5 Reasons to Meditate During Pregnancy

Becoming a mama can be kind of scary. You’ve got a whole other person growing inside of you, and you’re freaking out about everything from those weirdo pregnancy pains to the big birth day to your new identity as mommy-to-be. For many expecting ladies, meditation can be the solution. It’s a totally natural way to de-stress and get back to the basics of relaxation. We talked to meditation expert Emily Fletcher from Expectful (an online community that helps pregnant women learn and practice meditation without ever having to leave home) about the benefits of zenning out.

1. Bountiful Benefits: So, you’re wondering how meditation can help you and your baby. Fletcher tells us, “During pregnancy, you are your baby’s connection to the outside world. Meaning, the way you feel, the emotions you have, and how you react to them create a blueprint for your baby to follow.” If you’re under a tremendous amount of stress, your baby may experience that stress too. Fletcher also says, “Meditation during pregnancy has been proven to decrease stress, boost immunity, help women to go full-term, get better sleep at night, and reduce pain during labor.” Who wouldn’t want that?

2. Creating Connections: Fletcher also notes that “mothers who use Expectful also report that one of the most enjoyable and surprising benefits of meditation during pregnancy is feeling more connected with their baby.” She goes on to add, “Meditation helps to turn down the volume on your critical mind and turn up the volume on your intuitive mind. This helps to sort out the relevant information in the constant stream of (sometimes) unsolicited advice that new moms face.”

3. The Research Base: Meditation isn’t something that pregnant mamas use just because — there’s plenty of research showing it’s a healthy choice. Fletcher tells us, “There are hundreds of studies that tell us that stress can negatively impact pregnancy. There are thousands of studies praising meditation as the most powerful stress-relieving tool around. So it makes sense that using meditation during pregnancy can help ailments that are exacerbated by prenatal stress.”

So, how does it really work? Fletcher explains, “Meditation quickly dissolves cortisol and adrenaline, which are acidic in nature. It then floods the brain and body with dopamine and serotonin, which we call bliss chemicals and are alkaline in nature. The more alkaline the body is, the more hospitable host it can be to the baby. Moving out of fight-or-flight can ease the adrenal glands, which allows your hormones to balance naturally. Having your hormones in check can make all the difference between a dream pregnancy and a challenging one.”

4. Doctor Dos: With all the research on the subject, it’s no surprise that, according to Fletcher, “The doctors that know about the benefits of meditation during pregnancy definitely recommend it to their patients.” It’s just a matter of getting the word out to expecting mamas who could potentially benefit.

5. Comfort and Care: You’ve got odd aches and plenty of pains, and you’re feeling nauseated… that doesn’t sound like a recipe for sitting in a stoic pose and meditating. But Fletcher says that comfort is key here. “Lots of people think they have to be a frozen statue during meditation, so expecting moms can assume it will be uncomfortable. We generally recommend sitting with your back supported and your neck free, but feel free to use pillows to support yourself and experiment with different postures.” As your pregnancy progresses, you’ll need to avoid laying on your back (that goes for meditating or anything else). Fletcher recommends “either sitting up or lying on your left side, if that’s more comfortable for you.”

Have you tried meditation during pregnancy? Share your experience and tweet us @BritandCo!

(Photo via Expectful)

Chances are, you vaguely remember your Sex Ed class in high school. The awkward shuffle of students into the “health” class you all know is code for sex ed. The ancient TV playing videos from the 80s of incredibly cringey (and totally out of date) lessons on the birds and the bees. Maybe they mention STIs (which were definitely still called STDs back then) and why teen pregnancy is the greatest sin on planet Earth (And it was always the woman’s fault, wasn't it?), but they were quick to gloss over sex ed for literally anyone other than heterosexual men and women. Oh, and all of this was being “taught” amidst the giggles of teenage boys, who undeniably made it uncomfortable to ask any questions (provided the genders weren’t segregated, that is).

Obviously, this isn’t a practical education for anyone in present-day society. Sex is way more complicated than anything taught in high school, and far too many people are learning about STIs, disorders, pregnancy prevention and how to actually have great sex way too late in life. We’re covering the basics for everyone — LGBTQ+ included — so you can be a more informed intimate partner.

Sex ed doesn’t end in high school. Here are 5 important tips you may have missed.

