We’ve got your travel gadgets, bedrooms in a box, and portable treats covered, but what about small space solutions that are a little more permanent? Here are 15 ways to get the most out of even the most petite places. 1. Portable Indoor/Outdoor Fireplace ($160): Fire! If you live in an apartment in a city, […]
15 Clever Solutions for Small Spaces

We’ve got your travel gadgets, bedrooms in a box, and portable treats covered, but what about small space solutions that are a little more permanent? Here are 15 ways to get the most out of even the most petite places.
1. Portable Indoor/Outdoor Fireplace ($160): Fire! If you live in an apartment in a city, there’s a good chance you have a non-working fireplace or a mantle that looks random on the wall because there used to be a fireplace there. This gadget will warm up the vibe and temperature of your flat with just a flick of the switch!
The Laundry Pod
3. Koldfront Countertop Dishwasher ($200): If you entertain a lot, this contraption will be your best friend. It fits around 6 place settings and runs in any apartment.
4. Hardwood Floor Rug: If you’re a renter, you’re probably not looking to refinish the floor anytime soon. Fake it with a roll-up hardwood floor rug.
6. Scanomat TopBrewer: This little device makes coffee come from a tap, and is controlled by an app (clever rhyme, we know).
7. 3-in-1 Breakfast Station ($40): Don’t have room for a toaster and coffee maker? Let alone the time to fry an egg before work? This 3-in-1 is multi-functionality at it’s best.
8. Electric Wine Opener + Wine Chiller ($24): The electric wine opener might be overkill, but the chiller is cool (pun intended). Who has room (or need) for a wine fridge anyway?
9. Sky Planter ($24): To keep your kitchen stocked with fresh herbs, plant ’em in the sky!
10. Trunk Desk ($4,295): Not exactly a small investment, this trunk desk will turn any corner of your apartment into a full-fledged writer’s studio with industrial accents.
11. One Can Fridge ($20): For the smallest of spaces where you like to hole up with your laptop, you might need a can of something to help stay refreshed.
12. iPhone 4 Pocket Projector ($230): If you don’t have space for a TV but do have a wall, get yourself a pocket projector. This one runs off your iPhone battery and can project a 50-inch image.
13. Mini Donut Maker ($20): More of a comic relief gadget, making small food in small space is an obvious win.
Stovetop Espresso Maker
15. Big Jambox ($199): Like we could talk about making the most of small space without bringing up old Jambox. Party on Wayne.
Bonus! Modular Kitchen (Concept): For a futuristic take on small space, it’s all about the modular kitchen. It’s got everything you need, and happens to look good too.