Snap Happy? Get Your GrooveBook On
Let us guess. You’re an iPhoneographer of the highest talent, a regular Annie Leibovitz who has Instagram followers like whoa. We’re happy for you. We really are. But once you snap, edit, and upload that photo, chances are, after a week’s time, you never see the image again. And that’s just a crying shame.
If you watch Shark Tank religiously, you already know all about the service. If you don’t, allow us to educate you.
Basically, there are a million ways to turn your digital photos into something tangible, but GrooveBook is different. The brainchild of husband and wife team Julie and Brian Whiteman, the app gives you that missing motivation to actually turn your snapshots into a book by being a subscription-based service. Download the app for free, then pay $3 per month for a 100-image photo album, delivered to your door every 30 days. The $3 even includes shipping. Minds are blown.
Here’s how your first month will go. You’ll download the app for free, pay your $3, then pick the first 100 pictures you’d like to come in your first book. Want more than 100? They can make that happen. From there, it acts as a monthly subscription. Meaning you get one album every month and can cancel your subscription at any time. If you didn’t take 100 photos last month… weird… but you can get as few as 40 glossy photos printed in a 4.5 x 6.5 album. And seeing as they all come with perforated edges, you can pull a photo out, give it away, frame it, or ditch it.
The photos are also discreetly time stamped, so if you get in an argument about how well you’ve aged, and your friends tries to be all, “That was just two years ago.” You can say, “I don’t think so. 10 years, baby. Check the timestamp.” (Because that’s how you talk.)
What’s more? You can send your photo books directly to someone else. So say you live far, far away from the love of your life, and you want to remind him or her how incredibly adorable you are… and, you just so happen to have taken no less than 100 super-hot selfies of yourself last month. Turn them into a book. Send it to said lover. Get word that he or she is moving to your city on the double. These photo albums change lives, people.
Still wondering what happened on Shark Tank? The Whitemans walked off the show with the promise of $150,00 and a lot of excitement and curiosity about the product. The sharks agreed: Their business could eventually be worth as much as $6 mill… but we think this sort of memory-making service is priceless.
Got the picture? Give us a snapshot of your thoughts in the comments below!