How Insta DMs and Wine Inspired Two Artists to Launch a Creative Retreat for Moms

How Insta DMs and Wine Inspired Two Artists to Launch a Creative Retreat for Moms

As a newish mom, I’ve got plenty of mom crushes. Some of them are those Insta-moms who seem to have all their shit together, they manage to take a perfectly joyful “candid” but high-resolution rose-quartz-hued photo every single day, and also happen to live at the beach or inside of a monstera-filled greenhouse. Most of my faves, however, are the gals who keep it real. At 7:05pm after a full day of momming, they’re rocking a topknot with a tall glass of wine, they’re back online, burning the midnight oil and workin’ away at their side hustle. (PS: Hi! Anjelika Temple here, mom to babygirl Anokhi, and Founding Partner/CCO of Brit + Co).

For today’s installment of Creative Crushin’, I’m pumped to share the story of Liz Franco and Danielle Kelley — two inspiring women who are work-at-home moms, full-time freelancers, AND the founders of a brand new creative retreat/summit/kumbaya weekend for moms, MTHR Collective. Full disclosure, I’m speaking at this beautiful outdoorsy artsy retreat, and am beyond honored to be able to share my take on motherhood and creativity with the community Liz and Danielle have fostered.

Now, let’s hear from these two on how drinking wine “together” (AKA at the same time while DMing on Instagram) resulted in a creative retreat for entrepreneurial mamas!

Brit + Co: Let’s kick it off with the basics. Tell us a little about each of your backgrounds.

Liz Franco: I grew up in a little cowtown just outside Sacramento called Elk Grove. The oldest of five girls and raised by my strong, independent Mexican mother, I learned early on what it meant and looked like to hustle as a woman and never stop working towards my goals... which is probably why presently I’ve convinced myself I can run two businesses, work part-time, and be a full-time mother. Let’s face it though, if there isn’t at least a tiny bit of chaos am I even myself?! I currently live in downtown Sacramento with my partner Joel and our eight-month-old little meatball Walker Hudson, building our dream life surrounded by the best family and friends.

Danielle Kelley: I grew up in Roseville, a suburb out of Sacramento (thanks, Lady Bird!), and in a family full of creatives. After finishing high school and two years of community college, I got it in my head that I wanted to be a surfer chick, a la Blue Crush, so I moved to San Diego to finish my BA in Communications in 2005 (I think I surfed 0.5 times in the four years that I lived there). In the year that I graduated college, I was desperate for adventure and much-needed perspective, and I spontaneously bought my first SLR camera and booked a flight to Cambodia (first international trip, EVER) to join other aspiring photographers from across the world. While I had zero camera-operating skills initially (caught myself pushing multiple buttons at once, like it was a Nintendo controller), it was this trip where I learned how to storytell through images, and where I developed my thirst for photography and compulsion to document life. Close but not too close to home is how I landed in San Francisco in 2010, and I landed a media buying job for a small, San Francisco marketing agency. It was the best SAFE job I've ever had, but my photography "hobby" was quickly becoming a passion, and that passion was turning into paid gigs, and the gigs were turning into shooting peoples weddings on the weekends, and I quickly learned that documenting someone's most important day brought me an immeasurable amount of joy that I couldn't experience at my desk job. I went full time with my wedding photography business in 2013, and it has been an exhilarating experience, ever since (with one million challenges along the way!). My posse consists of my husband, David, of four years; our one-year-old baby girl, Eisley; and Maddox, our massive Pitbull who thinks he's a lapdog and hogs only my side of the bed.

B+C: How did you two meet?

DK: Does Myspace count? We were really supportive Myspace friends for the longest time (hearted EVERY picture of all of Liz's new haircuts), but it wasn't until the last five years that we worked together professionally, and Liz took the creative reins by designing my website and developing my logo, and really kind of inadvertently taught me how my website and branding should be a creative depiction and extension of my identity, and how important it is to love the visual that represents us and our business.

LF: The funny thing is, Danielle and I had various mutual IRL friends and were actually online pals for YEARS. However, she and I had never actually met in person until we created MTHR. When we finally met up for our first official MTHR planning session, it was like having an easy conversation with a life-long friend, and I truly feel like there’s no one else I’d rather be pulling off this passion project with.

B+C: What inspired you to start MTHR Collective?

DK + LF: What began as a wine-fueled DM conversation on Instagram about wishing we could hang out and actually be able to clink glasses and swap our first-time-mom experiences in person quickly turned into a fearless “a-ha” moment of, WE should just make this happen for us and other creative moms who crave fresh air and inspiration. Since we both come from creative backgrounds, we wasted NO time talking about how much of a need there is for something like this, and instead, dove right in, IMMEDIATELY. We knew we wanted to create something exclusively for mothers — something that would be an intersection of both community and creativity — as well as provide a visionary space to share our stories and ease our identity fears. That single conversation is what planted the seed that grew and inspired the foundation of MTHR.

B+C: I realize the term "day job" is a little outdated, but what’s yours? :)

DK: When I'm not having a staring contest with my baby girl during most moments of the day, my wedding photography business keeps me busy. Half of my weddings are destination weddings, so traveling is a huge part of the job, along with editing my face off in between naps :)

LF: When MTHR isn’t keeping me busy, I’m pushing pixels for my clients as a freelance graphic designer and ugly-crying with pride whenever my eight-month-old does something amazing like successfully manage getting a puff into his mouth using the pincer grasp. I also work part-time as a stylist for Stitch Fix and dabble in social media marketing as a content creator. Like I said before... organized chaos is kind of my jam.

B+C: How has being a mother changed how you approach your work? How has it changed how you make art?

