Glow’s New App Is a Real Time What to Expect When You’re Expecting

In less than a year, Glow, an app that lets you sync up and track your cycle (whether you’re trying to conceive or just want to be more in tune with your period and health) has helped over 20,000 women get pregnant. That’s a lot of baby showers. Instead of sending a rep to each and every one with balloons and a diaper cake in tow, Glow has an even better gift; a whole new mobile experience to guide expecting parents through those nine months and beyond.

The new app, Glow Nurture will answer the question of “Umm, what now?” for those 20,000 new parents and other mom and dads-to-be by giving them a real time “What to Expect When You’re Expecting.” And a beautiful app to boot that echos Glow’s sleek, colorful interface that looks happily at home on your iPhone.

The Glow team stopped by Brit HQ this week to give us a preview of the app and we (even those of us without bunnies in our ovens) liked what we saw. You open up Glow Nurture and are greeted with your due date calendar — perhaps the only countdown clock that won’t stress you out. Instead, it’s a sweet, soothing look at the date and a bonus peek at the size your baby is at that very moment (turn back to an earlier time and the baby changes, a great way to trip out more squeamish friends and family). They’ll lay out a timeline of all the important appointments for you so all you have to do is make the calls.

From there, scroll down to the Daily Health Log, which gives you an opportunity to check in with yourself and check off the personal to dos you have set. Yes, I took my prenatal vitamins, no, I did not exercise, maybe I had enough water to drink (okay, no I didn’t) and, actually, now that you mention it I’m having some weird pain right about here. Glow’s angle on both apps isn’t to diagnose you, but it will take the info you give them here and give you “Insights” into what that pain might indicate, why you might want to drink more water every day or why certain check-ups are important. Similar features on Glow have even assisted users in figuring out potential health problems with help from their doctors.

Overall, the transition for Glow users to Glow Nurture will be easy, and the approachable (but not overly girly, it should be noted) design will welcome first time health trackers with open, inviting arms. Successful features from Glow, like Partner Support, Glow Community and more are expanded, with their focus shifted to the next life stage in this second chapter app. You can keep your partner synced up, which means someone else besides the app and your doctor could be bugging you to take your prenatal vitamins. When you enter the Glow Community, you’ll be greeted with a special section tailored exactly to where you are in your pregnancy along with general questions and topics to scroll through and contribute to.

With the expansion of international apps like Dayima, period pampering delivery services like Hello Flo going viral and the serious success of Glow (again, that’s 20,000 babies born with its help!), Glow Nurture is a downloadable bundle of joy in the web’s growing family of apps, sites and digital devices working to revolutionize women’s health online. We think it’s time for a celebration (still no diaper cake necessary).

Do you use an app to track your health, your period or your fertility? Have you ever used Glow? Let us know if you would give Glow Nurture (or another pregnancy app a try!) in the comments below!

Chances are, you vaguely remember your Sex Ed class in high school. The awkward shuffle of students into the “health” class you all know is code for sex ed. The ancient TV playing videos from the 80s of incredibly cringey (and totally out of date) lessons on the birds and the bees. Maybe they mention STIs (which were definitely still called STDs back then) and why teen pregnancy is the greatest sin on planet Earth (And it was always the woman’s fault, wasn't it?), but they were quick to gloss over sex ed for literally anyone other than heterosexual men and women. Oh, and all of this was being “taught” amidst the giggles of teenage boys, who undeniably made it uncomfortable to ask any questions (provided the genders weren’t segregated, that is).

Obviously, this isn’t a practical education for anyone in present-day society. Sex is way more complicated than anything taught in high school, and far too many people are learning about STIs, disorders, pregnancy prevention and how to actually have great sex way too late in life. We’re covering the basics for everyone — LGBTQ+ included — so you can be a more informed intimate partner.

Sex ed doesn’t end in high school. Here are 5 important tips you may have missed.

1. Tips for safer sex practices.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio / PEXELS

There are several different ways to have sex — and everyone’s preferences are different. If you’re not comfortable engaging in certain practices, remember: you never, ever have to do anything you don’t feel comfortable with. Consent is key, and just because you've consented to one doesn't mean you've consented to all. We’re going to walk you through safe sex practices for a variety of ways to have sex, so you can make informed decisions that feel right for you.

