6 Healthy Ways to Get Over Digital Fatigue (for Kids too!)

Girl in greenhouse how to avoid digital eye fatigue

At the start of COVID screen time was at an all-time high, for everyone. But going from WFH to binging on news, social media, or Netflix it isn't exactly healthy for our eyes, our mood, or our sleep. We chatted up Bethany Baker, executive director of A-GAP, which hosts tech-free weekends with creative camp-like experiences for adults, for ways we can give up more phone time for more "me" time. Also: check out ways to give kids IRL time.

1. Keep a charging station: "I encourage people to put their phones down whenever they get home and have a charging station for their phones," says Baker. This way, rather than keep your phone in your hand or pocket at home, you keep it at a distance avoiding the mindless check in throughout the day. Turn off notifications too: "Whenever we have notifications on an app, we're three times more likely to check it," says Baker.

2. Get an alarm clock. "The number one thing is keeping your phone out of your bedroom and to get an alarm clock," says Baker. She notes that the impact of going to sleep looking at your phone and then waking up and looking at your phone "impairs our ability to have creative and original thoughts. Instead, we're just constantly consuming and regurgitating what we consumed instead of having an original idea," she says.

3. Go for a phone-free walk. "A lot of people feel like we need something to do something, but a lot of times it's just eliminating the distractions so that we can be fully present. And it doesn't take a retreat to do that, it just takes some self-discipline," says Baker. Good point and noted!

4. Rearrange your apps. "That way you don't mindlessly go to them. And even if you can't go to an A-GAP experience or a tech-free retreat, you can still take a break from your social media apps." she says. So delete them from your phone from time to time and get back the average two and a half hours a day people spend on social media to spend on creative endeavors or time with family, friends or your S-O.

5. Take a screen-free Sabbath (or any day). "We encourage people to do what we call a screen-free Sabbath, but it's just basically having a day where you're off your phone completely, or an hour a day where you're off your phone, or a week, a weekend where you're not on it," says Baker.

6. Spend one-on-one time with the kiddos. Whether they join you on that nature walk or you're just hanging in your backyard, find moments in the day to be completely tech free. You'll set an example for them when they start to own their own devices. Looking for some guidelines for starters?

A report from Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare suggests having at least one media-free meal a day (including background TV), turning off screens two hours before bedtime (to avoid that melatonin-messing blue light), and focusing on quality content is a start. Also create digital breaks throughout the day so kids can balance out screen time with IRL activities like getting outside and playing imaginative and creative games that's so good for their development.

Have you taken a media detox to help with digital fatigue? Share with us @BritandCo!

This post has been updated.

July 1 — the officially mid-year point for 2024 — is fast-approaching, and it's a good checkpoint for how you’re doing when it comes to reaching your 2024 goals. Most of us rolled into the new year feeling hopeful that we could meet a list of resolutions by years-end. How are those going? If you’re not where you’d like to be by now, here’s a little help to get you back on track.

Image via Dream Inn

I recently spent a weekend at the Dream Inn in Santa Cruz, CA with meditation master Sarah Vie, author of I Wish I'd Known, and about 35 other women to uncover emotions that might be holding us back. A beachside hotel called the Dream Inn couldn’t have been a more perfect location to ponder life’s biggest questions – without kids, dogs, partners, work, and a house to pull us out of our “me” zone.

I started the weekend off a little bit of a mess: stressed from traffic, organizing a dog sitter, and making sure I could log off from work for the weekend. Any talk of meditation and manifesting my dreams was not on my radar when there was a house to clean! Bills to pay! Kid to care for! I realize now how close I was to burnout.

My weekend with Sarah manifesting my dreams at the Dream Inn pulled me back, set me straight, and transformed my mood and energy in ways I never expected.

Here’s what I learned about manifesting your dreams right now.

Photo by Arina Krasnikova

1.Write down your dreams: And don’t just write them down – be specific about what they look like and how they feel when you’ve finally reached them. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in that moment. Where are you? What does it feel, smell, sound like? What are you doing when you reach them? Use visualization tools like a vision board placed front and center; start a daily meditation routine that keeps you focused on your purpose; and try saying your goals aloud to yourself (if that’s not too weird). These practices can help keep you driven and focused.

2. Write down the “show-me’s”: According to Sarah, this is the how. Write down the small steps for achieving bigger goals. Be consistent. It’s a lot easier to give up on your dreams, when the steps for getting there are not already part of your routine. “We can't just do something one time and expect to change a habit,” said Sarah. Reframe how you think about reaching your goals – a mindset of will do vs. maybe will – and create a routine around the steps. 

