A Guide to Dealing With Flaky Friends

Flaking out on a friend used to be the stuff of major TV drama: One character would be left alone with a group project or prom dress appointment, while their absent pal accepted an impromptu date with someone cooler. Usually, the flaky friend would remember the plan they’d ditched just a little too late and promptly rush to their BFF’s side. After talking through their underlying relationship issues, the friends would end up closer than ever.

In real life, flakiness is more frustrating than dramatic — and unfortunately, it’s rarely a catalyst for relationship growth. Whether you’re the “flaker” or the “flakee” (or, like most of us, you have experience on both sides), this behavior can cause a lot of stress. Here’s how to preserve your mental health (and your friendship) when flakiness gets in the way.

Practice Empathy

1. If You’re theFlakee: Your friend cancels plans at the last second, shows up late or not at all, and avoids messages across all platforms. It feels personal — but is there a chance that they’re dealing with their own problems?

“Sometimes when people are feeling down or low they think it’s better not to be social,” says Jasmin Terrany, LMHC, a therapist who specializes in supporting professional women being successful in their personal lives. “They don’t want to put their ‘heaviness’ on somebody else.” And if your friend is struggling with a mental health issue, like depression or anxiety, reaching out might feel physically impossible.

Couples’ counselor and psychologist Dr. Wyatt Fisher offers another mental-health-based explanation: “They may have untreated ADHD,” he says. “In relationships, this can come out as being chronically late, canceling last minute, or forgetting about the plans altogether.” For those who have lived with ADHD symptoms since childhood — especially without a diagnosis to put those symptoms into perspective — they might be experiencing additional feelings of negativity and low self-worth associated with their so-called flaky behavior.

Instead of taking your friend’s actions to heart, try to understand what might be going on below the surface. Terrany points out that when someone is caught up in negative feelings or insecurities, they may not be able to fully gauge how their actions affect others. “There’s a good chance this person is your friend because they are a good person, so the assumption should never be that they are intentionally blowing you off because they don’t care about you,” she says.

2. If You’re the Flaker: You’re exhausted from work and have a backlog of laundry, and just thinking about a mojito-fueled happy hour with your bestie makes your bones ache. You don’t *want* to cancel — again — but you just really, seriously can’t. Besides, is it really that bad to give your friend the chance to have a relaxing night in?

“What the flaky friend doesn’t realize is that their behavior can really hurt,” says marriage and family therapist Heidi McBain, MA, LMFT, LPC, RPT. “So the other person might feel sad or depressed because they don’t feel cared for or they may feel worried and anxious that their friend might not show up.”

When you feel comfortable in a relationship, it’s easy to assume you’ll always be forgiven. But the more often you hurt someone, the harder it gets for them to recover. Over time, emotional baggage might start weighing down your friendship.

Of course, there might also be times when, after a tough day at the office, your BFF is on the same page as you are — even hoping you flake out first! But don’t discount the possibility that they really need this time with you. And if you want to stay in because you’re feeling low, try to be honest about it. Give your friend the opportunity to be there for you, whether that means showing up on your doorstep to wash a week’s worth of dishes, or binging old episodes of Gilmore Girls via FaceTime.

Work on Communication

1. If You’re the Flakee: Sure, no one wants to be the friend with no chill. But if your friend’s flakiness is affecting you, then you owe it to the relationship to call them on their *ish.

“Make sure not to use the word ‘Why?'” says Terrany. “When we ask a question starting with ‘why,’ it makes the other person feel defensive. It’s more important to ask with love and curiosity and the assumption there is a deeper reason that isn’t personal to you.”

Fisher advises giving your friend the benefit of the doubt. “Then, discuss together what the options are for compromising or modifying this pattern moving forward,” he says.

2. If You’re the Flaker: If you notice yourself acting flaky, own up to it. Even if you’re not immediately able to break the habit, just acknowledging that you’re aware of your own behavior goes a long way.

Admitting what’s going on can also be a huge step for your own mental health, allowing you to start working towards an action plan to remedy this pattern.