1. Anal and vaginal sex

This type of sex has the highest risk of contracting an STI or HIV. If you’re having anal sex or vaginal sex, it’s important to use internal condoms or external condomsand a water-based or silicone-based lube. “Make sure that you use a different condom with each partner or when a penis or dildo/sex toy is moved between the vagina and anus,” healthcare company FOLX says. “Infections such as herpes, genital warts, syphilis, and monkeypox can be transmitted through regular skin-to-skin contact. Barrier methods such as condoms, dental dams, or latex gloves can reduce your risk of contracting these infections, but will only cover the protected area.”

2. Oral sex

Oral sex is when someone uses their mouth to stimulate the genitals of another person. With oral sex, there is a low risk of STI or HIV transmission, but it’s still possible to contract unwanted infections. “Using an external condom on a penis during oral sex can help contain body fluids such as semen, ejaculate and pre-ejaculate and reduce the risk of STI transmission,” says FOLX. “Condoms can also be used on a sex toy/dildo, especially if [you plan to use it] with multiple partners without proper cleaning.”

For transgender folks who recently underwent bottom surgery, avoid oral sex until you are fully healed. Anyone who has bleeding gums, mouth ulcers, a sore throat, or has gotten dental work done recently should also avoid oral sex.

Photo by cottonbro studio / PEXELS

3. Rimming

Rimming is when someone uses any function of their mouth around/in someone’s anus. According to FOLX, “this can function as a way to prepare for anal sex and/or as a fun, pleasurable sexual activity in its own right. Rimming has an extremely low risk for HIV, but it’s possible to get hepatitis A or bacterial infections like gonorrhea.” Reduce your risk by practicing good personal hygiene and using a barrier method like a dental dam, especially if you or your partner haven’t had a recent anal STI check.

4. Fingering

“Fingering is when someone uses their hand, finger, or multiple fingers to stimulate and penetrate their partner’s vagina and/or anus,” says FOLX. “Fingering is considered low-risk since there’s only a small chance of spreading an STI. There is a small chance that STIs can spread through fingering if you have any cuts on your hands or fingers, or if there are internal tears in the anus or vaginal tissues.” If you engage in fingering, reduce your risk by practicing good hygiene and washing your hands with soap and water, especially if you’re fingering multiple partners. You can also use latex gloves or finger condoms to cover your fingers for extra protection.

2. The lowdown on STIs.

STIs are sexually transmitted infections (AKA STDs or sexually transmitted diseases) and can be transmitted through different kinds of sexual activities. While there are dozens of unique types of STIs, common STIs to test for include gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, trichomonas, and HIV. If you’re sexually active, it’s important to be tested for STIs, especially since you may have an infection or disease that doesn’t present any noticeable symptoms.

“If left untreated, STIs can cause serious health problems, including cervical cancer, liver disease, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), infertility, and pregnancy problems,” says thewellproject. “Having some STIs (such as chancroid, herpes, syphilis, and trichomoniasis) can increase your risk of acquiring HIV if you are HIV-negative and are exposed to HIV. People living with HIV may also be at greater risk of getting or passing on other STIs.”

For more comprehensive information, visit thewellproject.

3. STI prevention and testing.

Rachel Wakefield

Luckily, there are plenty of ways for us to prevent the transmission of STIs. Many people request any intimate partners to be fully tested for STIs before engaging in sex with them, which is a great way to feel safe and comfortable during sex.

Obviously, anyone with a penis is advised to wear a condom during any form of sex, especially oral, vaginal, or anal. It’s a simple way to reduce the risk of both partners, which is a win for everyone. For women seeking oral sex or rimming, we recommend wearing Lorals, a FDA-cleared, wearable STI protection to keep both you and your partner safe.

Sex toys/dildos are another great way to reduce the transmission of STIs, but be sure to clean before switching between partners. When searching for the right sex toy(s), make sure they are made of body-safe materials, like medical-grade silicone. We love Bellesa’s line of sex toys because they are made from premium quality silicone, are waterproof and are USB rechargeable. Like they say, “good orgasms are a lifestyle!”

Remember: you need to test for STIs! Regularly! Fortunately, testing for STIs has (literally) never been easier. While you can be fully tested for STIs by your Primary Care Physician or OB/GYN, there are some great at-home tests if a doctor isn’t your jam. stix offers a range of vaginal and sexual test kits delivered straight to your door. We also love Cheeky Bonsai for at-home UTI testing and relief. Oh, and you can order both of these brands on Amazon. Talk about a win-win!