LF: The most important lesson I’ve learned as a self-employed mother is that my time and talents are invaluable. My son is priority one of course, but with everything else, if it’s not helping me get my family or business to the next level, chances are it’s not making it on my to-do list. I actually recently upped my services pricing to reflect this which I was suuuuper nervous about, but it’s been so refreshing to be supported by my clients who understand and in turn, truly value me, my work, and most importantly, my time. It’s affected which projects I take on and what I say “yes” to. Quality over quantity. My office hours have also changed quite a bit since becoming a mom — I get the bulk of my work done after 7pm after Walker goes to sleep. Danielle and I refer to this time as our “night owl office hours.” Complete with wine, of course.

DK: I kind of look at everything through this new lens of, "Will this serve both me and my family?", and that helps me decide what creative projects I should sign on to, and which ones I need to pass on. I think it has also shaped my art in the sense that I'm SO much better at documenting the everyday with my daughter, and care less about the perfect composition of an image — "the moment" means more to me than ever before, and I've been applying this approach to my wedding photography as of late.

B+C: Did you always know what you wanted to work for yourself?

DK: I knew I wanted to be my own boss the second I shot my first wedding, while still working full-time for a marketing agency. My marketing job felt very secure but brought me little joy, while the other one brought me ALL the joy, and actually a decent wage that I created... it felt obvious at the time that I need to pour myself into this new photography business, but it took time and a nice financial "cushion" to help create that strategy.

LF: Not always, but it became remarkably clear after I worked in a cubicle for six years and felt like the life was getting sucked out of me. There was a company-wide layoff of everyone with my position and honestly it turned out to be a blessing in disguise because it forced me to start taking the steps towards “Operation: Flee The Cubicle” and really hone in on what I wanted to be doing. I was already blogging from my desk during my lunch hour and sneaking onto sites like Dribbble and Pinterest when my boss wasn’t looking, so it was obvious my heart and my passion were in the creative field and I just needed that extra push. For the next two years, I worked as the Marketing + Social Media Director for a cluster of bar/restaurants, which gave me a taste of the creative freedom I’d been after. Once my partner and I decided to start a family and we had Walker, we decided I’d finally take the plunge and stay home and work for myself while raising our son. It was the best decision ever, albeit challenging at times.

B+C: What other boss mamas do you look up to?

LF: I’ve got a super mom crush on Jessica from @jessicarowland_. She’s also a mompreneur running her own business and navigating motherhood. She’s also a girl after my own heart who always has a glass of wine nearby. Even though she’s not a mom yet, another huge source of inspiration for me is my sister-in-law @jaclynrjohnson, who is the founder and CEO of Create & Cultivate and is basically #goals when it comes to women entrepreneurs.

DK: I love author and blogger, Jordan Reid from Ramshackle Glam, and her unapologetic approach to all things motherhood. She's not your average, seemingly perfect mom you may find on Instagram, and instead keeps it SO REAL with her honest writing approach. She is our keynote speaker for MTHR this year, and I will race all of our attendees to the front row of our panel to hear her speak. Actress/filmmaker Eileen Vander Leun is also a forever-inspiration of mine, and is currently making a film that addresses the societal shift towards women choosing to have children later in life. LIFE Bonus that she is also my sister-in-law.

B+C: How do you balance motherhood and work?

DK: BOUNDARIES. Practicing saying no to projects that don't serve me, and learning how to ask for help. It took me nine months to realize that I desperately needed some semblance of help in order to rectify the imbalance I was experiencing as a new mom, and hiring a babysitter for one day a week was EVERYTHING.

LF: Honestly, I’m still figuring that out. It’s hard. Some days I’m on TOP of it — I get all my work done and still have time to take Walker to the park and tidy up the house. And some days, I’m lucky if either of us put on actual pants. I’ve learned to give myself grace and not feel super guilty if I don’t meet a deadline or make DIY play-doh that day. I’m actually currently looking into getting some extra help in the form of childcare twice a week, which will make my schedule a lot more manageable.

B+C: What does your support system look like?

DK: A kickass, active husband that encourages me to make weekly (+ childless) dinner plans with my friends, a wonderful babysitter that encourages date nights, semi-local family members that beg for Eisley time, and COFFEE for truly being there for me when I look and feel like the crypt keeper.

LF: First and foremost, I’m beyond lucky to have the best partner and father to our son. He works two jobs so that I can stay home with our little bambino and also continue to cultivate my creative endeavors. He is always supporting me in pursuing my hustle and is definitely the calm to my storm. I also never underestimate the power of the Instagram mom community. I’ve encountered SO many awesome women from there who are in the trenches of motherhood right alongside with me, who never judge me when I send a DM asking “Am I a jerk for counting down the minutes to baby’s bedtime?” Last but definitely not least, Danielle is a daily source of support and pep-talks who I am SO grateful for. She definitely keeps me grounded when I feel like I’m going off the rails — could not ask for a better work-wife!

B+C: When you’re in a rut or experiencing burnout, how do you reset?

DK: I like to find something totally new and random to try out: A new workout class, a nearby hiking trail, a recipe, etc. I love finding other avenues that bring me joy, and learning through the process that we can have many passions.

LF: I take a few days off from social media and my phone in general and just spend time with my family. We live in an age where there is SO MUCH information and it's constantly getting shoved down our throats at every turn. We tend to forget we are in control of hitting that power button on our phones, TVs, laptops and other gadgets. I go on a walk every day just to get us outside and in the fresh air, which really helps.

B+C: How do you set boundaries for yourself as a working stay-at-home mom?

DK: Implementing office hours in my email signature has been my newest victory in my quest to set better work-from-home boundaries, and helps to alleviate the pressure of feeling the need to respond to all emails, immediately. My one day a week babysitter arrangement also allows me to sit behind my computer screen at a local coffee shop, guilt-free, so that by the time I get home, I am fully present and my peek-a-boo game is STRONG.