Know Where to Draw The Line

1. If You’re the Flakee: At a certain point, if your friend’s behavior feels hurtful or stressful, or harms your self-esteem, you need to put your own well-being first.

McBain suggests reflecting on the relationship as a whole. “[You] need to really look at the friendship and figure out what [you] are getting out of it and if it’s positively or negatively impacting [your] life,” she says.

If your feelings about the relationship are more positive than negative, you could try changing the way you interact with your friend. McBain suggests lowering your expectations, making plans at your home, and assuming that your friend won’t come through if they don’t respond to a call an hour before your plans.

But if you’ve run out of good will, it’s okay to focus your energy on relationships that feel more equitable. “It’s important to cultivate several friendships beyond them so you’re not dependent on their consistency to feel good about yourself,” says Fisher.

2. If You’re the Flaker: If you notice yourself canceling plans regularly, take a step back. Is this an issue across the board, or do you tend to avoid certain people more than others? Are you withdrawing from weekly get-togethers with your bestie to prioritize something else, like work or a dude? As the expression goes, actions speak louder than words — and sometimes we need to listen and learn from them.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with putting your job first or getting caught up in a new relationship, but make sure you know what balance looks like for you. That might mean working more late nights than your friends can understand and sacrificing cocktails in favor of laundry — and that’s totally alright. But you also have to be real with yourself so you don’t end up scheduling commitments you can’t keep.

Have you worked through a flaky friendship? Tell us about it at @BritandCo!

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Last month I chatted Amanda Montell by mentioning the glaring loneliness epidemic that's taken over lately. While we had a great conversation about overcoming our overthinking, it really got me wondering: how did we get here?

According to a study conducted by the U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, the pandemic and our increased reliance on technology seems to be the source of the collective social decline we’re experiencing. In 2022 — two years out from the 2020 lockdowns — only 39% of adults reported feeling emotionally close to others. For those of us who consider ourselves to be introverts, this may feel par for the social course — but it really isn't.

There's potential for greater health concerns here, both mentally and physically. Dr. Murthy discovered that a prolonged decline in social connection with others “...can increase your risk of heart disease by 29% and risk of stroke by 32%.” That’s no laughing matter, especially if heart disease runs in your family like it does in mine.

It’s something Eric Liu, CEO of Citizen University elaborated on during an episode of NPR’sMorning Edition podcast last year. He said, “When you are alone and disconnected, there’s more stress, there’s more inflammation, there’s more anxiety.” And while some of us prefer our own company, statistics show that's not always the healthiest choice for us in the long run.

To understand all this even more, I spoke with Licensed Perinatal Mental Health & Trauma Therapist Becca Reed, LCSW, PMH-C. Together, we broke down how we can combat the loneliness epidemic and positively affect our health at the same time. Here's what I learned!

How prevalent is the loneliness epidemic actually?

Image via Liza Summer/Pexels

I've joked with my sister that there seems to be a change in the way people interact with each other since the pandemic, but there's some truth to it. Reed says, "Since the pandemic began, I've observed a marked increase in feelings of loneliness across various age groups. What’s particularly interesting is the depth of loneliness people have expressed, even after moving back into engaging in normal activities."

Think about the last time you went to the grocery store — did it seem like some people exist in their own worlds without apparent regard for others? It could very well be a symptom of this very epidemic. "Many of my clients have reported feeling disconnected not just from others, but also from parts of themselves. The pandemic disrupted our regular social habits and created a void that many are still learning how to fill," explains Reed.

Does social media play a role in the way we perceive introversion and loneliness?

Image via Arina Krasnikova/Pexels

I can't completely shun social media because it's introduced me to different brands, people, and even my career as a journalist. However, I've also wondered if social media has a major influence on the way we think and interact with the world around us — especially in regards to introversion and loneliness. Reed believes there's more to it than that.

"Our lifestyles and societal values greatly influence how we view introversion and loneliness. For instance, highly individualistic cultures, like in the U.S., often celebrate extroversion," she says before adding, "This celebration can make quieter, introverted ways of engaging with the world seem less valuable."

