Whether you’re looking for a quick lunch or a winning chicken dinner, we’ve got some tasty, not-your-average-chicken recipes for you to try.
25 Anything-but-Boring Chicken Recipes

By Sarah BaishJul 23, 2014
Sarah Baish
Sarah is a recent college grad, interior design lover, and frequent pizza consumer. Her interests range from DIY projects all the way to social sciences. When she’s not indulging in a cup of coffee or exploring the town with her boyfriend, she’s redecorating her apartment and rewatching The Office.
Remember the days of plain old chicken? Us too, and we’re ready for something new. From BBQ birds to chicken salads, this white meat is making a comeback in a brand new way. There are even whole cookbooks dedicated to fun new chicken recipes, so what are ya waiting for?! Whether you’re looking for a quick lunch or a winner, winner, chicken dinner, we’ve got majorly tasty, not-your-average chicken recipes you have to try ASAP.
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