11 Tips for Reducing First Date Nerves

First dates hold a lot of promise. All it really takes to begin the relationship of your dreams is that one. Great. First date. You’ll sit down, instantly feel comfortable, and launch into nonstop verbal back-and-forth with a person who you also happen to find charming and good-looking. If things really go well, you may even shut the place down and continue on to a second stop, where you’ll sip Champagne cocktails, toast to a second date (already!?), and have your first kiss.

That scenario sounds pretty great, but it’s no secret that first dates rarely work out quite so magically. More often than not, a first date is mediocre at best, which is to say nothing of how stressful it can be to prepare for one. According to Match.com’s latest Singles in America survey, 89 percent of singles get nervous before a first date, so if the thought of a first date makes you think of breathing into a paper bag more than a romantic smooch, you’re definitely not alone.

We’ve gathered advice from 11 dating and relationship experts and personal coaches that will (hopefully) help take the edge off next time you’re experiencing the totally understandable nerves that come with a first date. Read on for how to ease any pre-date anxiety so you can actually be yourself.

1. Embrace the jitters. Who said that nerves are all bad? Not relationship expert Erin Tierno! “It’s perfectly normal to feel anxious before a first date,” Tierno notes. “Remind yourself that anxiety, in moderation, can be a healthy signal to slow down and is to be expected when encountering an entirely new person in a pressure-filled scenario.” Next time you find yourself stressing before a first date, cut yourself some slack and stop trying to interpret those nerves as something more than they really are.

2. Switch up your post-date habits. If your go-to move after finishing a date is to immediately call a friend and start picking apart the other person’s character, it’s no wonder that you feel anxious at the thought of what someone else might say about you after dinner and a movie. “Part of your jitters comes from thinking about what the other person is going to say about you… because you know how harsh you can be,” psychotherapist Eileen Purdy says. “Figure out another way to tell your friends about a first date that doesn’t end in a second one.”

3. Treat yourself. If there was ever a time to show yourself a little extra love, a first date is it. Go wild and get yourself a manicure, a blowout, or even a new pair of shoes. “When you use [a first date] as an opportunity to pamper yourself, you are taking the pressure off yourself,” Rori Sassoon, owner of high-end matchmaking service Platinum Poire, tells us. You’ll have one less thing to worry about when you delegate the primping to someone else, plus you’ll have a great reason to enjoy some well-deserved time for yourself.

4. Take the pressure off. When you think about it, a first date is really nothing more than an opportunity to meet someone new… which feels a lot less intimidating than meeting someone who could potentially be The One. “This helps take the pressure off and gives you a bit of distance from the outcome,” psychotherapist Ashleigh Edelstein notes.

5. Practice self-soothing. Your body has physiological responses to first date nerves, but there are things you can do to ease those symptoms and create an overall calming effect. Author and Match dating coach Samantha Burns suggests taking slow breaths, drinking water, and pushing up your sleeves to cool off, all of which can help you regulate your heart rate and focus on the task at hand — figuring out whether or not you have feelings for the person sitting across the table from you.

6. Reframe your attitude. “So many daters give their power away and place too much weight on the other person liking them,” dating and empowerment coach and Match dating coach Laurel House says. “There’s no reason for anxiety if you reframe your feelings into an attitude of ‘I’m interested to see if I’m interested.'” This seemingly minor adjustment will relieve some pressure and give you a fresh perspective on the dating game.

7. Choose a familiar spot. If you plan to meet your date at a restaurant you already know and love or in a part of town where you’re comfortable, there will be one less thing for you to be anxious about, so personal coach Benjamin Ritter recommends that you suggest a place that feels familiar when you and your date are finalizing plans.

8. Have a back-up plan. Your fear of the unknown probably plays a large part in your dating anxieties. That’s why transformational life coach Susan Gibson recommends that you make a plan for what to do if things don’t go positively. Will you excuse yourself and call a friend from the bathroom? Will you politely tell your date after the salad course that you’re not feeling like it’s a good match? Whatever you decide, making these considerations before the date even happens should help you reclaim some of the control that you lose any time you open yourself to someone new.