LF: I just try to be as intentional as possible. Like I mentioned before, social media can be a real distraction for me to where I will just sit there and waste time scrolling, so I will literally leave my phone in another room so that I can focus on the task at hand. Since becoming a mom, I also have no problem straight up saying no to something if it interferes with our schedule — whether it be Walker’s sleep or my work!

B+C: What advice would you give to other mothers looking to start their own business or side hustle?

DK: I'd say it's a combination of "Leap and the net will appear" PLUS hustle to build your financial cushion, prior to taking that leap. Find your support group and take your mentors to coffee — gather as many different perspectives from other creatives, and write out your resources. Also: NETWORK, NETWORK, NETWORK.

LF: Know your audience and choose your business partner (if applicable) wisely. Chances are, the industry you’re breaking into has some form of competition or similar business models so you’ll want to do your research. It’s nice if the person hustling alongside you possess a skill set varied from yours so that together you can accomplish most tasks until you’re successful enough to hire a team. Also be prepared for wine to be a large part of your monthly budget.

Pump-up Tune: "Too$hort," "Blow The Whistle" (will be the first person on any dance floor when these songs come on, just ask my husband... he gets really embarrassed every time)

Favorite Quote: "Every person on this planet was born out of the body of a woman." - Anne Klein

Trivia About You: I was randomly brought on stage during a Color Me Badd concert and they serenaded my eight-year-old self, and my life still hasn't been the same.

Favorite Mom Gadget: Not much of a gadget, but Baby Paper kept my kid happy on an 18-hour road trip, so I'm going to go with that one.

Skincare Essential:Primally Pure's Cleansing Oil for dry skin has been saving my life/face lately.

Pump-Up Tunes: "This Girl" by Kungs Vs. Cookin’ On 3 Burners. Also obsessed with everything Drake does, much to Joel’s dismay.

Favorite Quote: “Well-behaved women seldom make history.” - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Trivia About You: I have a severe, irrational aversion to praying mantises. Like, I legit freak out if I even see a PHOTO of one; my friends think its funny to text me pics of them... I think they have a death wish?

Favorite Mom Gadget: I’m no longer breastfeeding but when I was, Willow, which is a wearable hands-free breast pump, was a total game changer for us.

Beauty Essential: I get so many questions/compliments about my lashes and it’s all thanks to GrandeLash eyelash serum. So good and beats the upkeep that comes with extensions.

B+C: Back to MTHR Co, what do you hope attendees get out of this weekend retreat?

DK: We want our attendees to absorb in the relaxed environment we've curated for the weekend, and to utilize this platform to connect, share our stories, and ease our (identity) fears, with the, "we're all just doing our best" mantra in mind. The end goal would be that everyone would leave feeling majorly supported, and like they have a go-to community of 35 incredible women that can lean on and learn from.

LF: I just want each of our moms to get the chance to feel like they are truly “getting away” for those few days and feel empowered to head back home and pull the trigger on that creative endeavor they may be putting off. I will feel 100000 percent accomplished if by the end of it if someone comes up to me and simply says, “Thank you. This weekend was exactly what I needed and I made a bunch of new friends. I can’t wait to come back next year!”

B+C: What other conferences or workshops have you been to and loved?

DK:Yeah Field Trip was wildly inspiring and satiated my quest to have a tight-knit photography community, while anything In Good Company puts on has continued to be beautifully inspiring, and I've met the loveliest moms at these events.

LF: We recently had a blast at the Create & Cultivate pop up in San Francisco and a pre-Mother’s Day celebration put on by In Good Company — both of which featured some really amazing women in small business and mothers chasing both their toddlers and dreams. It’s amazing when you can walk away feeling completely inspired and motivated to continue working on your business as opposed to feeling insecure or inadequate.

B+C: Got any other side hustles up your sleeve?

LF: I think three jobs is enough for now, hahaha. I do, however, have a half-cooked idea for making and selling my own bath bombs; it’s been on the back burner for a couple of years. Maybe someday!

DF: Anyone want to go in on a Kickstarter with me on how to make our babies stop growing up?? :)

Alright, do you officially feel like you have two new mom friends? I think it's safe to say if you need to DM someone late night about hardcore momming, these two have got you covered. You can stay up to date on all things MTHR Collective @mthrco. There are even a few v. coveted tickets still available, so hit up and get 'em while you can. For even more real talk, be sure to follow @heyitslizfranco and @d_lillian and be prepared to swoon over these two creative powerhouses on the daily.

But wait, there's more! Check back on our Creative Crushin' series for stories of artists, designers, and entrepreneurs chasing their dreams. And if you have a creative crush you want to share, let us know @BritandCo.

Author: Anjelika Temple (Photos via MTHR Collective, Danielle Kelley and Liz Franco; Design by Liz Franco)

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Fans who were left on the edge of their seats after watching the first part of AHS: Delicate last year won't have to wait longer for part two! Emma Roberts and Kim Kardashian are gearing up to pick up where their characters left off, and sinister twists are about to get much darker. While we know the focus revolves around their interactions, we can't wait to see how Gilmore Girls star Matt Czuchry fits into what's sure to be a big reveal.

Read on for a mini recap of part one of AHS: Delicateand learn all the juicy details about part two!

Recap of Kim Kardashian's involvement in AHS: Delicate

Image via FX Networks

Kim Kardashian as 'Siobhan' in "American Horror Story: Delicate"

As good as Kim Kardashian is as the icy publicist Siobhan on AHS: Delicate, don't expect her to watch herself onscreen. She appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday and explained why she hasn't seen herself in clips of the show when Jimmy Kimmel played and unsettling one.

Her character can be seen intimidating a fertility doctor to do her bidding as she pierces the top of his neck with a long orange fingernail. She smiled before saying "It's so funny, I can't watch it back," and then added, "I get so nervous."

