TikTok's Lucky Girl Syndrome, Explained

lucky girl syndrome, girl with confetti and balloons

While we always strive to notice and look for the good around us, things get a little hazy when we start to expect rather than hope that good things are coming our way. A new lifestyle trend that's taken over TikTok is called Lucky Girl Syndrome. The term, which was popularized by Laura Galebe, believes that if you say good things are coming your way, then they are.

The idea of visualizing your reality and working toward it is a complicated topic, which is why we tapped Dr. Whitney Goodman, LMFT, psychiatrist, and author of Toxic Positivity, to talk about all things lucky. Keep reading to form your own opinion about this new trend.

What Is Lucky Girl Syndrome?

Photo by Inga Seliverstova

Lucky Girl Syndrome revolves around the idea that the positive things you say out loud will become your reality. However, even though this newest form of manifestation is becoming widely accepted, there isn't actually a scientific basis for it.

"There isn’t evidence that we can speak things into existence," Goodman says. "This ideology has withstood the test of time and continues to morph into different forms of positive thinking." While our thoughts can emphasize our behaviors, a positive result doesn't necessarily come out of thin air. "It’s not as simple as thought equals something happening."

While traditional manifestation does involve the idea of good things coming to you, many of its forms still require agency on your part. However the "syndrome" of Lucky Girl Syndrome creates the idea that it's something you're chosen for, or that it's something out of your control.

It can be tempting to put 100% of your effort into positive thinking, but just like the old saying goes, nothing worth having comes easy. Our dreams take work!

"I have seen many clients attempt to use manifestation or wishing as a way to achieve something," Goodman says. "There has been a longstanding belief that if you simply believe it, it will come true. Unfortunately, this is way more complicated and work will almost always be required."

Turning your dreams into a reality often involves late nights and early mornings, but it's also vital to point out that the process looks different for everyone. "We can’t talk about manifestation without talking about privilege," Goodman says. "Popular manifestation texts propose that if you are positive and visualize what you want, it will come to you. This is interesting because it seems only certain people are getting what they want."

"There's no planning for obstacles that may occur, no assessment of individual abilities, and no action plan," Goodman continues. It's important to strike a balance between realism and idealism, and the truth is that there are so many factors out of our control that can derail our plans.

It's important not to set yourself up for shameful feelings when that derailing inevitably occurs. "When we don't consider our own limitations, systemic influences, challenges that may arise, or privilege, it's very easy to blame the individual if they can't make [their dream] happen," Goodman says.

Photo by Inga Seliverstova/Pexels

Individualism plays such a large role in Lucky Girl Syndrome that it's easy to get into the habit of making everything about ourselves and focus all of our time and energy towards our own lives. "It can definitely become a stepping stone towards toxic positivity when we assume that everyone can achieve something simply by thinking about it," Goodman says. "This type of thinking can become extremely harmful for people with chronic illness, disabilities, or other struggles."

We're not empathizing with the people around us when we forget that they have different lives and different capabilities than we do, or when we put the same expectations on them that we put on ourselves. It's vital that we find a balance between those two things, and that we hold reality in one hand while still leaving the other hand open for opportunity.

Photo by cottonbro studio

"In order to get what we want, we have to know what that thing is and visualize it," Goodman says. "We have to believe that achieving it is possible. We can integrate external factors that may impede certain goals while also encouraging and inspiring people to take the reins and make their life exactly what they want."

Whether it's making a vision board or journaling, half the fun is in the dreaming. A study from Dr. Gail Matthews shows that people who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them. Plus, when you write down your craziest dream and break it down into actionable steps, it becomes more manageable.

Not only can dreaming in this way be productive, but Goodman says it also helps you take notice of the good around you. "Believing that good things can happen to you and that you are worthy and deserving of good things can help orient your attention back to the positive in your life." That's a kind of positive thinking we can definitely get on board with.

What are your thoughts on Lucky Girl Syndrome? Let us know in the comments and on Twitter.

