Here's What September's New Moon In Virgo Means For Your Zodiac Sign

new moon in virgo horoscopes 2023

Can you feel it? As we near the end of Virgo season, there's a shift in the air. The light in our day begins to fade sooner as autumn meets us around the corner. We begin to clear out our summer clothes and make room for our comfy sweaters with a pumpkin spice latte in hand.

Although it's officially the end of summer, there's a powerful and restorative new moon that will bring life to our motivation. The new moon in Virgo will clear a better path for you to turn over a new leaf in your life. There is hope in the air and a restorative flow that will help you shape your life to your vision.

The new moon in Virgo will begin its works on September 14th at 9:40 pm EST, and it will activate a grand earth trine! This is an auspicious moment as the element earth has a building and supportive energy and will extend our ability to realize what needs to be done through due diligence. The new moon in Virgo will form a trine to Pluto, the transformation planet, and Uranus, the innovator.

The power trio will help you step into a new and improved paradigm by letting go of the clutches of old security blankets so you can make bold choices and align with your passions. Only this time, you'll be better prepared with the support of the earth element of Virgo. The best part about this new moon phase? We're so close to the end of Mercury retrograde, which ends on the 15th! This means that your plans and ambitions will begin to pick up speed, and what better time than after this rejuvenating new moon? The key word of this astrology event is renewal — with your next steps, you'll feel the stars' support and reassurance.

The new moon in Virgo will impact the mutable signs such as Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. If your natal chart's planetary placements are 21 degrees within the mutable signs, you'll find brilliance in this new moon event. Remember, the closer the degree, the more impact. Read on for your sun, moon, and rising signs for more insight.

How does a New Moon work?

Let’s learn about how the new moon works. The new moon is when the moon and sun align. From our vantage point, the moon covers the sun, allowing us to reflect and seek our intention. Hence, we astrologers recommend manifesting around this time so you can narrow down what area of focus you wish to master. The moon is at its most pure expression and extends a clean slate. It is a great opportunity to pinpoint the core of your desires and then pursue them. There’s the magic.


This will be a powerful time to take charge of your health and focus on what makes you feel good. Listen to your body, as it will be the barometer for you to decide your path to fulfillment. This can fall within your work environment, health routine, and overall wellness.

New Moon Theme: Replenish your mind, body, and spirit.


The realm of love, children, and creativity will be the primary focus during this lunation as this new moon is fertile with the possibility in your 5th house. Whether you plan to expand your family, reinstate your love, or begin dating, this period will be a great time to pursue this path in attracting a positive outcome. Anything that you set your mind to creative-wise will attract brilliant results.

New Moon Theme: Capitalize on what makes you happy.


The area of focus will be on home and family as the new moon will take residence in your 4th house. It is an auspicious time to contemplate your long-term plans. You may feel a pull to move, but first, look deep within and analyze the root of your motivation. Take this moment to honor your feelings by expressing them openly. This will secure your connection.

New Moon Theme: Connect with your feelings.


It is time to take charge of the minor tasks that require your undivided attention. With the 3rd house of the mind, communication, and information activated, something brilliant is brewing inside you, ready to emerge. Sifting the details will help you piece together something worthy. The new moon will also allow you to find rapport with others as you share your thoughts. By doing so, your ideas will take root.

New Moon Theme: Open your mind.


This is a period for you to hustle, or you may have felt like you have been working extra hard lately. However, your hard work will pay off as the new moon is in your 2nd house of finances. An opportunity will present itself and will require you to think fast. Trust your gut and remember to store away earnings that will be utilized for future investments. Immerse yourself in learning more about how money and budgeting work, as it will help build your confidence.

New Moon Theme: Abundance is found by anchoring your self-worth.


The new moon in your 1st house will be pivotal as you will access a new sense of awareness. This is your moment to reinvent yourself and believe in what you seek. Your hopes, dreams, and future visions will take root as you march to the beat of your drum. Be brave and embrace the infinite possibilities. Your wishes will be fulfilled as you take that first step.

New Moon Theme: You shine as you are true to yourself.


A rejuvenation will be in store for you as the new moon takes place in your 12th house of the subconscious realms. Think of this time as the chrysalis stage in your experience, as it will help you prepare for your next move. Your energy is receptive to the feelings of others as this lunation will help you see the interconnectedness in life. Retreating and igniting a sacred practice will keep you grounded.

