Don’t forget about BAE this Howl-ween!
Five DIY Dog Costumes to Dress Up BAE this Halloween

Waring B+C readers — cuteness overload is about to explode on your computer screen. I mean honestly, is there anything better than a cute little pup in an adorable costume?! We rounded up some of our favorite B+C pups for this edition of dog Halloween costumes, and let me tell you, it was a sight to be seen. I don’t think anyone got work done that morning (sorry Brit and Anj!). Scroll down to read about pet costume ideas for your BAE this Howl-ween.
The Hipster
“Matcha tea latte with almond milk at a slightly scalding temperature. Please don’t waste the environment by giving me a to-go cup — just pour it right into my doggie dish.”
Sir Otis’s
He wouldn’t even stand up for the shoot (haha)! Oh Otis :)
Pablo Escobark
“You want me to make Christmas presents now? Well, hand me a cocktail first.”
is one of the newest (and definitely the smallest) addition to the B+C pup community. Weighing in at five pounds, she might seem like a timid pup but she means business. We bought a
“Chica — don’t even think about it.”
Miss Brie is no Halloween costume newbie — last year she was a pineapple and this year a strawberry! All you need to create this fruity costume is a red dog t-shirt from Amazon and some felt to create the strawberry pattern.
“Please don’t add me to that fruit salad…”
And when you are too shy to dress up by yourself — grab your pal and dress up together! Parker and Turkey dressed up as their inner dapper dude.
Happy Howl-ween!