Peep Your August Horoscope To See What Leo Season Has In Store

august horoscope 2023

August skies are bringing changes and challenges. The Full Moon in Aquarius occurs on August 1, aiming to bring fun to our lives. The New Moon in Leo on August 16 is pushing us to see matters with open eyes and to embrace a new perspective. The Sun enters Virgo on August 23, just hours before Mercury retrograde in Virgo begins (lasting until September 14).

We will be questioning our present and future aspirations as we reflect on the past. It won’t be easy to let go of things, feelings, and people — but we’ll do our best to decide how we want to proceed once the veil has been lifted and we see clearly who others are.

Action planet, Mars, enters Libra on August 27, giving us a more passive approach to confrontation. The wildcard, Uranus, begins its retrograde in Taurus on August 28, and finishes its moonwalk on January 27, 2024. This allows us to grow at our own pace without any pressures. The Blue Moon in Pisces on August 30 helps our intuition and hearts blossom.

Aries August Horoscope

Photo by Monstera / PEXELS

As the expression goes: when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. There will be moments that bring out your fiery side this month. But, Aries, don’t let the negativity bring you down. You have many chances to embrace the sweetness and joy of the summer — if you surround yourself with positivity.

Taurus August Horoscope

Photo by Breston Kenya / PEXELS

Stop questioning your actions, Taurus. Instead of debating your emotions, try to relax your mind and do what feels right. You don’t have to go back and forth in your head a million times a day after discussing your feelings with others. Do what’s necessary for you – and no one else.

Gemini August Horoscope

Photo by jasmin chew / PEXELS

Like in the mythology of Mercury (your planetary ruler), you’re wanting to run off and be alone for the month ahead. Truth be told, Gemini, you’re in need of a long rest from the internet trolls and arguments in your life. You’re allowed to take a break to focus on yourself!

Cancer August Horoscope

Photo by Zhuravleva Anastasia / PEXELS

Power struggles will be super intensified this month for Cancer. As long as you know when to hold back your tongue and not lash out, then it should be easier to avoid intense disagreements with your friends and partner. Also, stay in your lane if a situation is percolating in their lives.

Leo August Horoscope

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio / PEXELS

Finding a moment of *chill* is going to be hard this month for Leo. All the more reason why it’s important to create a calming environment for yourself without any incessant chatter and noise. Think of this as your own personal journey to find peace of mind and happiness.

Virgo August Horoscope

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk / PEXELS

Lately, you’ve been wearing your heart on your sleeve. Now, it’s time to take your emotions and place them deep within yourself. It’s not that you're longing for attention and affection, but you’re trying to make better decisions about who you give your TLC to. Choose wisely and with caution, Virgo.

Libra August Horoscope

Photo by Nina zeynep güler / PEXELS

Nostalgia has led you down a slippery path, Libra. On one hand, you want to reconnect with your past. But, you’re questioning whether anyone can truly come home again. They say the grass is always greener, and the fantasy of how you idealize certain matters or people might not hold up IRL.

Scorpio August Horoscope

Photo by Anna Shvets / PEXELS

There are delays at the workplace, most of which are causing you to take a temporary step back as you wait for your promotion or raise to come through. It’ll happen, Scorpio — give it some time and continue to have faith in the process — more importantly, believe in yourself.

Sagittarius August Horoscope

Photo by Natalie Bond / PEXELS

Sag, while you are great at stepping out of your personal bubble and exploring different philosophies, you’re finding that your own identity is in flux. Truth be told, you know who you are, but need to look within instead of at outside forces. Meditate to find the answers you’re longing for.

Capricorn August Horoscope

Photo by Laura Oliveira / PEXELS

You’re always imposing and implementing boundaries with others, but you’re the one who is overstepping this month, Capricorn. Be careful not to cross limits and structures that your friends and family have created in an effort to protect their energy. Do not get too carried away or over-enthusiastic that you overstep!

Aquarius August Horoscope

Photo by Liza Summer / PEXELS

Relationships are more complex than ever, as you’re debating who you can and cannot trust. You don’t have to make a decision now, Aquarius, but you should watch their actions with a stern eye before taking action and confronting them. This gives you a better chance to come to grips with reality.

Pisces August Horoscope

Photo by Mariam Antadze / PEXELS

If you’re looking to augment your habits and to embrace a daily regimen, Pisces, then August offers you the chance to lean into a new lifestyle. This means getting enough hours of sleep, as well as stepping away from the emotional drama to have a stress free life throughout the month.