4. Different forms of birth control.

Photo by Pixabay / PEXELS

This ones for all the ladies out there. If you’re not looking to get pregnant now (or ever), then practicing safe sex is a MUST. If you are having sex with someone who has a penis, make sure they have a condom on. It’s seriously the simplest way to ensure there are no babies in your immediate future. In addition to condoms, birth control is the best way to ensure you’re as pregnancy-protected as possible.

You can read up on all of the different types of birth control here, and visit your OB/GYN to get started. If you don't have a doctor who can prescribe you birth control, try NURX or Hey Jane (they offer medical abortions, emergency contraception and UTI/yeast infection treatment too).

A morning-after pill (AKA emergency contraception) is another way to protect yourself against unwanted pregnancy, particularly if you believe your partner ejaculated in you during recent sex. Get fast, discreet emergency contraception delivered straight to your door with Julie, or head to your local CVS or Walmart if you simply cannot wait.

5. How to have pleasurable sex.

Photo by Edward Eyer / PEXELS

Pleasure looks different for everyone, but there are some resources you can reference for better sex. Practical Intimacy gives great advice on how to have incredible sex as a woman, but really, the tips are simple. Give yourself time to get aroused, engage your whole body and your mind, let go of the pressure to orgasm, ask for what you want and make sure your partner is seeking to please you, too. Sex should never be one-sided, and we should all seek to close the orgasm gap, one mind-blowing orgasm at a time.

If you need tips on where to start, we highly recommend watching Angel Ardito’s TikToks. Her tips are informative, practical, and sure to make you (and your partner) much happier people.

And remember: you are way sexier than you think! Negative self-talk deserves no place in your mind or your bedroom, so get it out of there!

This is just the basics of sex ed, and we’re guessing it’s probably more than you ever learned in school. Educating yourself is imperative to engaging in safe sex, so do your research, figure out what’s comfortable for you, vocalize your needs and most of all — have fun.

Stay updated on the latest sex and wellness news with Brit + Co.

Header image courtesy of Rachel Wakefield.

I love looking at Zillow listings as much as the best of us, but absolutely nobody loves daydreaming about all the outrageously beautiful (and costly) houses for sale more than my mother-in-law. She finds the most gorgeous gems across the country, saving them all for when she inevitably wins the lottery (if anyone would, it's her TBH) and can take her pick of the housing litter. Instead of gatekeeping these jaw-dropping homes, I had her send them my way so I can share them with you! So without further ado, here are 15 of most insanely stunning — and insanely expensive — Zillow houses for sale right now.

Beach Houses

Image via Zillow

East Hampton Beach Cottage

Cost: $44,500,000

The Hamptons are known for their clean, chic shingle architectural style, and this "cottage" is no exception to that. And while I absolutely adore the inside of this home, it's the grounds that really get me at the end of the day. Think about all the beautiful backyard dinner parties you could throw!

Image via Zillow

Destin Beach House Destination

Cost: $4,100,000​

Who needs a time share in Destin when you could own all this?! This airy, beautiful house takes coastal home style to the next level. I love the sandy, earthy tones paired with the light blues and open space. And for less than 10% of the Bridgehampton beauty above, this is basically a steal, right? 😉​

Image via Zillow

Marvelous Marco Island Getaway

Cost: $5,450,000

I vacation on Marco every year with my in-laws, but I can PROMISE you our one-bedroom timeshare (that I love) isn't anywhere near this stunning super home. Swipe through photos to see how gorgeously staged this multi-million dollar home is — I promise it won't disappoint!

Image via Zillow

Laguna Beach Beauty

Cost: $21,500,000

Obviously Laguna Beach is known for so much more than the hit MTV show, but I can't untangle the two. So in my mind, this is the home Lauren Conrad's parents worked on in Season 1 Episode 1 — a $20+ million dollar stunner that I would later stare at on Zillow. It's not true, but wouldn't it be fun?

Image via Zillow

California Dream House

Cost: $55,000,000

Not only is this a dream house because of how it looks, but also because I could only afford this in my literal wildest dreams. Unless someone decides to discover me on the New York streets for the funny, talented gal my parents think I am, this is strictly a mood board manifestation moment. (But, what if?!)

Image via Zillow

At Home In The Hamptons

Cost: $79,995,000

Oh, how I could wax poetic about this $80 million Bridgehampton beauty. Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Ya know...the one I would love to have in this very house? Just lounging, living luxuriously? That imaginary inheritance I daydream about could reaaaaaally come in handy right about now.

