These Genius Commuter Makeup Hacks Will Save You Serious Time + Embarrassment

In a world where public transportation has never been easier or more accessible and our schedules just won’t slow down, you may have found yourself in a dreaded moment of needing to do your makeup on the go during your morning commute. It’s never an ideal situation, but most definitely necessary on those mornings you hit snooze one too many times. I’ve observed many people executing this task, the most impressive of which was a woman applying mascara in a crowded train — while standing. Mind. Blown. This is not a task I’d advise the average, unrehearsed gal to attempt, but there are a few morning routine tips and tricks of the trade that I find extremely helpful for moments when you’re in a commuter-beauty bind. I even took a day to travel throughout SF with our beauty photographer Kurt Andre to make sure this routine was possible on every form of public transportation. Read on for three game-changing hacks and some words of advice for doing your makeup on the go.

Hack 1: Strategically Pack Your Travel Beauty Bag

– stick foundation

– stick concealer

– stick bronzer

– stick blush

– stick shadow

– dual-ended brow pencil

– mini mascara

– eyeliner

– lipstick/lipgloss

– compact powder (with mirror)

For my travel makeup bag, I used the trèStiQue Essential 8 Set ($175), which you can custom build with your colors. This particular kit is my go-to because each product comes in stick form, which is ideal to use while traveling. Not to mention, it’s a major space saver. I ended up using a different makeup bag than the one it came with because I added more products to my travel kit. You’ll want a travel-size mascara because it’s easier to hold while in motion. I love my Benefit Roller Lash Mascara Deluxe Mini ($12). Finally, get a two-for-one by packing a powder compact with a mirror and brush built in. I’m using Benefit Cosmetics “Hello Flawless!” Powder Foundation ($34).

Real talk — public transportation is fantastically convenient for the most part, but atrociously unsanitary if you’re planning on touching your face. Make sure you have a hand sanitizer at the ready before diving into your routine. You’ll also want to have tissues to wipe your fingers between each makeup product, since you’re probably not using brushes and you don’t want to accidentally smudge the wrong hue in the wrong place.

Hack 2: Be Prepared

Step 1: After you’ve sanitized your hands, apply your foundation, followed by concealer and then bronzer. Blend in gently with your fingers. The trèStiQue set I have actually has built-in brushes on the other end of each product to help blend, which is super clutch!

Hack 3: Nail Your 5-Minute Commuter Face from Start to Finish

Step 2: Next, smile and get that sun-kissed glow by adding blush to the apples of your cheeks. I literally saw three different women on the train doing their makeup while shooting this tutorial. The struggle is real!

Step 3: Don’t skip your brows just because you’re on the go! Instead, choose a moment when you’re waiting for your ride.

Eyeliner can be a SCARY thing when you’re moving, but you

get it done. Same rules apply as above — make sure you’re at a standstill or in very slow motion before getting to this move. Listen: If I can do this on a bus, you can too!

Step 5: Apply mascara with caution! Having the travel size really does help you control the wand for this part of your routine.

Final Moves: Wait for your walk from the train/bus/curb to apply the face powder that will set your makeup. The lighting is often insane on public transportation, so you’ll want that final step done in natural light where you can make sure everything is blended and in place. Finally, add your lips, and voilà! You’re fresh faced, glowing and ready to tackle your day!

See ya out there!

What you eat can greatly affect your skin, causing different side effects, both good and bad. Luckily, there are so many foods that can revitalize your skin and get it back to feeling radiant and looking glowy from the inside out — and just in time for summer! If you don't know where to start, we've got you covered with expert advice on all the best foods for your skin, plus all those bites you might wanna avoid.

Best Foods For Your Skin

Photo by Olena Bohovyk/Unsplash

Grapes, Strawberries, Blood Oranges, and Watermelon

Elina Fedotova of Elina Organics, says that colorful fruit are key to achieving good skin! She says, "Colorful fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, and healthy fats like butter or plant oils help improve skin immunity and protect against environmental UV damage. Liquid collagen is popular as a skin-rejuvenating food or supplement, but when you do that, make sure you are making the smoothie with collagen peptides. The collagen is broken into small pieces called peptides which absorb much better and signal your body to regenerate collagen." So clearly, collagen is vital if you want to have glowy skin.

