Find your dream job in less than 10 minutes.
6 Personality Quizzes That Will Reveal Your Dream Career

Finding a job that has everything you’re looking for isn’t quite as simple as the movies make it out to be. Whether you’re still deciding on a major in college or are looking for a midlife career change, there are so many ways that people suggest determining which career path is right for you that it can get a bit daunting. From researching entry-level salary reports to what you’re doing wrong on your resume, the learning really never ends. So if you don’t know exactly what you want to do yet, no biggie. These six personality tests will give you all the information you need to narrow down your options in 10 minutes or less.
Which Hogwarts House Do You Belong In?
2. IIP RIASEC Markers: An alternative to Myers-Briggs, after grouping jobs into six categories (realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional), this test examines the different personality characteristics associated with each category. By rating your preferences on different job activities — from helping people with family-related problems to running a toy store — the test narrows down your interests and helps you figure out which broad career path to pursue.
3. Color Quiz: Based on the work of Dr. Max Lûscher, this test simply asks you to choose colors to reveal your true personality and your biggest challenges. It’s a great resource for answering those pesky questions about your strengths and weaknesses during job interviews.