1. Tips for safer sex practices.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio / PEXELS

There are several different ways to have sex — and everyone’s preferences are different. If you’re not comfortable engaging in certain practices, remember: you never, ever have to do anything you don’t feel comfortable with. Consent is key, and just because you've consented to one doesn't mean you've consented to all. We’re going to walk you through safe sex practices for a variety of ways to have sex, so you can make informed decisions that feel right for you.

1. Anal and vaginal sex

This type of sex has the highest risk of contracting an STI or HIV. If you’re having anal sex or vaginal sex, it’s important to use internal condoms or external condomsand a water-based or silicone-based lube. “Make sure that you use a different condom with each partner or when a penis or dildo/sex toy is moved between the vagina and anus,” healthcare company FOLX says. “Infections such as herpes, genital warts, syphilis, and monkeypox can be transmitted through regular skin-to-skin contact. Barrier methods such as condoms, dental dams, or latex gloves can reduce your risk of contracting these infections, but will only cover the protected area.”

2. Oral sex

Oral sex is when someone uses their mouth to stimulate the genitals of another person. With oral sex, there is a low risk of STI or HIV transmission, but it’s still possible to contract unwanted infections. “Using an external condom on a penis during oral sex can help contain body fluids such as semen, ejaculate and pre-ejaculate and reduce the risk of STI transmission,” says FOLX. “Condoms can also be used on a sex toy/dildo, especially if [you plan to use it] with multiple partners without proper cleaning.”

For transgender folks who recently underwent bottom surgery, avoid oral sex until you are fully healed. Anyone who has bleeding gums, mouth ulcers, a sore throat, or has gotten dental work done recently should also avoid oral sex.

Photo by cottonbro studio / PEXELS

3. Rimming

Rimming is when someone uses any function of their mouth around/in someone’s anus. According to FOLX, “this can function as a way to prepare for anal sex and/or as a fun, pleasurable sexual activity in its own right. Rimming has an extremely low risk for HIV, but it’s possible to get hepatitis A or bacterial infections like gonorrhea.” Reduce your risk by practicing good personal hygiene and using a barrier method like a dental dam, especially if you or your partner haven’t had a recent anal STI check.

4. Fingering

“Fingering is when someone uses their hand, finger, or multiple fingers to stimulate and penetrate their partner’s vagina and/or anus,” says FOLX. “Fingering is considered low-risk since there’s only a small chance of spreading an STI. There is a small chance that STIs can spread through fingering if you have any cuts on your hands or fingers, or if there are internal tears in the anus or vaginal tissues.” If you engage in fingering, reduce your risk by practicing good hygiene and washing your hands with soap and water, especially if you’re fingering multiple partners. You can also use latex gloves or finger condoms to cover your fingers for extra protection.

2. The lowdown on STIs.

STIs are sexually transmitted infections (AKA STDs or sexually transmitted diseases) and can be transmitted through different kinds of sexual activities. While there are dozens of unique types of STIs, common STIs to test for include gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, trichomonas, and HIV. If you’re sexually active, it’s important to be tested for STIs, especially since you may have an infection or disease that doesn’t present any noticeable symptoms.

“If left untreated, STIs can cause serious health problems, including cervical cancer, liver disease, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), infertility, and pregnancy problems,” says thewellproject. “Having some STIs (such as chancroid, herpes, syphilis, and trichomoniasis) can increase your risk of acquiring HIV if you are HIV-negative and are exposed to HIV. People living with HIV may also be at greater risk of getting or passing on other STIs.”

For more comprehensive information, visit thewellproject.

3. STI prevention and testing.

Rachel Wakefield

Luckily, there are plenty of ways for us to prevent the transmission of STIs. Many people request any intimate partners to be fully tested for STIs before engaging in sex with them, which is a great way to feel safe and comfortable during sex.

Obviously, anyone with a penis is advised to wear a condom during any form of sex, especially oral, vaginal, or anal. It’s a simple way to reduce the risk of both partners, which is a win for everyone. For women seeking oral sex or rimming, we recommend wearing Lorals, a FDA-cleared, wearable STI protection to keep both you and your partner safe.

Sex toys/dildos are another great way to reduce the transmission of STIs, but be sure to clean before switching between partners. When searching for the right sex toy(s), make sure they are made of body-safe materials, like medical-grade silicone. We love Bellesa’s line of sex toys because they are made from premium quality silicone, are waterproof and are USB rechargeable. Like they say, “good orgasms are a lifestyle!”

