How to Make Modern Color Block Soap
Have you met our friend color block? I’m sure you have, because we are obsessed. If everything in life could be one color dipped into another color, that would be fantastic. Remember back in the day when we did color-blocked candles? Well, we are adding another bathtime color-blocked DIY to the mix for the ultimate color-blocked spa day. Customize these soaps with your favorite scents and colors — just remember you need soap dye. Otherwise you might dye your skin. (Self-tanning, anyone? Just kidding!)
– soap dye
– glass measuring cup
– knife + cutting board
– spray bottle of rubbing alcohol
1. Cut the block of soap base into smaller one-inch cubes. Place four into a glass measuring cup and pop it into the microwave for a minute and a half or until the soap is completely melted.
2. Add a few drops of essential oil and some dye, then stir the mixture together.
3. Prop the edge of your mold up (we used blocks of Sculpey) and pour enough soap to fill the corner.
4. Wait about 20 minutes for the soap to set and then melt four more cubes. Repeat the process but this time place your blocks on the corner that has your first layer of soap. Pour enough soap to fill up the opposite corner.
5. Let your second layer of soap set and then repeat for your final layer. Melt, mix and pour.
Grab a knife and cut the soap into smaller one-inch cubes. Melt four into a glass measuring cup.
Add in your favorite essential oil and soap dye, and then stir your mixture together.
Prop your mold up on a raised surface so all the liquid soap fills one corner. We used a block of Scupley to raise the corner of our mold. This will give you diagonal lines of color in your soap.
Spray the first layer of soap with rubbing alcohol to help remove any air bubbles.
What we love most about this DIY is that cleanup is a breeze. You are cleaning a container which is full of soap. What could be easier?
Add a few more spritzes of alcohol to say goodbye to unwanted air bubbles.
Mix up the last color and pour it into the mold to finish the block of soap. Once again, spray the soap with rubbing alcohol to remove all those bubbles!
Color-blocked soap + color-blocked candles = color-blocked amazingness.
Play with color and play with scents! Create one layer that is lavender and another that is vanilla for a soothing soap mix.
What is your ultimate scent and color combination? Share your creations with us using the hashtag #iamcreative. As always, leave comments and questions below!