Photo by Olia Danilevich

3. Practice gratitude. Practice gratitude for what you already have – this has a lot to do with shifting your energy and what you attract because what we feel inside attracts the same energy outside. Start a gratitude journal or try these gratitude prompts.

4. Set a daily intention. Sarah suggests using LSD: listen to yourself, stop negative thinking, and declare your goals. Every morning find a quiet space to listen to yourself and your needs – this may be actual meditation, or sitting with a cup of tea, or taking a walk or hike. Set an intention for the day that will help you reach your goals.

Photo by Dziana Hasanbekava/PEXELS

5. Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. We talked a lot about energies and magnets – what we put out there, we attract so if you're feeling stressed and chaotic guess what's coming right back at you? Underneath that stress though is usually fear – fear of not seeming perfect or saying no or not doing what your true inner self wants to do. Replace those negative beliefs with positive ones; treat yourself with kindness and understanding; and allow yourself to heal slowly to reach a healthier way of living. "Replace those old stories you tell yourself and redefine them into something positive, so your conscious mind starts to believe you can," says Sarah.

6. Focus on what brings you joy. Spend more time doing the things that bring you joy and your energy will shift to a more positive mindset. A positive mindset is key to achieving your goals, attracting positive experiences, and living the life that you want.

7. Stay accountable. Whether it's a friend or partner or a journal that you check in with on a daily or weekly basis, find ways to hold yourself accountable for your goals and check off those small steps you decide are the best way to get there. You got this!

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We’ve all been there. You head to your fridge to make your daily sandwich — grab the bread, the lettuce, the tomato, but wait — the deli meat you bought a little week ago is looking a little suspect. How can you tell if it’s still good to eat?

First, let’s define exactly what deli meat is. Sliced bologna, sausage, salami, pastrami, turkey, beef, and chicken are just a few general proteins classified as deli meats. There are a slew of different types of each meat — for example, roast beef or corned beef, pancetta, or prosciutto, etc. But we're talking about the classic packaged deli meats you pick up at stores here.

According to the USDA, you can store packaged lunch meats in the refrigerator for two weeks before opening it. If you open the package, you can keep deli meat in the refrigerator for three to five days (note: the refrigerator has to be 40 degrees Fahrenheit or less).

Now that we have the lowdown on how long you can keep the protein around, here are some other frequently asked questions about all things deli meat.

​Can you freeze deli meat?

Photo by Meruyert Gonullu/PEXELS

Yes! If you opt for freezing the deli meat upon purchase, you can keep it in the freezer for one to two months for best quality. Per the USDA, frozen foods are safe indefinitely if kept at zero degrees Fahrenheit.

​How can you tell if deli meat goes bad?

Photo by Hillshire Farm/Unsplash

Like most foods, the ‘smell test’ will do the trick. If the deli meat even smells slightly off or funky, toss it in the garbage. The USDA notes change in color, mold, or a new slimy or sticky film/texture as signs that the protein has gone bad. Always check the expiration date before consuming.

​Can you eat deli meat when you're pregnant?

Photo by Vlada Karpovich/PEXELS

According to the American Pregnancy Association, you should avoid deli meats until after pregnancy due to a risk of Listeria (a bacterial infection caused by contaminated food). If you do choose to eat deli meats while pregnant, it’s important to take precautions, such as cooking them until they are steaming to rid of possible bacteria.

​How many hours can deli meat sit out?

Photo by Anastasia Kalinkina/Unsplash

The USDA's rule of thumb is to not leave out perishable foods (AKA deli meat) at room temperature for longer than 2 hours. If the temperature in the room or outside is hotter than 90 degrees Fahrenheit, then you should only leave deli meat out for a maximum of one hour.

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Traveling can be so rewarding; new experiences lend to a broader and more understanding mindset and taking time away from your everyday routine can feel like a much-needed breath of fresh air. Whether you’re headed away on a quick weekend accompanied only by a carry-on, or jet setting on a bachelorette trip to celebrate a lifelong girlfriend, trips are good for the mind, body, and soul.

While the positive aspects that accompany traveling are plenty, it’s completely normal to experience anxiety around this process as well. It’s inevitable that each time you take a trip you’re usually forced to encounter one uncomfortable situation or another; planned or not. Maybe your flight gets delayed, your friend can no longer watch your pet while you’re away, or you get sick just days before heading overseas; the unpredictability of travel can be extremely anxiety-inducing, and we get that.