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Header photo by Nina zeynep güler / PEXELS

Life can be a dream, depending on how you make sound and conscious decisions. The changing of the seasons always has an ending and a new beginning, very much like how we experience life. We must cross that threshold of endings to purify and enter the bliss of renewal. The fear of the unknown quite often holds us back from achieving happiness. Luckily, when you learn to become in sync with the stars, you can learn to live more in the present and steer yourself to better experiences. Read on for your sun, moon, and rising signs for a complete interpretation of what to expect this week.

It's about to get interesting as we kick off this week with the Sun merging with Uranus on May 13th, giving us the space to embrace change and evolution. Any edge of resistance percolating in your life can stir feelings of constant restlessness. Remember that Uranus sends curveballs; on this day, whatever is stagnant in your life will see what needs to change.

Curveballs only reveal the instability you are experiencing inside. On May 13, embrace the idea of starting over.

There is also another incredible event happening: we are experiencing an astrological stellium. This means more than two planets will be in the sign of Taurus, which will boost whichever house is ruling in our birth charts. If you need to find out, click here to see your birth chart in one easy step.

The great news is that our ideas and mindset will slow down as the communication planet Mercury moves into the earthy sign Taurus on May 15. These next few weeks will create an outlet for you to begin thinking before speaking or doing. Focusing on the practical side of things will hold you steady and ensure a sound progression.

On May 17, Mercury will cross paths with Pluto in a harsh position detailing aspects of your life or situations that involve power struggles leading to unforeseen disagreements. Hold space and observe your stance on control. It takes two to tango, especially with confrontation. Listen intently before jumping to conclusions.

Love is about to take center stage, and on May 18, when Venus joins Uranus in Taurus, it will dance to a different tempo.

This is the moment to see or experience love from a different perspective. This powerful interchange will also amp up your creative direction. The Sun will also merge with Jupiter in Taurus, and there will be a stroke of luck and an overflow of optimism that can lead to chance encounters or incredible experiences. With a pure heart and intent, this day will reveal the silver lining in your life circumstances.

On May 19, when the Sun forms a supportive position with Neptune, our dreams and outlook on life will be visceral, as though we are walking in a lucid dream. Chart out your long-term ventures or begin meditation practice to secure the connection with your vision. It is a beautiful opportunity to channel your intuition practice or extend compassion to others who need your support.

Key Dates

  • 5/13 Sun conjunct Uranus
  • 5/15 Mercury enters Taurus
  • 5/17 Mercury square Pluto
  • 5/18 Venus conjunct Uranus, Sun conjunct Jupiter
  • 5/19 Sun sextile Neptune

Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here For May 13 To May 19


This week, you are on fire with your self-worth; this is your chance to take charge of matters. Your adulting skills will reach their peak. Take ownership and resist the temptation of being the wallflower of the party. With celestial points Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus residing in your second house, this will be a fantastic opportunity to take the reins and make things happen with your financial needs and earnings. However, watch out for impulsive purchases; this is the period to gain, not lose. Designate time and discuss your money goals with your partner. You are magnetic and have what it takes to share your ideas, make that pitch, or request for promotion.


Your birthday month continues, and with Mercury closing in on your sign, you will feel that rose-colored glow this week. With Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus powering up your identity and self-appearance sector, you will experience an upgrade in your look or feel a wave of confidence. Addressing your wants and needs can go in your favor, but you must live up to your promises to others. Be mindful and reflective. When Mercury squares Pluto this week, it will significantly challenge your authority, but remember to factor in sensitivity to keep things in a better flow.


How are you holding up Gemini? It has been a minute since you felt in your element, and with the stellium of planets in Taurus taking place in your subconscious sector, you are experiencing incredible growth opportunities. This week, there will be an outlet for you to experience a breakthrough involving your ideas. Whatever has been backlogged lately, expect movement when Mercury squares Pluto; you will begin to see the reason behind everything involving past setbacks or unresolved issues. Observe your environment and align with your intuition to bridge any gaps.


Get your social events calendar, Cancer, because this week will be busy. With the planets—Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus—all hanging out together, your social life is about to ignite. You'll feel extra charming and magnetic, drawing new people and exciting collaborations into your orbit. This week is about sharing laughs, chasing dreams together, and enjoying the ride with your crew. Especially when the Sun conjuncts Jupiter this week, this will be the perfect time to arrange a get-together or event. This will also be a time for you to pinpoint the core reason behind your aspirations.


Get ready to feel a change in your career zone. This week, your career sector embodies the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus. That means big things are happening on the work front! Opportunities for growth, recognition, and success are knocking at your door. Embrace your inner leader and show the world what you're made of. Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and take some risks—this stellium has your back. Just measure your words and timing when Mercury squares Pluto this week. Measure twice and cut once.