Remember: you need to test for STIs! Regularly! Fortunately, testing for STIs has (literally) never been easier. While you can be fully tested for STIs by your Primary Care Physician or OB/GYN, there are some great at-home tests if a doctor isn’t your jam. stix offers a range of vaginal and sexual test kits delivered straight to your door. We also love Cheeky Bonsai for at-home UTI testing and relief. Oh, and you can order both of these brands on Amazon. Talk about a win-win!

4. Different forms of birth control.

Photo by Pixabay / PEXELS

This ones for all the ladies out there. If you’re not looking to get pregnant now (or ever), then practicing safe sex is a MUST. If you are having sex with someone who has a penis, make sure they have a condom on. It’s seriously the simplest way to ensure there are no babies in your immediate future. In addition to condoms, birth control is the best way to ensure you’re as pregnancy-protected as possible.

You can read up on all of the different types of birth control here, and visit your OB/GYN to get started. If you don't have a doctor who can prescribe you birth control, try NURX or Hey Jane (they offer medical abortions, emergency contraception and UTI/yeast infection treatment too).

A morning-after pill (AKA emergency contraception) is another way to protect yourself against unwanted pregnancy, particularly if you believe your partner ejaculated in you during recent sex. Get fast, discreet emergency contraception delivered straight to your door with Julie, or head to your local CVS or Walmart if you simply cannot wait.

5. How to have pleasurable sex.

Photo by Edward Eyer / PEXELS

Pleasure looks different for everyone, but there are some resources you can reference for better sex. Practical Intimacy gives great advice on how to have incredible sex as a woman, but really, the tips are simple. Give yourself time to get aroused, engage your whole body and your mind, let go of the pressure to orgasm, ask for what you want and make sure your partner is seeking to please you, too. Sex should never be one-sided, and we should all seek to close the orgasm gap, one mind-blowing orgasm at a time.

If you need tips on where to start, we highly recommend watching Angel Ardito’s TikToks. Her tips are informative, practical, and sure to make you (and your partner) much happier people.

And remember: you are way sexier than you think! Negative self-talk deserves no place in your mind or your bedroom, so get it out of there!

This is just the basics of sex ed, and we’re guessing it’s probably more than you ever learned in school. Educating yourself is imperative to engaging in safe sex, so do your research, figure out what’s comfortable for you, vocalize your needs and most of all — have fun.

Stay updated on the latest sex and wellness news with Brit + Co.

Header image courtesy of Rachel Wakefield.

Dearest gentle reader, if it were up to Lady Whistledown, the finest trend of the season would absolutely be the return of the cottagecore aesthetic. Bring on the floral dresses, ruching, and tulle because thanks to Bridgerton, we're glady welcoming cottagecore back into our current style rotation (if it ever left). Cottagecore has come and gone with the likes of period drama movies and TV shows á la Pride and Prejudice, Downton Abbey, and so many more. So whether you're frolicking in the English countryside, attending balls with Kings and Queens, or just simply catching up on Bridgerton season 3 from the comfort of your couch, we've got all the best dresses for the occasion that will have you looking like THE diamond of the season.

What is cottagecore?

Photo via House of CB

Cottagecore is an aesthetic or style that is inspired by "cottage living" — imagine the English countryside in the early 1900's. The clothing style is very reminiscent of a Jane Austen-inspired era with lots of feminine and flowy silhouettes. You'll notice the styles having corsets, ruffles, florals, and bows, so just think very effortlessly girly!

What are the best brands to shop for cottagecore aesthetic?

Photo via House of CB

The brands that immediately come to mind and encapsulate the "frolicking-in-the-english-countryside-while-waiting-for-your-star-crossed-lover" vibe are brands like Love Shack Fancy, House of CB, and Doen. I've personally shopped all of these and can attest that they are idyllic, gorgeous, and will have you feeling like the lead of a Bridgerton season in no time.

What should I watch to get inspired by the cottagecore aesthetic?

Photo via Netflix

Period dramas are perfect to get into this vibe, and some shows and films that I love to watch are Little Women, Downton Abbey, Pride and Prejudice, Bridgerton(obvi), and anything from the Jane Austen-era! When you watch all of these shows, you'll get so much inspiration from the way they dress and styles they're wearing. I also love scrolling Pinterest to find inpso for what to wear in order to achieve this aesthetic!

Shop Cottagecore Aesthetic Staples Here!

LoveShackFancy Floral Dress

LoveShackFancy is a brand that does cottage-core SO well! They completely nail the ruffles, florals, and femininity that we're looking for in order to achieve the cottage-core look. This mini is adorable with the ruffles and short silhouette!