Image via Zillow

Fantastic Florida Beach Cottage

Cost: $9,950,000

In case you can't tell, none of these homes are "cottages" outside of their aesthetic. While this six bedroom, four bathroom may look humbler than the rest, the cost should indicate what we're working with here. Each room is so perfectly curated, and to have all this right in the heart of Naples is absolutely everything. I could see myself sitting by that fire for SURE.

Condos & Townhouses

Image via Zillow

Gorgeous Georgetown Condo

Cost: $5,495,000

DC is more than just Capitol Hill, and this Georgetown Condo proves it! The natural light, the natural wood accents, and the big, airy rooms make this home a welcomed reprieve in on of the busier U.S. cities. And while you're getting a lot in a small package (three bedrooms for $5+ million...😭), you're really paying for the neighborhood. Georgetown really is full of beautiful townhouses, great restaurants and bars, and overall good vibes.

Image via Zillow

Upper East Side Excellence

Cost: $65,000,000

Hello, Upper East Siders...Zillow Girl here! All jokes aside, this $65 million townhouse is giving all the old money luxe that Chuck Bass and Blair Waldorf would settle into quite nicely. The molding, the wraparound staircases, and the sheer size alone are something else, but the biggest surprise here? TEN BATHROOMS. TEN!!!!!!

Image via Zillow

Totally Airy Brooklyn Townhouse

Cost: $6,950,000

Good new, girls! This totally killer townhouse had a $300,000 price cut last month, bringing it to...just under $7 million! While I try to fix my eye twitch after writing that, scroll through to see the gorgeousness that is this literal mid-century modern four-story home. It's like a little (big) oasis in the middle of the big city!

Image via Zillow

Beautiful Turn-Of-The-Century Brooklyn Townhouse

Cost: $6,995,000

I've said it once and I'll say it again: Carroll Gardens in my dream neighborhood. It's got all the Brooklyn charm with its brilliant brownstones, lively dining scene, and tree-lined streets. Plus, it's so incredibly close to Prospect Park for all your summer strolls with the kids or the dogs or yourself or whomever! And while I could go on and on about the location, the townhouse itself is kitschy with it's mix of classic and modern details.

Mountain And Lake Houses

Image via Zillow

Charming Wyoming Ranch House

Cost: $8,199,000

It feels a little silly to call a nearly $10 million home "charming," but here we are. This modern ranch-style mountain house looks unassuming from the outside. And the four-bedroom inside is really nice, too, don't get me wrong. But what really makes this worth it, if I had to guess? The freaking VIEW. Can you imagine sipping your coffee and staring off into that horizon every morning? Yes, please. I would like one of these.

Image via Zillow

Cozy North Carolina Castle

​Cost: $7,500,000

Ah yes, nothing cozier than a literal castle-sized house in Appalachia. In all seriousness, the dark wood accents give you that almost cabin-esque feel that the mountain range so obviously calls for. With 10 bedrooms, this is the perfect retreat for your family get-togethers! You can enjoy each other's company across the estate, or you could...find a little hiding spot and nobody would know the wiser. 😉​

Image via Zillow

Sante Fe Getaway

Cost: $3,375,000

The most affordable of the bunch, this single-story Sante Fe residence is a dream-come-true! You've got lake views, trails, and even a golf course if that's your thing! My personal favorite part of this lovely little home, however, is the wine cellar. Can you imagine being like, "Yeah, just go grab a bottle from the wine cellar"?! Like I said, dream-come-freaking-true!

Image via Zillow

Lovely Michigan Lake House

Cost: $3,649,000

The windows alone are enough to make this house the dreamiest escape, let alone the private and super exclusive access to Lake Michigan. This home may only have three bedrooms and four bathrooms, but each room feels intentional, spacious, and utterly luxurious. I'd definitely dip my toes in that water!

Looking for more home inspo? Sign up for our weekly email newsletter, and be sure to check out our storefront!

Header image via Zillow

Hi there! We’re here to remind you that you need to take care of your sexual health. Chances are, you probably overlook this critical area of care when it comes to monthly (and yearly) medical check-ups. Caring for your sexual health is imperative to ensure a healthy overall wellbeing, and we’ve rounded up a series of brands dedicated to providing at-home care for your sexual health (and pleasure).

