Will The Groundhog See His Shadow? 9 Works of Shadow Art
Tomorrow is Groundhog Day, and that got us to thinking about all the playful things you can do with shadows. Whether it’s using ordinary tools like building blocks, letters and light, using chalk to create shadows on the sidewalk, or figuring out different ways to assemble two people to recreate the shadows of famous structures, it turns out shadow play goes far beyond a dog chasing an alligator with a bunny on the loose.
First up, shadow art by Kumi Yamashita. Yamashita uses super simple materials like paper, wood, building blocks, and wooden letters.
We’d love to try experimenting with letters & light on the fridge at Brit HQ!
Next, we have these incredibly intricate wire sculptures by Larry Kagan. He assembles squiggly pieces of wire in a way that creates very recognizable images when the light hits the wire just right.
Not sure how easily we can try recreating Kagan’s work in the studio, but we adore the @ sign.
are two New York street artists who’ve taken to a style best described as chalk shadow graffiti. They use sidewalk chalk to mimic that shadows of ordinary street objects, like fire hydrants and bicycles.Keep your eyes peeled around SOMA for some of our chalk shadow experimentation!
London-based designer Henrietta Swift figured out a way to stand to perfectly recreate shadows of the world’s most famous structures. We definitely need to figure out a way to recreate Cupid’s Arrow on the Embarcadero.
And lastly, we love these irreverent pieces by radio personalities Merrick, Dools and Ricki-Lee.
So silly but pretty amazing, and has us scheming all sorts of silliness for our next team photo session.