New Moon Theme: You are a part of the greater whole.


There will be renewal in your connections and higher ideals during this new moon event. As the 11th house is activated, it will inspire you to get involved with the community or walk on a new path. This will also be an auspicious period for you to form new friendships or connections that will bestow luck in your journey. Share your vision and express your unapologetic passion. Expressing your authenticity will draw in people who will support your venture.

New Moon Theme: Find your tribe.


Working on your manifestation game will benefit you as the new moon will be in your 10th house of public self, career, and legacy. The new moon will propel you to evaluate your societal standing and contribution. This is your time to build something that is yours and to see it culminate. It begins with detailed organization and visualizing yourself as being successful.

New Moon Theme: Believe that you are worthy of success.


This is an adventurous time as the new moon resides in your 9th house of higher education, travel, and broadcasting. If you feel a call to expand your horizons, if not now, when? Begin by setting aside original expectations and opening your mind to the infinite possibility of being more. It all starts with you and evaluating your personal beliefs. Letting go of the outmoded is a great place to begin, and the inspiration will flow.

New Moon Theme: Try something new, and your spirit will soar.


There will be a reawakening in your perception of intimacy and vulnerability. Analyze what is holding you back from feeling secure, and face it. With the new moon in the 8th house of sex, shared resources, and money, this will be a favorable period for you to initiate long-term ventures like a savings plan or to look deep into the unearthed aspects of yourself with your partnership. As you hold space to explore the unknown, you will emerge more confident in your journey.

New Moon Theme: Vulnerability will be your superpower.


Partnerships and companions will be your primary focus as the 7th house is activated. If you feel called to ascend your partnership, this new moon will support you in this venture. It is also a great time to begin a new relationship or redefine your current one. Analyze how you truly contribute to your partnership and listen intently to their needs. Setting aside your emotions will help you find clarity and understanding about how your relationship is progressing.

New Moon Theme: Reflective listening will strengthen your connections.

If you wish to discover how astrology can help you find empowerment, fulfillment, and clarity, click here to download Lumi’s free Astrology 101 eBook.

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Welcome to your June horoscope for 2024! Can you believe it's been nearly half a year since the New Year? Navigating each month with you has been an honor. As a professional astrologer and transformation coach, I've noticed a common thread with people seeking answers by working with astrology in these unstable years. They all come when they're in the most challenging moments, wishing and hoping for a silver lining and wanting to know when it will pass. As we navigate Gemini Season, looking at situations from all sides rather than merely assuming is crucial. Being curious and open-minded is vital in mastering this season. Embracing diversity (hello, Pride Month!) and holding space and understanding for others by communication is the way Gemini rolls. No matter where you are in your journey, confused, uncertain, and just plain stuck…know that astrology can help you fill the gaps while gaining peace and self-awareness. Now, let's look at June's astrological forecast.

This month exhibits a delightful blend of happiness and opportunities. Mercury, the cosmic messenger, starts this month as it enters its home sign, Gemini. It enables us to get the conversations going at a comfortable speed and flow. A new moon in the social butterfly sign, Gemini, sets the scene for us to start anew, involving our ideas and even opening pathways in our love stories. What a great start as summer approaches. Then, Mars, the planet of drive and motivation, enters the stable sign Taurus, allowing us to build a solid foundation aligned with our future ambitions.

For the second half of the month, Venus and Mercury enter the nurturing sign Cancer, inviting us to hold space for conscientious-filled discussions and security in our connections. Things will begin to heat up as Vesta, the asteroid of devotion and keeper of the sacred flame, enters the fire sign Leo. It will reawaken our inner fire while igniting a new phase in our journey involving our devotion. The Sun's journey into maternal Cancer manifests a period of self-care and emotional needs. The full moon in Capricorn heralds a moment for you to analyze the state of your structures while letting go of the outmoded in your life. The month wraps up with the structure-oriented planet Saturn retrograde, which gives you a chance to contemplate the kind of life you have been building. Keep reading to understand what this all means for your personal June horoscope!