This may pose an issue for those who are always busy and aren't actively interacting with others beyond a surface level. Reed says, "Additionally, our busy modern lifestyles are filled with long work hours and personal commitments. This can leave little room for deep, sustained social interactions. As a result, those who may not reach out actively can feel further isolated."

What are some signs that someone is experiencing loneliness?

Image via Ivan Samkov/Pexels

Dr. Murthy also told NPR, “Some people react to loneliness by withdrawing and getting quiet. Others react to loneliness by becoming irritable and angry, and they may lash out more” before adding “...sometimes we need somebody else to tell us, ‘Hey, you’ve been withdrawing more’ to help us understand we might actually be dealing with loneliness.”

This is something that Reed also reiterated. She says, "Signs of loneliness frequently include significant changes in mood and behavior. This might look like increased irritability, persistent sadness, or withdrawal from usual activities" while "Physically, loneliness might manifest through disrupted sleep patterns or a change in appetite."

From personal experience, I've been known to dissociate if I'm feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or upset so I'm very familiar with exacerbating any loneliness I've felt by withdrawing. This also resulted in spending a lot of days in my early 20s sleeping when I wasn't working or remaining in my room with the door locked.

"If you notice a loved one seeming unusually quiet, canceling plans more frequently, or expressing feelings of emptiness, they might be experiencing loneliness," warns Reed.

How can we combat the loneliness epidemic in our daily interactions?

Image via Pavel Danilyuk/Pexels

If you've noticed that you're being affected by the loneliness epidemic, there are different ways to combat it. Reed says, "Small daily interactions can be very impactful to combating loneliness. Simply making eye contact, sharing a smile with a stranger, or having a quick chat with a neighbor can foster a sense of connection." This sounds so Starbucks and Bookstore-coded for those of us who don't want to feel overwhelmed by anything grand.

At the same time, Reed says there are things we can do in our personal relationships to help us start feeling a sense of community again. "Reaching out regularly to friends and family through calls, messages, and face-to-face interactions is essential. Building a community around shared interests, can also help bridge the isolation gap," she shares.

Is the loneliness epidemic going to be a prolonged problem, or is it possible to turn around?

Image via Alena Darmel/Pexels

Like other things, it can seem like the loneliness epidemic won't get any better. But, Reed wants you to have hope. "While it's possible the impact of the pandemic on social interactions could be a prolonged issue, humans are inherently driven to connect." Though she says, "The pandemic has intensified social anxieties and shifted communication habits."

This can look like people finding it difficult to interact with others the way they used to (hi social anxiety). Still, that doesn't mean we have to approach things as if there's nothing to look forward to in terms of interacting with others. Reed says, "People are finding new ways to engage with each other as we be come more aware of the impacts of loneliness and actively work towards building stronger, more resilient community networks. This adaptability is a positive sign that we're moving towards more interaction again, despite the challenges."

All we can do is turn lemons into lemonade as we continue to find new normals that support our lifestyles, communication, and connection needs.

Has the loneliness epidemic impacted you? Let us know in the comments and follow the conversation on Facebook.

Lead image via Tiana/Pexels

We’ve all been there. You head to your fridge to make your daily sandwich — grab the bread, the lettuce, the tomato, but wait — the deli meat you bought a little week ago is looking a little suspect. How can you tell if it’s still good to eat?

First, let’s define exactly what deli meat is. Sliced bologna, sausage, salami, pastrami, turkey, beef, and chicken are just a few general proteins classified as deli meats. There are a slew of different types of each meat — for example, roast beef or corned beef, pancetta, or prosciutto, etc. But we're talking about the classic packaged deli meats you pick up at stores here.

According to the USDA, you can store packaged lunch meats in the refrigerator for two weeks before opening it. If you open the package, you can keep deli meat in the refrigerator for three to five days (note: the refrigerator has to be 40 degrees Fahrenheit or less).

Now that we have the lowdown on how long you can keep the protein around, here are some other frequently asked questions about all things deli meat.

​Can you freeze deli meat?