9. Remember that there only has to be one first date. Did we just blow your mind with that revelation? Yeah, we thought so. We don’t often think about first dates in these terms, but it’s true — and it’s a healthy perspective. “Regardless of how things turn out, you only have to do [the first date] once, and then you can decide to either have more dates with someone that you’re getting to know and like, or you decide to stop seeing them altogether,” marriage and family therapist Racine Henry says. “Either way, once you get it over with, you never have to have a first date with that person again.”

10. Make plans for the next day. The outcome of your upcoming date will feel a lot less impactful when you already have a full dance card for the day after. “Remind yourself — the date is an exciting opportunity, but there’s more to me, more to my life than just this date,” social worker Amy Deacon advises. “There’s no better way to remind yourself of that than remembering to fill your calendar with things that are important and nurturing for you!” Book a spin class or invite a friend to brunch so you can keep things rolling, no matter how well (or not so well) the date goes.

11. Consider the worst-case scenario. Okay, so this might sound a little dramatic, but all we’re really suggesting is that you think through how bad the outcome could really be, because doing so might help ease your jitters. “Maybe you experience a couple awkward silences on the date — what would happen?” mental health therapist and wellness blogger Dominique Talley says. “Although you might break out in hives at the thought of sitting across from your date in awkward silence for 30 seconds, in reality, the 30 seconds would pass and you’d move on to another topic of conversation.”

How do you ease your jitters before a first date? Tweet us @BritandCo!

(Photo via Getty)

I used to think being in a healthy relationship meant that things would be easy peasy, but I now know it takes more than "I love yous" to learn how to be a good partner — especially when dealing with mental health. Since it's Mental Health Awareness Month, I figure it's the perfect time to talk about how neurodivergence can show up in relationships — particularly when you're married to or dating someone with ADHD — and why it doesn't have to spell doom.

That's not to say that things like financial red flags or a serial messy partner are things you have to deal with — it's more about realizing what your personal thresholds are while loving someone who perceives things a little differently.

However, sometimes while you're navigating those relationship boundaries on your own, other people's opinions can cloud your perception. Licensed therapist Natalie Rosado, LMHC, of Tampa Bay Counselingand Counseling with Natalie says, "Unfortunately, there are numerous stigmas that can affect how people view these relationships, making dating more challenging." But with over a decade of experiencing helping clients learn to take care of their mental health, Natalie has a few tips that'll help you learn how to be a good partner to someone who has ADHD.

What are common misconceptions about neurodivergence in relationships?

Image via Yan Krukau/Pexels

It seems like as soon as people find out two people are dating, their relationship becomes THE topic of conversation among their peers and otherwise. I know because I'm guilty of letting my curiosity get the best of me, but I try not to make assumptions about what goes on BTS. Knowing this, I can only imagine some of the things that people say about couples where one partner has a diagnosed mental illness or is neurodivergent.

Natalie says the common myths and stigmas associated with these types of relationships are:

  • Relationships with people who have mental health issues are doomed to fail.
  • People with mental health issues are violent and dangerous.
  • Mental health problems are a sign of weakness, and you can 'fix' your partner.
  • You should only consider someone as a romantic partner if they are 'cured' of their mental illness

How can someone effectively communicate with their partner if they ADHD?

Image via Viktoria Slowikowska/Pexels

Someone who has ADHD may process things a little differently than another person, which doesn't have to be a terrible thing. To be more specific, Natalie breaks down how someone can have conversations with a partner who has ADHD. "Effective communication with a partner who has ADHD requires specific strategies because ADHD can affect a person's ability to focus, organize thoughts, listen actively, and manage impulses, which can sometimes make interactions and day-to-day living difficult," she says.

A few ways to navigate this is by doing the following:

  • Seek Understanding of ADHD: Understanding how ADHD can affect communication and behavior can help you develop empathy and more effective strategies tailored to your relationship.
  • Establish Eye Contact: Making eye contact can help them focus and signal that the conversation is important.
  • Check for Understanding: After you’ve communicated something important, ask your partner to repeat back what they've understood. This can ensure that your message has been understood correctly.
  • Use "I" Statements: This can prevent your partner from feeling defensive and keeps the conversation more constructive.

How can you recognize signs that something is triggering your partner?