​Key Astrology Dates For Your June Horoscope In 2024

Photo by Victoria Emerson/PEXELS

  • 6/3 Mercury enters Gemini
  • 6/6 New Moon in Gemini
  • 6/9 Mars enters Taurus
  • 6/17 Venus enters Cancer, and Mercury enters Cancer
  • 6/19 Vesta enters Leo
  • 6/20 Sun enters Cancer
  • 6/21 Full Moon in Capricorn
  • 6/29 Saturn Retrograde in Pisces

What To Expect In Your June Horoscope For 2024

Photo by Vlada Karpovich/PEXELS

May was epic with the solar flares...did you see that? It was a month filled with personal revelations regarding our self-worth and integrity moving forward. June will take these notions a notch higher regarding our communication with others and even analyzing our inner dialogues. It will be your chance to act on your goals (mid-year reset, anyone?) and witness the changes as you continue to master your thoughts. The cosmos begins its dance on Monday, June 3, when Mercury, the planet of communication and ideas, enters its dignity sign, Gemini. This period extends clarity and speed in our dialogue. While airy Gemini can spiral out in different directions, Mercury thrives in this sign, as it will help us feel more open and receptive to ideas from various sources. The more curious and unbiased you are, the better.

The new moon in expressive Gemini on Thursday, June 6, provides a perfect opportunity to socialize and attend events. As Venus is in exact alignment with the new moon, it can lead to experiences filled with love, laughter, and joy. It will be a fun night to remember. Book an outing with your friends or arrange a solo date—this cosmic event will be serendipitous. That weekend, Mars, the planet of motivation, enters the earthy sign Taurus on Sunday, June 9. This planetary ingress will slow things down at a comfortable pace. Ensuring you observe before diving headfirst into things that you may regret later. You will feel more at peace. For those who are impatient (guilty), get that yoga mat out or take long nature walks to work off that built-up steam.

Venus, the love planet, and Mercury enter Cancer on Monday, June 17, shifting our focus to deepen our connections with others while holding heart-to-heart conversations. These two power planets merging on the same day will ignite a breakthrough in your perception of love and values. Expressing your vulnerability will help you see where you stand in your relationship(s). The truth will set you free. Expect your heart to sing as Vesta, the asteroid of self-devotion and commitment, enters the sign Leo on Wednesday, June 19. This transit will ignite a stirring in your core, giving you the courage to step up and claim your happiness. The fire inside will burn stronger as you remain invested in your passion and grit. Allow yourself to take center stage and share your gifts. The world is waiting.

Waterworks Cancer season begins on Thursday, June 20, with the Sun moving into the sign of the crab. This cosmic event heralds the beginning of summer, and we begin to embody warmth, compassion, nurturing, and emotional sensitivity. Hosting potlucks or social outings can be a great way to commemorate your Cancer friends. Focus on building solid, authentic connections. We deserve to rebuild after the eclipse season back in April.

The full moon in Capricorn on Friday, June 21, will bestow us the ability to analyze the state of our structures. Many will realize what needs to be done to rebuild solidity after what has not been fully cultivated. This period can be a bit of a "Debbie Downer," with Saturn in intense opposition to Juno, the asteroid of marriage and committed partners. If you are in a relationship, you will understand what needs to improve or be at peace by cutting your losses and moving on.

Speaking of Saturn, this month concludes with it entering its retrograde phase on Saturday, June 29. Contemplate what kind of life you are building these next several months. Your awareness of karma will heighten, and becoming aligned with integrity and humility will alchemize. A review of your priorities and commitments will inevitably line up.

Read Your Sun, Moon, & Rising Signs For Your June Horoscope For 2024

Photo by PNW Production/PEXELS


You're set for lots of movement this month, Aries. Mercury entering Gemini will power up your ideas and the ability to articulate your passions. Don't forget to jot down your ideas because your wires may cross. The new moon in Gemini presents an outlet to refine your talents, but it will require you to leave your comfort zone. Try something new. In time for Mars to enter your house of material resources, expect momentum to build as you learn to strategize at work. Remove possessions that weigh you down to make room for an abundant flow to start. When Venus and Mercury enter Cancer, the month will quiet down, helping you deepen the connection with your home and family. It is time to reflect inward and evaluate your emotional needs. The full moon in Capricorn will help you review what you have built in your career endeavors and whether its current direction aligns with you energetically. Saturn retrograde will help you do some soul searching, let go, and allow the Universe to reveal its message. Reflect before deciding.