Photo by Meruyert Gonullu/PEXELS

Yes! If you opt for freezing the deli meat upon purchase, you can keep it in the freezer for one to two months for best quality. Per the USDA, frozen foods are safe indefinitely if kept at zero degrees Fahrenheit.

​How can you tell if deli meat goes bad?

Photo by Hillshire Farm/Unsplash

Like most foods, the ‘smell test’ will do the trick. If the deli meat even smells slightly off or funky, toss it in the garbage. The USDA notes change in color, mold, or a new slimy or sticky film/texture as signs that the protein has gone bad. Always check the expiration date before consuming.

​Can you eat deli meat when you're pregnant?

Photo by Vlada Karpovich/PEXELS

According to the American Pregnancy Association, you should avoid deli meats until after pregnancy due to a risk of Listeria (a bacterial infection caused by contaminated food). If you do choose to eat deli meats while pregnant, it’s important to take precautions, such as cooking them until they are steaming to rid of possible bacteria.

​How many hours can deli meat sit out?

Photo by Anastasia Kalinkina/Unsplash

The USDA's rule of thumb is to not leave out perishable foods (AKA deli meat) at room temperature for longer than 2 hours. If the temperature in the room or outside is hotter than 90 degrees Fahrenheit, then you should only leave deli meat out for a maximum of one hour.

Looking for other food facts and inspo? Sign up for our weekly email newsletter!

Header photo by Mae Mu/Unsplash

I used to think being in a healthy relationship meant that things would be easy peasy, but I now know it takes more than "I love yous" to learn how to be a good partner — especially when dealing with mental health. Since it's Mental Health Awareness Month, I figure it's the perfect time to talk about how neurodivergence can show up in relationships — particularly when you're married to or dating someone with ADHD — and why it doesn't have to spell doom.

That's not to say that things like financial red flags or a serial messy partner are things you have to deal with — it's more about realizing what your personal thresholds are while loving someone who perceives things a little differently.

However, sometimes while you're navigating those relationship boundaries on your own, other people's opinions can cloud your perception. Licensed therapist Natalie Rosado, LMHC, of Tampa Bay Counselingand Counseling with Natalie says, "Unfortunately, there are numerous stigmas that can affect how people view these relationships, making dating more challenging." But with over a decade of experiencing helping clients learn to take care of their mental health, Natalie has a few tips that'll help you learn how to be a good partner to someone who has ADHD.

What are common misconceptions about neurodivergence in relationships?

Image via Yan Krukau/Pexels

It seems like as soon as people find out two people are dating, their relationship becomes THE topic of conversation among their peers and otherwise. I know because I'm guilty of letting my curiosity get the best of me, but I try not to make assumptions about what goes on BTS. Knowing this, I can only imagine some of the things that people say about couples where one partner has a diagnosed mental illness or is neurodivergent.

Natalie says the common myths and stigmas associated with these types of relationships are:

  • Relationships with people who have mental health issues are doomed to fail.
  • People with mental health issues are violent and dangerous.
  • Mental health problems are a sign of weakness, and you can 'fix' your partner.
  • You should only consider someone as a romantic partner if they are 'cured' of their mental illness

How can someone effectively communicate with their partner if they ADHD?

Image via Viktoria Slowikowska/Pexels

Someone who has ADHD may process things a little differently than another person, which doesn't have to be a terrible thing. To be more specific, Natalie breaks down how someone can have conversations with a partner who has ADHD. "Effective communication with a partner who has ADHD requires specific strategies because ADHD can affect a person's ability to focus, organize thoughts, listen actively, and manage impulses, which can sometimes make interactions and day-to-day living difficult," she says.

A few ways to navigate this is by doing the following:

  • Seek Understanding of ADHD: Understanding how ADHD can affect communication and behavior can help you develop empathy and more effective strategies tailored to your relationship.
  • Establish Eye Contact: Making eye contact can help them focus and signal that the conversation is important.
  • Check for Understanding: After you’ve communicated something important, ask your partner to repeat back what they've understood. This can ensure that your message has been understood correctly.
  • Use "I" Statements: This can prevent your partner from feeling defensive and keeps the conversation more constructive.

How can you recognize signs that something is triggering your partner?