Melloday Smock Dress

Anything smock will definititely help you achieve cottage-core style and this smocked dress is such a cute one! I love the length and material of this one, as well as the strings on the sleeves! Such a fun detail!

Reformation Tagliatelle Linen Dress

How could you think of cottage-core and have your mind not go immediately towards the cool-girl brand of Reformation. They are the brand to shop at for any linen pieces to achieve your cottage-core style. Plus, you can never go wrong with a simple white dress! It's definitely a staple in every wardrobe.

House of CB Rafaella Dress

This dress just screams femininity and grace; exactly what we need for this Bridgerton-inpsired aesthetic! To be honest, this dress looks like it was taken right from a diamond of the season's wardrobe! Adding this to cart now!

Free People Feeling Bonita Smock Dress

Free People is a brand that does cottage core so well but in a more understated and casual way. Like this dress above, it exudes the cottage lifestyle but more casual than you may see on shows like Bridgerton or Downton Abbey. You'll definitely get so much wear out of this staple dress!

House of CB Emmelina Poplin Dress

I have this dress after trying it on in store and falling in looove with it immediately! It's stunning quality and tulle skirt will have you feeling like a princess! Just a note-- it runs quite small so make sure to adjust your sizing to a size bigger than normal!

Abercrombie Emerson Mini

This pattern just screams English countryside to me with the beautiful vintage colors and silhouette. I would definitely pick up this one to achieve the cottage-core style on a budget!

Charles Henry Bustier Maxi

Another affordable option to achieve the same look as the House of CB dress! It checks all the right boxes: floral, bustier, maxi, and so cute! We love this one!

Reformation Cherise Linen Dress

This dress is quintessential cottage-core, Bridgerton vibes to me! It looks so dainty and regal with it being a maxi and having the most adorable puff-sleeves and bow detailing. I say add a pair of white mary-jane flats and big white bow in your hair to top off the whole look!

All In Favor Midi Dress

At only $64, you're going to want to sprint to checkout on this dress that looks like it was taken right from my Pinterest board! I love how simple it is and the blue color is perfectly on brand for our theme as well. Plus, I love a corset moment!

House of CB Petticoat Dress

Petticoat dress? Say no more, we have found the most perfect cottage-core dress ever, readers! This dress would have Lady Whistledown, herself, wanting to know where it's from!

Abercrombie Puff Sleeve Dress

Lastly, a puff sleeve dress from our favorite and affordable Abercrombie because you can truly never go wrong with anything linen or puff-sleeved. I love this one with mary-janes like above or even with a pair of white pumps to dress it up!

Looking for more awesome picks? Sign up for our shopping newsletter, and be sure to check out our Amazon storefront for more editor-approved products!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Lead image via Netflix.

Hi there! We’re here to remind you that you need to take care of your sexual health. Chances are, you probably overlook this critical area of care when it comes to monthly (and yearly) medical check-ups. Caring for your sexual health is imperative to ensure a healthy overall wellbeing, and we’ve rounded up a series of brands dedicated to providing at-home care for your sexual health (and pleasure).

Before we jump into the brands, it’s important for us to define what sexual health even is. In short, sexual health includes self-esteem, personal attractiveness, competence, as well as freedom from sexual dysfunction, sexually transmitted diseases, and sexual assault/coercion. It goes beyond testing for the aforementioned STIs and fertility and rather encompasses just as many mental components as physical ones.

Keep reading for our go-to brands for fertility testing, STI care, discreet emergency contraception, sex toys, LGBTQ+ sexual healthcare, and so much more — all of which can be accessed with a simple internet connection.

And don’t worry — these brands operate on the DL to provide you with the best (and safest) care possible.

You Want To Test Your Fertility

Image via Natalist


Natalist is “led by a team of moms and doctors on a mission to reduce the historical shame, misinformation, and outdated product offerings women experience on their path to parenthood. Inspired by [their] own complex fertility journeys, Natalist offers fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum essentials that are science-backed and designed with sustainability in mind.”

Beyond their product offerings (like pregnancy tests, ovulation test kits, male care and supplements), Natalist offers an incredibly thoughtful and thorough blog for anyone interested in parenthood (or anyone in the trenches of it 😂).