Instead of leaving you to fly solo to stress about the potential anxieties of any upcoming trips you may have on your calendar, we spoke with California-based mental health professor, Dr. Ishan Shivanandwho has experience in groundbreaking protocols for reversing symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression, and more.

What is anxiety?

Photo by Liza Summer/PEXELS

Dr. Shivanand describesanxiety as "a complex state that can manifest in various forms and intensities, affecting both the mind and the body." He continued, saying, “At its core, anxiety involves feelings of worry, fear, and unease, often accompanied by physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, sweating, trembling, and difficulty concentrating. One way to understand anxiety is to think of it as the mind being overwhelmed by the multitude of thoughts, concerns, and stimuli bombarding it at any given moment. Just like a computer with too many open applications, the mind struggles to process everything efficiently, leading to a sense of being scattered and unable to focus.”

Why do I get anxious when I travel?

Image via Cora Pursley/Dupe

When it comes to anxiety specific to travel, the reason for why you may experience these uncomfortable feelings could be due to a multitude of reasons and can vary in intensity from person to person. Dr. Shivanand shared that travel anxiety could be in part due to “fear of the unknown, fear of safety, fear of flying, control issues, and past traumatic experiences,” as well other areas of anxiety including “separation anxiety, social anxiety, and health anxiety.” Dr. Shivanand went on to explain that, although fun, “traveling often involves stepping outside of one's comfort zone and encountering unfamiliar situations, environments, and people. For some individuals, the uncertainty of what to expect can trigger feelings of anxiety.”

No matter why you experience anxiety related to travel, “It's important to recognize that travel anxiety is a common and valid experience, and there are various strategies and coping mechanisms available to help manage it,” offered Dr. Shivanand. “These may include relaxation techniques, cognitive-behavioral strategies, gradual exposure to anxiety-provoking situations, seeking support from mental health professionals, and planning ahead to minimize stressors during travel.”

​How can I control my travel anxiety ahead of my upcoming trip?

Photo by Vlada Karpovich/PEXELS

  • Plan and Prepare in Advance: “Plan your trip ahead of time to reduce uncertainty,” says Dr. Shivanand. “This includes booking accommodations, transportation, and activities in advance, as well as familiarizing yourself with the destination, and local regulations.” Having a loose agenda of things to look forward to when your trip starts is a great way to get excited when thinking about traveling, instead of stressed.
  • Practice Relaxation Techniques: “Incorporate relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and meditation to calm and center yourself. [Yoga of Immortals] Breathwork and Advance Cognitive sessions can really help,” says Dr. Shivanand. As the founder of the Yoga of Immortals practice, he uses its principles in his everyday life and has seen how it can positively impact the lives of others from a mental health standpoint. However, any type of yoga, meditation, and other similar practices you're familiar with should help.

Image via Andrew Worung/Dupe

  • Create a Checklist: “Create a checklist of essential items to pack and tasks to complete before your trip to stay organized and minimize last-minute stressors,” shared Dr. Shivanand. “Organizing your belongings and documents can also help you feel more in control during your travels.” The simple task of crossing off packing items from a list can feel cathartic and ensure you don’t forget anything essential during your travels.
  • Stay Connected: “Maintain communication with friends or family members before, during, and after your trip,” Dr. Shivanand recommends. “Knowing that you have someone to reach out to for support or guidance can provide reassurance and alleviate feelings of isolation.” News flash, the people you care about care about you too! They’ll be happy to hear from you and walk you through any tough feelings, if need be.
  • Stay Grounded: “Practice mindfulness and grounding techniques to stay present and centered during your travels,” shared Dr. Shivanand. Embrace the ‘pinch me’ moments of your trip as they happen, this is why you’re traveling in the first place after all!

Photo by Cliff Booth/PEXELS

  • Seek Professional Support: “If travel-related anxiety significantly impacts your ability to engage in travel experiences, consider seeking support from a mental health professional,” says Dr. Shivanand. Listen; asking for help is okay, and something that you should do if it will have a positive impact on your life.
  • Incorporate Meditative & Wellness Daily: In doing so, Dr Shivanand says, "One can effectively manage travel-related anxiety and enjoy your travel experiences with greater ease and confidence.” Dr. Shivanand reiterates that “it's okay to seek support and take proactive steps to prioritize your mental well-being during your travels.”

Looking for more travel tips? Be sure to sign up for our weekly email newsletter so you never miss a thing!