Photo by cottonbro studio/PEXELS

This is such an important question because sometimes we're not aware that something we're doing or saying is triggering our partners whether they have ADHD or not. Natalie says, "A clear sign that something may be triggering your partner is a noticeable and abrupt change in their mood or behavior," and "Triggers can also provoke physical responses."

Based on her experience, these physical responses can include shaking, trembling, a sudden inability to speak, crying, rapid breathing, or even a panic attack. "Observing these changes can indicate that your partner is experiencing something deeply distressing. If your partner suddenly withdraws from a conversation, shuts down emotionally, or tries to leave the situation entirely, it might indicate that they are feeling overwhelmed or triggered, as well. Or a sudden silence or unusually passive communication can be a sign your partner is triggered," Natalie says.

As someone who's known for finding a way to exit a conversation if I start feeling overwhelmed, I can say that this sounds all too familiar.

What makes having a partner with ADHD difficult? Should that be a dealbreaker?

Photo by cottonbro studio/PEXELS

Deal breakers are subjective, so no one can firmly tell you what you should or shouldn't deal with. At the same time, Natalie wants you to consider some things. "Dating someone with ADHD does have it's unique challenges, but understanding these challenges can help determine whether they might be considered deal-breakers, depending on one's personal limits, the dynamics of the relationship, and the willingness of both partners to work through these concerns."

She makes it clear that some things that may affect your relationship with your partner are their tendency to be inconsistent, distracted, forgetful, and disorganized. If you're finding that it's hard for you to find peace at home or in your relationship, it may be best for you to amicably part ways with your partner.

How can you support a partner with ADHD?

Image via Dmitriy Ganin/Pexels

We're fortunate that we live in a time where talking about mental illness and neurodivergence is more widely embraced, but that doesn't mean everyone is comfortable with the conversation. Natalie says, "As a clinical provider, I have been able to witness first hand the ways that a partner's support can really assist someone with an ADHD diagnosis. First, understanding the symptoms, challenges, and behaviors associated with ADHD can help you empathize with what your loved one is experiencing."

A few of the ways you can help your partner is by listening without judgment or interruption, and acknowledging their struggles, validating their feelings, and reassuring them that it’s okay to feel overwhelmed. Natalie says this "...can help provide a feeling of safety" while "Offering to help organize their environment, set up reminders, or plan daily schedules can help reduce stress and make daily tasks more manageable."

To go the extra mile, Natalie suggests celebrating small milestones and successes to boost their self-esteem and motivation since these two things can also be affected by ADHD.

If you're struggling while dating someone who has ADHD, just know that all relationships hit roadblocks here and there. The best thing you can do is ask yourself what you're honestly able to handle in a relationship, consider finding ways to effectively communicate with and affirm your partner, or decide to walk away.

For more mental health advice, be sure to check out our interview with Mandy Teefey of Wondermind!

Lead image via Budgeron Bach/Pexels

It’s summer, which means pants are a no-go. Why struggle (and profusely sweat) in perhaps the most restricting piece of clothing known to womankind? Instead, opt for a maxi skirt that gives you total breathability and freedom of movement.

These maxi skirts for summer embrace comfort all the way, so you can frolic around in style this season. From neutrals to brights and ginghams to polka dots, these 15 skirts will give your summer ‘fits an instant boost.

Sunday Best Mars Skirt

This tiered maxi skirt with an elastic waistband is a staple you need to have in your closet for summer. It's super easy to pair with essentially anything you've already got, plus it just looks effortlessly chic for any occasion. Dressed up or down, the lightweight twill material will feel like an absolute dream against your legs.

The Sunday Best Mars Skirt is available in 4 other colors and sizes XXS-XL for $98.

Free-est Caught In The Moment Maxi Skirt

The raw vertical seaming on this mid-rise style lends it an especially casual air, which is just want you want for those scorching-hot summer days. Though it masters the art of breathability, this skirt will also last you well into fall and winter, depending how you layer up and style it.

The Caught In The Moment Maxi Skirt from Free-est comes in 4 other colors and sizes XS-XL for $70.