​You Need Simple Reproductive Health Tests

Image via bird&be


bird&be is on a mission to assist, coach, fuel, and cheer you on throughout your fertility journey. With a variety of offerings for male and female fertility care, bird&be is a great place for any future American and Canadian parents to start.

​You *Think* You May Have An UTI

Image via Cheeky Bonsai

Cheeky Bonsai

Cheeky Bonsai was founded because of a desire to make everyday health feel like selfcare. With a Harvard Urogynecologist backing up their selection of UTI care and treatments, Cheeky Bonsai is an effective way to alleviate (and test for) any potential UTIs.

​You Need Emergency Contraception, Like, Now

Image via CVS


Julie is a new healthcare company helping people prevent unwanted or mistimed pregnancies with an FDA-approved morning after pill. When taken within 72 hours of having sex, it can help prevent pregnancy by temporarily delaying or stopping ovulation.

​You Want To Test Your Sexual And Vaginal Health

Image via stix


Like so many of us, Stix’s co-founders realized that they both had terrible experiences buying health products — and when it came to learning about and managing their health, there was much to be desired. That’s exactly why they started Stix; to create a convenient, discreet, and judgment-free way to get the products you need. With a variety of science-backed and doctor-approved products that are designed to work for you, Stix also offers “Sex-Ed Without the BS” through real talk, a blog dedicated to answering your most personal questions.

​You Need *Intimate* Care

Image via wisp


Wisp offers healthcare on your terms — with products to treat a variety of conditions. Whether you need a quick prescription or a trusted over-the-counter remedy, wisp connects you with real-time providers and guides to help you safely navigate your symptoms and get back on track.

You’re Looking For Comprehensive Healthcare As An LGBTQ+ Person

Image via FOLX


If you’re a member of the LGBTQ+ community, then you’re well aware of the barriers to comprehensive care within the traditional healthcare system. FOLX is designed for “everybody and every body,'' with a focus on providing quality, specialized healthcare to fit your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for primary care, gender-affirming care, sexual and reproductive care, or something else, they offer plans for both insured and uninsured people as well as an amazing library of info on *literally* any issue you can think of.

​You Want To Add Some (Discreet) Pleasure To Your Life

Image via Bellesa Boutique

Bellesa Boutique

Bellesa is on a mission to close the pleasure gap. Through a wide range of five-star sex toys made with 100% body-safe premium materials, Bellesa empowers their community to embrace, explore and celebrate their sexuality. Unapologetically.

Hopefully these resources will help you, no matter what your sexual health journey looks like. Everyone is deserving of excellent care, so grab a seat, do some research and start on a path towards your healthiest (and happiest) self.

Be your healthiest self with Brit + Co.

Header image courtesy of Bellesa Boutique.

Out of all of this May's movies (and all the 2024 movies, TBH) there's one I'm most excited for: The Fall Guy starring Emily Blunt and Ryan Gosling! I haven't seen a big, silly action movie in so long and they always prove to be the perfect summer movies because they match the energy we all have when we're this close to sunny bathing suit weather.

The Fall Guy 2024 is absolutely a movie made by movie lovers, for movie lovers. It's also director David Leitch's "love letter" to the stunt community, and gives them the celebration they deserve! While the Emmys have a stunt category, the Oscars don't, and Emily and Ryan actually brought it up while presenting at the 2024 Oscars. "The Academy's history runs deep with the fearless work of the incredible artisans of the stunt community," Ryan said in a voiceover during the show. "Stunt performers and the action they design continue to create some of the most memorable moments in the history of cinema."

While The Fall Guy cast got me into the theater, the movie had plenty of unexpected twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time! Here's everything you need to know about the movie before you see it this weekend.

What's The Fall Guy 2024 film about?

Image via Universal Pictures

The Fall Guy follows Colt Seavers (Ryan Gosling), who disappears from Hollywood after a stunt gone wrong. When the lead of his ex's (Emily Blunt) movie goes missing, derailing the film, Colt jumps back into action to find him and save the movie — and, hopefully, get the love of his life back too.

While it definitely has plenty of explosions, fights, and stunts, The Fall Guy 2024 is just as much a rom-com as it is an action movie! Emily and Ryan have such great chemistry, and their characters are goofy, hilarious, and lovable. There's the classic miscommunication we see in all our favorite rom-coms, and the two of them continually watch out for each other in a really sweet way. They complement each other so well and I NEED to see them in another movie ASAP!

How to watch Fall Guy movie 2024?

