You Will Be Completely Shocked by How Many People Answer the Door Without Pants
While fashionable folks are all about paper-bag pants this spring, others continue to proclaim themselves as outright pants haters. And while we totally understand the comfy vibe of #NoPants Nation, you’ll be completely shocked by how many people answer the door wearing no pants at all.
According to a survey done by the folks over at Eat24, a wild 25 percent of people have opened the door for a delivery person while only partially clothed. Oh my! That means one out of four of you is totally shameless when it comes to flaunting your fine form in front of a random person.
Or, to break things down even more, one in six men are totally cool opening the door without pants, one in three people have answered the door without pants when they knew it was their parents arriving, and 47 percent of you have gone bottomless when friends are expected.
Have you ever opened the door while less than completely dressed? Let us know @BritandCo!
(h/t Eat24; photos via Mario Tama/Getty)