Buckle up and get ready to expand your horizons this week, Virgo, with the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus igniting your firmer beliefs and thirst for adventure. Whether planning a spontaneous trip, delving into a fascinating subject, or exploring your spiritual side, the Universe has your back. Trust your intuition and follow your heart's desires. When the Sun sextiles Neptune, this will attract an aha moment for you to realize the meaning behind your life direction; you will find clarity in your next steps as you set linear thinking aside.


As an air sign, you are equipped to face challenges and factor in logical reasoning. Everything will make sense this week as you invest time in your inner work. With the stellium happening in your resources and intimacy sector of life, you'll be navigating through a mix of opportunities and lessons in your relationships, finances, and personal growth. Embrace the chance to connect more deeply with your loved ones and explore what truly matters to you. When Mercury squares Pluto, financial breakthroughs or shifts in your approach can manifest. Take this time to reflect, release old baggage, and emerge stronger and more empowered.


Love and values continue to be on the radar for you, Scorpio. Your relationship and commitment sector is lit with this planetary stellium. This cosmic fusion brings both exciting opportunities and understanding to your partnerships. It's a great time to deepen your bonds and explore new romantic or professional connections. It can be a great time to form a new business partnership or agreement to get things rolling. This week is about learning how to trust in others. When Mercury faces Pluto this week, look out for misinformation or avoid jumping to conclusions involving love matters. Stay grounded, keep those lines of communication open, and work through any issues together. Remain openhearted and patient.


Expect a boost in your daily grind and wellness routines! With the planets—Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus—converging in your health and wellness sector, you're in for some changes. It's a great time to shake up your habits, tackle tasks with renewed energy, and focus on your health goals. Be careful not to bite off more than you can chew or neglect your self-care amidst the busyness. Stay grounded, balance work and play, and prioritize self-care to master your routine. When the Sun sextiles Neptune, prioritize a sacred practice such as somatic healing or meditation on this day, and you will witness a shift in your approach to life.


Prepare for a burst of creativity and excitement as the stellium of planets illuminates your romantic and creative sphere of life. This week brings opportunities for artistic inspiration, romantic adventures, and joyful experiences. Embrace your inner child, indulge in playful pursuits, and see life as a story only you can write. When Mercury squares Pluto, be mindful of impulsiveness or scattered energy that may lead to distractions or conflicts. Capitalize on the purity behind your decisions. Make all of the unresolved water under the bridge. Stay focused on your goals while allowing yourself to explore new avenues of self-expression and pleasure.


This week spotlights your home and family life. It's a great time to cozy up with loved ones, spruce up your space, and dive into heartfelt conversations. Allow the opportunity to strengthen bonds and create a sense of belonging. The Mercury square Pluto can add a challenge to your mojo, and be aware of some family dynamics or unexpected household issues that might crop up. It is an opportunity to clear the air or share what has been circulating in your mind lately. Stay grounded, open communication lines, and work together to find solutions.


Brainstorming and endless downloads of information are circulating within your mind, Pisces. With the planetary stellium embodying your communications sector, it's like the Universe is giving you a megaphone! Take advantage of this by speaking your truth, connecting with others, and soaking up knowledge like a sponge. But watch out for scattered thoughts or miscommunications that might trip you up. When the Sun sextiles Neptune, stay grounded, keep your focus sharp, and trust your intuition—it's your superpower, especially on that day. This week is about sharing your unique voice and expanding your mind, Pisces. Dive in and make the most of it!

Want to learn the astrology basics and decode your birth chart? Take a look at Lumi's new beginner's astrology workbook

Inflation finally makes me understand why my mom used to say, "We have McDonald's at home," because I've definitely been cooking in my own kitchen way more — especially with all my fave celebrity cookbooks. If you've been screaming at your bank account each time you realize how much you've spent on takeout, I'm here to give you a virtual pat on the shoulder and let you know: we've got this. Just treat cooking at home like your own personal Food Network show where you and these celebrities are the cutest costars. From Joanna Gaines to Stanley Tucci, here are the celebrity cookbooks that I absolutely swear by — no matter how often Uber Eats beckons!

Easy Celebrity Cookbooks To Follow

The Full Plate: Flavor-Filled, Easy Recipes for Families with No Time and a Lot to Do by Ayesha Curry

Cooking for more than one person can be a little daunting and exhausting, but Ayesha Curry's cookbook makes it a little easier with her easy recipes. She knows what it's like to be a busy wife and mom so she gathered 100 recipes that take less than an hour to prep, cook, and serve. Got a taste for chicken sandwiches that feature a hot honey sauce? She's got a recipe for that!