Featured image via cottonbro studio/Pexels.

Last month I chatted Amanda Montell by mentioning the glaring loneliness epidemic that's taken over lately. While we had a great conversation about overcoming our overthinking, it really got me wondering: how did we get here?

According to a study conducted by the U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, the pandemic and our increased reliance on technology seems to be the source of the collective social decline we’re experiencing. In 2022 — two years out from the 2020 lockdowns — only 39% of adults reported feeling emotionally close to others. For those of us who consider ourselves to be introverts, this may feel par for the social course — but it really isn't.

There's potential for greater health concerns here, both mentally and physically. Dr. Murthy discovered that a prolonged decline in social connection with others “...can increase your risk of heart disease by 29% and risk of stroke by 32%.” That’s no laughing matter, especially if heart disease runs in your family like it does in mine.

It’s something Eric Liu, CEO of Citizen University elaborated on during an episode of NPR’sMorning Edition podcast last year. He said, “When you are alone and disconnected, there’s more stress, there’s more inflammation, there’s more anxiety.” And while some of us prefer our own company, statistics show that's not always the healthiest choice for us in the long run.

To understand all this even more, I spoke with Licensed Perinatal Mental Health & Trauma Therapist Becca Reed, LCSW, PMH-C. Together, we broke down how we can combat the loneliness epidemic and positively affect our health at the same time. Here's what I learned!

How prevalent is the loneliness epidemic actually?

Image via Liza Summer/Pexels

I've joked with my sister that there seems to be a change in the way people interact with each other since the pandemic, but there's some truth to it. Reed says, "Since the pandemic began, I've observed a marked increase in feelings of loneliness across various age groups. What’s particularly interesting is the depth of loneliness people have expressed, even after moving back into engaging in normal activities."

Think about the last time you went to the grocery store — did it seem like some people exist in their own worlds without apparent regard for others? It could very well be a symptom of this very epidemic. "Many of my clients have reported feeling disconnected not just from others, but also from parts of themselves. The pandemic disrupted our regular social habits and created a void that many are still learning how to fill," explains Reed.

Does social media play a role in the way we perceive introversion and loneliness?

Image via Arina Krasnikova/Pexels

I can't completely shun social media because it's introduced me to different brands, people, and even my career as a journalist. However, I've also wondered if social media has a major influence on the way we think and interact with the world around us — especially in regards to introversion and loneliness. Reed believes there's more to it than that.

"Our lifestyles and societal values greatly influence how we view introversion and loneliness. For instance, highly individualistic cultures, like in the U.S., often celebrate extroversion," she says before adding, "This celebration can make quieter, introverted ways of engaging with the world seem less valuable."

This may pose an issue for those who are always busy and aren't actively interacting with others beyond a surface level. Reed says, "Additionally, our busy modern lifestyles are filled with long work hours and personal commitments. This can leave little room for deep, sustained social interactions. As a result, those who may not reach out actively can feel further isolated."

What are some signs that someone is experiencing loneliness?

Image via Ivan Samkov/Pexels

Dr. Murthy also told NPR, “Some people react to loneliness by withdrawing and getting quiet. Others react to loneliness by becoming irritable and angry, and they may lash out more” before adding “...sometimes we need somebody else to tell us, ‘Hey, you’ve been withdrawing more’ to help us understand we might actually be dealing with loneliness.”

This is something that Reed also reiterated. She says, "Signs of loneliness frequently include significant changes in mood and behavior. This might look like increased irritability, persistent sadness, or withdrawal from usual activities" while "Physically, loneliness might manifest through disrupted sleep patterns or a change in appetite."

From personal experience, I've been known to dissociate if I'm feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or upset so I'm very familiar with exacerbating any loneliness I've felt by withdrawing. This also resulted in spending a lot of days in my early 20s sleeping when I wasn't working or remaining in my room with the door locked.