Photo by cottonbro studio/PEXELS

This is such an important question because sometimes we're not aware that something we're doing or saying is triggering our partners whether they have ADHD or not. Natalie says, "A clear sign that something may be triggering your partner is a noticeable and abrupt change in their mood or behavior," and "Triggers can also provoke physical responses."

Based on her experience, these physical responses can include shaking, trembling, a sudden inability to speak, crying, rapid breathing, or even a panic attack. "Observing these changes can indicate that your partner is experiencing something deeply distressing. If your partner suddenly withdraws from a conversation, shuts down emotionally, or tries to leave the situation entirely, it might indicate that they are feeling overwhelmed or triggered, as well. Or a sudden silence or unusually passive communication can be a sign your partner is triggered," Natalie says.

As someone who's known for finding a way to exit a conversation if I start feeling overwhelmed, I can say that this sounds all too familiar.

What makes having a partner with ADHD difficult? Should that be a dealbreaker?

Photo by cottonbro studio/PEXELS

Deal breakers are subjective, so no one can firmly tell you what you should or shouldn't deal with. At the same time, Natalie wants you to consider some things. "Dating someone with ADHD does have it's unique challenges, but understanding these challenges can help determine whether they might be considered deal-breakers, depending on one's personal limits, the dynamics of the relationship, and the willingness of both partners to work through these concerns."

She makes it clear that some things that may affect your relationship with your partner are their tendency to be inconsistent, distracted, forgetful, and disorganized. If you're finding that it's hard for you to find peace at home or in your relationship, it may be best for you to amicably part ways with your partner.

How can you support a partner with ADHD?

Image via Dmitriy Ganin/Pexels

We're fortunate that we live in a time where talking about mental illness and neurodivergence is more widely embraced, but that doesn't mean everyone is comfortable with the conversation. Natalie says, "As a clinical provider, I have been able to witness first hand the ways that a partner's support can really assist someone with an ADHD diagnosis. First, understanding the symptoms, challenges, and behaviors associated with ADHD can help you empathize with what your loved one is experiencing."

A few of the ways you can help your partner is by listening without judgment or interruption, and acknowledging their struggles, validating their feelings, and reassuring them that it’s okay to feel overwhelmed. Natalie says this "...can help provide a feeling of safety" while "Offering to help organize their environment, set up reminders, or plan daily schedules can help reduce stress and make daily tasks more manageable."

To go the extra mile, Natalie suggests celebrating small milestones and successes to boost their self-esteem and motivation since these two things can also be affected by ADHD.

If you're struggling while dating someone who has ADHD, just know that all relationships hit roadblocks here and there. The best thing you can do is ask yourself what you're honestly able to handle in a relationship, consider finding ways to effectively communicate with and affirm your partner, or decide to walk away.

For more mental health advice, be sure to check out our interview with Mandy Teefey of Wondermind!

Lead image via Budgeron Bach/Pexels

TheDunkin' summer menujust hit stores on May 1, and I was so excited to get my hands on the new lineup! In addition to an all-new Refresher flavor, Dunkin’ launched two unique coffee-based drinks and three fun food items (both sweet and savory) to coordinate with the summer season. Of course, I had to see what all the hype was about via a bonafide taste test.

Here are my honest thoughts about the new items on the Dunkin’ summer menu, so you know what’s worth trying! Let's get into it!

Watch Me Review The New Drinks

Watch Me Review The New Food Items

Iced Vanilla Frosted Donut Signature Latte

First up, the Vanilla Frosted Donut Signature Latte. This one is so sweet. But so addicting! It may not be the prime choice for those who don’t like sweet drinks, though. I *do* like my coffees fairly sweet, so I didn’t think it was overwhelming when I tried it.

More than anything, this latte simply delivered joy once I got it in my hands. It’s topped with a good amount of whipped cream and a healthy dose of rainbow sprinkles, which fix just about any bad day as far as I’m concerned.

Blueberry Donut Coffee

I go wild for blueberry cake donuts, and I expected the new Blueberry Donut Coffee to taste just like one. I was a bit disappointed when it didn't! I got more of a donut flavor rather than a blueberry one when I sipped down the iced version of this bev.