She even talked about the difference between filming for TV and working as an actual actress. She said, "I called my sisters and I go, 'Guys. You — not to say you'd ever want to get into acting — but you are so lucky you can wake up and just, we can sit in bed and film, and you don't have to get there is no schedule."

However, it seems like the budding actress took her new schedule in stride because Star Trek actor and AHS co-star Zachary Quinto applauded Kardashian’s acting chops.

“I did a cameo on this season of ‘American Horror Story’ and I got to meet her,” the actor told People. “She was so lovely and warm and, really, I don’t think she needs my advice.” Quinto added, sharing that Kardashian, was “really in her element” on set and he was “really impressed by her spirit and her openness…I really look forward to seeing this season because I think she’s gonna do a wonderful job.”

Recap of AHS: Delicate Part 1

Image via FX Networks

The first part of AHS: Delicate premiered on FX September 20, 2023 and centered around actress Anna Victoria Alcott's desire to become a mother. Played by Emma Roberts, viewers watched as her husband Dexter Harding (played by Matt Czuchry) was supportive of her IVF procedure so the couple could conceive their first child. Despite the previous struggles, the procedure is a success and the happy couple learn they have a baby on the way.

However, things go horribly wrong when Anna starts being followed and eventually experiences a violent miscarriage during her first trimester. Somehow the baby actually survives, but Anna still experiences a series of strange hallucinations and events. From losing her hair to vomiting a foreign object, she starts to wonder if something is wrong with her baby. There's also the fact that she told her publicist Siobhan (played by Kim Kardashian) that she'd do anything to remain at the top of the her career.

What's revealed is that a baby cult does exist and Dexter's dead first wife knew all about it. However, the cult still looks at him as a threat so it's only a matter of time before they close in.

If you need a refresher, catch up on the first part of AHS: Delicate on Hulu and be sure to check out the eery trailer for a look at part two! Also, get your hands on a copy of Danielle Valentine’s novel Delicate Condition to see how the story truly unfolds.

Watch The Official Trailer For AHS: Delicate Part 2

American Horror Story: Delicate Part Two | Official Trailer - Emma Roberts, Kim Kardashian | FX

We suspected Siobhan may have a darker role than Anna thinks and the trailer confirms it. As Anna gets further along in her pregnancy, it's hinted that her growing baby may not be 'normal' and there's nothing she'll be able to do about it.

We're crossing our fingers for Anna and Dexter, but the baby cult may have the final say in AHS: Delicate Part 2.

The first portion of AHS: Delicate Part 2 premiered on FX April 3, 2024, but the series will come to a close beginning April 24. All we can say is things are about to get extremely bumpy 👀.

What do you think will happen during the final moments of AHS: Delicate Part 2? Let us know in the comments!

Stay updated on the latest entertainment news with Brit + Co.

This post has been updated.
Header image via FX Networks

One detail that the covers of the new books coming in May have in common are shades of pink, blue, and green — perfect summer colors. You'll find your classic rom-com books, but there's also a little devious behavior and a touch of magic to look forward to. But, don't just take my word for it. Let your imagination get lost in our top 11 new books coming in May!

Mistakes We Never Made by Hannah Brown (May 7)

Emma Townsend and Finn Hughes are involved in a classic cat and mouse situationship that's turned incredibly sour. They went from inching their way towards several romantic turning points to deciding they actually don't like each other anymore. One can assume their hearts got tired of being shown that almost doesn't count.

However, they have to put on their adult undies to get through a wedding weekend where everyone's expected to be on their best behavior because of the joyous moment at hand. It sounds too good to be true and the pair quickly realizes it is when the bride-to-be vanishes.

Forced to race against an invisible winding clock, Emma and Finn embark on a momentous journey to figure out if this wedding can actually be saved. Somewhere along the lines, they begin to remember what it was like when their undeniable attraction towards each other led to much more. Maybe a weird wedding mystery is just the thing they needed to prove that it's time to make things official.

The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley (May 7)

The Ministry of Time is a the modern time travel book you didn't know you needed to read until now. It shines a light on a young woman — aka the "bridge" — who's new job comes with a hefty salary and more responsibility than she considered. She's meant to help an expat called "1847," or Commander Graham Gore, adjust to living in a modern world when all he remembers is what it was like to live in the 1840s.

The more 1847 adjusts to life around him with other expats and this young woman whose so different than what he's used to, the more the bridge crosses the lines and allows herself to become immersed in his world beyond what her profession calls for.

This isn't without consequences and it's up to the bridge to decide what it really means to live in the future.

The Five Year Lie by Sarina Bowen (May 7)

Ariel Cafferty was head over heels in love with a man she thought she knew until it feels like he ghosted her without an explanation. She thought she was beginning to move on, but a vague text from him (Drew) years later brings back emotions she's tried to forget.

Suddenly Ariel begins to piece together clues that something is seriously wrong. Not only that, she can't shake the feeling that the truth is still being kept from her. In order to possibly save her and her son's life, she'll have to work to understand what happened to Drew and how far the mystery surrounding his disappearance actually goes.

Alternate Endings by Ali Rosen (May 7)

Alternate Endings is one of the new books releasing in May that I immediately connected to because I can relate to some aspects of Beatrice Leal's life. She's a working mother who's as dedicated to her son as she is to her job, but the only difference between us is that she's dealing with a tough divorce. To make it even more complicated, her boss also gets divorced and decides she wants to live in Ireland full-time.

This means she's requiring the team — including Bea — to be there twice a month and this throws a huge monkey wrench in the custody plans she and her ex-husband Lucas have half-heartedly agreed on. Still, Bea loves her job and reluctantly makes the first trip to Ireland where she meets the new CTO at her job — the sexy Jack Sander who ghosted her while they were in high school.