Get ready for a month filled with momentum and renewed purpose, Taurus. Venus aligned with the new moon in your house of resources and skills will level up your manifestation skills. Remember that it all begins by mastering your thoughts to make your dreams a reality. Clear out the old cobwebs and infuse your purpose by approaching a different direction. In time for Mars, the action planet entering your sign, this will infuse you with extended confidence and assertiveness. Name your terms. Venus and Mercury are in the house of ideas and local groups. If you have been experiencing a mental block or the lack of joie de vivre, expect your zest to power up. Expect serendipitous events as you visit new places locally or start a conversation. The full moon in Capricorn residing in your passion and creativity sector will conclude a project or love story. Investing time by focusing inward and connecting with your heart will guide you toward the right path. This Saturn retrograde in the next few months will grant you the space to review your aspirations and authentic connections. Trust and flow.


Your birthday era continues, and this month, expect delightful surprises, Gemini. Mercury, your ruler planet, will amp up your conversation game. Lead with your dreams, not expectations. This Saturn retrograde will lift the veil on what you can do to attract the happy ending you always wanted. The new moon aligning with your sign signals a time for you to step into your true light and reveal your cards. You are ready. The second half of this month will allow you to level up your income and resources as Mercury and Venus enter Cancer. Talk with your boss or business partner or launch that passion endeavor. Clarity will kick in as you remain assertive. Vesta in your zone of communication and local groups will radiate warmth and welcome from those who align with your message. Share, and don't hold back. When the Sun enters Cancer, expect more upgrades involving your self-worth and resources. Organize your finances, pay your debts, or solve your issues with money–you will see a clearing in time. The full moon in Capricorn will embody your intimacy and merged resources sector, helping you energetically clear from past unresolved matters involving relationships. It is a period of remaining aligned with your renewed self and letting go of who you were.


Happy birthday, Cancer! Your season starts this month with the cosmos leveling up your manifestation skills. Mercury will go through your subconscious and dream realm in the first half of June. It will be a period for you to reflect inward and sift through what aligns with you authentically. The great news is that Mars in Taurus is happening in your networks and friendship circles, giving you the rein to take charge of your aspirations. Remember to attract, not chase after your desired results or connections with others. Expect magic to happen when Venus and Mercury enter your sign, making you an energy magnet. Romance is likely in the works as the love planet powers up your identity and appearance sector. Re-polish that dating app, or go out and mingle. The stars are aligned. The full moon in Capricorn is hosting a party in your house of partnerships and commitment. Single or taken, you will understand what needs to be released to make room for better relationship experiences. The great news is that Saturn retrograde will guide you to attract the desired outcome as you learn to read the cues of your intuition. Trust your gut.

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Last month was all work and no play, Leo. Guess what? Mercury and Venus are shaking up your friendship and networks sector this month. In a good way! The new moon in Gemini will also support your future aspirations. Go out and hit the town with your near and dear, or share your ideas with your professional connections. It will be your big break. Everything work-related will also take a turn for the better when Mars in Taurus resides in your career sector. Expect your confidence to rise, but don't go too high and mighty. Measure your moves, and the right opportunities will fall into your hands. Later this month, the Sun, Venus, and Mercury in Cancer will ignite changes in your subconscious patterns, enabling you to factor in the emotional needs behind your next steps. It is also a dreamy period that will ignite your intuitive abilities. Jot down any otherworldly thoughts that come to mind (don't question), begin a meditation practice, or engage in artistic outlets to ace this transit. It's time to assess and organize your work surroundings, as the full moon in Capricorn will shed light on your mind-body-spirit connection. Smudge your space with sage or clear the air with your colleague or superior to establish better patterns.


Work and professional status will be on your radar this month, Virgo. Mercury, your ruler planet, will stir up the need for you to take charge regarding your career direction. The new moon aligned with Venus in Gemini will support your future endeavors as you integrate an innovative approach at work. You will shine as you trust in your voice. Mars in Taurus will invigorate your personal beliefs and help you step out of your comfort zone. Be bold and book that trip or launch that podcast. Whatever requires faith and courage, go for it. The second half of the month allows you to observe your aspirations and societal standing. Expect a wave of openings with Venus and Mercury in Cancer activating your network zone. Reach out and showcase yourself – but remember integrity is vital. The full moon in Capricorn closes a chapter regarding a project or romantic prospect. Tying loose ends and making peace will build bridges and even better endeavors. Saturn retrograde in your partnership zone over the next few months will help you understand the lack of connection in your relationship or help you improve your love story.