All things considered, I still loved my first impression of the new Blueberry Donut Coffee. I got it iced (duh), and with cream, it came out to the perfect, most beautiful coffee color. It had maybe 75% of the Vanilla Frosted Donut Signature Latte’s sweetness, which meant it was still sweet enough for my liking.

This could be a great go-to order when you don’t quite want espresso, but are still looking for a nice caffeinated sipper.

Kiwi Watermelon Refresher

The first thing I wrote down in my tasting notes about the brand-new Kiwi Watermelon Refresher was: “MMMMMM SO GOOD.” And I stand by that!

Upon first sip, I got a refreshing (ha, get it?) swig of kiwi flavor and watermelon flavor, which was very nice and evenly balanced. I could see myself gulping this one down at the park or on a road trip this summer! It honestly tasted like candy, which I am not mad about a single bit.

That being said, most of the Dunkin’ Refreshers are really sweet, so if you like milder drinks, you may not fully like this newcomer.

I also got to try the Kiwi Watermelon Refresher with lemonade – a new thing for Dunkin’. I really loved it! With the lemonade, I still got the full effect from the kiwi and watermelon. It was never overpowered, unlike other fruity lemonade beverages from similar coffee chains.

Watermelon Burst Donut

I was really hesitant to try this new menu item because I normally don’t associate watermelon with donuts. One thing about the new Watermelon Burst Donut is that she’s messy… This sweet treat is coated in tons of pink, watermelon-flavored sprinkles and filled to the brim with watermelon jelly.

The first bite I took was just of the donut dough itself – and it wasn’t half bad! My only complaint at that point was the fact that the pink sprinkles got all over the place. They made my lips and mouth messy, and fell off into my lap and around my car. Yikes!

The second bite, of course, included some of the watermelon jelly. This is when I decided that the Watermelon Burst Donut just isn't for me. The bready part was good, but the jelly was super sour – just not what I'd prefer from a donut as a chocolate girlie. I wouldn’t order it on my own accord.

Chocolate Chunk Cookie

Chocolate chunk cookies are classic – you can’t deny that! You also can’t mess it up, IMO. Dunkin’ hit the nail right on the head with this new packaged snack. First of all, I adore the size of the Chocolate Chunk Cookie. It’s huge and packed with big chocolate chunks – as it should be!

There’s a nice variety with texture in this cookie, too. I found that the chocolate chunks were creamy and sweet, while the rest of the cookie was crunchy and downright cookie-like. It made eating it fun!

The pre-packaged-ness of it all is also super nice for snacking on-the-go, or even saving for later (midnight snack, anyone?).

Green Goddess Wrap

Seemingly a direct competitor for Starbucks’ popular Spinach Feta Wrap, the new Green Goddess Wrap from Dunkin’ thoroughly impressed me. Unlike its counterpart, the Green Goddess Wrap is delivered with a very nice texture. I find that other options typically get soggy (after being warmed and put in a bag) and fall apart, but this one didn’t get that way at all.

I loved that the outside of the wrap got a little bit crispy, while the inside stayed gooey and warm. While the texture is quite enjoyable, I was left wishing for more flavor from the wrap’s contents.

Even if it was lacking a bit in flavor, you could easily doctor it up with spices, salt, or hot sauce. More than anything, I appreciate that the Green Goddess Wrap provides a substantial option for breakfast, brunch, or lunch via drive-thru.

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Photos via Dunkin' and Meredith Holser.

Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris caused quite a stir at Elton John's Oscars afterparty, but for good reason! After dodging dating rumors for quite awhile, they dressed to impress and made their first public debut as a couple! Sophia even wore her best accessory — a mega-watt smile — that further confirms this blissful pair.

While some people love to know whencelebrity couples fell in love, the details about Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris' relationship have people wondering when this couple actually got together. Well, our wait is over because Sophia decided to open about what led to her romance with Ashlyn Harris and why certain rumors hold no merit!

Since we're clearly tuned in to this love story, here's everything you need to know about Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris's relationship!

Who is Sophia Bush?

Image via Robin L Marshall/Getty Images

Sophia Bush has had a lengthy career as an actress, and she's most recognized for her portrayal of Brooke Davis in the hit TV series One Tree Hill. She's also appeared in Nip/Tuck, Chicago Fire, Incredibles 2, and John Tucker Must Die. When she's not showing off her acting chops, she hosts the Drama Queens podcast alongside former One Tree Hill castmates Hilarie Burton and Bethany Joy Lenz!