Elina also says, "It is a scientifically proven fact that people who eat very high levels of antioxidant-rich diets with fruits and vegetables and anthocyanosides — they can stay in the sun without any protection much longer because their body can protect them naturally from UV damage." Her three rules for healthy skin?

  1. No processed foods.
  2. Eat tons of antioxidants.
  3. Use an SPF — preferably one that is a mineral Zinc Oxide based — alongside protective hats in the sun.

So not only can certain foods make your skin look radiant, they can also protecting you from the sun with proper precautions! We love to hear that!

Photo by Dose Juice/Unsplash

Leafy Greens, Broccoli, Asparagus, and Edamame

Leafy greens, broccoli, asparagus, and edamame are some of our favorite foods to eat that will give you that inside-out glow. Nutritionist and wellness expert Jessica Green says, "Silica rich foods are a great place to start — these include celery, asparagus, banana, cucumber, green beans to name my favorite. When you juice some of these, they can become more bio-available. Celery juice for instance is excellent at giving your skin a beautiful natural glow. Collagen rich foods can help improve skin elasticity — bone broth is my absolute favorite for not only its skin benefit but bone broth is also very calming for the gut."

Skin elasticity can easily be improved through these foods and can make you look 10 years younger! I definitely notice a significant difference in my skin when I regularly eat collagen-rich foods than when I don't!

Photo by Thought Catalog/Unsplash

Avocado and Olive Oil

Avocados and olive oil are really going to up your skin game, and giving you that gorgeous glow for summer we're really looking for. Kristen White, RDN, CLT, says, "Clean fats like olive oil, avocados, coconut oil, and tallow in our diet help replenish needed vitamins and fatty acids to help skin look its vibrant best." That's exactly what we want!

In regards to olive oil, it really is the must-have when it comes to achieving a glowy complexion. Jenny Jiles, a holistic nutritionist says, "Olive oil is the GOAT. We know why all of those women in the Mediterranean look so vibrant and sexy as they age, because olive oil is such a staple in their diet. Don’t be afraid of this healthy fat, it’s filled with antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids which help protect your skin from free radicals to reduce those fine lines and help you glow from the inside out. Add olive oil to any and all of your meals, savory or sweet (yes, trust me on that)." So I guess the key to looking like an Italian goddess this summer (and always) is olive oil!

Photo by Maddi Bazzocco/Unsplash

Chia, Flax Seeds, and Sunflower Seeds

Many seeds and grains are going to be crucial in giving you radiant skin. Plus, they have so many healing properties that can help reduce redness and inflammation in the skin. Christine Glaser, CEO of DIY Skincare Business, says, "Chia and flax seeds are also helpful for all skin types and can aid in toxin removal." And sunflower seeds actually have antibacterial properties too that help get rid of toxins in order to keep your skin looking fresh and clear; thus the radiant skin we're trying to achieve here!

Photo by María Sainz Cabezalí/Unsplash

Red Bell Peppers, Carrot, and Tomatoes

You always want to have a variety of colors when eating fruits and vegetables because this will help you get the most out of your diet and achieve maximum radiance. A health expert and dietician, Chrissy Arsenault of Kori, says, "Eat lots of fruits and veggies. Choose 2-3 colors of fruits and veggies at every meal – fruits and veggies are rich in antioxidants (vitamins A, C, E) that protect your skin from damage." And tomatoes, carrots, and bell peppers are very rich in color so they will give you so many great nutritional benefits that will assist in giving you a perfect inside-out glow!

What foods should I avoid for my skin?


If you want radiant, clear, acne-free skin then you definitely want to avoid foods high in dairy or sugar. Jessica Green says, "When it comes to foods to avoid for radiant skin, sugar and dairy float to the top. Both are inflammatory. Sugar causes glycation which damages the skin's elasticity. Dairy (cow dairy specifically) tends to be one of the most common foods that cause reactions for people including acne and puffiness." I'm definitely taking note to try and cut our these foods now!

Sign up for our newsletter for more health tips and tricks!