Flat White Drop-Waist Maxi Skirt

Okay, drop waist effect! This maxi skirt that comes in an eye-catching blue hue adds a touch of whimsy to your look. It's easy to slip into and secures with a side zipper. The tight ruching along the hips makes this piece anything but ordinary.

The Flat White Drop-Waist Maxi Skirt comes in sizes XXS-XL for $138.

Abercrombie & Fitch Crochet-Style Maxi Skirt

You gotta love a flirty sheer skirt for summertime! This one flaunts a loose crochet construction, so it's still impressively breathable. The mix of crochet patterns add visual interest alongside the contrasting black lines. This 100% cotton skirt is part of a matching set and even has a mini-length liner underneath for additional coverage!

The Crochet-Style Maxi Skirt from Abercrombie & Fitch is also available in white-on-black and sizes XXS-XL for $90.

Urban Renewal Remnants Slub Linen Maxi Skirt

The dainty waistline with a tiny bow in the center on this skirt is to die for! The length fully falls to the floor if you wear it low-waisted, which can be a super fun silhouette to play with if you normally don't rock it. This piece is created from deadstock or discarded fabrics that would have gone unused otherwise.

The Urban Renewal Remnants Slub Linen Maxi Skirt comes in 5 other colors and sizes XS-XL for $65.

Free-est The Convertible Skirt

You can wear this maxi skirt any way you want. That's right – it can also be worn as a dress! It boasts a tiered, layered silhouette with a unique asymmetrical hem, so it's sure to be the staple of your 'fits. There's also a super wide waistband with lotsa elastic for easy, effortless, everyday wear.

There are 4 additional color options for the Free-est The Convertible Skirt. It's shoppable in sizes XS-XL for $88.

Whimsy + Row Marni Maxi Skirt

It's giving cool French girl to the max. This maxi skirt – part of a matching set – is pretty simple in design. Though it doesn't have many extra bells or whistles, the chic polka dot pattern calls attention to your look instantly. The waistband on this number is fully elastic, so everyday wear is as comfy as can be!

The Whimsy + Row Marni Maxi Skirt is also available in solid white or pink and sizes XS-XL for $162.

Gap Crinkle Gauze Denim Maxi Skirt

Denim maxi skirts may be trending right now, but they're not always entirely practical for warm weather. Luckily, this one's a bit more breathable since it's made from a gauzy material. The three-tiered design gives it shape while the smocked wide waistband hugs your figure in the most flattering way.

The Crinkle Gauze Denim Maxi Skirt from Gap is shoppable in sizes XXS-XXL for $70.

Abercrombie & Fitch Drama Tiered Maxi Skirt

The dramatic tiering on this maxi skirt lands a bit more on the formal side. It's part of a matching set, so you could complete your look for a wedding or dinner party pretty easily! The gorgeous yellow shade of this number is dotted with tiny blue blooms and the waistline is part stretchy, part not-stretchy with a side zipper for security!

The Abercrombie & Fitch Drama Tiered Maxi Skirt is also available in a pink colorway and sizes XXS-XL for $90.

Babaton Slip Satin Maxi Skirt

We're obsessed with this sultry smoky blue color. Made from a "drapey satin fabric with a lustrous, glossy sheen that’s extremely soft to the touch," this maxi skirt comes complete with a broken-in, cozy fit. It's made from recycled waste material and wood-based fibers, so it's *sustainably* stylish. It pulls on easily with an elastic waistband.

The Babaton Slip Satin Maxi Skirt comes in 5 other colors and sizes 00-12 for $98.

Free-est Like A Mermaid Skirt

This mermaid-cut maxi feels super whimsical, and it's perfect for giving a little twirl! It pulls on and secures to your liking with a drawstring tie. The frayed, detailed tiering supplies extra oomph with this 100% cotton piece.

The Free-est Like A Mermaid Skirt is available in 6 other colors and sizes XS-XL for $78.

J.Crew Collection Maxi Skirt in Lightweight Chiffon

This maxi skirt carries total profesh vibes with its fine pleats, but it comes out to play with a sheer chiffon material. It's just perfect for that hot, sticky summer weather you know is on its way. This piece is lined with a mini skirt on the inside, so you'll have some nice breathing room!