Who is Ashlyn Harris?

Image via Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images for W Magazine

Ashlyn Harris is a former U.S. soccer player who had a successful run — no pun intended — as a goalkeeper during the career. She also won the 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup in Canada and continued making an impressionable mark. However, she announced her retirementin 2022 and — per her Instagrampage — has gone on to become the Global Creative Advisor for Gotham FC and Adidas Football.

When did the dating rumors about Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris start?

Image via Frazer Harrison/Getty Images and Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

June 2023

Rumors about a possible connection between Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris swirled last summer when Cosmopolitanreported they were on a panel at Cannes Lion International Festival of Creativity. Sophia shared a pic of the two at the festival on Instagramand wrote, "Love you @ashlynharris24 and @sophieannkelly" towards the end of her caption.

A source told Page Six, "It’s very new...They are definitely a couple.” But, Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris didn't confirm or deny anything at that time.

When did Sophia Bush file for divorce from Grant Hughes?

Image via Leigh Vogel/Getty Images

August 2023

A couple of months after Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris were seen getting cozy together, Sophia filed for divorce from her former husband Grant Hughes. Peopleshared that they were only married for a little over a year — 13 months — but didn't end on a bad terms. A source then told Entertainment Tonight, "Grant and Sophia are better off as friends and they weren’t getting enough time with each other before their breakup."

When did Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger file for divorce?

Image via Roy Rochlin/Getty Images

October 2023

While things seemed to quiet down, Ashlyn Harris soon filed for divorce from Ali Krieger after getting married towards the end of 2019. What's interesting is that a source told Peoplethis decision wasn't surprising. "Although it’s new information to the public, Ashlyn and Ali’s divorce began months ago and they have been living apart since the summer,” the source said.

This is also around the time it was speculated Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris had their first official date. A rep told People, "Grant will always want the best for Sophia, and is supportive of all that makes her happy and fulfilled." We guess it helps he and Sophia had a solid friendship before getting married!

As for Ali Krieger, she basically let the world know things were business as usual with an Instagrampost. She captioned a pic of her playing soccer with, "Preparing for playoffs while in my Beyoncé lemonade era." A comment from user @lgbtlfg said, "the fact that a lot of players in these comment’s usually mind their business and stay out of drama but are supporting ali should tell everyone all they need to know."

The only thing Ashlyn said about it on Instagramis that she never intended for her and Ali's divorce to be made a public matter. A portion of her note says, "This process is never easy, but we were making our way through."

Have Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris publicly talked about their relationship?

Image via Vivien Killilea/Getty Images for Tequila Don Julio

March 2024

Besides showing up to Elton John's Oscars afterparty together, Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris were previously tight-lipped about their relationship. The only hint Sophia offered was much more of a reflective post about 2023 on Instagramat the beginning of January. She said, "This year taught me to listen to myself and no one else. To let go of expectation that wounds and grasp possibility that frees. To not care about optics and instead invest in honesty."

But, she's since chosen to own where she is in life.

Image via Lauren Dukoff/Glamour Magazine

Sophia Bush on the cover of Glamour Magazine

April 2024

Sophia Bush has now reached a point where she's publicly ready to stand in her truth regarding her life and her relationship status so much that she penned her own cover story for Glamour. The first thing she did was open up about how she really felt about her marriage and fertility struggles.

She wrote, "But after the wedding I found myself in the depths and heartbreak of the fertility process, which was the most clarifying experience of my life. It feels like society is finally making space for brutally honest conversations about how hard and painful any fertility journey is, but I kept mine private. I was trying to get through months of endless ultrasounds, hormone shots, so many blood draws that I have scar tissue in my veins, and retrieval after retrieval, while simultaneously realizing the person I had chosen to be my partner didn’t necessarily speak the same emotional language I did.”

Image via Lauren Dukoff/Glamour Magazine

As far as her relationship with Ashlyn Harris is concerned, the star is enjoying the love that exists between them. Contrary to alleged rumors, their initial relationship was a platonic one that stemmed from a place of understanding and support.