"If you notice a loved one seeming unusually quiet, canceling plans more frequently, or expressing feelings of emptiness, they might be experiencing loneliness," warns Reed.

How can we combat the loneliness epidemic in our daily interactions?

Image via Pavel Danilyuk/Pexels

If you've noticed that you're being affected by the loneliness epidemic, there are different ways to combat it. Reed says, "Small daily interactions can be very impactful to combating loneliness. Simply making eye contact, sharing a smile with a stranger, or having a quick chat with a neighbor can foster a sense of connection." This sounds so Starbucks and Bookstore-coded for those of us who don't want to feel overwhelmed by anything grand.

At the same time, Reed says there are things we can do in our personal relationships to help us start feeling a sense of community again. "Reaching out regularly to friends and family through calls, messages, and face-to-face interactions is essential. Building a community around shared interests, can also help bridge the isolation gap," she shares.

Is the loneliness epidemic going to be a prolonged problem, or is it possible to turn around?

Image via Alena Darmel/Pexels

Like other things, it can seem like the loneliness epidemic won't get any better. But, Reed wants you to have hope. "While it's possible the impact of the pandemic on social interactions could be a prolonged issue, humans are inherently driven to connect." Though she says, "The pandemic has intensified social anxieties and shifted communication habits."

This can look like people finding it difficult to interact with others the way they used to (hi social anxiety). Still, that doesn't mean we have to approach things as if there's nothing to look forward to in terms of interacting with others. Reed says, "People are finding new ways to engage with each other as we be come more aware of the impacts of loneliness and actively work towards building stronger, more resilient community networks. This adaptability is a positive sign that we're moving towards more interaction again, despite the challenges."

All we can do is turn lemons into lemonade as we continue to find new normals that support our lifestyles, communication, and connection needs.

Has the loneliness epidemic impacted you? Let us know in the comments and follow the conversation on Facebook.

Lead image via Tiana/Pexels

Calling all BookTok, bookstagrammers, and leisurely readers: the Amazon Book Sale has landed! I can barely contain myself because there’s so many great titles — including more than a few picks from Reese Witherspoon’s book club — that Amazon is discounting for it’s special reading crowd.

I know I’ve been stuck on romantasy books for a while (sorry, not sorry!), but there’s so many other great picks you’ll be able to snag on sale. And if you’re a Kindle type of woman, you’re not being left out.

Amazon isn’t leaving any stone unturned with this sale so let’s jump right into what to expect and which books are on sale right now!

When is the Amazon Book Sale?

Image via Amazon

The Amazon Book Sale began May 15 and will end on May 20, so you still have time to add very discounted books to your TBR list!

What should I expect from the Amazon Book Sale?

Image via Amazon

The Amazon Book Sale will feature titles from different genres that you can save up to 50% on. Not only that, but Kindle users can save up to 80% on books! In case you’re wondering, you're not dreaming — this is really, really good.

The best news about the sale is that you can start shopping deals NOW. So, what are you waiting for! Take a peek at our picks!

Are Kindle books included in the Amazon Book Sale?

Image via Amazon

Yes! You'll be able to find a plethora of discounted kindle books during the Amazon Book Sale. The best news is that you can access three months of Kindle Unlimitedfor $0!

Shop Book Editors' Picks During the Amazon Sale

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Bad Summer People by Emma Rosenblum

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However, who knows more than they're willing to share and who would be so angry that they'd commit a murder?

Weyward by Emilia Hart

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In the present time of 2019, Kate takes refuge at her great-aunt's cottage that's worlds away from the person she's afraid of. She's not entirely sure, but she can't shake the feeling that there was more to her great-aunt than was outwardly presented.

The timeline of 1619 is then introduced and readers get to know Altha, a woman who's accused of having something to do with a farmer's death. The thing is Altha truly does know magic associated with the world around her, but people are on edge and will do anything to have a witch trial.