Not That Fancy: Simple Lessons on Living, Loving, Eating, and Dusting Off Your Boots by Reba McEntire with a Forward by Garth Brooks

Similar to Dolly Parton, we don't tolerate any Reba McEntire slander here! Aside from being one of the most popular country artists out there, she's got also got a knack for serving simple meals that are full of delicious flavor. You'll get more than 60 recipes that she's personally cooked and are available at Reba's Place.

Celebrity Cookbooks Filled with Comfort Meals

Cravings: All Together by Chrissy Teigen

Chrissy Teigen is the queen of cooking comfort food and she proves it with Cravings: All Together. From appetizers to dinner recipes, your heart and belly will be full. Also, there's a chance that your home will smell absolutely wonderful which creates a deeper element of coziness.

Just Feed Me: Simply Delicious Recipes from My Heart to Your Plate by Jessie James Decker

Known for doing things with a flair, Jessie James Decker invites you to cook some of her favorite recipes in Just Feed Me: Simply Delicious Recipes from My Heart to Your Plate. She mixes Italian and Cajun dishes together for flavorful meals you'll always be in the mood to eat.

Magnolia Table, Volume 2: A Collection of Recipes for Gathering by Joanna Gaines

Joanna Gaines has perfected the art of creating inviting atmospheres with Hearth & Hand With Magnolia, but she's also known for sharing recipes that encourages her readers to gather with the closest people in their lives. Made completely from scratch, Joanna's dinner recipes are mouth-watering good and make your home smell like a place where love can be found in every bite of the dishes you make.

Here We Go Again: Recipes and Inspiration to Level Up Your Leftovers by Tiffani Thiessen and Rachel Holtzman

Leftovers can get boring after the second day, but Tiffani Thiessen has a few tricks up her sleeves to help you look at them differently. From meals that maybe you didn't exactly love at first to Thanksgiving leftover recipes, you'll be glad that you're getting into the art of meal prepping.

Celebrity Cookbooks With Healthy Options

Cooking from the Spirit: Easy, Delicious, and Joyful Plant-Based Inspirations by Tabitha Brown

Tabitha Brown makes being vegan look and taste fun. Once she discovered that eating healthier led to a decrease in health problems, she started finding ways to make it appealing for her family. One of my favorite things about this cookbook is how easy it is to follow her recipes and add your own flair because, "That's your business."

Nourish: Simple Recipes to Empower Your Body & Feed Your Soul by Gisele Bündchen

Gisele Bündchen is a supermodel and philanthropist extraordinaire who's ready to let you enter her kitchen via her new cookbook. Before she dives into her healthy recipe offerings, she offers practical tips for how you can start making healthier food and lifestyle choices.

It's the thoughtfulness that initially pulls you in, but you'll stay for the easy recipes that are also kid-friendly.

True Roots: A Mindful Kitchen with More Than 100 Recipes Free of Gluten, Dairy, and Refined Sugar by Kristin Cavallari

Once named by MINDBODYGREEN for being one of the best gluten-free cookbooks, True Roots: A Mindful Kitchen with More Than 100 Recipes Free of Gluten, Dairy, and Refined Sugar is ready to help you develop a healthier relationship with foods that don't trigger inflammation like bloating.

Celebrity Cookbooks for The Fun Hostess

Open Wide: A Cookbook for Friends by Benny Blanco with Jess Damuck

Selena Gomez's boyfriend Benny Blanco is not only a talented music produder, but hes' also an excellent cook. His recipes' names may be unconventional (here's looking at you "5 Dishes to Get You Laid and One for the Morning After"), but he clearly knows his way around the kitchen and into the hearts of the people he loves.

Rebel Homemaker: Food, Family, Life by Drew Barrymore with Pilar Valdes

Drew Barrymore continues to find ways into the hearts and minds of people all over the world, but she also knows that food is at the center of every deep connection we have. I love that the recipes she shares have her own signature twist on them because they serve as a reminder that cooking doesn't have to be super scary or strict.

Y'all Eat Yet?: Welcome to the Pretty B*tchin' Kitchen by Miranda Lambert with Holly Gleason

We live for a good southern cookbook and Miranda Lambert's does not disappoint. She makes a point to celebrate the spirited women in her life for teaching her all about laughing, loving, and raising hell while sitting around home-cooked meals. It's a feisty cookbook that's full of great food and even better memories.

Shaq's Family Style: Championship Recipes for Feeding Family and Friends by Shaquille O'Neal with Rachel Holtzman, Matthew Silverman, and Matthew Piekarski

Is there anything former basketball player Shaquille O'Neal can't do? I had no idea he had a cookbook until my S.O. and I caught a glimpse of it at our local Barnes & Noble bookstore. Nevertheless, it's apparent from the first page that his love for food can be found in each recipe that's in Shaq's Family Style: Champion Recipes for Feeding Family and Friends.