She told Glamour,I didn’t expect to find love in this support system. I don’t know how else to say it other than: I didn’t see it until I saw it. And I think it’s very easy not to see something that’s been in front of your face for a long time when you’d never looked at it as an option and you had never been looked at as an option. What I saw was a friend with her big, happy life. And now I know she thought the same thing about me.”

She also added, "A lot of effort was made to be graceful with other people’s processing, their time and obligations, and their feelings. What felt like seconds after I started to see what was in front of me, the online rumor mill began to spit in the ugliest ways. There were blatant lies. Violent threats. There were the accusations of being a home-wrecker. The ones who said I’d left my ex because I suddenly realized I wanted to be with women—my partners have known what I’m into for as long as I have (so that’s not it, y’all, sorry!).”

Image via Lauren Dukoff/Glamour Magazine

It's safe to say that Sophia Bush is thoroughly comfortable with her love life and identity as a queer woman. She said, "I’ve experienced so much safety, respect, and love in the queer community, as an ally all of my life, that, as I came into myself, I already felt it was my home. I think I’ve always known that my sexuality exists on a spectrum. Right now I think the word that best defines it is queer. I can’t say it without smiling, actually. And that feels pretty great.”

And this is what it looks like to reclaim your narrative when so many people are looking at a brief glimpse of the lives of celebrities. We love that Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris are loving each other on their terms without feeling pressured to share anything before they were ready to. Our hope is that their love story continues to unfold beautifully.

Be sure to watch Sophia Bush's interview with Glamour's Editor-in-Chief Samantha Barry here!

Full Credits From Glamour Magazine:

Writer: Sophia Bush

Photographer: Lauren Dukoff

Stylist: Deborah Afshani

Hair: Matthew Collins

Makeup: Afton Williams

Manicure: Brittney Boyce

Have Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris made their official red carpet debut?

Image via Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images for Kimball Stroud & Associates

April 27, 2024

Per Glamour, Sophia Bush and Ashlyn made their official red carpet debut as a couple on Friday. They attended the White House Correspondent's dinner where they were dressed to impress in complementing black ensembles.

It's easy to see the glowing couple couldn't stop laughing and smiling as they posed for pictures that seemed to capture every good angle of their faces and style.

Image via Paul Morigi/Getty Images

After the dinner, Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris posed for more pictures on the red carpet leading to the Correspondent's after-party. Now that we're able to see their full faces, we have to talk about how well their hair and makeup complements their outfits. It's clear that Ashlyn's contour and bronzer were expertly applied to her face while Sophia's blush gave her a natural flush.

*Sigh* Their smiles are the only confirmation we need that they're enjoying the bliss of being a couple.

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This article has been updated.

Lead image via Paul Morigi/Getty Images

Thanks to Sean Kaufman and Rain Spencer (as well as all the pros behind the camera), the best TV scene of 2023 came out this summer when The Summer I Turned Prettygave us Steven and Taylor (played by Sean and Rain, respectively) dancing to Frank Ocean's cover of "Moon River." I absolutely lost my mind! This series is one of the best teen dramas around, and good news for fans of all things Cousins Beach: we're getting The Summer I Turned Pretty season 3! Here's everything we know about the new TV show— including a look at our convo with lead actress Lola Tung!

When will The Summer I Turned Pretty season 3 come out?

Image via Erika Doss/Prime Video

Jackie Chung (Laurel) and Sean Kaufman (Steven)

We were hoping to see The Summer I Turned Pretty season 3 return in 2024, but thanks to a new post from the official TSITP account, we know the show will drop summer 2025. Okay, TBH that's a total bummer (just because we can't wait to watch!!), but, as the books say, It's Not Summer Without You (er, Belly and her friends).

Lola Tung starred as Euridyce in Hadestown on Broadway until March 17, 2024. During the official press day — which you can watch on TikTok — she told me that while she doesn't know too much about Belly's arc this season, she's just as excited to return to Cousins Beach as we are! "I'm just very excited to be back with everyone and to be able to step back into Belly's shoes, I'm super excited," she says.

Who's going to be in The Summer I Turned Pretty season 3 cast?