Image via Universal Pictures

The Fall Guy hits theaters May 3, 2024. It's a great movie to see with all your friends, or for date night (either with your partner or on a solo date).

Who's in The Fall Guy cast?

Image via Universal Pictures

The Fall Guy cast is crazy good — alongside Emily Blunt and Ryan Gosling, we'll see Stephanie Hsu, Hannah Waddingham, Winston Duke, and Aaron Taylor-Johnson.

What is The Fall Guy 2024 film based on?

Image via Universal Pictures

While a lot of movies are based on books, The Fall Guy 2024 is actually based on a TV show. The series, which debuted in 1981, follows a stunt man named Colt who's also working as a bounty hunter. The show takes an opposite approach to the story (with Colt working as a bounty hunter instead of basically fighting them like Ryan does) and now I absolutely have to watch it.

Where can I watch all 5 seasons of The Fall Guy TV series?

Image via Universal Pictures

You can rent episodes from The Fall Guy on Apple TV and Prime Video. The TV show stars Lee Majors as Colt and Heather Thomas as Emily Blunt's character Jody.

What other spring and summer movies are you excited to watch this year? Ride the Ryan Gosling hype, and check out Ryan Gosling Supports Eva Mendes "In All The Ways," And It Makes Us Love Him Even More!

Lead image via Universal Pictures

Last season of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, we all speculated that Kyle Richards swapped one Mo for another given her separation from Mauricio Umansky and budding friendship with Morgan Wade. While Richards was tight lipped throughout each episode, we learned a lot more from Buying Beverly Hills and tabloids alike, featuring more definitive timelines and theories about what was really going on at home with the Richards-Umansky family. Now, with Mauricio reportedly fully moved out and Morgan allegedly out of the picture, what's left for Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season 14? Here's a breakdown of everything we know, from returning cast members, remaining couples, and more.

Who's returning to "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" for season 14?

Images via Bravo

There aren't any official announcements about the returning cast yet, but there are plenty of stories out there about who's not returning — and who's potentially getting demoted!

First up is Dorit Kemsley. Dorit's been on the show a while now, gabbing and girling with Kyle Richard throughout the latter half of the show's history — but there's been a wrench in that relationship ever since Kyle befriended Morgan Wade. And now, The Daily Mail exclusively reported that Dorit may even get demoted to "friend of the show" after not being fully truthful about the state of her relationship with husband PK Kemsley. Kyle Richards "dismissed" these reports, but we'll have to see about that. Fingers crossed she and Kyle can mend things...and that she and the producers can as well!

Next, we've gotta address Anne Marie Wiley. Anne Marie was let go from the show after just one season — where we can't help but giggle at the journey from calling herself a literal doctor to finally addressing that she's actually a nurse — and is allegedly okay with it. She told Peoplethat she's "in a great space" since then, so...good for you, girl! Just maybe don't obsess over someone's esophagus in your next foray into the film and TV world.

A regular for the last three season, Crystal Kung Minkoff is also not returning to the RHOBH world, according to Deadline. She noted on Instagram how heavy it was to carry "the weight" of being the first — and only — Asian American woman to join the RHOBH cast. Her presence and thoughtful opinions will definitely be missed!

For now, we can only assume that Kyle Richards, Garcelle Beauvais, Erika Jayne, Dorit Kemsley, and Sutton Stracke will make a return, but only time — and tabloids — will tell!

Will any new cast members join "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" season 14?

Image via NBC

Apparently Melanie Griffith, known for starring in projects like Working Girl, is joining the RHOBH crew for season 14, according to In Touch Weekly! She's a long-time friend to Kyle Richards, and I think that'll add a great dynamic...especially given how rocky things got between Kyle and Dorit last year. The girl needs friends now more than ever!

One of the sillier rumored cast situations is that Chelsea Handler was joining the show. The hilarious comedian quickly shut that down, however.

A person we don't think will ever return as a main cast member, friend, or otherwise? Miss upside down jacket herself, Denise Richards. 🤭

Who's still a couple on "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" right now?

Image via Netflix

That's a very, very good question! Kyle and Mauricio are definitely broken up, and seemingly for good. The only other remaining couple is Dorit and PK, and well...according to The Daily Mail, PK's living in the Beverly Hills Hotel at the moment. It's not looking great for them, but we're hoping for the best!

When will "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" season 14 air?

Image via Bravo

There's no set air date for Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season 14, but I'd have to guess that we'll see these ladies (and whoever else joins them) by sometime in 2025.

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