Before we jump into the brands, it’s important for us to define what sexual health even is. In short, sexual health includes self-esteem, personal attractiveness, competence, as well as freedom from sexual dysfunction, sexually transmitted diseases, and sexual assault/coercion. It goes beyond testing for the aforementioned STIs and fertility and rather encompasses just as many mental components as physical ones.

Keep reading for our go-to brands for fertility testing, STI care, discreet emergency contraception, sex toys, LGBTQ+ sexual healthcare, and so much more — all of which can be accessed with a simple internet connection.

And don’t worry — these brands operate on the DL to provide you with the best (and safest) care possible.

You Want To Test Your Fertility

Image via Natalist


Natalist is “led by a team of moms and doctors on a mission to reduce the historical shame, misinformation, and outdated product offerings women experience on their path to parenthood. Inspired by [their] own complex fertility journeys, Natalist offers fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum essentials that are science-backed and designed with sustainability in mind.”

Beyond their product offerings (like pregnancy tests, ovulation test kits, male care and supplements), Natalist offers an incredibly thoughtful and thorough blog for anyone interested in parenthood (or anyone in the trenches of it 😂).

​You Need Simple Reproductive Health Tests

Image via bird&be


bird&be is on a mission to assist, coach, fuel, and cheer you on throughout your fertility journey. With a variety of offerings for male and female fertility care, bird&be is a great place for any future American and Canadian parents to start.

​You *Think* You May Have An UTI

Image via Cheeky Bonsai

Cheeky Bonsai

Cheeky Bonsai was founded because of a desire to make everyday health feel like selfcare. With a Harvard Urogynecologist backing up their selection of UTI care and treatments, Cheeky Bonsai is an effective way to alleviate (and test for) any potential UTIs.

​You Need Emergency Contraception, Like, Now

Image via CVS


Julie is a new healthcare company helping people prevent unwanted or mistimed pregnancies with an FDA-approved morning after pill. When taken within 72 hours of having sex, it can help prevent pregnancy by temporarily delaying or stopping ovulation.

​You Want To Test Your Sexual And Vaginal Health

Image via stix


Like so many of us, Stix’s co-founders realized that they both had terrible experiences buying health products — and when it came to learning about and managing their health, there was much to be desired. That’s exactly why they started Stix; to create a convenient, discreet, and judgment-free way to get the products you need. With a variety of science-backed and doctor-approved products that are designed to work for you, Stix also offers “Sex-Ed Without the BS” through real talk, a blog dedicated to answering your most personal questions.

​You Need *Intimate* Care

Image via wisp


Wisp offers healthcare on your terms — with products to treat a variety of conditions. Whether you need a quick prescription or a trusted over-the-counter remedy, wisp connects you with real-time providers and guides to help you safely navigate your symptoms and get back on track.

You’re Looking For Comprehensive Healthcare As An LGBTQ+ Person

Image via FOLX


If you’re a member of the LGBTQ+ community, then you’re well aware of the barriers to comprehensive care within the traditional healthcare system. FOLX is designed for “everybody and every body,'' with a focus on providing quality, specialized healthcare to fit your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for primary care, gender-affirming care, sexual and reproductive care, or something else, they offer plans for both insured and uninsured people as well as an amazing library of info on *literally* any issue you can think of.

​You Want To Add Some (Discreet) Pleasure To Your Life

Image via Bellesa Boutique

Bellesa Boutique

Bellesa is on a mission to close the pleasure gap. Through a wide range of five-star sex toys made with 100% body-safe premium materials, Bellesa empowers their community to embrace, explore and celebrate their sexuality. Unapologetically.

Hopefully these resources will help you, no matter what your sexual health journey looks like. Everyone is deserving of excellent care, so grab a seat, do some research and start on a path towards your healthiest (and happiest) self.

Be your healthiest self with Brit + Co.

Header image courtesy of Bellesa Boutique.

Sequels that are just as good, if not better, than the original movie are one in a million, but if you ask me, Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement definitely tops the list. Anne Hathaway brings a whole new spunk and adultified sass to the freshly 21-year-old Mia Thermopolis, and Julie Andrews shines as Queen Clarisse! (Both on the karaoke stage and off ;)). Not to mention the movie also gave us the blueprint for contemporary enemies to lovers: Nicholas and Mia!

While Bridgerton producer Shonda Rhimes wasn't involved with the first movie, she was the writer for the second — and TBH, that's definitely a reason it's so good!