Then in 1942, we meet young Violet who feels trapped in more ways than one. She wants nothing more than to live a life that's not confined by hiding behind society's expectations of women. Her only connection to her mother and her past is finding the word 'weyward' in her bedroom, thus setting off a chain of events that lead back to 2019.

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It Starts With Us finds Lily and Ryle divorced, but they still communicate on friendly terms. But when Atlas comes into the picture again, Lily doesn't hesitate to let him into her world. It shouldn't feel complicated, but she knows that Atlas is the last man Ryle wants around. The ending is just as shocking, poignant, and beautiful as It Ends With Us.

Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston

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He not only begins helping her, but he always touches her in a way she's never experienced before. Fallon is shocked that she's still ver much alive and things finally seem to look bright for her. That is until Ariyon tells other powerful fae about her.

From there, Fallon learns the truth about who her family is and why her curse exists..

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

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As the hostility between Feyre and Tamlin dies down, an ancient evil continues spreading through his world and it'll be up to Feyre to help stop it.

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Discounted Kindle Book Deals

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Things are seemingly no different from Miss Camilla Antonius because she's facing blackmail by someone who literally makes her skin crawl. In order to change her fate, she reluctantly joins forces with The Prince of Envy and thus begins their dangerous journey through the Underworld.

It's the one place that may pull them together in more ways than one.

The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy by Megan Bannen

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Ironically, Hart and Mercy both have taken up writing mysterious letters to strangers who have become their friends. The thing is they're not aware they've been communicating with each other.

It's a classic enemies-to-loves fantasy novel that'll make you smile with glee.

The Mystery Guest by Nita Prose

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Happy Place by Emily Henry

Emily Henry knows exactly what it takes to write a moving novel that's filled with friendship, laughter, and romance. That's why it's not surprising that Happy Place is well loved by #BookTok and #Bookstagram.

It's all about how a once happy couple — Harriet and Wyn — find themselves embroiled in an interesting ruse so their friends don't suspect something's wrong with them. The fact is that they're no longer together and can barely stand being in the same room anymore.

It would be find if they weren't expected to happily show up to the cottage that's become the yearly hub for them and their friends. Still, they begrudgingly decide to make an appearance.

What's the worst that could happen?

For the first time, you'll be able to read Happy Place on Kindle for $5!

We can't wait to see what you snag during the Amazon Book Sale! Check out our storefront for more reading recs!

Brit + Co. may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

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This post has been updated.

Picture it: you're waking up tired because of your partner's snoring so you're thinking about getting a "sleep divorce." You may have tried the Scandinavian Sleep Method or wearing earplugs to help you get cozier, but it's possible they didn't really help. Plus, if you've never slept separately from them, it can feel daunting to broach the topic let alone talk about the benefits of it. Take it from me, a conversation is necessary if you're dealing with sleep deprivation and find yourself being resentful towards your S.O.

There was a time I used to believe that it was cute to fall asleep holding my partner, but now I'm well aware that uninterrupted rest at night can lead to irritation that's not fair to anyone. Because there's several reasons why a "sleep divorce" may be necessary, I spoke with licensed clinical sleep psychologist Dr. Shelby Harris, the Director of Sleep Health at Sleepopolis, to explain what it is, why it's so popular, and how it may benefit couples long-term.

What is a sleep divorce and why do you feel it's gained traction recently?

Image via SHVETS production/Pexels

If you're wondering if a "sleep divorce" means you went to bed, woke up, and decided to get divorced, I'm here to let you know it's not as drastic. Dr. Harris says, "A sleep divorce is when couples decide to sleep in separate beds or rooms because of sleep disturbances from differing sleep schedules or comfort preferences." So if you're not a fan of your partner's snoring and you're been losing sleep over it, this could lead to a "sleep divorce."

According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, one-third of people report sleeping somewhere differently than their partner. This is "...fueled by a growing awareness of how important getting good sleep is for health and relationships, changing attitudes toward relationships that prioritize autonomy, and advancements in sleep technology that make separate sleeping arrangements possible and more comfortable," continues Dr. Harris.