Expanding your horizons will begin as you renew your perception of life, Libra. This month will be filled with magical experiences as you invest time evaluating your journey. Mercury and Venus powering up your higher learning and soul work sector will breathe life back into your intentions. It can open a door for you to realize where the root of your passions rests. Taking a class, working with a coach, or reading a self improvement book can be an excellent place to begin this venture. Later this month, when Venus and Mercury enter Cancer, it will power up your career and public status zone. It will be your chance to position yourself in a role that helps you step into your power. It can be a challenging time to confront injustices with authority, but it enables you to understand the deeper meaning behind your motivation. The full Moon in Capricorn phasing into your emotional security and home life sector will reveal the truth, enabling you to see the full spectrum behind your past choices and helping you shape better outcomes in your story.


This month will feel like an out-of-body experience, Scorpio. Gemini season invites you to retreat and observe your inner self. Mercury and Venus will travel through the house of intimacy and joint resources in the first half of June, presenting a different route to consider involving your connections. As you express your vulnerability, your relationships will strengthen. The new moon in Gemini will revive your purpose and connection with your intimate connection with a significant other or to yourself. It is the opportunity to hone in on what you need instead of "settling." Mars in Taurus will embody your partnership zone, showing you the path regarding your relationship direction or approach to love matters. Exhibiting patience and acceptance will extend healing paths for business or your romantic connections. The second half of June will allow you to step into a new path filled with intention as Mercury and Venus phase into your travels and broadcasting sector. Work on that book and share everything you have learned these past few months. The world is waiting. The full moon in Capricorn closes a chapter regarding an idea or old skill you have considered secure. Embrace this chrysalis period.

Photo by Ba Tik/PEXELS


Your focus will be on your love life and long-term commitments this month, Sagittarius. Mercury in Gemini aligned with Venus will infuse your relationship zone, prompting you to take matters into your own hands rather than leaving things to chance. The new moon in Gemini will open a new path regarding your relationship status or business ventures. Communication and ideas will optimally flow as you hold space for others to express their feelings. Listen first before reacting. When Mars enters your health zone, your energy will build, and it can spiral into irritability if left unmonitored. To master these next few weeks, transmute your pent-up energy by incorporating an exercise and self-care routine. Mercury and Venus will be in your intimacy and resources sector for the second half of the month. These two planets will stir changes within your internal environment, helping you face unresolved matters involving money and long-term investments. If you feel out of sync with yourself, book an energy healing session or reserve a quiet space for clarity to kick in. The full moon in Capricorn will close a chapter involving your debts or shed light on how you deal with money. Learn how to develop a better relationship with money by releasing bad habits regarding spending or overextending your energy to others. It is safe for you to be thrifty.


Capricorn, you will invoke a new approach to your health and well-being this month. The new moon, in line with Venus in Gemini, enters your health zone, infusing you with the need to beautify your mind, body, and spirit self. With your overly ambitious nature, it's easy to overlook your body's needs, but this month will be crucial for you to consider this new approach because your work life is about to get even busier. Manifest what needs to change regarding your daily routine, and your body and work life will even out. The great news is that Mars is entering your romantic and fun sector, and your social calendar will be jam-packed with dates. It is an opportunity for you to incorporate more play to attract better experiences or dating prospects. The second half of the month promises romance, commitment, and stimulating connections. The Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Cancer phasing over your relationships sector will nurture your connections while creating the necessary changes. Remember to factor in empathy if you seek answers regarding your relationship direction – business or romantic. The full moon in your sign will spotlight your self-image and heightened perception regarding your place in the world. Show your true colors and share your radiance.