Despite the two decades that have passed since they've seen each other, there's no denying that the two still have electric energy that they acknowledge during one of their trips to Ireland. But as time passes, the lie they keep telling themselves gives way to something more and Bea finds that she may just have to change her approach to everything in life — especially when it comes to love.

The Paradise Problem by Christine Lauren (May 14)

Is it obvious that my favorite new books I've read involve some form of love? Besides this amazing cover that caught my eye, The Paradise Problem offers a completely new approach to being married that I've seen in a book.

Anna Green is impulsive and makes decisions solely so she survive from day to day. It's the main reason she married Liam "West" Weston when she needed a place to stay. It was supposed to be a marriage of convenience between two strangers. So when she doesn't bother looking at the "divorce" papers he had her sign and is surprised to find out they're still married when he visits her years later, Anna's more than flustered.

See, West is set to inherit a large fortune attached to his family's name and has to prove that he's been enjoying married life with his wife Anna. The problem is that they don't really know anything about each other and his family is demanding to see her.

With no other choice, West convinces Anna to keep up the married act and prays she'll be able to impress his family. However, he begins to realize that maybe he's had it wrong all along. Maybe he's supposed to fall in love with this feisty, art-loving, impulsive woman that's stealing his heart. Maybe he's supposed to protect hers.

Lovers and Liars by Amanda Eyre Ward (May 14)

The Peacock sisters aren't as close as they used to be and they have time and a lot of heartache to blame for that. Of course, there's always the roles they played in the fallout of their familial relationship.

Sylvie Peacock finds herself facing marriage again after being widowed and she thinks it might be time to move on. Cleo Peacock is the successful sister who can do no wrong and has the cushy lifestyle to prove it. So when her sister Sylvie falls for the charming Simon Rampling, her criminal defense intuition starts ringing. And Emma Peacock? Well, she's hiding secrets that's turned her into a woman who lets silence lead her. At the center of the sisters is their less than stellar mother who's domineering presence makes it clear these sisters have cowered in her presence for far too long.

One weekend will change everything for the Peacock family and nothing will be the same. — good or bad.

The Honey Witch by Sydney J. Shields (May 14)

Marigold Claude is ever popular with the many men who want to court her, but she couldn't care less. Her freedom lies in the nature and she gladly revels in it. Things seem to get even better when her grandmother feels she's worthy to become a Honey Witch. But, she can never fall in love.

Deciding she's okay with this rule, she carries on merrily until she meets Lottie Burke, someone who doesn't think magic exists. Intending to prove Lottie wrong, Marigold starts doing things out that feel out of character for her. Soon, something must darker presents itself and Marigold finds that she may have to break multiple rules just to save what she cares about.

One Perfect Couple by Ruth Ware (May 21)

Lyla is experiencing one bad situation after the another. From research that's gone awry to a relationship that's gotten off track, she feels like she's almost at the end of her rope. Suddenly it seems like her prayers are answered when she and Nico are given a chance to be on the TV show One Perfect Couple to win a grand prize that could help them out financially.

They're pit against four other couples and being to sense that something is horribly wrong when disaster strikes the minute they set foot on the deserted island where they're meant to compete. One Perfect Couple becomes more than a reality show and involves whether people can actually survive or not.

Goddess of the River by Vaishnavi Patel (May 21)

Ganga went from being a carefree goddess of the river to a mortal after she failed to control the godlings near her. With no other choice, she decides to become a queen after marrying King Shantanu so she can prove that she's worth of being a goddess again. While she is granted freedom, she can't bring the son she bore in her human form with her.

Once Prince Devavrata gets older and decides he doesn't want to take his father's place, he finds himself on a journey that puts him lock and step with his mother Ganga.

Swiped by L.M. Chilton (May 21)

What would you do if all of your dates from Tinder, Hinge, or Bumble ended up dead after you'd last seen them? Swiped helps Gwen Turner answer that very question when she's thrown into the wildest predicament of her life.

First thing's first — she's in a terrible rut and can't figure out how to put the pieces of her life back together again. She feels hopeless in the romantic department and has to contend with the fact that maybe leaving a great job to serve coffee might not have been the smartest decision.

So, she decides to download a dating app and goes on a series of dates that leave her more confused than ever. To make matters worse, they begin to turn up dead after she's been the last person to go on a date with them. This doesn't bode well with the police and she soon finds herself being carefully watched.

The more frequently things begin to happen, the more Gwen rushes to figure out who the date killer is. As she gets closer to finding out the truth, she'll find that she also has to contend with a dark secret that she thought no one else knew about.

I Hope This Finds You Well by Natalie Sue (May 21)

Not to be confused with Dolly Parton's "Jolene," I Hope This Finds You Well's main character of the same name finds herself in a work bind when HR sentences her to "sensitivity training." Her crime? Being exposed for sharing her negative opinions about co-workers. Restricted from certain interactions, Jolene decides to do whatever it takes to get through her training period.

So when an IT plunder allows her to see what everyone else has been privately talking about, Jolene feels conflicted about whether to report them or not. She even discovers that potential layoffs are about to affect her job so she does everything she can to make sure her role is secured.

Soon she'll have to decide what's more important: her job or the truth.

Which of the best new books coming in May are you looking forward to reading? Be sure to check out our storefront for even more reading recs!

Brit + Co. may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This post has been updated.

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When anyone asks me for my favorite movie-viewing experiences, A Simple Favor (starring Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick) always makes the list. When I first watched the movie, I knew next to nothing about the plot, and it made the viewing experience ten times better, especially since I had a watch party with a bunch of friends who *also* had no expectations. I know A Simple Favor 2 is going to be just as sexy, unexpected, and gripping as the original. Keep reading for everything we know about the new movie, from the A Simple Favor 2 release date to casting announcements!