Lead image via Pexels/Sora Shimazaki

Sequels that are just as good, if not better, than the original movie are one in a million, but if you ask me, Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement definitely tops the list. Anne Hathaway brings a whole new spunk and adultified sass to the freshly 21-year-old Mia Thermopolis, and Julie Andrews shines as Queen Clarisse! (Both on the karaoke stage and off ;)). Not to mention the movie also gave us the blueprint for contemporary enemies to lovers: Nicholas and Mia!

While Bridgerton producer Shonda Rhimes wasn't involved with the first movie, she was the writer for the second — and TBH, that's definitely a reason it's so good!

Image via Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images

"I thought [Princess Diaries 2] would be a really fun thing to do and it turned out to be great," she tells Variety. "I always think it's funny now because I'm working with Julie Andrews now on Bridgerton, but I also spent time writing her as a queen in that movie, and so it was kind of great to get to work with her both times. It's also sort of come full circle in a weird way."

Shonda Rhimes goes on to explain one cut scene she remembers really fondly — and how Andrews' expert performance made it even more heartbreaking to cut. "That was pretty much one of my favorite scenes," she says. "It was this moment where Julie Andrews [has] had her heart broken, and some staff comes in and they start to ask her a question and she screams, 'Do I never get a moment to myself?!' and it was such an amazing moment the way she played it, and the elegance with which she did it. It's really about the pain of being a queen."

"She did it so well," Rhimes continues. "But in general, honestly, she's the nicest person you will ever meet and she was so nice to me, I was nervous to meet her, I was shaking, [but she's] so lovely."

After Julie Andrews sent the sweetest graduation gift to a fan, I'm not surprised to hear how incredible she is. I still have my fingers crossed that we'll see Julie Andrews in The Princess Diaries 3 — and that Shonda Rhimes will return as screenwriter.

What's your favorite scene from the Princess Diaries movies? The mattress surfing scene in Princess Diaries 2 is definitely one of the best movie moments of all time. If you're feeling nostalgic, check out 6 Nostalgic Movies That Feel Like Summer Vacation!

Lead image via Walt Disney Pictures/Buena Vista

Fans who were left on the edge of their seats after watching the first part of AHS: Delicate last year won't have to wait longer for part two! Emma Roberts and Kim Kardashian are gearing up to pick up where their characters left off, and sinister twists are about to get much darker. While we know the focus revolves around their interactions, we can't wait to see how Gilmore Girls star Matt Czuchry fits into what's sure to be a big reveal.

Read on for a mini recap of part one of AHS: Delicateand learn all the juicy details about part two!

Recap of Kim Kardashian's involvement in AHS: Delicate

Image via FX Networks

Kim Kardashian as 'Siobhan' in "American Horror Story: Delicate"

As good as Kim Kardashian is as the icy publicist Siobhan on AHS: Delicate, don't expect her to watch herself onscreen. She appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday and explained why she hasn't seen herself in clips of the show when Jimmy Kimmel played and unsettling one.

Her character can be seen intimidating a fertility doctor to do her bidding as she pierces the top of his neck with a long orange fingernail. She smiled before saying "It's so funny, I can't watch it back," and then added, "I get so nervous."

She even talked about the difference between filming for TV and working as an actual actress. She said, "I called my sisters and I go, 'Guys. You — not to say you'd ever want to get into acting — but you are so lucky you can wake up and just, we can sit in bed and film, and you don't have to get there is no schedule."

However, it seems like the budding actress took her new schedule in stride because Star Trek actor and AHS co-star Zachary Quinto applauded Kardashian’s acting chops.

“I did a cameo on this season of ‘American Horror Story’ and I got to meet her,” the actor told People. “She was so lovely and warm and, really, I don’t think she needs my advice.” Quinto added, sharing that Kardashian, was “really in her element” on set and he was “really impressed by her spirit and her openness…I really look forward to seeing this season because I think she’s gonna do a wonderful job.”