Passions run high and will be rose-colored and multifaceted in expression for you this month, Aquarius. Gemini season leads with the significant luminaries such as the Sun and Moon in your romance and creativity zone. If you have gone through a dry spell in love, this new moon and Venus will reignite creative inspiration and zest in your life. As though on the prowl, your thoughts and love life are fertile with endless possibilities, and it can be challenging to ground yourself. Embrace this side of you, but don't forget to assess before leaping with romantic prospects or passion projects. Vesta in Leo will occur in your relationship and commitment zone, igniting a connection and devotion from someone from afar. This transit allows you to reach out and form heart-centered connections with pure purpose. Incorporate transparency to get answers. The full moon in Capricorn residing in your subconscious and dream realms will cleanse old subconscious patterning and let go of past resentments. Clear away the old to allow the Universe to guide your next steps. Saturn retrograde these next few months will help you rebuild your self-worth while strategically planning your new passion pursuits.


Home and family life will be your primary focus this month, Pisces. Mercury and Venus are aligned in this sector, prompting you to analyze your family and emotional security priorities. What makes you feel safe? The planets Mercury and Venus beckon you to research the deeper meaning behind your insecurities, and the best place to begin this venture is to analyze your family line. Healing your past wounds can be found through epigenetics, reiki, or prayer. The new moon in Gemini will help you turn over a new leaf regarding any past unresolved issues, enabling you to set down new roots. It can be through family planning, moving, or renewing your family connections. When Cancer season begins, you will feel more in flow and centered due to Venus being in a supportive position, and Mars will assist you in grounding your creative ideas. Deciphering your concepts will be seamless. Take charge of your ambition. The full moon in Capricorn will secure your connections with friends and networks as you express your vulnerability. Any unresolved issues or burned bridges can be rebuilt during this lunation. This Saturn retrograde will allow you to review your next moves personally and professionally while helping you preserve your energy. You will experience renewal as you remain invested in your well-being.

Want to learn the astrology basics and decode your birth chart? Take a look at Lumi's new beginner's astrology workbook.

For more astrology advice, be sure to sign up for our weekly email newsletter!

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Nails breaking constantly? Wishing you didn't have to rely on tips at the salon? Desperate for that long nail look? You’re not alone. Despite it being used as an annoying and vapid phrase women would say in TV shows, breaking a nail is very painful and can ruin a (usually expensive) manicure. But don’t fret — we’ve rounded up five simple ways to get your nails to grow longer and stronger.

What causes weak fingernails?

Photo by cottonbro studio/PEXELS

But first, what causes unhealthy, brittle, breakable nails? A lot of factors that may not instantly come to mind. According to WebMD, these factors can contribute to weak nails:

  • Aging: As we get older, our nails get thinner and can crack or peel.
  • Harsh nail products: Both nail polish and nail polish remover can have strong chemicals that can damage and dry out your nails, leading them to break.
  • Wet nails: Consistently have your hands in water, maybe doing the dishes or bathtime for the kids? This could be drying out your nails.
  • Underlying health issues: Vitamin deficiencies, autoimmune diseases, and many other health issues could be the cause of nails breaking.

How can I strengthen my nails?

Photo by Karolina Grabowska/PEXELS

Dealing with some of these factors? While we can’t help you with the underlying health issues (please see a doctor if you think you may be dealing with something!), there are many easy things you can do to improve your nails and encourage growth.

  • Cuticle oil
  • Biotin
  • Diet
  • Nail protection
  • Avoid picking and peeling
Here's why each factor is important, plus how you can go about successfully achieving them.

Find a Cuticle Oil

You may only use cuticle oil when your manicurist applies it, but that doesn't have to be the case. Cuticle oils are an inexpensive and easy way to promote nail health and growth by keeping your nails hydrated. Cosmetically, cuticle oils encourage longer-lasting manis and leave your nails looking shiny and polished. But they do much more below the surface: cuticle oils create a healthier environment that allows strong growth for your nails.

Interested in adding cuticle oil to your beauty routine? Check our a few of my faves:

Photo via Cora Pursley/Dupe

Explore Biotin

Biotin is an important type of B vitamin that helps our bodies turn food into energy. It’s also one of the top recommended supplements for hair and nail growth, and for good reason. Many scientists say a daily biotin supplement can improve nail strength in as little as a few weeks.

“Since it is water soluble, biotin (or vitamin B7) can’t be stored in the body and must be acquired from diet or through supplementation,” shared Rachel Kilroy, Director of Product Innovation at Solaray, the original pioneers in supplement health and wellness. Solaray has developed a new supplement that provides biotin in a unique way.