More Amazing Celebrity Cookbooks

Trejo's Tacos: Recipes and Stories from L.A. by Danny Trejo with Hugh Garvey

Danny Trejo has several Trejo's Tacos locations around California, so you know the man knows his stuff. But for those of us who aren't anywhere near the sunny state, he's packaged some of the same hearty recipes you can find at his restaurants in this amazing cookbook. My S.O. and I have been enjoying making recipes like Chicken Tikka Tacos and Mushroom Asada Bowls. Yum!

The Tucci Cookbook by Stanley Tucci with Joan and Stan Tucci, Gianni Scappin, and Mimi Taft

This cookbook really doesn't need an introduction other than: it's by Stanley Tucci. When it comes to cooking tasty Italian dishes, he simply can do no wrong in our eyes. Gonna throw The Devil Wears Pradaon real quick while I cook with this!

F---, That's Delicious: An Annotated Guide to Eating Well by Action Bronson with Rachel Wharton

My S.O. actually introduced me to rapper Action Bronson's F--- THAT'S DELICIOUSseries on YouTube when I was pregnant in 2020 and we still faithfully revisit this channel every chance we get. Want recipes from someone who — for lack of a better explantation — orgasmically loves all types of food? Start with this cookbook if you don't buy anything else.

Celebrity Cookbooks Based On Delicious Drinks

Single AF Cocktails: Drinks for Bad B*tches by Ariana Madix

You know what Ariana Madix's Single AF Cocktails drink recipe book reminds me of Rapper JT's song "Okay." I literally can't get it out of my head, especially her CTA at the beginning: "Where my bad b-tches at?"

Given Ariana's life post-Scandoval, the title of cocktail recipes book is very fitting. Each section of the book features the various stages of relationships, and it's something I can totally get behind. BRB while I go whip up a drink!

Trejo's Cantina: Cocktails, Snacks, and Amazing Nonalcoholic Drinks from the Heart of Hollywood by Danny Trejo with Hugh Garvey

Want something that feels like a different kind of celebration? You'll want to pick up this nice complement to Trejo's Tacos. Instead of offering full-blown lunch and dinner recipes, Danny Trejo shares snacks and drinks that you can indulge in on a hot summer day with your loved ones.

Which celebrity cookbooks will you add to your kitchen's library? Let us know in the comments, and follow us on Facebook for more!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

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Are you feeling a lack of motivation lately? Don’t worry, because things are about to change. As we near the middle of 2024, you may have let go of your New Year's resolution or neglected your past passion project. The great news is that Jupiter, the planet of optimism and expansion, is leaving the earth sign Taurus and entering the air sign Gemini on May 25. In the next stage of our journey, we will be more socially oriented and open-minded to ideas from all sides.

Everything to know about the planet Jupiter in astrology

Photo by Planet Volumes on Unsplash

The Planet Jupiter

Astronomically, Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest in our solar system—also known as the “gas giant.” Jupiter can also be viewed as the bodyguard, protecting our home planet from incoming asteroids.

Astrologically, Jupiter bestows luck and expansive opportunities in our natal charts and transits. Due to its exuberant nature, it can over-inflate good and challenging aspects. In your darkest hour and time of need, look to your Jupiter sign as the key and clue to where you can find the silver lining. You may be in for a huge lesson and luck wherever Jupiter touches your birth chart or in transit. The teacher or guru often walks into your life around these momentous periods, and so long as you are open to learning, you, too, one day will become the teacher as well. Click here to find out where your Jupiter is in your birth chart.

When Does Jupiter Enter Gemini?

Jupiter in Gemini Dates: May 25, 2024 to June 9, 2025

What Does Jupiter in Gemini Mean For You?

Let’s explore this last year before we dive into what’s next. The planet Jupiter spends 12 months in every sign. From 2023 to 2024, while in Taurus, our primary focus was exploring the path of self-worth, wealth, and financial security. Although Taurus is a grounded and earthy sign, last year felt anything but because Jupiter inflates and expands on whatever it touches. Sound familiar? We experienced inflation, resulting in a rise in food prices while also becoming more indulgent and spending more on material comforts.

It could have been a challenging year regarding real estate or business ventures, as everything felt stuck because Jupiter enhances whatever it touches. With Taurus's fixed energy escalated by Jupiter’s influence, it could have already made us feel like sitting ducks with a massive credit card bill. Online shopping and retail therapy galore.

The good news is that as Jupiter shifts, we will focus on collaboration, communication, and multiple streams of opportunities. Although Jupiter is astrologically considered in a “detrimental” position with Gemini, there is a plus side when this transit occurs.

