Easy, peasy.
Not Sure How to Write to Congress? There’s an App for That

With so much going on in the White House, more and more people are feeling the need to get involved in organizations or causes that they believe in — but what if you don’t know where to start? There’s proof already that a hashtag can change the world and protests are happening regularly (like these upcoming marches on Washington), for starters, but there’s even more to be done. Since there are already seven apps to help you stay informed on issues you want to know about, the next step is writing your representatives to tell them how you feel. And thankfully, there’s an app for that now!
MyLetter helps you get to the crux of your argument in a way that’s easy to digest and makes your point loud and clear. Here’s how it works: The app gives you a list of topics you are interested in, then gives you an option on your position (pro or con). From there, there’s a space for up to three reasons to choose from on why this issue is important to you. The app then allows you to review your letter, and for $2, it will even print and mail it to the representative you wish. Pretty neat, huh?
According to the company, there are nearly 45 million combinations of letters, making sure that you will never have the same letter as anyone else. And for $2 a pop, there’s really no reason why you can’t get involved.
Have you written to your representative before? Tell us if you got a response @BritandCo!
(h/t HelloGiggles; photos via AntonioGuillem + Drew Angerer/Getty)