What is A Simple Favor 2 about?

Image via Lionsgate

A Simple Favor 2 will see the "return of Stephanie Smothers (Kendrick) and Emily Nelson (Lively) as they head to the beautiful island of Capri, Italy, for Emily’s extravagant wedding to a rich Italian businessman," according to the movie's synopsis (via People). "Along with the glamorous guests, expect murder and betrayal to RSVP for a wedding with more twists and turns than the road from the Marina Grande to the Capri town square."

The first leaked images show the aforementioned extravagant wedding, with Blake Lively's Emily in a wedding dress and Anna Kendrick's Stephanie standing by her side in a gorgeous floral midi dress. While the first A Simple Favor ended with Emily in prison, I have no doubt whatsoever that we'll see her make a grand escape to coastal Italy. The only thing chicer than martinis and crime at home is martinis and crime while basking in the Italian sun.

Is there A Simple Favor 2 movie?

Image via Lionsgate

Yes, Deadline confirmed in May of 2022 that we're getting A Simple Favor 2! The sequel film will be produced by Lionsgate and Amazon Studios, and reportedly, Paul Feig will direct again, while Jessica Sharzer will write the screenplay. I still talk about the script for A Simple Favor, so if Jessica is returning, I will be seated!

When is the A Simple Favor 2 release date?

Image via Lionsgate

I'm expecting A Simple Favor 2 to hit our screens in 2025. Filming was originally scheduled for the fall of 2023, but after the Hollywood strikes delayed a variety of projects, production on the film was pushed to 2024. A Simple Favor 2 will reportedly begin filming in April of 2024.

Who's in the A Simple Favor 2 cast?

Image via Lionsgate

We can expect to see Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick return for this sequel. Henry Golding, Andrew Rannells, Bashir Salahuddin, Joshua Satine, Ian Ho, and Kelly McCormack are also set to star in A Simple Favor 2. Glee fans will also love knowing that Alex Newell is joining the cast along with Allison Janey! We can't wait to see the characters they'll be playing!

How does A Simple Favor end in the book?

Image via Amazon

The A Simple Favor book ending is *wildly* different than the movie ending! Instead of Stephanie turning on Emily and joining Sean, and then Emily getting run over by a car and put in prison for the murder of her father and sister (plus, you know, all the other illegal activity), Stephanie actually takes Emily's side.

In the book, Sean stays in a hotel while Emily gets custody of Nicky. The novel ends with the police finding Emily's ring inside the car of her main victim (a move that was probably orchestrated by Stephanie since Sean gave her the ring), and Emily deciding to pack up her life and leave.

Are you excited for A Simple Favor 2? Do you prefer the ending to the A Simple Favor movie or the book? Follow us on Facebook for more movie news!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

This post has been updated.

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We're thrilled to kick off our new Jetset Journeys series, where we turn the best U.S. cities to explore this year into our own personal playgrounds. This is not just a travel guide but a way to spark your creativity and your wanderlust for weekend and week-long travel. Pack your bags , join us here every week, and get jetsetty this summer.

A getaway is always a good idea, especially when you can do it with your best friends. Traveling with friends is a fantastic way to bond, create memories, and explore new destinations together. Seeking adventure, relaxation, culture, or nightlife? We've got you. These U.S. cities offer the perfect setting for an unforgettable trip no matter what your travel goals. Whether you're celebrating a milestone birthday, upcoming nuptials, or an annual gathering of remote friends, look no further than these cities in the U.S.

New York City


In the words of Taylor Swift, “It's been waitin' for you!” New York City is a destination for the arts, nightlife, shopping and foodies, so there is an abundance of options for you and your crew to do, see and eat. Book a hotel, there is no shortage of them — but the PUBLIC Hotel, The Standard, High Line or Moxy NYC Chelsea are great ones — and hit the ground running.

Photo: Cynthia Ortega Espinosa

Frolic in Central Park, wander the Metropolitan Museum of Art, cycle along the Hudson River Greenway or window shop on Fifth Avenue. Theater fans will want to see what shows are playing on Broadway or queue for Marie’s Crisis, where you can belt out showtunes in the West Village.

Photo: Pastis

While in an empire state of mind, you’ll obviously want to wine and dine. The Nines, The Happiest Hour, The Blond, Oscar Wilde, the Broken Shaker and Nubeluz are among spots that should be on your list for drinks, along with the seasonal bar Grand Banks, which is a summer must. Satisfy your stomach with meals at Emilio's Ballato, Café Chelsea and Pastis, or if you need a quick bite, then a slice of Joe's Pizza or taco from Los Tacos No. 1 are just the ticket.

Photo: Jeffrey Czum

Depending on what time of year you’re planning to visit New York, you can check out different markets like the Bryant Park Winter Village during the holidays, or Smorgasburg during the warmer months. No matter the season, the Big Apple is ripe and waiting for you to take a bite out of it with your BFFs!

Miami-Ft. Lauderdale


Sunshine and good times await in South Florida. Apart from the obvious beaches and clubs, the cultural melting pot offers an arts and diverse food scene. But for visitors looking to soak up rays and read while listening to the waves, the Conrad Fort Lauderdale Beach and The Goodtime Hotel are both within walking distance to North Beach and South Beach, respectively.

Photo: EAST Miami

Of course, the nightlife isn't limited to just Miami Beach. Book a room at EAST Miami, home to Sugar rooftop, where you’ll be in the center of bustling Brickell near hot spots like Sexy Fish and Gekkō. Or stay in Coconut Grove at the Mayfair House Hotel & Garden, which is close to a variety of shops, restaurants and bars, including Regatta Grove.

