Round of applause for the owners of Leonardo DiCatprio.
100 Creative Pet Names You’ve Never Thought to Give Your Dog or Cat

Some people on the B+C team treat their furry family members as if they are their children (namely Anj and myself, stage moms of Brie + Turkey). So naturally, when it comes time to name those four-legged pets the decision turns into a task equivalent to nailing down a baby name.
Every year pet insurance company Nationwide runs a “Wacky Pet Names” contest to uncover the most quirky and clever names out there. After thousands of uploads of punny, playful and majorly WTF entries the public gets to vote on all those names, resulting in 2015’s 50 wacky dog and cat names. Check out the top 10 clever feline and canine owner-given names below (you’re in for a solid round of LOLs, trust us), then check out the entire list — including photos and background stories on some of those names — on Nationwide. THEN go and DIY this ombre leash because you know the one currently hanging from your door is looking majorly tired.
Top 10 Wackiest Dog Names
1. Baron Von Furry Pants
2. Artoo Dogtoo
3. Rosie Picklebottom
4. Parker the Barker
5. Abigail Carmichael Spartacus
6. Smiley Cyrus
7. Nutmeg Spice O’ Paris
8. Abraham Lincoln Continental
9. Bizkit Au Chocolat
10. Scuddles Unterfuss
Top 10 Wildest Cat Names
1. Leonardo DiCatprio
2. Fuzz Lightyear
3. Captain Pancake
4. Sir Nigel Meowmittens of Oscelot Court
5. Ziggy Ollyoxenfree
6. Zelda Nacho
7. Sophistikitty
8. Cornelius McPudness Vandercat
9. Sir Theodorable Purrsalot
10. Star Wars Steve
Does your dog or cat have a creatively unique name? Share it with us in the comments.
(Photos via @turkeytemps, @bonjourbrie + @britandco)