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It’s summer, which means pants are a no-go. Why struggle (and profusely sweat) in perhaps the most restricting piece of clothing known to womankind? Instead, opt for a maxi skirt that gives you total breathability and freedom of movement.

These maxi skirts for summer embrace comfort all the way, so you can frolic around in style this season. From neutrals to brights and ginghams to polka dots, these 15 skirts will give your summer ‘fits an instant boost.

Sunday Best Mars Skirt

This tiered maxi skirt with an elastic waistband is a staple you need to have in your closet for summer. It's super easy to pair with essentially anything you've already got, plus it just looks effortlessly chic for any occasion. Dressed up or down, the lightweight twill material will feel like an absolute dream against your legs.

The Sunday Best Mars Skirt is available in 4 other colors and sizes XXS-XL for $98.

Free-est Caught In The Moment Maxi Skirt

The raw vertical seaming on this mid-rise style lends it an especially casual air, which is just want you want for those scorching-hot summer days. Though it masters the art of breathability, this skirt will also last you well into fall and winter, depending how you layer up and style it.

The Caught In The Moment Maxi Skirt from Free-est comes in 4 other colors and sizes XS-XL for $70.

Flat White Drop-Waist Maxi Skirt

Okay, drop waist effect! This maxi skirt that comes in an eye-catching blue hue adds a touch of whimsy to your look. It's easy to slip into and secures with a side zipper. The tight ruching along the hips makes this piece anything but ordinary.

The Flat White Drop-Waist Maxi Skirt comes in sizes XXS-XL for $138.

Abercrombie & Fitch Crochet-Style Maxi Skirt

You gotta love a flirty sheer skirt for summertime! This one flaunts a loose crochet construction, so it's still impressively breathable. The mix of crochet patterns add visual interest alongside the contrasting black lines. This 100% cotton skirt is part of a matching set and even has a mini-length liner underneath for additional coverage!

The Crochet-Style Maxi Skirt from Abercrombie & Fitch is also available in white-on-black and sizes XXS-XL for $90.

Urban Renewal Remnants Slub Linen Maxi Skirt

The dainty waistline with a tiny bow in the center on this skirt is to die for! The length fully falls to the floor if you wear it low-waisted, which can be a super fun silhouette to play with if you normally don't rock it. This piece is created from deadstock or discarded fabrics that would have gone unused otherwise.

The Urban Renewal Remnants Slub Linen Maxi Skirt comes in 5 other colors and sizes XS-XL for $65.

Free-est The Convertible Skirt

You can wear this maxi skirt any way you want. That's right – it can also be worn as a dress! It boasts a tiered, layered silhouette with a unique asymmetrical hem, so it's sure to be the staple of your 'fits. There's also a super wide waistband with lotsa elastic for easy, effortless, everyday wear.

There are 4 additional color options for the Free-est The Convertible Skirt. It's shoppable in sizes XS-XL for $88.

Whimsy + Row Marni Maxi Skirt

It's giving cool French girl to the max. This maxi skirt – part of a matching set – is pretty simple in design. Though it doesn't have many extra bells or whistles, the chic polka dot pattern calls attention to your look instantly. The waistband on this number is fully elastic, so everyday wear is as comfy as can be!

The Whimsy + Row Marni Maxi Skirt is also available in solid white or pink and sizes XS-XL for $162.

Gap Crinkle Gauze Denim Maxi Skirt

Denim maxi skirts may be trending right now, but they're not always entirely practical for warm weather. Luckily, this one's a bit more breathable since it's made from a gauzy material. The three-tiered design gives it shape while the smocked wide waistband hugs your figure in the most flattering way.

The Crinkle Gauze Denim Maxi Skirt from Gap is shoppable in sizes XXS-XXL for $70.

Abercrombie & Fitch Drama Tiered Maxi Skirt

The dramatic tiering on this maxi skirt lands a bit more on the formal side. It's part of a matching set, so you could complete your look for a wedding or dinner party pretty easily! The gorgeous yellow shade of this number is dotted with tiny blue blooms and the waistline is part stretchy, part not-stretchy with a side zipper for security!

The Abercrombie & Fitch Drama Tiered Maxi Skirt is also available in a pink colorway and sizes XXS-XL for $90.

Babaton Slip Satin Maxi Skirt

We're obsessed with this sultry smoky blue color. Made from a "drapey satin fabric with a lustrous, glossy sheen that’s extremely soft to the touch," this maxi skirt comes complete with a broken-in, cozy fit. It's made from recycled waste material and wood-based fibers, so it's *sustainably* stylish. It pulls on easily with an elastic waistband.