The sign of Gemini extends an outlet for us to become more experimental in our lives. It can be a perfect time to begin that side hustle you were contemplating alongside your job. This is the period to “explore,” not invest. Jupiter in Gemini will give us fun, exploration, and opportunity. Our social calendars are also expected to erupt, and it's time to party.

It is about openness and possibility – refrain from dogmatic systems to stay afloat.

Note that Jupiter last appeared in Gemini in 2012. Reflect on what happened in your life then and for the collective to see what themes may be resurfacing.

Meanwhile, if you have a mutable rising sign or are a mutable sign – Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces – Jupiter in Gemini will light up your year.

What Happened 12 Years Ago When Jupiter Was in Gemini?

The last time when Jupiter was in Gemini, pop culture was electrifying with the rise of K-Pop, and Kim and Kanye got together, birthing their ship name ‘Kimye.’ We can expect bands to reemerge as Gemini is about interconnectedness and teamwork. Life was more collaborative and filled with incoming messages from all sides.

Information can get a bit scattered as Gemini represents messages and experimentation. So, it is best to slow down and listen intently before jumping into the next big thing.

It was also the year Taylor Swift released her Red album while dating Harry Styles. FYI, Taylor is a Sagittarius, and we will likely receive big news later this year. Here's a little cosmic intel: Jupiter will trine her North Node in Aquarius in September, opening a door for her to explore her story even deeper. It can push her to tap into a wellspring of creativity while she uncovers a new approach involving her talents. It will likely attract incredible breakthroughs involving personal development and destiny. Could it be a marriage proposal? Shift in love status? Album drop? Time will tell.

While we wait and see what happens, listen to The Tortured Poets Department. I’m a big fan of this one.

Your Jupiter in Gemini Reading For Every Astrological Sign

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Read for your sun, moon, and rising sign for an extended interpretation.


Exciting things will emerge as Jupiter will reside in your 3rd house of communication and ideas. It is time to level up your knowledge, requiring you to start something new that involves your skills. Embrace curiosity as you explore new subjects, languages, and connections. There is potential for short-distance travel to enhance your educational or business pursuits. Your adaptability shines, effortlessly navigating diverse situations with confidence. Avoid scattering your focus and prioritize your goals, maintaining consistency in your efforts. A structured approach to your studies or projects will prevent you from spreading yourself too thin. By setting clear objectives and staying disciplined, you can capitalize on these opportunities and bring your dreams to fruition during this transit.


During Jupiter's transit through your 2nd house, Taurus, seize outlets to enhance your finances and values. It is time to step into your confidence and see your dreams take root by becoming more hands-on instead of waiting. Explore new income sources and improve your financial literacy to attract new income streams. Your adaptability shines this year, enabling you to navigate changing financial landscapes confidently. To achieve your goals, maintain discipline in your financial practices. Avoid impulsive spending and focus on creating a solid financial plan. Set savings goals and budget accordingly. With dedication and perseverance, you can lay the foundation for long-term financial stability and achieve your aspirations.


This is your year, Gemini! With Jupiter in your 1st house, embrace opportunities for self-exploration and growth. Get out of your comfort zone by taking chances. The Universe grants your wishes when you remain curious and with an open heart. Embrace change confidently, knowing you can navigate diverse opportunities and challenges. To realize your visions, maintain discipline in focusing on your goals. Hone your skills, set clear objectives, and take decisive action. Avoid scattering your energy and stay committed to your aspirations. Harness Jupiter's expansive energy to manifest your dreams authentically and create a fulfilling future aligned with your true self.


Get ready to witness your evolution as Jupiter navigates through your 12th house. This time will help you focus on your deep spiritual growth and inner exploration. Connect with your intuition and emotional depth. Tap into your inner truths while unpacking the unresolved. Dedicate time to meditation and self-reflection, releasing old patterns, and nurturing your spiritual side. To manifest your dreams, maintain discipline in your spiritual practice. Set energetic boundaries, prioritize self-care, and allow yourself to let go of what no longer serves you emotionally. By focusing on your spiritual journey, you can manifest your dreams with clarity and purpose, guided by the wisdom of your inner self.


This is your opportunity to expand your networks while reigniting your aspirations. Jupiter in your 11th house will power up your connections with like-minded individuals and join groups in alignment with your interests. Invest your time and energy in spaces that involve you to extend leadership while influencing others positively. With your social calendar booming this year, stay focused on long-term objectives, prioritize commitments, and avoid distractions. Set clear goals and take consistent action. Turn aspirations into tangible achievements, leaving a lasting impact on your social sphere.