Recap of AHS: Delicate Part 1

Image via FX Networks

The first part of AHS: Delicate premiered on FX September 20, 2023 and centered around actress Anna Victoria Alcott's desire to become a mother. Played by Emma Roberts, viewers watched as her husband Dexter Harding (played by Matt Czuchry) was supportive of her IVF procedure so the couple could conceive their first child. Despite the previous struggles, the procedure is a success and the happy couple learn they have a baby on the way.

However, things go horribly wrong when Anna starts being followed and eventually experiences a violent miscarriage during her first trimester. Somehow the baby actually survives, but Anna still experiences a series of strange hallucinations and events. From losing her hair to vomiting a foreign object, she starts to wonder if something is wrong with her baby. There's also the fact that she told her publicist Siobhan (played by Kim Kardashian) that she'd do anything to remain at the top of the her career.

What's revealed is that a baby cult does exist and Dexter's dead first wife knew all about it. However, the cult still looks at him as a threat so it's only a matter of time before they close in.

If you need a refresher, catch up on the first part of AHS: Delicate on Hulu and be sure to check out the eery trailer for a look at part two! Also, get your hands on a copy of Danielle Valentine’s novel Delicate Condition to see how the story truly unfolds.

Watch The Official Trailer For AHS: Delicate Part 2

American Horror Story: Delicate Part Two | Official Trailer - Emma Roberts, Kim Kardashian | FX

We suspected Siobhan may have a darker role than Anna thinks and the trailer confirms it. As Anna gets further along in her pregnancy, it's hinted that her growing baby may not be 'normal' and there's nothing she'll be able to do about it.

We're crossing our fingers for Anna and Dexter, but the baby cult may have the final say in AHS: Delicate Part 2.

The first portion of AHS: Delicate Part 2 premiered on FX April 3, 2024, but the series will come to a close beginning April 24. All we can say is things are about to get extremely bumpy 👀.

What do you think will happen during the final moments of AHS: Delicate Part 2? Let us know in the comments!

Stay updated on the latest entertainment news with Brit + Co.

This post has been updated.
Header image via FX Networks

‘Tis the season to finally ditch our boots for something on the lighter side: sandals! Sandals season is the best season because it means putting the final touches on our outfits isn’t a total pain (ahem, looking at you, shoelaces and straps).

Warmer weather undoubtedly means more outside time, but we don’t necessarily want to be trodding around in heavy, sweaty walking shoes. That’s where walking sandals come in!

Sandalsneed to be comfy if we’re gonna be walking around in them. Our criteria for the perfect pair of walking sandals includes being able to withstand hours (and miles) of wear without any rubbing, sliding, or blistering. Of course, they need to be cute, too. Style is very hard to sacrifice when it comes to walking sandals, so we definitely prefer ours to be compatible with a variety of different outfits – from casual to more dressed-up.

The B+C team has tried and tested so many types of walking sandals over the years, and these 5 pairs came out on top for their ability to check the boxes for comfort, practicality, and style! Scroll on for thorough reviews of our go-to walking sandals.

Teva Women's Midform Universal Sandals

Comfort: 5/5

For B+C Head of Content, Ali, the Tevas Midform walking sandals are peak comfort. They boast a super soft foam footbed that has heel cupping and elevation around the arches for additional support.

“I’ve worn my Tevas to the ground,” she says. “The inch height boost is appreciated as someone who’s 5-feet 2-inches and they’re incredibly sturdy and cushiony.”

Practicality: 5/5

Ali can walk miles on miles in these easy walking sandals.

“They’ve become my quintessential everyday casual shoe for running L.A. errands like walking my dog, heading to the farmer’s market, and grabbing coffee.”

Although they’re super dependable, Ali feels like the several years of “constant use” from her Teva Midform walking sandals have lost some of their arch support.

Style: 5/5

The Teva Midform sandals are pretty no-frills, but they’re still stylish for today’s age. The 1 ¼-inch height falls somewhere in between flats and platforms, making a fairly casual statement. The thick, adjustable velcro straps that wrap around the toes and low ankle are secure and match with pretty much anything.

They also come in a variety of colorways to suit your own personal style, though the all-black pick is likely the most versatile of them all.

One of the best parts about these walking sandals is their approachable pricing. This black pair is just $65.

