140 Waffle Recipes — for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Dessert
When we’re in a food rut, we know it’s time to dust off the waffle iron. Waffles are great any time of day, because you can give them either a sweet or savory twist. There are so many things to do with waffles, we could have waffles every day for three months and never get tired of them. Here are 90 takes on the common waffle, both savory and sweet.
You don’t always have to have sweet for breakfast and savory for dinner, of course. We’d not be the first to champion breakfast for dinner. But breakfast for dessert sounds even better! This is where that scoop of ice cream, dollop of peanut butter or Nutella and drizzles of syrup can take a plain-Jane waffle to the next level. Check out these 50 waffle dessert recipes to indulge your heart’s desire.
Over at Half-Baked Harvest Tieghan Gerard is churning out these sweet and petite waffle dunkers. No store-bought goodies for her. She just fires up the waffle iron, drops a tablespoon of batter right into the middle, giving her dunkers lots of crispy, crimped edges that will grab onto the syrup. It also creates a nice round, perfect for stacking into dunker towers. Hey, presentation is almost everything. For an added dimension, she sometimes applies a french toast dredge, floating the finished waffle through eggs and then giving them a round of either pan frying or baking. She notes that pan-frying provides the tastier caramelization.
The great thing about these waffle dunkers is they freeze so well. Just leave them on a baking sheet in the freezer for a few hours, then transfer them to a freezer bag. Now, when you get a craving for a waffle, you can just pop a few in the oven for a quick minute and you’ve got a quick and delicious breakfast on busy weekday mornings.
Do you have a favorite waffle recipe to share? Tag us on Instagram @britandco.
(Photo via Half-Baked Harvest)