5 Best Apps of the Week: SoundCloud, A No-BS Career Advice App + More!
One of the best parts about having a smartphone is how it can actually simplify your life. With apps that streamline your life and capitalize on efficiency, you can stay connected AND get back to your real life more quickly. Here are the top five best apps of the week — we think you’re gonna like these. There’s a new keyboard that streamlines your responses (because you know you really need four responses to most requests). Also, SoundCloud lovers can now access their accounts directly from their Android phones. Check it out.
1. Clarity Keyboard: This keyboard truly aims to simplify your life by only giving you four options to respond to text messages with (Note: the one with the asterisk is actually NOT what is shown in the real app. The real word is an expletive we won’t print here.) Once you download the app, you can enable it in Settings by going to Settings > General > Keyboards.
DL It: Free on iOS
2. Real Talk: Real Talk is an app that gives real career advice to people who are seeking jobs in all kinds of fields. The advice is actually written in a no-BS manner by real people — and yes, one of those people who have participated on this app is none other than Drake’s barber. If you wanna know how he got that gig, you have to d/l the app.
DL It: Free on iOS
3. Unroll.Me: This app is like Tinder for all your email spam. All those old newsletters you once signed up for can easily be banished with a swipe with Unroll.Me. Swipe left to unsubscribe, right to keep. There’s even a nifty option that allows you to “roll up” or group together the newsletters you want to stay subscribed to so your inbox can be blissfully organized.
DL It: Free on iOS
4. SoundCloud Pulse: Music makers, rejoice! SoundCloud Pulse is now on Android (sorry, iOS users, yours is coming). If you’re a SoundCloud user, you can now easily manage your content, respond to comments and even track the stats on your songs directly from your smartphone.
DL It: Free on Android
5. Rekky: Sometimes you want to try out a new place, and sure, you might be able to look up reviews and all that, but sometimes those reviews aren’t always on point. Enter Rekky. It’s like Yelp but better, because it allows you to access the recommendations of friends and tastemakers you actually trust.
DL It: Free on iOS
What was your favorite app of the week? Share your thoughts with us below or Tweet us @britandco!