The Babaton Slip Satin Maxi Skirt comes in 5 other colors and sizes 00-12 for $98.

Free-est Like A Mermaid Skirt

This mermaid-cut maxi feels super whimsical, and it's perfect for giving a little twirl! It pulls on and secures to your liking with a drawstring tie. The frayed, detailed tiering supplies extra oomph with this 100% cotton piece.

The Free-est Like A Mermaid Skirt is available in 6 other colors and sizes XS-XL for $78.

J.Crew Collection Maxi Skirt in Lightweight Chiffon

This maxi skirt carries total profesh vibes with its fine pleats, but it comes out to play with a sheer chiffon material. It's just perfect for that hot, sticky summer weather you know is on its way. This piece is lined with a mini skirt on the inside, so you'll have some nice breathing room!

The J.Crew Collection Maxi Skirt also comes in black and sizes 00-24. It's currently on sale for a limited time for $135 (was $198).

Neon Rose Ricrac Gingham Maxi Skirt

With a playful mismatched squiggly trim at the bottom and youthful gingham pattern, this piece is sure to be the #1 statement of any of your outfits. It boasts a cute little bow at the elastic waistband, which is meant to fit low-waisted. Pair with sandals or your fave sneaks for an adorable summer look!

The Neon Rose Ricrac Gingham Maxi Skirt comes in sizes XS-XL for $64.

Abercrombie & Fitch Crinkle Flowy Maxi Skirt

This red turns heads. Made in an ultra-high rise silhouette, this maxi skirt with a fully elasticated waistband flaunts a light lining on the inside for added coverage, so you can feel cozy all day long. You can even snag the matching top for an easy summer outfit to wear to dinners and dates alike.

The Crinkle Flowy Maxi Skirt from Abercrombie & Fitch comes in 3 other colors and patterns and sizes XXS-XL for $70.

Wild Fable Mid-Rise Lace Trumpet Maxi Skirt

This is summer festival fashion at its finest! This skirt is super lacy for utmost breeziness and even has some built-in shorts so you can wear 'em with ease.

The Wild Fable Mid-Rise Lace Trumpet Maxi Skirt is also shoppable in black and is available in sizes XXS-4X for $25.

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Lead image via Urban Outfitters.

It's almost summertime which means parents are going to be thinking about how many kid-friendly summer vacation ideas we can fit in before a new school year starts. I know I'm not the only parent feverishly planning toddler activities to keep my son entertained, so I'm thinking long-term — and thinking of something fun we can all do together.

Last year we took a family trip to the Wild Adventures Theme Park in Valdosta, GA and my son still talks about it. He also walked around the entire park without losing an ounce of energy which means I've got my work cut out for me. In the same boat as I am and need ideas that won't require you to travel out of the country? Keep scrolling for fun, family-friendly summer vacation ideas!

Kid-Friendly Summer Vacations

Image via Brett Sayles/Pexels

Gonzales Jambalaya Festival (May 24-26) in Gonzales, LA

Take a trip to Gonzales, LA in time for the city's annual Gonzales Jambalaya Festival! According to official site for the festival, Gonzales has the best Jambalaya you'll find in the bayou. Each day will feature live music from popular acts that truly capture Louisiana's sound and will make your bones feel good as you enjoy food that makes your taste buds swirl.

There's also a cooking contest, pageant, car show, plenty of vendors, and a carnival for the whole family to enjoy!

Image via Caroline Cagnin/Pexels

Universal Orlando Resort in Orlando, FL

I'm a Florida native so any theme park or resort is always at the top of my list, but I'm partial to visiting Universal Orlando Resort during the summer. Although it's at the top of my own kid-friendly summer vacation ideas list, there's tons of stuff adults can have fun doing. The resort usually have packages that allow you to bundle a few days together so you visit a different park each day — something my mom and stepdad definitely took advantage of.

From there you and your kids get to let loose. There's rides dedicated to Jurassic Park, Harry Potter and Dr. Suess, and you dine at the famous Hard Rock Café! Everyone will need a nap once you're done exploring which isn't a bad idea.