What are some signs that a couple should consider getting a sleep divorce?

Image via Alex Green/Pexels

No matter who you and your S.O. are, it's likely you have differing needs. I'm not telling you to prioritize your autonomy over your partner's, but it does help to have a conversation about losing sleep if that poses an issue. And as it turns out, you're not the only person who may be experiencing sleep issues.

Experts at eachnight discovered the top three states where couples have sleep struggles are New York, Massachusetts, and Maryland. They also discovered that 'insomnia' and 'sleep apnea' are the top two highest searched queries on Google.

Dr. Harris says, "If you're constantly waking up because of your partner's snoring or tossing and turning, feeling frustrated or exhausted from lack of sleep, or if you both have different sleep preferences, like mattress firmness or room temperature, it might be worth considering separate sleeping arrangements. It could help ease tensions and improve both of your sleep quality, benefiting your relationship in the long run."

How can couples benefit from a sleep divorce if they choose to pursue it?

Image via Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

Admittedly, this is a question I've had for a while. Though I've made the decision to sleep in a separate room than my S.O., some people may feel uneasy taking that route. The good news is that Dr. Harris lists reasons why this can be beneficial for couples in the long run.

"A sleep divorce can benefit couples by giving each partner better sleep without disruptions, reducing any resentment that might arise from sleep issues, and improving intimacy since both partners are more rested and happier overall," she says. I know I wasn't a fan of how cranky I was in the morning so I personally swear by getting a "sleep divorce." It's been nice to actually get 8 hours of sleep without feeling sluggish by a certain time.

In Dr. Harris' opinion, "It's like hitting the reset button on sleep and relationships, helping them to understand and respect each other's needs while getting the best rest possible."

Do you believe couples are starting to find nontraditional avenues for successful relationships?

Image via Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels

Seeing how popular getting a "sleep divorce" has become, I wondered if couples sought creative solutions more today than they have previously.

Dr. Harris says, "Couples are discovering new ways to make their relationships work, even if they don't follow the traditional scripts we've seen in media and society. Whether it's through sleep divorces, open relationships, or challenging gender roles, people are realizing that what matters most is their own happiness and fulfillment."

Do you think a "sleep divorce" is right for your relationship? Share your thoughts on Facebook!

Lead image via Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels

Iconic American brand Gap and sister-founded fashion house Dôen(which miss Taylor Swift wears a ton of) teamed up for something super chic – a perfectly summery collection that amplifies "iconic essentials and California classics." Championing the collaborative effort are fashion-forward sisters Lily and Ruby Aldridge, who are already influencing me to snag something from the capsule!

Shop our favorite pieces from the Gap and Dôen collection below!

Floral Mini Dress

I want to live in this dress all summer long! It has a super 90's vibe with the midi cut, femme cap sleeves, and contrasting lining along the neck. The tiny bow in the center makes it all the better. Worn with some ballet flats, you've got yourself a no-fail summer outfit!

High Rise Khaki Trousers

These insanely wide khaki trousers mean business. They flare out generously, so you can still feel breezy and free in the summer heat. They boast some subtle pleats that land along the waistline.

Pointelle Tank Top

This piece is like your classic white tank, except elevated with feminine vibes. The arm holes, neckline, and button front are all lined with lacy, scalloped trim that's timeless yet fresh. It looks exceptional alongside the rest of the Gap x Dôen collection!

Cropped Floral Cami

You can snag this cami to go with the collection's midi skirt, or sport it on its own. Either way, you'll look stunning in the best summer florals!

Linen-Blend Cardigan

I consider this piece the *perfect* summer cardi. It's made with a loose, breezy knit that'll keep you covered even in chilly evenings!

Organic Cotton Eyelet Big Shirt

This loose button-up with an eyelet-covered collar will follow your summer wardrobe into fall and winter with ease.