Expect recognition and career advancement as Jupiter is residing in your 10th house. Stepping up and showcasing your skills will shine. Your dedication will show as you share your true passions. If you have plans to launch your business or switch careers, this is your year. You will excel in your career endeavors, earning respect from peers and superiors. Stay focused on career goals, set high standards, and pursue growth opportunities. Avoid perfectionism and self-doubt, trusting in your abilities. With determination, climb the ladder of success and leave a lasting impact in your field. Boldness is key.


Jupiter takes over your 9th house realm, and your life will feel like Wonderland. This is your time for personal growth through higher learning and travel. Expand your horizons, explore new cultures, and deepen your understanding of the world. Learning prayer or meditation can be a powerful tool to level up your spiritual practice. Jupiter's touch will reconfigure anything you once considered tangible. Let go and observe possible new paths to help you achieve fulfillment. Share your story and listen to others to get perspective. Commit to educational pursuits or travel plans, prioritize learning opportunities aligned with your interests, and remain open-minded.


This will be a powerful time in your life, as Jupiter in your 8th house will scope opportunities to pay attention to your shared resources, intimacy, and unresolved fears. Your instincts will sharpen as you focus on your feelings toward others or situations. Embrace the quiet periods and invest time in your inner work. In doing so, your connections and your interconnectedness to life will deepen. The silver lining of this Jupiter transit lies in your emotional depth and intuitive ability. Facing your fears will open the door to your fulfillment. Commit to your healing and growth.


This Jupiter phase will shift your focus toward your partnerships and relationships. With your 7th house active this year, it is your moment to understand your connections and gain clarity regarding your love status. Deepen connections, explore collaborations, and broaden your perspective on love. If you have experienced a waterlog in your love life, Jupiter in Gemini will breathe life back into your connection or in dating. Approach relationships with enthusiasm, embracing diverse experiences and perspectives. Commit to being unapologetically honest to attract healthy relationships, communicate openly, and be willing to compromise.


Expect your work and daily routines to go 180 as Jupiter takes rein in your 6th house. This is a period for you to seize opportunities at work while also refining your skills to enhance your efficiency. Observe what areas in your daily life need reinvention. It can be your wellness routine or your work environment. Establish healthy habits, set achievable goals, and focus on self-improvement professionally. Jupiter can escalate extremities, so remember that maintaining balance will attract steady progress in your career and complete alignment.


Fun times approach Aquarius as Jupiter crosses into your 5th house of creativity, self-expression, and romance. If you have experienced outmoded love stories or situationships, this is the year to explore deeper. Revamp your dating profile or take a class that unleashes your creative side. You may cross paths with “the one.” Something is ready to be birthed into existence (figuratively or literally). Think outside the box, experiment with ideas, and infuse creativity with your unique perspective. Be receptive to new ideas and approaches – don’t overthink it. In small, measured steps, get ready to witness your passions reach fruition.


Expect harmonious breakthroughs involving your emotional security and family systems as Jupiter resides in your 4th house this year. This can manifest a change of residence to a larger space or renovation. You will likely need to reevaluate your priorities at work while figuring out what truly matters to you. As you return to your family roots, you will have an opportunity to understand the root of your past regrets. Living conditions and family life will improve as you commit to creating a harmonious home, prioritize self-care, and make space for resolution with family.

Want to learn the basics of astrology and decode your birth chart? Take a look at Lumi's free beginner's astrology workbook.

Black women's hairstyles are some of the most diverse I've seen — we're known for wearing our natural hair one week only to show up to work with braids the next. As one of my former hairstylists told me as a pre-teen, "You have to keep them guessing!" And while it's always fun to switch it up, it also a great way to experiment and find a summer look that feels effortless. With that in mind, here are six Black hairstyles that I think we'll see a lot of this year, regardless of hair texture. Here's to finding your own next look, ladies!

Image via Theo Wargo/Getty Images

Goddess Knotless Braids

Braided hairstyles are by far one of the go-to styles for summer. They help keep hair protected from the heat and other elements that may cause dryness or frizz while creating a cute style that lasts anywhere from 4-6 weeks.

While knotless braids have become a lot more popular, more people are opting to wear 'Goddess' knotless braids which includes an unfinished look or an addition of wavy or curly human hair extensions in between the braids. It's the perfect style for a summer vacation that includes a ton of beach or water park days.

Image via Amy Sussman/Getty Images

Short and Sweet Bob

Admit it — you've lowkey always envied Edna's luscious bob in The Incredibles. It makes sense because she is a succinct fashion designer that knows how to create looks. Even if your inspiration isn't Edna, chin-length bobs scream sophistication and can make any casual outfit look like a 90s off-duty model look.