Solaray’s Timed Release Biotin strategically supports nail health with a powerful 5,000 mcg of this important nutrient, delivering half of the biotin rapidly and the other half gradually over a period of up to 8 hours for sustained support,” Kilroy continued. “With consistent use, this vegan formula—lab verified for purity and potency—can provide comprehensive support for longer, stronger nails.”

Supplements not your thing? Biotin can be found naturally in many foods, like cooked eggs, whole grains, soy and other beans, nuts and nut butters, salmon, mushrooms, and cauliflower.

Photo via Daniella Cappellari/Dupe

Eat A Nail Friendly Diet

Nails require a balanced, healthy diet for proper growth and strength. According to Medical News Today, making small tweaks to your diet can make a big impact on your nails. Adding in nutrients like more iron or calcium in your diet will have your nails growing long and strong.

Dieticians recommend a colorful diet for nail growth consisting of colorful fruits and veggies, nuts, seeds, eggs, lean meat, avocado, sweet potato, and whole grains.

Photo via Sash Gabriel/Dupe

Protect Your Nails While Wet

Constantly doing dishes, managing bath time, gardening, or swimming? The water may be the cause of your breakage.

Your nails are like sponges, constantly expanding and contracting when water goes in or out of the nail cells. This can strain your nails, causing them to weaken, peel, and then break.

When possible, grab a pair of rubber gloves to wear while cleaning to protect your nails from the water and make sure to fully dry your nails after they’re in water. Hand creams are also a win for your nails after water exposure.

Avoid Picking, Peeling or Biting

Bad habits that are addicting. While peeling off your gel manicure can be so satisfying, it’s one of the worst things you can do for your nails. Same with constantly picking or biting your nails. As someone who used to constantly bite her nails down, I can assure you my nails are much healthier and stronger after kicking that habit.

Want to quit that habit? Try a nail bite deterrent, like this one from ella+mia or this one from LONDONTOWN and watch your nails grow before your eyes.

Looking for more beauty tips and inspo? Be sure to sign up for our weekly email newsletter for more!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

Header image via Laura Walt/Dupe

Life can be a dream, depending on how you make sound and conscious decisions. The changing of the seasons always has an ending and a new beginning, very much like how we experience life. We must cross that threshold of endings to purify and enter the bliss of renewal. The fear of the unknown quite often holds us back from achieving happiness. Luckily, when you learn to become in sync with the stars, you can learn to live more in the present and steer yourself to better experiences. Read on for your sun, moon, and rising signs for a complete interpretation of what to expect this week.

It's about to get interesting as we kick off this week with the Sun merging with Uranus on May 13th, giving us the space to embrace change and evolution. Any edge of resistance percolating in your life can stir feelings of constant restlessness. Remember that Uranus sends curveballs; on this day, whatever is stagnant in your life will see what needs to change.

Curveballs only reveal the instability you are experiencing inside. On May 13, embrace the idea of starting over.

There is also another incredible event happening: we are experiencing an astrological stellium. This means more than two planets will be in the sign of Taurus, which will boost whichever house is ruling in our birth charts. If you need to find out, click here to see your birth chart in one easy step.

The great news is that our ideas and mindset will slow down as the communication planet Mercury moves into the earthy sign Taurus on May 15. These next few weeks will create an outlet for you to begin thinking before speaking or doing. Focusing on the practical side of things will hold you steady and ensure a sound progression.

On May 17, Mercury will cross paths with Pluto in a harsh position detailing aspects of your life or situations that involve power struggles leading to unforeseen disagreements. Hold space and observe your stance on control. It takes two to tango, especially with confrontation. Listen intently before jumping to conclusions.

Love is about to take center stage, and on May 18, when Venus joins Uranus in Taurus, it will dance to a different tempo.

This is the moment to see or experience love from a different perspective. This powerful interchange will also amp up your creative direction. The Sun will also merge with Jupiter in Taurus, and there will be a stroke of luck and an overflow of optimism that can lead to chance encounters or incredible experiences. With a pure heart and intent, this day will reveal the silver lining in your life circumstances.