Image via Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images

"I thought [Princess Diaries 2] would be a really fun thing to do and it turned out to be great," she tells Variety. "I always think it's funny now because I'm working with Julie Andrews now on Bridgerton, but I also spent time writing her as a queen in that movie, and so it was kind of great to get to work with her both times. It's also sort of come full circle in a weird way."

Shonda Rhimes goes on to explain one cut scene she remembers really fondly — and how Andrews' expert performance made it even more heartbreaking to cut. "That was pretty much one of my favorite scenes," she says. "It was this moment where Julie Andrews [has] had her heart broken, and some staff comes in and they start to ask her a question and she screams, 'Do I never get a moment to myself?!' and it was such an amazing moment the way she played it, and the elegance with which she did it. It's really about the pain of being a queen."

"She did it so well," Rhimes continues. "But in general, honestly, she's the nicest person you will ever meet and she was so nice to me, I was nervous to meet her, I was shaking, [but she's] so lovely."

After Julie Andrews sent the sweetest graduation gift to a fan, I'm not surprised to hear how incredible she is. I still have my fingers crossed that we'll see Julie Andrews in The Princess Diaries 3 — and that Shonda Rhimes will return as screenwriter.

What's your favorite scene from the Princess Diaries movies? The mattress surfing scene in Princess Diaries 2 is definitely one of the best movie moments of all time. If you're feeling nostalgic, check out 6 Nostalgic Movies That Feel Like Summer Vacation!

Lead image via Walt Disney Pictures/Buena Vista

‘Tis the season to finally ditch our boots for something on the lighter side: sandals! Sandals season is the best season because it means putting the final touches on our outfits isn’t a total pain (ahem, looking at you, shoelaces and straps).

Warmer weather undoubtedly means more outside time, but we don’t necessarily want to be trodding around in heavy, sweaty walking shoes. That’s where walking sandals come in!

Sandalsneed to be comfy if we’re gonna be walking around in them. Our criteria for the perfect pair of walking sandals includes being able to withstand hours (and miles) of wear without any rubbing, sliding, or blistering. Of course, they need to be cute, too. Style is very hard to sacrifice when it comes to walking sandals, so we definitely prefer ours to be compatible with a variety of different outfits – from casual to more dressed-up.

The B+C team has tried and tested so many types of walking sandals over the years, and these 5 pairs came out on top for their ability to check the boxes for comfort, practicality, and style! Scroll on for thorough reviews of our go-to walking sandals.

Teva Women's Midform Universal Sandals

Comfort: 5/5

For B+C Head of Content, Ali, the Tevas Midform walking sandals are peak comfort. They boast a super soft foam footbed that has heel cupping and elevation around the arches for additional support.

“I’ve worn my Tevas to the ground,” she says. “The inch height boost is appreciated as someone who’s 5-feet 2-inches and they’re incredibly sturdy and cushiony.”

Practicality: 5/5

Ali can walk miles on miles in these easy walking sandals.

“They’ve become my quintessential everyday casual shoe for running L.A. errands like walking my dog, heading to the farmer’s market, and grabbing coffee.”

Although they’re super dependable, Ali feels like the several years of “constant use” from her Teva Midform walking sandals have lost some of their arch support.

Style: 5/5

The Teva Midform sandals are pretty no-frills, but they’re still stylish for today’s age. The 1 ¼-inch height falls somewhere in between flats and platforms, making a fairly casual statement. The thick, adjustable velcro straps that wrap around the toes and low ankle are secure and match with pretty much anything.

They also come in a variety of colorways to suit your own personal style, though the all-black pick is likely the most versatile of them all.

One of the best parts about these walking sandals is their approachable pricing. This black pair is just $65.

Chacos Z Sandals

Comfort: 4/5

The classic Chacos Z Sandals – once you actually break them in – are extremely comfortable, since the footbed tends to meld against the shape of your foot.

To B+C Creative Assistant, Meredith (that’s me!), the break-in period is crucial for Chacos, but it’s not a real pain. Once she wore hers just two times, they softened up and fit smoothly.

Practicality: 4/5

Meredith thinks these Chaco walking sandals are practical for a number of reasons: they work on dry land and in the water, they’re durable to stand up to off-road terrain, and they don’t slip a single bit.

“They work so well as water shoes,” Meredith says. “I’ll wear them on long lake days and I don’t ever have to take them off, even when I’m out of the water.”

The Chacos Z Sandals flaunt a thick, durable rubber sole with their signature ChacoGrip™ layer on the bottom that has a “good amount” of tread, according to Meredith.