Image via Rebecca Sapp/Getty Images for The Recording Academy

Classic Updo

Women can't get enough of classic updos, and I don't blame them. I have very fond memories of seeing older Black women wear them to special events so I have a soft spot for them.

If you're trying to figure out what what kind of updo you want to wear, take a cue from Keke Palmer! Her sleek updo manages to look soft as well as voluminous and it also frames her face.

Image via Theo Wargo/Getty Images

Cute Pixie Haircut

Short haircuts are here to stay, especially when we know it's going to be hot during summer! Since I've cut my hair on three separate occasions, I know a few tricks that make sure my hair was razor sharp and shiny every time I stepped out. One of them is making sure I used a moisturizing shampoo and conditionerduring each wash day. This help me set the tone for styling.

Next, I recommend using a heat protectant spray that won't dry your hair out if you plan to use a blow dryer and curling iron. If you plan to let your hair air dry, you could also mold and set your hair using a good foaming mousse!

No matter how you choose to wear your pixie haircut, it's sure to look glorious when you properly prep your hair.

Image via Rob Kim/Getty Images

Middle Part Sew-In

It wouldn't be right if I didn't refer to this look the way the TikTok and Instagram girlies do. Known as one of the most popular Black women's hairstyles, this is actually referred to as a 'bussdown' middle part — and it looks fabulous on Ciara. Truthfully, anyone can wear this style because it's universal (love it) and isn't specific to one group of women. I mean, even Law Roach has been know to wear a good bussdown middle part, and we love him even more for it!

Image via Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

Curls Out

Not everyone will reach for braids, short hairstyles, or extensions though. Some women will be rocking their natural curls, allowing them to be on full display this summer. If you plan to be one of them, make sure you try Beyonce's Cécredline to give your curls the volume and shine they deserve!

Black women's hairstyles should be fun and look carefree during summer even if the process of achieving certain looks takes a while!

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Lead image via Rebecca Sapp/Getty Images for The Recording Academy

As the sun starts to stay out later and later, the oncoming summer heat beckons only the cutest summer outfits! Even though it's definitely sweaty season, you still want to look your best, which is why each of these maxi dresses are the perfect closet pick. These maxi dresses (all under $100!) are flowy, floral, breezy, and beautiful. Prep your tip-top looks with these summer-ready maxi dresses!

Old Navy Fit & Flare Rib-Knit Maxi Dress

The cozy knit of this $40 maxi dress will make you wanna wear it all summer long. The fuss-free straps make it an easy one-and-done kind of outfit – all you need is some cute sandals and statement earrings to complete the look!

Wild Fable Short Sleeve Maxi Dress

We'll be following in Hailey Bieber's style footsteps all summer long. This $22 white lace number recalls her iconic pregnancy announcement pictures, but it also just so happens to be practical for the season's hot weather with a breezy, breathable vibe.

Nia Canyon Dress

This serene green gown ($88) features an adorable bustier top with a cute bow tie, while the long skirt fits loosely against your figure.

A New Day Open Work Maxi Sundress

Knit dresses are everything, and this $40 striped one is begging to be taken on your beach vacation ASAP!

More To Come Kacey Maxi Dress

Rosettes are undeniably having a moment right now, and this light yellow number ($78) lets you shine to the max. It has a wonderful open back for getting a tad sultry with it!

Universal Thread Rib-Knit Maxi Bodycon Dress

This $20 maxi dress is so comfy and cute, you'll wanna snag it in all of the colors (of which there are six more)!

Gap Satin Midi Slip Dress

This $40 metallic slip dress can be worn alone or under a cropped tee just as easily to play with layered summer outfits!

Free-est La La Tiered Flutter Sleeve Maxi Dress

This laid-back Free People dress ($98) is *the* statement piece your closet is craving for summer outings. It's a comfy fit and makes getting easy a total breeze. All you need are some super cute summer shoes.

AFRM Shea Floral A-Line Maxi Dress

For a more illustrative look, this colorful maxi ($88) makes a daring move with whimsical images of butterflies, flowers, fruits, and more. The darling straight neckline is the perfect touch of femininity!

Zara Cut Out Maxi Dress

This chartreuse number ($40) boasts a cheeky side cutout that adds an artful show of skin to your look!

American Eagle Denim Scoop Neck Maxi Dress

Jump on this season's hottest fashion trend by donning a denim maxi dress. This $42 one features flattering paneling and a flirty leg slit to keep things cool even in the hottest of temperatures.

Found a maxi dress you love? Let us know in the comments, and be sure to sign up for our email newsletter to find your next favorite outfit!

This post has been updated with additional reporting by Meredith Holser.

Lead image via Lisa Says Gah.