Image via Erika Doss/Prime Video

Gavin Casalegno (Jeremiah), Lola Tung (Belly), Christopher Briney (Conrad), Sean Kaufman (Steven) in The Summer I Turned Pretty

Considering the third book, We'll Always Have Summer, revolves around Belly, Conrad, and Jeremiah, we're expecting The Summer I Turned Pretty cast to include Lola Tung, Christopher Briney, and Gavin Casalegno. We're also hoping to see Sean Kaufman, Rain Spencer, Jackie Chung, and Rachel Blanchard again!

After a variety of cast members were spotted around Wilmington, North Carolina, fans were hoping to see Christopher Briney — and it looks like he has finally arrived! "CONRAD FISHERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR IS HOMEEEEEEEEEEE," one X user says along with an image of Christopher Briney.

Where can I watch The Summer I Turned Pretty season 3?

Image via Erika Doss/Prime Video

Christopher Briney (Conrad), Lola Tung (Belly)

The Summer I Turned Pretty season 3 will be available to stream on Prime Video, which is where you can watch season 1 and 2 right now!

Who does Conrad end up with in The Summer I Turned Pretty series?

Image via Prime Video

While we don't know who Conrad will end up with in The Summer I Turned Pretty season 3, there is one theory that suggests his reunion with Belly will be better than ever. Lola Tung, Rain Spencer, Gavin Casalegno, and other cast members have been spotted around Wilmington — all except Chris Briney.@julevere wonders if they're filming in chronological order for one specific reason.

"You don't see Conrad for ages in book 3," she says. "What if Jenny [Han] is doing that on purpose so the actual moment in the show where Conrad and Belly see each other for the first time, [in a way] that's going to be the first legitimate time those two actors as...Belly and Conrad will see each other."

Waiting as long as possible for Lola Tung and Chris Briney to see each other means that Belly and Conrad's reunion will be more intense, and bring up all the old emotions (and infinity necklaces) that came up during season 2. If there's one thing this show has taught me, it's that you can only run from your feelings for so long and as a member of #TeamConrad, I'm hoping any reunion between the two brings them together for potential future seasons.

How old are the characters?

Image via Erika Doss/Prime Video

Lola Tung (Belly) and Christopher Briney (Conrad)

In season one, Conrad is going to be a freshman in college, while the rest of the characters are still in high school. And at the beginning of season 2, Steven graduates from high school!

How many episodes are in The Summer I Turned Pretty season 3?

Image via Erika Doss/Prime Video

Lola Tung (Belly), Christopher Briney (Conrad), and Rain Spencer (Taylor)

The Summer I Turned Pretty season 3 will have 10 episodes instead of eight like the previous two seasons!

Where is The Summer I Turned Pretty filmed?

Image via Amazon Studios/Prime Video

Even though The Summer I Turned Pretty is set on the coast of Massachusetts, the show is filming in Wilmington, North Carolina. This city is actually pretty well known in Hollywood — projects like Iron Man 3,One Tree Hill, and Outer Banks have filmed there! As someone who grew up going to Wilmington every single summer, I can promise you it's just as pretty as it looks (and the fair from season 2 is just as fun!!)

Is there a 4th Summer I Turned Pretty?

Image via John Merrick/Prime Video

Christopher Briney (Conrad), Lola Tung (Belly)

There is not a fourth The Summer I Turned Pretty book, but that doesn't mean the show has to end with season 3. They've already changed a few details from the books — namely, adding the Stephen/Taylor relationship reminds me of how Gossip Girl gave us Chuck and Blair, a fan-favorite ship that wasn't in those books either! I'm excited to see how the story (and the characters) continue to grow and evolve!

The Summer I Turned Pretty Season 3 Announcement

Image via Prime Video

Lola Tung (Belly), Rain Spencer (Taylor)

Prime Video announced the renewal on August 3, right before episode five of the second season hit the streaming service. Just like the season two trailer, Taylor Swift's "august" plays in the background and I'm in tears.

“We’ve been delighted to see the passion with which fans have embraced The Summer I Turned Pretty,” Amazon and MGM Studios' head of television Vernon Sanders says in a press release. “Jenny Han is a gifted storyteller, whose fans have been clamoring for the third chapter of this story. We’re excited today to share the news that they have a lot more Summer to look forward to."

Bookmark this page for the latest The Summer I Turned Pretty season 3 news!