The adjustable straps that swarm the big toe, top of the foot, and ankle are amazing at keeping her feet in place with every step.

“I definitely recommend getting your Chacos fitted by an expert and/or tinkering around with the perfect fit yourself,” she says. “It can be hard to find it, but once you have it, you won’t have to worry about adjusting the straps again.”

Although they can withstand weathering pretty well, they’re not all that great for all-day wear. Meredith has gauged over time (she’s had her Chacos for 6 years) that they’re “walkable for a day, but I wouldn’t hike in them.”

Style: 4/5

The Chacos Z sandals are ideal for someone who has more of a granola girl style. They flaunt more technical details (like the chunky sole and noticeable tread), so they’re obviously not as fashion-forward as the Doc Martens or Tevas of the world.

Still, these walking sandals come in a ton of different colors, plus you don’t have to snag the Z-style. Chacos sells a variety of shoe silhouettes with the same comfort levels!

Chaco sandals can be an investment (ranging from $75-$110), but they last a long time. Meredith hasn’t noticed any huge signs of wear over the six years she’s worn them!

OluKai ‘Aka Sandals

Comfort: 5/5

These walking sandals from OluKai changed everything Meredith thought she knew about flip flops. And well, they’re not even quite flip flops, either. They’re like flip flops, but elevated, really.

The ‘Aka silhouette boasts a carefully-crafted footbed that feels as durable as the Chacos sandals, which says a lot for such a lightweight shoe. On top of that, they have a very soft footbed that Meredith is obsessed with since it provides more support than your average slip-on sandal.

Practicality: 4/5

“For a pool day, these are absolutely practical,” Meredith says.

These walking sandals are crafted from a water-resistant material that doesn’t soak up water, but rather, repels it.

This aspect makes them an easy go-to for summer days spent outside.

As far as the actual walking, there’s not rubbing or chafing to be found. The easygoing straps keep the feet in place but don’t feel utterly tight or uncomfortable.

Style: 5/5

The style of these walking sandals is minimal, but adorable. They flaunt some super thin straps (still durable) that knot at the top. Plus, they are shoppable in a handful of other vibrant colors for only $70.

Birkenstock Arizona Sandals

Comfort: 3/5

Ahh, Birks. They’re so classic! Like Chacos, Meredith really had to break in her pair of Birkenstock Arizona sandals for literal weeks before they started to feel just right.

“The cork footbed is supposed to adapt to your step over time, though it takes a while,” according to Meredith.

On the other hand, the wide buckled straps are quite welcoming and have never rubbed her feet the wrong way. They cover a good amount of the foot, so you’re not left with skin sticking out or being pinched weirdly.

Practicality: 3/5

These walking sandals aren’t quite made to go the distance, according to Meredith.

“I'd rather have these on for a quick errand, rather than wandering around for hours at the farmer’s market,” she says. “Maybe I just haven’t broken them in enough yet, though.”

Their flat sole doesn’t have much tread, making it a challenge to navigate any surface that’s not an inside floor or pavement.

Style: 4/5

These Birkenstock walking sandals are the ultimate casual, cool girl shoe. They match with shorts, skirts, pants, and everything in between. They’ve come to have such a classic, unmistakable look, so the brand recognition also boosts their chicness.

These sandals come in a handful of different colors for $110.

Doc Marten Blaire Slide Sandals

Comfort: 3/5

Meredith has been rocking with these Doc Marten sandals since last summer, and she ranks their comfort a total of 3 out of 5. The straps are the main factor that takes away from their overall comfort, since they often rub and give her blisters in very specific places.

Each of the three straps is adjustable, and though she’s toyed with different levels of tightness, they just don’t fit Meredith’s feet right.

The cushy footbed gains a few points back for these walking sandals. Meredith does appreciate the platformed shape for short periods of wear, like getting groceries or stopping by the craft store.

Practicality: 2/5

Since their comfort level is close to intolerable for long periods of wear, Meredith can’t really endorse these walking sandals’ practicality.

“They’re super cute, but I just can’t have them on all day,” she says. “I wish they fit me better than they do.”

Style: 5/5

While the comfort and practicality categories are severely lacking, the cuteness factor of the Doc Marten Blaire Slide Sandals is undeniable.

As a Doc Marten boot enthusiast, Meredith was drawn to them for their easy-to-pair color palette and signature Doc Marten details, like the black leather and yellow stitching.

The Doc Marten Blaire Slide Sandals go for $100.

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