The J.Crew Collection Maxi Skirt also comes in black and sizes 00-24. It's currently on sale for a limited time for $135 (was $198).

Neon Rose Ricrac Gingham Maxi Skirt

With a playful mismatched squiggly trim at the bottom and youthful gingham pattern, this piece is sure to be the #1 statement of any of your outfits. It boasts a cute little bow at the elastic waistband, which is meant to fit low-waisted. Pair with sandals or your fave sneaks for an adorable summer look!

The Neon Rose Ricrac Gingham Maxi Skirt comes in sizes XS-XL for $64.

Abercrombie & Fitch Crinkle Flowy Maxi Skirt

This red turns heads. Made in an ultra-high rise silhouette, this maxi skirt with a fully elasticated waistband flaunts a light lining on the inside for added coverage, so you can feel cozy all day long. You can even snag the matching top for an easy summer outfit to wear to dinners and dates alike.

The Crinkle Flowy Maxi Skirt from Abercrombie & Fitch comes in 3 other colors and patterns and sizes XXS-XL for $70.

Wild Fable Mid-Rise Lace Trumpet Maxi Skirt

This is summer festival fashion at its finest! This skirt is super lacy for utmost breeziness and even has some built-in shorts so you can wear 'em with ease.

The Wild Fable Mid-Rise Lace Trumpet Maxi Skirt is also shoppable in black and is available in sizes XXS-4X for $25.

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Lead image via Urban Outfitters.

It's almost summertime which means parents are going to be thinking about how many kid-friendly summer vacation ideas we can fit in before a new school year starts. I know I'm not the only parent feverishly planning toddler activities to keep my son entertained, so I'm thinking long-term — and thinking of something fun we can all do together.

Last year we took a family trip to the Wild Adventures Theme Park in Valdosta, GA and my son still talks about it. He also walked around the entire park without losing an ounce of energy which means I've got my work cut out for me. In the same boat as I am and need ideas that won't require you to travel out of the country? Keep scrolling for fun, family-friendly summer vacation ideas!

Kid-Friendly Summer Vacations

Image via Brett Sayles/Pexels

Gonzales Jambalaya Festival (May 24-26) in Gonzales, LA

Take a trip to Gonzales, LA in time for the city's annual Gonzales Jambalaya Festival! According to official site for the festival, Gonzales has the best Jambalaya you'll find in the bayou. Each day will feature live music from popular acts that truly capture Louisiana's sound and will make your bones feel good as you enjoy food that makes your taste buds swirl.

There's also a cooking contest, pageant, car show, plenty of vendors, and a carnival for the whole family to enjoy!

Image via Caroline Cagnin/Pexels

Universal Orlando Resort in Orlando, FL

I'm a Florida native so any theme park or resort is always at the top of my list, but I'm partial to visiting Universal Orlando Resort during the summer. Although it's at the top of my own kid-friendly summer vacation ideas list, there's tons of stuff adults can have fun doing. The resort usually have packages that allow you to bundle a few days together so you visit a different park each day — something my mom and stepdad definitely took advantage of.

From there you and your kids get to let loose. There's rides dedicated to Jurassic Park, Harry Potter and Dr. Suess, and you dine at the famous Hard Rock Café! Everyone will need a nap once you're done exploring which isn't a bad idea.

Image via Los Muertos Crew/Pexels

Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, CA

If you've memorized all the different versions of "Baby Shark," you may be entitled to a kid-friendly trip to Monterey Bay Aquarium. While the trip itself won't be free, you'll love watching your kid's face light up when they get to see real sea animals. You can enjoy visiting the following habitats with them:

  • Beaches & dunes
  • Coastal waters
  • Coastal wetlands
  • Coral reefs
  • Deep sea
  • Kelp forest
  • Open waters
  • Reefs and pilings
  • Sandy seafloor
  • The rocky shore

Image via Momentos Reales/Pexels

Dollywood's DreamMore Resort & Spa in Pigeon Forge, TN

Take a dream to Pigeon Forge, TN to book a fun stay at Dollywood's DreamMore Resort & Spa! The theme park alone is situated on 160 acres of land which should tell you how much fun you and your family will have. Still need convincing? No worries!