Ballet Flats

If you don't have a good pair of ballet flats by now, it's time to hop on the hype! They're one of the trendiest shoe silhouettes of the summer, but more importantly, they provide your feet the utmost comfort without beckoning too much sweat. This navy shade that's part of the new collection will work well with denim bottoms, khaki pants, maxi skirts, and beyond.

Eyelet Midi Dress

Did someone say dreamy? This square-neck white eyelet mini dress buttons all the way up to some darling ruched shoulder straps. The three-tier design flares out for a loose fit. Your nextwhite party outfitawaits with this whimsical white maxi. It comes complete with tons of tiny eyelets and ruffle trim to make your look feel magical.

High Rise Denim Trousers

Following the same shape as the khaki trousers in the Gap x Dôen collection, this denim number feels a touch more chic than your average pair of jeans. The off-center button closure and symmetrical pleat work supply something a lil' different for maximum style.

Floral Midi Skirt

Crafted in the same adorable florals, this maxi skirt is the ultimate compliment to any white tank or tee – especially for summertime. The bright red trim along the top and bottom amp up the visual interest even more, although you'll already be turning heads when you wear it.

Kids Logo Tote Bag

To commemorate the collaboration, Gap x Dôen are promoing a practical kids tote bag. This one's navy and cream colorway is sure to match with every one of your ensembles!

The Gap x Dôen collection launched Friday, May 17. It hosts 51 pieces for women and kids that marry Gap's classic denim and khaki fabrications with Dôen's feminine florals. The capsule's pricing ranges from $20 to $158.

The pieces are absolute wardrobe staples, but are also easily pair-able with other statement pieces you might already have in your closet!

The Gap x Dôen collection includes a white eyelet milkmaid dress, a gingham dress, a pinstripe button-down shirt, denim barn jacket, ultra-wide khaki pants, a dainty floral dress, baggy jeans, Mary Jane flats, a navy knit blouse, and so much more.

The sisters serving as the face of the new collaboration, Lily and Ruby Aldridge, were tapped by Dôen-founding Margaret and Katherine Kleveland for their shared love for Gap.

“Growing up, our mom was the quintessential Gap woman: Her classic style was formative in our own personal style and design ambitions from an early age,” Margaret told Vogue. “To be able to partner with an iconic brand that provides the same nostalgic feeling that we aim to create with our designs is truly surreal.”

“We’ve worn Gap since we were little,” Lily also told Vogue. “The quality and craftsmanship of this collaboration live up to the standard and it’s at Gap prices! We love Gap, and we love Gap prices!”

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Images via Gap.

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There's only a month left before we can see Emma Stone's newest flick Kinds of Kindness (which also stars Joe Alwyn, Margaret Qualley, Hong Chau, and Jesse Plemons). That means the Emma Stone movie marathon starts now. Emma is one of the best actors around because you can tell she just opens herself up to whatever her role requires. She isn't afraid to do crazy things, or to make a fool out of herself, and her relentless dedication to each project she takes on means she makes an impression on everyone she comes in contact with — both on set and in theaters.
But she's also just an incredible person. Whether it's her friendship with any amount of beloved celebs (Ryan Gosling! Taylor Swift! Jennifer Lawrence!) or her relationship with her husband, if Emma Stone has one fan it's me. Before you go see the newest movie (which, fair warning, Emma describes as pretty "dark" in the movie's official press release), add these Emma Stone movies to your watchlist.

La La Land — Stream on Max

Image via Lionsgate

Okay, let's get this out of the way: we can all agree La La Land is the best Emma Stone movie, right?! This old school, critically acclaimed musical follows aspiring actress Mia (Emma Stone) and jazz musician Sebastian (Ryan Gosling) when they cross paths in Los Angeles. The whole movie explores what it looks like to balance chasing your dreams with your relationships, as well as what you're willing to do to make your dreams happen. If you didn't cry the first time you saw this movie, you're lying!!