Photo: Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau

Regardless of where you decide to rest your head at night, no BFF trip to Miami should be complete without a visit to Wynwood and Design District. Visit the galleries and snap pictures for the ‘gram in Wynwood and don’t forget to swing by Fireman Derek's Bake Shop for a sweet treat, before heading to Design District for shopping and later dinner at Mandolin Aegean Bistro — a Greek restaurant that’ll have you feeling like you’re in Mamma Mia!.

Photo: Little Hen

If brunch is on the itinerary, look no further than the Little Hen in Midtown Miami. With its Instagram-worthy decor, drinks and dishes, it’s one of the cutest spots to brunch at. Just note, you’ll want to make a reservation and adhere to the restaurant's “smart chic dress code.”

Photo by Irasema McAllister

While in the area, you can mosey on over to Lagniappe, a jazz club and wine garden that has live music every night.

Phoenix, AZ

Photo: Mike Glezos

If wellness or adventure is your journey, then Phoenix is the destination. Gather your spa-loving, adventurous or golf-playing crew and travel to the urban oasis in the Sonoran Desert.

Seeking an escape to nature? Go hiking at Pinnacle Peak Park, Papago Park, Usery Mountain Regional Park or Camelback Mountain. There’s also horseback riding in the Sonoran Desert. Cave Creek Trail Rides, established in 1999, offers guided trail rides, giving you a “true western experience!”

Photo:Tierra Luna Spa at Arizona Biltmore Resort

After being outdoors, retreat inside and unwind with a spa treatment. There are a number of spa resorts in the area, including the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Arizona Biltmore Resort, Sanctuary Camelback Mountain, Boulders Resort & Spa Scottsdale, the Omni Scottsdale Resort & Spa at Montelucia and the Royal Palms Resort and Spa, to name a few.

Golf buddies in Phoenix will find multiple courses to practice their swings. The city owns and operates five 18-hole championship courses and three nine-hole courses. Pending when you’re in town, fairway fans can try to score tickets to tournaments like the PGA TOUR Champions' Charles Schwab Cup Championship, or the PGA TOUR’s WM Phoenix Open at TPC Scottsdale in Scottsdale.

Photo: Virtu Honest Craft

All the activity and, hey, even relaxation can make you work up an appetite. Satiate it at James Beard Award-winning Virtu Honest Craft, The Arrogant Butcher, Different Pointe of View and Vincent on Camelback.

Dallas-Ft. Worth


They say everything is bigger in Texas, so get ready for some Texas-sized fun. Between the shopping and the restaurants, there are plenty of reasons for you and your pals to pack your bags and flock to the Lone Star State. The Fairmont Dallas and the Thompson Dallas hotels are both in the heart of downtown, close to the Dallas Museum of Art for art lovers, and near the John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza and the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza for the history buffs.

Photo: Elizabeth ChambersBIRD Bakery

South of downtown you and your crew can explore the Bishop Arts District, an “eclectic neighborhood” with restaurants and shops. You can also engage in retail therapy at the Galleria Dallas and Highland Park Village, both of which are premier shopping destinations.The latter is also home to Elizabeth ChambersBIRD Bakery, a must for anyone with a sweet tooth–be sure to order a “southern red velvet” cupcake!

Photo: Sundown at Granada

Craving something savory? Head on over to Las Palmas Tex-Mex for Mexican cuisine, Pecan Lodge for BBQ or the farm-to-table restaurant Sundown at Granada. End your nights at the cozy cocktail bar Parliament or drop by the Midnight Rambler, a cocktail lounge inside of the Joule Hotel.

In need of a little R&R? You and your pals can splurge on a stay at Bowie House in Fort Worth. The luxury hotel is described as an “imaginative and bold urban retreat, where cowboys and cattle once roamed.” Indulge in self-care at the hotel’s full service spa, said to be inspired by the outdoors, or book one of the available experiences.

So, saddle up and plan your trip to Texas.

San Francisco

Photo: Juan Salamanca:

Turn your California dreaming into a reality! From nature to tech and a slew of attractions, the Bay Area has plenty to offer you and your BFFs, especially those who know and love Full House.

The InterContinental Mark Hopkins San Francisco is a historic hotel in the neighborhood of Nob Hill. Renting a car will make it easier to get around and check out sites like the Golden Gate Bridge, the "Painted Ladies" at Alamo Square (channel the Tanners, anyone?), Chinatown and Twin Peaks. Given the city’s proximity to wine country, you can also road trip to Napa for a day to visit wineries and enjoy a meal at the charming Acacia House.

Photo by Mylo Kaye

Back in SF, you and your friends can pay a visit to the famous Fisherman's Wharf, where you’ll find Ghirardelli Square and PIER 39. Take a ferry to Alcatraz (the tour is actually fascinating) or Sausalito for waterside lunch at Bar Bocce, where you can join other guests in a game of bocce while you wait for your delicious pizzas and salads.

Grab your besties for a coastal hike along Land's End Trail for breathtaking views of the Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. Start at the old Cliff House and spot the famous Sutro Baths and end at the Palace of Legion of Honor. Or, reserve your spot at Muir Woods for an amazing hike through the redwoods.

Photo: b. patisserie

Grab breakfast or lunch at the James Beard Award-winning b. patisserie, or one of the best rooftop bars in the city Kaiyo for Peruvian bites.

Photo: Kaiyo

The San Francisco Playhouse is a great night out to the theatre with pals, or Cobb's Comedy Club for big laughs. With friends by your side, you’re sure to feel golden in the Golden State.

Main photo: Photo by KoolShooters

Follow along for all your travel needs with our Flights of Fancy series and Jetset Journeys series.