Image via Los Muertos Crew/Pexels

Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, CA

If you've memorized all the different versions of "Baby Shark," you may be entitled to a kid-friendly trip to Monterey Bay Aquarium. While the trip itself won't be free, you'll love watching your kid's face light up when they get to see real sea animals. You can enjoy visiting the following habitats with them:

  • Beaches & dunes
  • Coastal waters
  • Coastal wetlands
  • Coral reefs
  • Deep sea
  • Kelp forest
  • Open waters
  • Reefs and pilings
  • Sandy seafloor
  • The rocky shore

Image via Momentos Reales/Pexels

Dollywood's DreamMore Resort & Spa in Pigeon Forge, TN

Take a dream to Pigeon Forge, TN to book a fun stay at Dollywood's DreamMore Resort & Spa! The theme park alone is situated on 160 acres of land which should tell you how much fun you and your family will have. Still need convincing? No worries!

If you have smaller kiddos, rides like Busy Bees and Black Bear Trail are available for them to enjoy. But if they need to burn off excess energy, they can run and jump as much as they want inside of Hidden Hollow. It's a secret play area that's based on the forest so your kids will feel like they're little explorers.

If you want to sneak off for a little me time, you can find goodies at The Southern Pantry or Mountain Laurel Home!

Image via Arthur Krijgsman/Pexels

Morgan's Wonderland in San Antonio, TX

Everything's bigger in Texas, including the kid-friendly summer vacation ideas. That's the main reason why Morgan's Wonderland is on my list. The 4D Cinema alone is enticing, but there's also tons of other rides and attractions to see! There's everything from the classic carousel to Pirate Island (sorry Squidward — there's not any robots here), plus a Sensory Village that encourages creative play!

And if your kid's birthday is this summer, you can throw a birthday party for them at Morgan's Wonderland.

Image via Yan Krukau/Pexels

Keystone Resort in Summit County, CO

All I can picture is the episode of Bob's Burger when the Belchers spend a night at a national park so that Tina can make up for a Thunder Girls event she missed, but the tubing that'll be done at Keystone Resort will be supervised. It'll officially open June 20 for a summer of fun that your family will love remembering.

There's Lakeside Village activities to enjoy, snow tubing, hiking, tennis, yoga, and more! You can also choose from 16 dining options.

I don't know about you, but I love having options.

Image via Valdemaras D./Pexels

Atlantic White Shark Conservatory in Cape Cod, MA

Still have "Baby Shark" on the brain? Travel to Cape Cod, MA to visit the Atlantic White Shark Conservatory. Beginning May 16, Shark Center Chatham and Shark Center Provincetown will be open for the 2024 season. You can book an expedition that lets you see everything from great white sharks to various seabirds. It's an all day tour so make sure you and your family are prepared for that if you choose this option!

Image via Olya Harytovich/Pexels

The Lodge at Blue Sky in Park City, UT

If you prefer to deal with nature in a different way, The Lodge at Blue Sky in Park City, UT may be just the place you need to visit this summer. Besides hiking, you can introduce your kiddos to the Little Vaqueros Camp. Here's a daily breakdown of what each day offers:

  • Monday — Wilderness Explorers
  • Tuesday — Cowboys & Cowgirls
  • Wednesday — Mountain Creativity
  • Thursday — Culinary Exploration
  • Friday — Discovering Gracie's (rehabilitation center for animals)
  • Saturday — Little Miners
  • Sunday — Love of the Land
If one of your kids is a teenager, they'll be able to participate in activities like axe throwing, mountain biking, and horseback riding.

Image via Sergey Makashin/Pexels

Explore Activities in Hilton Head, SC

Instead of focusing on one singular thing, I decided Hilton Head, SC deserves it's own spotlight. There's so much to do and it's probably one of the best kid-friendly summer vacation spots to create new memories in. You can visit The Sandbox Interactive Children's Museum, Station 300 Bowling Lanes, or Commander Zodiac Kids Camp. At the latter, you and your kids can go on a private boat tour that allows you to see wildlife like dolphins.

Image via Ivan Torres/Pexels

Niagara Falls State Park in Niagara Falls, NY

Have your kids been expecting to see a big miracle and can't stop talking about what they think it could be? Sounds like it's time to plan a trip to Niagara Falls State Park! There's literally so much to do that you'll even be talking about this trip during Thanksgiving. Here's some of the attractions that are available to visit:

  • Cave of the Winds
  • Aquarium
  • Maid of the Mist
  • Fireworks Show
  • Observation Tower

There's also hiking trails you and your kids can take advantage of!

Which kid-friendly summer vacation ideas sound like they're perfect for you and your kids to enjoy in the coming months?

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Lead image viaYulianto Poitier/Pexels