Crazy, Stupid, Love — Stream on Max

Image via Warner Bros. Entertainment

This Emma Stone movie single handedly proves just how good rom-coms can be. The actress plays plays Hannah, a young woman who feels torn between her loveless relationship and an exciting new guy she meets in a bar (played by none other than Ryan Gosling, thank goodness). It's heartwarming, it's hilarious, and it's relatable. What more could you want?!

Poor Things — Stream on Hulu

Image via Searchlight Pictures

We simply cannot have this list without mentioning Emma Stone's latest critically acclaimed, Oscar-winning movie. Poor Things focuses on Emma's Bella Baxter, who is brought back to life by a scientist before she's whisked away on an adventure full of secrets, new discoveries, and twists.

Easy A

Image via Sony

Speaking of rom-coms, Easy A is, without a doubt, a love letter to all the best classic '80s romantic movies. Olive (Emma Stone) is an intelligent high school student who accidentally convinces the whole school she'll sleep with anyone for money. The movie explores choice, agency, and romance in totally unexpected ways. Plus Penn Badgley and Emma Stone have INCREDIBLE chemistry.

Battle of the Sexes — Rent on Amazon Prime

Image via Fox/Searchlight Pictures

Before we got Challengers, Emma Stone wowed as Billie Jean King. She starred opposite The Office's Steve Carrell (who played Bobby Riggs) in the movie, which is loosely based on the 1973 tennis match between the two players. Like all of her roles, Emma totally disappears into Billie Jean, and was nominated for a Golden Globe and Critics Choice award.

The Help — Stream on Tubi

Image via Touchstone Pictures/DreamWorks

Not only is this one of my favorite Emma Stone movies, I think it's one of Jessica Chastain's best movies too! In this flick, we see Emma as aspiring writer Skeeter Phelan, who teams up with the African American maids working in 1963 Jackson, Mississippi to tell their stories. Skeeter sheds light on the injustices and discrimination these women face every day, while also learning about it herself. As much as I love this movie, I'm also ready for them to redo it, centering the "voices of the maids" — and Viola Davis is too.

Cruella — Stream on Disney+

Image via Walt Disney Pictures

Disney lovers can't get enough of our favorite characters' costumes, but Cruella takes this fashion obsession to a whole new level. This live-action prequel to 101 Dalmatians follows Emma Stone's Estella, a young woman in 1970s London who loves fashion. There's a little bit of a The Devil Wears Prada vibe as Estella climbs the ranks of the fashion world, enacting revenge on her enemies — and transforming into Cruella de Vil as she goes.

Zombieland — Rent on Amazon Prime

Image via Sony

Emma Stone is such a master as ridiculous comedy that Zombieland HAD to make this list. This post-apocalyptic horror-comedy, Emma Stone plays Wichita, a resourceful big sister (which means she automatically a survivor, thank you Eldest Daughter Syndrome) in a world that's been totally overrun by zombies. She's joined by Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg), Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson), and her little sister Little Rock (Abigail Breslin) on a journey to find freedom and family.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 — Stream On Netflix

Image via Sony Pictures/Marvel

Now, I know this is controversial, but I consider Andrew Garfield to be MY Spider-Man. And I remember being totally wrecked by the second movie in his duology. Emma Stone shines as Gwen Stacy, and brings even more grit, spunk, and confidence to the role than she did in the first movie. Plus, Jamie Foxx's Electro is one of my favorite villains ever.

The House Bunny — Stream on Prime Video

Image via Sony

Emma Stone takes on a supporting role in this comedy as Natalie, an intellectual college student who gets a wholly unexpected education when former Playboy bunny Shelley (Anna Faris) becomes her sorority's house mother. Shelley teaches the women about confidence and self-acceptance, while they teach her that appearances aren't everything.

Which Emma Stone movie is your favorite? Follow us on Facebook for the latest movie news, and check out The Best Dakota Fanning Movies too!

Lead image via Lionsgate