At this point in my life, I have what could be considered an encyclopedic knowledge ofGilmore Girls. I can discuss plot points, TV moments, and The Battle Of Rory's Boyfriends to academic extents — but there is always more to talk about! If you've also got Gilmore Girls on the brain, then keep scrolling for some of your top Gilmore Girls questions, answered.

Why is season 7 of Gilmore Girls so different?

Image via Saeed Adyani/Netflix

Gilmore Girls season 7 has a different tone to the rest of the show for one simple reason: creators and writers Dan & Amy Sherman-Palladino weren't involved in the production of the show. They were so heavily involved in previous seasons that it makes sense their absence would be felt!

What happens at the end of Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life?

Image via Saeed Adyani/Netflix

After we said goodbye to Rory, Lorelai, and the rest of Stars Hollow, Netflix's Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life allowed us to see all our favorite characters again — and then shocked us with its final four words. In a full circle moment, the show ends with Lorelai and Rory sitting on the steps of the town gazebo with their coffees before Rory asks, "Mom?" "Yeah," Lorelai says. "I'm pregnant."

Is there going to be a season 2 of Gilmore Girls: A Year in a Life?

Image via Netflix

While there hasn't been an official confirmation for Gilmore Girls: A Year in a Life season 2, fans and cast members alike are hoping we'll return to Stars Hollow again. "If that came up again, I love that character so much and I love Amy," Lauren Graham tells Collider. "I will work with her, any time. It would just be a matter of responsibility to the fans and what we could give them that's deserving of their devotion."

Where can I rewatch Gilmore Girls?

Image via Netflix

You can stream Gilmore Girls on Netflix now. That means you can rewatch the show from the comfort of your own home (or bed), which is perfect!

Who did Lorelai Gilmore end up with?

Image via Robert Voets/Netflix

After years of feeling torn between Rory's father Christopher and her best friend Luke, Lorelai ended Gilmore Girls in a relationship with Luke. But if you ask me, the most important relationship is the one between Lorelai and Rory, which is still going strong by the end of the series!

What happened to Emily Gilmore?

Image via Netflix

While Emily Gilmore seems a little intimidating at the beginning of the series, she definitely has a heart of gold. When A Year In The Life opens, we learn her husband Richard has passed away, and Emily balances healing from her grief while also exploring the independence she's never had before.

Where can I buy Gilmore Girls gifts?

Image via Netflix

Whether you're hunting for a white cable knit sweater like Rory's iconic pullover or you're headed to the bookstore to try her reading list for yourself, you can find Gilmore Girls gifts everywhere from the Hallmark store to Amazon.

Where is the Gilmore Girls cast now?

Image via Saeed Adyani/Netflix

The cast of Gilmore Girls has been busy since the show wrapped! You can see Chad Michael Murray and Scott Patterson on Sullivan's Crossing, while Lauren Graham recently published Have I Told You This Already? Alexis Bledel is in talks to star in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 3, while Milo Ventimiglia just got married! I love seeing this cast thrive.

Why is Gilmore Girls season 5 controversial?

Image via Neil Jacobs/Netflix

If there's one Gilmore Girls season that's gone down in infamy, it's Gilmore Girls season 5. There are a few (very controversial) reasons it strikes a cord with fans, including but not limited to, Rory dating a recently divorced Deanafter their affair in season 4, stealing a yacht with Logan, and deciding to drop out of Yale. This sounds like a quarter-life crisis if I've ever seen one.

Who is the father of Rory's baby?

Image via Saeed Adyani/Netflix

Gilmore Girlsleft us on a huge cliffhanger when Rory Gilmore revealed she was pregnant, and thanks to costume supervisor Valerie Campbell, we know that the father of Rory's baby is her college boyfriend Logan Huntzberger.

Where is Stars Hollow located in real life?

Featured image via Taryn Elliott/Pexels.

You can visit Stars Hollow IRL by taking a trip to Washington, Connecticut. The town made Amy Sherman-Palladino feel so at home that she used it as inspo for Gilmore Girls!

Does Lane Kim have a baby?

Image via Neil Jacobs/Netflix

Yes, Lane ends up having twins by the end of Gilmore Girls. Amy Sherman-Palladino actually revealed this was a plot point she didn't like from Gilmore Girls season 7. "I would’ve preferred that Lane not have kids, only because it would’ve given us more options," she tells TV Line. "The one thing you couldn’t do with Lane and Zack is have them be sh—tty parents. So them having kids sort of dictated them still living in Stars Hollow. It changed things ever so slightly. They’re still rock and rollers. They’re still the cool parents."

Did Paris Geller attend Harvard?

Image via Neil Jacobs/Netflix

No, Paris Geller did not get into Harvard, which is a plot point that still divides fans. After all, Paris was brilliant, why wouldn't she have gotten in?! Paris and Rory both went to Yale, and actually ended up rooming together.

What happened to Rory Gilmore?

Image via Saeed Adyani/Netflix

By the time we see Rory Gilmore in Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life, she's become a freelance journalist who travels around the world for work. After some encouragement from Jess, Rory also ends up writing a book about her life with Lorelai, titled Gilmore Girls.

Who was Rory Gilmore's best boyfriend?

Image via Netflix

This is the age-old question that will divide Gilmore Girls fans for the rest of time!! While everyone has a different answer (Logan! Jess! Dean! Actually..who picks Dean?), Matt Czuchry himself recently revealed that he thinks there's NO right answer. “I think [all three of Rory Gilmore's boyfriends have] strengths and weaknesses, like we all do,” he says on The Talk. “And I think that the fun of the show is that you’ve got these characters who are flawed and had these great pieces and everybody debates who’s best for Rory because they feel different about their strengths and weaknesses that might match up.”

What's your favorite season of Gilmore Girls? I'm a tried and true season 3 fan (because of Jess, of course), but I will always rewatch the pilot before I watch anything else. Follow us on Facebook for more pop culture news!

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