a cucumber in the summer heat.

The Short-Sleeve Mini Shirt Dress comes in 3 more colors in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $28 (was $40).

Waist-Defined Midi Dress

This Old Navy dress is oh-so romantic. The buttons that line the length of the dress, alongside a pair of gorgeous flutter sleeves, make for an elegant look without sacrificing comfort one bit. This pick is easy to pull on and just as easy to take off. You'll appreciate that the shirred front shapes and sculpts your figure without restricting your movement.

The Waist-Defined Midi Dress comes in 3 other colors and patterns in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $45.

Sleeveless Linen-Blend Mini Dress in 'Lemons'

This colorful print is the one to wear for summer vacations. It's got illustrations of lemons, leaves, flowers, and other fruits in all sorts of different colors for a lively feel. It's very easy-fitting and doesn't require any extra bits or bobs like zippers or clasps. Wear it easily with your fave trendy sneakers or you go-to summer sandals to complete the look.

The Sleeveless Linen-Blend Mini Dress is shoppable in 5 other colors in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $35.

Sleeveless Racerback Maxi Dress

We all need a maxi in our lives, and luckily, this one is peak comfort. It's made from a stretchy ribbed knit fabric comprised of 40% cotton and 38% polyester, so it fits against your figure quite nicely. It boasts a high neckline (hello, coverage!) and a high leg slit for extra sexiness.

The Sleeveless Racerback Maxi Dress comes in 2 other colors in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $15 (on sale for a limited time, was $40).

Cloud+ Strappy Athletic Dress

If you're on the sportier side, this athletic dress is gonna become your new summer uniform. The moisture-wicking fabric keeps the vibes light and cool, no matter what you're up to. It stays on snugly with the help of built-in spandex shorts and secure, stretchy crossback straps.

In addition to this dark blue color, the Cloud+ Strappy Athletic Dress comes in gray, peach, black, and lilac. You can shop it in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $40.

Sleeveless Mini Swing Dress

Your next date night dress: found. This adorable polka dot ensemble has a playful v-neck, spaghetti straps, and a mini cut for the moments you might want to show more skin. Its 100% cotton construction means it's gonna be super breathable, and the limited color palette ensures you'll find something to style it with very easily.

The Sleeveless Mini Swing Dress is also shoppable in blue and black in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $15 (on sale for a limited time, was $30).

Fit & Flare Strappy Mini Dress

For the days where you just can't bear to put on some pants, this mini dress saves the day. It wears unbelievably light with a short length and tons of straps on the open back. The empire waist sits higher than your actual waistline to give your look a flattering elongated effect.

The Fit & Flare Strappy Mini Dress comes in 7 different colors in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $15 (on sale for a limited time, was $30).

Fit & Flare Rib-Knit Maxi Dress

This long dress makes we want to be on a tropical island somewhere, sipping away at a fruit smoothie with my toes in the sand. It's made of a thick ribbed knit material that feels loungey and flowy at the same time. It's rid of any zippers, buttons, or clasps to save you time when getting ready – but you'll still look very put-together in this neutral style.

The Fit & Flare Rib-Knit Maxi Dress comes in 4 other colors and is shoppable in regular sizes XS-4X, tall sizes XS-XXL, and petite sizes XS-XXL for $40.

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Images via Old Navy.

The return of the capri pants is here, and it ACTUALLY isbetter than ever. We've all fallen prey to the 2000s madras bermuda and capri pants of our youth, so I was hesitant on these at first. Could this seemingly less-than-flattering length actually look good? But the more I see them styled in a fun, French-inspired way, the more I love them! This trend is definitely here to stay, so I rounded up everything from simple, denim capri pants to unique, polka dotted ones for you to shop! You're not gonna wanna miss these!

Shop Capri Pants Here!

ASOS Capri Trousers

If you're wanting to opt for more of a casual look then I'd suggest donning this pair from ASOS. It's a casual and more effortless look than your typical, structured capris we normally see.

Gloria Vanderbilt Capri

You can't do a capri pants roundup without some perfect white, Y2K pairs! These look straight out of a Hilary Duff (A Cinderella Story, anyone?!) movie, and I'm in love! They look incredibly comfortable while remaining put together at the same time.

Maeve Red Capris

I feel like this outfit would be worn by Bridgette Bardot with some curtain bangs and a raffia or straw basket bag and I'm in love! It's so cute and screams "summer at the beach" to me! Anthro always has the best finds!

Urban Outfitters Gingham Capris

Want to get a little more brave and out-there with the trend? This look would be perfect for you then! It is charming and quirky and oh-so-fun! I love the red detailing in the shoes but would love to see the capris paired with a black off-the-shoulder sweater!

Mango Belted Capri Trousers

This incredibly chic pair of capris are stylish and affordable at under $50! I love the Parisian way they're styled above with the sleek off-the-shoulder and kitten heels. Tres chic!

Maeve Polka Dot Capri Pants

Another incredible French-inspired option that will make you look like you're meant to be walking the streets of Paris in the nighttime. I adore the whole look here and the polka dots really pull the whole outfit together. Adding this to my cart as we speak!

Levi's 311 Capri Jeans

This Canadian tuxedo is the quintessential styling I imagine for these capris. A denim-on-denim moment is adorable and great for a night out where you can pair them with heels like above. Throw in a sequin purse for added measure, and you're ready to rock this throwback trend!

Topshop Zip Front Capris

This entire outfit looks like it was taken right off of the Grease set, and I'm not mad about it. I love the sultry effect of this outfit with the crop top and the heels that help to elongate the leg. I'm in love with this look!

NYDJ Utility Pants

These pants are probably my favorite in this whole roundup because they give off such a cool-girl vibe. The utility styles adds a masculine element to the feminine-style that is great for outfit juxtaposition. Strappy heels and a white tee shirt are the perfect pairing for these cute pants!

NYDJ Bridgette Pants

I love wide-leg cropped pants and these take cropped to a whole other level! I'm predicting that this style of capri will be everywhere for summertime. For under $100 that's a great deal as well!

Target Plus Size Cargo Capri

Cargo capris give me such Kim Possible vibes, and I'm so obsessed! I love this look and also love that it comes in extensive sizing as well! It's such a great affordable alternative to try the trend on a budget!

Target High Rise Capris

I actually have a pair extremely similar to these that I wear nonstop because of how comfortable they are. They almost feel like leggings but give the appearance of a put-together silhouette which I love. And Target is such an affordable option to try trends and not feel like you're wasting money on too many trends over time.

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Header image via Anthropologie