This Tiny Wearable Is Like a Clip-On Secretary
From fitness trackers to medical lifesavers, it seems like there’s a wearable for everything. But hey! We’re not complaining. We love how wearables can remind us to take our pills, tell us how many calories we need to burn off from sitting at our desks all day and even exchange data with a friend without having to whip out our phones. Now adding onto that list (and our wish list) — Ditto.
Ditto is a tiny wearable that cuts all that fancy shmancy stuff and simply has one purpose: to notify you about anything important. Pretty sure we’ve all experienced the sinking feeling of seeing eight missed calls from mom, your S.O. or your bestie and the death walk to calling her back… 45 minutes later. With Ditto, you’ll never miss another important call, email, text or Skype call on your phone.
With Ditto, you can put your phone back into your purse and not think about it. At all. That’s Ditto’s job now. But how does Ditto know what’s important to notify you about and what’s not? Easy. You just download the Ditto app (iOS and Android) and put certain notifications under your “Favorites.” It’ll vibrate whenever you get one of those notification. It can also work as an alarm to wake you up or even give you a little nudge to go check your cookies.
Ditto is only a little bigger than a quarter. Its compact size lets you put the little guy in your tightest skinny jeans’ pockets. Ditto also has a clip that allows you to have it with you even when you don’t have pockets. It’s small enough to clip onto your bra strap so it can go unnoticed underneath your clothes. If you want to wear it on your wrist, all Dittos come with a wristband. Dittos are also waterproof, so you can swim your laps without having to run out and check your phone every five minutes.
And Ditto loves your phone just as much as you do. No, really. Through its wireless tether, Ditto notifies you if you’re walking away from your phone or more importantly, when you’re leaving it behind at a coffee shop by accident (#guilty).
Ditto has over 1,300 backers and today is your last day to make a pledge. If you want to break free from all your missed notifications, you can get your own Ditto for $29 on their Kickstarter.
Feeling attached to your phone so you don’t miss anything important? Or are you the total opposite? Tell us in the comments!