This Valentine’s Day, give the love of your life this sweet little story, easy to customize for the two of you. Fill in your names, where you met, and things you love about your S.O. We recommend pairing this with breakfast in bed for maximum awesome-wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner points!
The Cutest Little Love Story You Ever Did See (Free Printable!)

This Valentine’s Day, give the love of your life this sweet little story, easy to customize for the two of you. Fill in your names, where you met, and things you love about your S.O. We recommend pairing this with breakfast in bed for maximum awesome wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner points!
– the little Love Story template (download here)
– color printer
– X-acto knife
– pen :)
As with most printables, the materials for this are pretty minimal as long as you’ve got access to a color printer.
The template prints two, so the first thing to do is cut one out.
Fold it up to create a mini book.
How cute is that?
Fill it out with your names, details about where you met, what you love to do, and so on.
Breakfast is served!
What creative things are you making for your Valentine this year? Talk to us in the comments below.