Chacos Z Sandals

Comfort: 4/5

The classic Chacos Z Sandals – once you actually break them in – are extremely comfortable, since the footbed tends to meld against the shape of your foot.

To B+C Creative Assistant, Meredith (that’s me!), the break-in period is crucial for Chacos, but it’s not a real pain. Once she wore hers just two times, they softened up and fit smoothly.

Practicality: 4/5

Meredith thinks these Chaco walking sandals are practical for a number of reasons: they work on dry land and in the water, they’re durable to stand up to off-road terrain, and they don’t slip a single bit.

“They work so well as water shoes,” Meredith says. “I’ll wear them on long lake days and I don’t ever have to take them off, even when I’m out of the water.”

The Chacos Z Sandals flaunt a thick, durable rubber sole with their signature ChacoGrip™ layer on the bottom that has a “good amount” of tread, according to Meredith.

The adjustable straps that swarm the big toe, top of the foot, and ankle are amazing at keeping her feet in place with every step.

“I definitely recommend getting your Chacos fitted by an expert and/or tinkering around with the perfect fit yourself,” she says. “It can be hard to find it, but once you have it, you won’t have to worry about adjusting the straps again.”

Although they can withstand weathering pretty well, they’re not all that great for all-day wear. Meredith has gauged over time (she’s had her Chacos for 6 years) that they’re “walkable for a day, but I wouldn’t hike in them.”

Style: 4/5

The Chacos Z sandals are ideal for someone who has more of a granola girl style. They flaunt more technical details (like the chunky sole and noticeable tread), so they’re obviously not as fashion-forward as the Doc Martens or Tevas of the world.

Still, these walking sandals come in a ton of different colors, plus you don’t have to snag the Z-style. Chacos sells a variety of shoe silhouettes with the same comfort levels!

Chaco sandals can be an investment (ranging from $75-$110), but they last a long time. Meredith hasn’t noticed any huge signs of wear over the six years she’s worn them!

OluKai ‘Aka Sandals

Comfort: 5/5

These walking sandals from OluKai changed everything Meredith thought she knew about flip flops. And well, they’re not even quite flip flops, either. They’re like flip flops, but elevated, really.

The ‘Aka silhouette boasts a carefully-crafted footbed that feels as durable as the Chacos sandals, which says a lot for such a lightweight shoe. On top of that, they have a very soft footbed that Meredith is obsessed with since it provides more support than your average slip-on sandal.

Practicality: 4/5

“For a pool day, these are absolutely practical,” Meredith says.

These walking sandals are crafted from a water-resistant material that doesn’t soak up water, but rather, repels it.

This aspect makes them an easy go-to for summer days spent outside.

As far as the actual walking, there’s not rubbing or chafing to be found. The easygoing straps keep the feet in place but don’t feel utterly tight or uncomfortable.

Style: 5/5

The style of these walking sandals is minimal, but adorable. They flaunt some super thin straps (still durable) that knot at the top. Plus, they are shoppable in a handful of other vibrant colors for only $70.

Birkenstock Arizona Sandals

Comfort: 3/5

Ahh, Birks. They’re so classic! Like Chacos, Meredith really had to break in her pair of Birkenstock Arizona sandals for literal weeks before they started to feel just right.

“The cork footbed is supposed to adapt to your step over time, though it takes a while,” according to Meredith.

On the other hand, the wide buckled straps are quite welcoming and have never rubbed her feet the wrong way. They cover a good amount of the foot, so you’re not left with skin sticking out or being pinched weirdly.

Practicality: 3/5

These walking sandals aren’t quite made to go the distance, according to Meredith.

“I'd rather have these on for a quick errand, rather than wandering around for hours at the farmer’s market,” she says. “Maybe I just haven’t broken them in enough yet, though.”

Their flat sole doesn’t have much tread, making it a challenge to navigate any surface that’s not an inside floor or pavement.

Style: 4/5

These Birkenstock walking sandals are the ultimate casual, cool girl shoe. They match with shorts, skirts, pants, and everything in between. They’ve come to have such a classic, unmistakable look, so the brand recognition also boosts their chicness.

These sandals come in a handful of different colors for $110.