Lead image via Erika Doss/Prime Video

This post has been updated.

You’ve probably already spotted these shoes on your favorite influencer. Rothy’s are swiftly becoming The Shoe to have, and it’s clear why. Rothy’s offers a wide range of trendy shoe options, from Mary Janes to ballet flats and platform sandals toclogs (all of which are stunning and exceptionally comfortable), but more importantly, they’re made with special attention to sustainability.

Rothy’s are crafted from single-use plastics and other repurposed organic materials in order to promote circular fashion and zero-waste practices in the industry. Sustainability is chic – and Rothy’s is a testament to that!

They’re oh-so worth the investment knowing your purchase supports their sustainable mission. All Rothy’s shoe styles (and even their bags) are fully machine washable to keep them nice and new-looking, no matter what. They’re staples that’ll last you a lifetime and tons of mileage.

Here are the 7 most iconic Rothy’s silhouettes you should rock this summer!

The Square Mary Jane

This signature Rothy's shoe (seriously, it's all over our FYP) features a flexible, stretchy woven upper layer – and it's so comfy. These Mary Janes boast a square toe for added chicness and an attached strap for wearing them with ease. No buckles or buttons here! Each pair is fitted with durable outsoles that easily tolerate city walks and park strolls. It won't even feel like you're wearing flats.

The Square Mary Jane goes for $159 and is available in 10 different colors.

The Ballet Flat

The bows on these ballet flats are the perfect size, TBH. They add an air of cuteness that any summer 'fit could benefit from! These shoes feature a very trendy rounded toe and a mesh construction that adds breathability to each and every step. Rothy's promises "no break in period, ever" with the cozy insole you can enjoy wearing all day long.

The Ballet Flat is shoppable for $145 and is available in 18 different colors and patterns.

The Point II

New office shoes, incoming! These pointed babies give some real sophisticated vibes – the pointed toe is signature of slingbacks, too, but this version is way more comfortable. The Point II from Rothy's is essentially an upgraded version of their OG The Point shoe. According to the brand, this new iteration has a "more spacious toebox, added elastic, sculpted outsoles and our innovative In Love Insole™ for outrageous all-day comfort." The mesh material on this pair makes for the perfect summer shoe since it's very elastic-like, moving accordingly with your step.

The Point II costs $155 and is available in a whopping 29 different colors and patterns.

The Espadrille

A more elevated style than the aforementioned shoes, these espadrilles are a great go-to for more formal summer occasions. The upper's made from a breathable hemp fabric that supplies a lightweight feel to the feet. Rothy's promise for these slip-ons is that they have an "unbelievably cushy footbed." The ankle ties pictured above are removable, so there's a good amount of styling possibilities with this Rothy's shoe.

The Espadrille is shoppable for $139 in 8 different colors.

The Lightweight Wedge Sandal

For a slight boost in height (that's still wickedly comfortable), call on The Lightweight Wedge Sandal. The layered heel height measures about 2.25 inches, and feels like an absolute dream! The stretchy straps atop these Rothy's shoes are stitched on, so you're not left messing with any finicky buttons, clasps, or buckles (or chafing, for that matter). The thicker platform ends in the brand's signature durable outsole for practical reasons – walking, strolling, skipping, or even dancing in the summertime. Whatever floats your boat!

The Lightweight Wedge Sandal costs $179 and is available to shop in 3 different neutral colorways.

The Weekend Slide

This cheetah print just oozes trendiness. The slide-on fit of these Rothy's sandals makes outings so easy, you won't want to wear anything else. The thick duo straps made of hemp provide some good coverage on top of the foot, so you'll feel fully fitted. The footbed is made from a durable contoured rubber, still has some softness to it for walking purposes.

The Weekend Slide costs $139 and is shoppable in 5 different colors and patterns.

The Casual Clog

This ultra-cool girl clog is available in 3 hemp colors and 5 Merino wool colors for cooler weather, but no matter the time of year, they're gonna look gorgeous. They boast a ribbed outsole for added traction, and they're fully free of any extra bells and whistles. The very simple outer layer meets a contoured footbed with some lovely arch support to encourage a cozy step.

The Casual Clog goes for $159.

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Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Images via Rothy's.