If you have smaller kiddos, rides like Busy Bees and Black Bear Trail are available for them to enjoy. But if they need to burn off excess energy, they can run and jump as much as they want inside of Hidden Hollow. It's a secret play area that's based on the forest so your kids will feel like they're little explorers.

If you want to sneak off for a little me time, you can find goodies at The Southern Pantry or Mountain Laurel Home!

Image via Arthur Krijgsman/Pexels

Morgan's Wonderland in San Antonio, TX

Everything's bigger in Texas, including the kid-friendly summer vacation ideas. That's the main reason why Morgan's Wonderland is on my list. The 4D Cinema alone is enticing, but there's also tons of other rides and attractions to see! There's everything from the classic carousel to Pirate Island (sorry Squidward — there's not any robots here), plus a Sensory Village that encourages creative play!

And if your kid's birthday is this summer, you can throw a birthday party for them at Morgan's Wonderland.

Image via Yan Krukau/Pexels

Keystone Resort in Summit County, CO

All I can picture is the episode of Bob's Burger when the Belchers spend a night at a national park so that Tina can make up for a Thunder Girls event she missed, but the tubing that'll be done at Keystone Resort will be supervised. It'll officially open June 20 for a summer of fun that your family will love remembering.

There's Lakeside Village activities to enjoy, snow tubing, hiking, tennis, yoga, and more! You can also choose from 16 dining options.

I don't know about you, but I love having options.

Image via Valdemaras D./Pexels

Atlantic White Shark Conservatory in Cape Cod, MA

Still have "Baby Shark" on the brain? Travel to Cape Cod, MA to visit the Atlantic White Shark Conservatory. Beginning May 16, Shark Center Chatham and Shark Center Provincetown will be open for the 2024 season. You can book an expedition that lets you see everything from great white sharks to various seabirds. It's an all day tour so make sure you and your family are prepared for that if you choose this option!

Image via Olya Harytovich/Pexels

The Lodge at Blue Sky in Park City, UT

If you prefer to deal with nature in a different way, The Lodge at Blue Sky in Park City, UT may be just the place you need to visit this summer. Besides hiking, you can introduce your kiddos to the Little Vaqueros Camp. Here's a daily breakdown of what each day offers:

  • Monday — Wilderness Explorers
  • Tuesday — Cowboys & Cowgirls
  • Wednesday — Mountain Creativity
  • Thursday — Culinary Exploration
  • Friday — Discovering Gracie's (rehabilitation center for animals)
  • Saturday — Little Miners
  • Sunday — Love of the Land
If one of your kids is a teenager, they'll be able to participate in activities like axe throwing, mountain biking, and horseback riding.

Image via Sergey Makashin/Pexels

Explore Activities in Hilton Head, SC

Instead of focusing on one singular thing, I decided Hilton Head, SC deserves it's own spotlight. There's so much to do and it's probably one of the best kid-friendly summer vacation spots to create new memories in. You can visit The Sandbox Interactive Children's Museum, Station 300 Bowling Lanes, or Commander Zodiac Kids Camp. At the latter, you and your kids can go on a private boat tour that allows you to see wildlife like dolphins.

Image via Ivan Torres/Pexels

Niagara Falls State Park in Niagara Falls, NY

Have your kids been expecting to see a big miracle and can't stop talking about what they think it could be? Sounds like it's time to plan a trip to Niagara Falls State Park! There's literally so much to do that you'll even be talking about this trip during Thanksgiving. Here's some of the attractions that are available to visit:

  • Cave of the Winds
  • Aquarium
  • Maid of the Mist
  • Fireworks Show
  • Observation Tower

There's also hiking trails you and your kids can take advantage of!

Which kid-friendly summer vacation ideas sound like they're perfect for you and your kids to enjoy in the coming months?

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Lead image viaYulianto Poitier/Pexels