Doc Marten Blaire Slide Sandals

Comfort: 3/5

Meredith has been rocking with these Doc Marten sandals since last summer, and she ranks their comfort a total of 3 out of 5. The straps are the main factor that takes away from their overall comfort, since they often rub and give her blisters in very specific places.

Each of the three straps is adjustable, and though she’s toyed with different levels of tightness, they just don’t fit Meredith’s feet right.

The cushy footbed gains a few points back for these walking sandals. Meredith does appreciate the platformed shape for short periods of wear, like getting groceries or stopping by the craft store.

Practicality: 2/5

Since their comfort level is close to intolerable for long periods of wear, Meredith can’t really endorse these walking sandals’ practicality.

“They’re super cute, but I just can’t have them on all day,” she says. “I wish they fit me better than they do.”

Style: 5/5

While the comfort and practicality categories are severely lacking, the cuteness factor of the Doc Marten Blaire Slide Sandals is undeniable.

As a Doc Marten boot enthusiast, Meredith was drawn to them for their easy-to-pair color palette and signature Doc Marten details, like the black leather and yellow stitching.

The Doc Marten Blaire Slide Sandals go for $100.

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

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The Lion King is one of the most beloved Disney movies — like, of all time — which means that its fans are VERY protective of it. Everyone was a little apprehensive about the live-action remake, but whether you loved it or hated it, one thing's for sure: the cast knocked it out of the park. Mufasa: The Lion King brings back all your favorites (including Beyoncé, Donald Glover, and James Earl Jones, no biggie) but we'll also see (er, hear) Beyoncé's daughterBlue Ivy Carter! Here's everything we know about the new Disney movie.

What will Mufasa: The Lion King be about?

Image via Walt Disney Pictures

I don't know a single '90s kid who doesn't LOVE the character of Mufasa, and Mufasa: The Lion King is all about the future king's coming-of-age story. Rafiki tells Kiara (Simba and Nala's daughter) the story of how Mufasa began his journey as an orphaned cub — and how everything changes when he meets Taka, the heir to the royal bloodline.

When is Mufasa: The Lion King coming out?

Image via Walt Disney Pictures

Mufasa: The Lion King will hit theaters December 20, 2024. I don't know about you, but the holidays are ALWAYS a good time for a Disney movie. I will be seated.

Is Beyoncé in Mufasa: The Lion King?

Image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images for The Recording Academy

Yes, Beyoncé Knowles-Carter returns to Mufasa: The Lion King as Nala, as well as Aaron Pierre as Mufasa, John Kani as Rafiki, Seth Rogen as Pumbaa, Billy Eichner as Timon, Donald Glover as Simba, and we'll also see Blue Ivy Carter as Kiara!! I'm super excited that Blue Ivy is in this new Disney movie because it makes it even more of a family affair. Any movie that includes an IRL parent and child in the cast automatically pulls at my heartstrings!

Mufasa also stars Kelvin Harrison Jr. as Taka, Tiffany Boone as Sarabi, Kagiso Lediga as Young Rafiki, Preston Nyman as Zazu, Mads Mikkelsen as Kiros, Thandiwe Newton as Taka’s mother Eshe, Lennie James as Taka’s father Obasi, Anika Noni Rose as Mufasa’s mother Afia, and Keith David as Mufasa’s father Masego.

Why does Scar hate Mufasa so much?

Image via Walt Disney Pictures

Scar is Mufasa's little brother, and throughout their lives, Scar's secretly desired to overthrow Mufasa and take the throne for himself. His hatred for Mufasa and his family is intensified when Simba is born, making Simba next in line for the throne instead of Scar himself.

The story takes heavy inspiration from William Shakespeare's Hamlet, as well as some inspo from the stories of Moses and Joseph in the Bible.

How many Oscars did Lion King win?

Image via Walt Disney Pictures

The original Lion King won two Oscars in 1995 for Best Original Score and Best Original Song, and its music also ~scored~ some Golden Globes, Grammys, and American Music Awards.

Mufasa: The Lion King is just one of the new Disney movies coming our way. Let us know which one you're most excited for in the comments and check out our TikTok for more pop culture news!

Lead image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images for The Recording Academy