The new way for soon-to-be dads to party is here.
7 Dad-Chelor Party Ideas Soon-to-Be Dads Will Love

Breaking news, ladies! Baby showers — long considered a no-boys-allowed club à la makeover slumber parties and The Notebook screenings — have some competition on the front lines. Not only are men throwing their own parent-to-be parties, but they’re doing a good job at it too. The ladies-only showers we know all too well have the benefit of providing a space for new, old and soon-to-be moms to appreciate (and commiserate over) the miracles of birth and motherhood. Dad-chelor parties — the dude version of the celebration and a growing trend on Pinterest — are more of a crash-course in parenting that’s full of beer, dad jokes and silly games. They might not be the creatively themed showers we’re familiar with, but they’re adorable all the same. Here are seven ideas on how to throw one of your own.