On May 19, when the Sun forms a supportive position with Neptune, our dreams and outlook on life will be visceral, as though we are walking in a lucid dream. Chart out your long-term ventures or begin meditation practice to secure the connection with your vision. It is a beautiful opportunity to channel your intuition practice or extend compassion to others who need your support.

Key Dates

  • 5/13 Sun conjunct Uranus
  • 5/15 Mercury enters Taurus
  • 5/17 Mercury square Pluto
  • 5/18 Venus conjunct Uranus, Sun conjunct Jupiter
  • 5/19 Sun sextile Neptune

Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here For May 13 To May 19


This week, you are on fire with your self-worth; this is your chance to take charge of matters. Your adulting skills will reach their peak. Take ownership and resist the temptation of being the wallflower of the party. With celestial points Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus residing in your second house, this will be a fantastic opportunity to take the reins and make things happen with your financial needs and earnings. However, watch out for impulsive purchases; this is the period to gain, not lose. Designate time and discuss your money goals with your partner. You are magnetic and have what it takes to share your ideas, make that pitch, or request for promotion.


Your birthday month continues, and with Mercury closing in on your sign, you will feel that rose-colored glow this week. With Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus powering up your identity and self-appearance sector, you will experience an upgrade in your look or feel a wave of confidence. Addressing your wants and needs can go in your favor, but you must live up to your promises to others. Be mindful and reflective. When Mercury squares Pluto this week, it will significantly challenge your authority, but remember to factor in sensitivity to keep things in a better flow.


How are you holding up Gemini? It has been a minute since you felt in your element, and with the stellium of planets in Taurus taking place in your subconscious sector, you are experiencing incredible growth opportunities. This week, there will be an outlet for you to experience a breakthrough involving your ideas. Whatever has been backlogged lately, expect movement when Mercury squares Pluto; you will begin to see the reason behind everything involving past setbacks or unresolved issues. Observe your environment and align with your intuition to bridge any gaps.


Get your social events calendar, Cancer, because this week will be busy. With the planets—Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus—all hanging out together, your social life is about to ignite. You'll feel extra charming and magnetic, drawing new people and exciting collaborations into your orbit. This week is about sharing laughs, chasing dreams together, and enjoying the ride with your crew. Especially when the Sun conjuncts Jupiter this week, this will be the perfect time to arrange a get-together or event. This will also be a time for you to pinpoint the core reason behind your aspirations.


Get ready to feel a change in your career zone. This week, your career sector embodies the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus. That means big things are happening on the work front! Opportunities for growth, recognition, and success are knocking at your door. Embrace your inner leader and show the world what you're made of. Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and take some risks—this stellium has your back. Just measure your words and timing when Mercury squares Pluto this week. Measure twice and cut once.


Buckle up and get ready to expand your horizons this week, Virgo, with the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus igniting your firmer beliefs and thirst for adventure. Whether planning a spontaneous trip, delving into a fascinating subject, or exploring your spiritual side, the Universe has your back. Trust your intuition and follow your heart's desires. When the Sun sextiles Neptune, this will attract an aha moment for you to realize the meaning behind your life direction; you will find clarity in your next steps as you set linear thinking aside.


As an air sign, you are equipped to face challenges and factor in logical reasoning. Everything will make sense this week as you invest time in your inner work. With the stellium happening in your resources and intimacy sector of life, you'll be navigating through a mix of opportunities and lessons in your relationships, finances, and personal growth. Embrace the chance to connect more deeply with your loved ones and explore what truly matters to you. When Mercury squares Pluto, financial breakthroughs or shifts in your approach can manifest. Take this time to reflect, release old baggage, and emerge stronger and more empowered.


Love and values continue to be on the radar for you, Scorpio. Your relationship and commitment sector is lit with this planetary stellium. This cosmic fusion brings both exciting opportunities and understanding to your partnerships. It's a great time to deepen your bonds and explore new romantic or professional connections. It can be a great time to form a new business partnership or agreement to get things rolling. This week is about learning how to trust in others. When Mercury faces Pluto this week, look out for misinformation or avoid jumping to conclusions involving love matters. Stay grounded, keep those lines of communication open, and work through any issues together. Remain openhearted and patient.


Expect a boost in your daily grind and wellness routines! With the planets—Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus—converging in your health and wellness sector, you're in for some changes. It's a great time to shake up your habits, tackle tasks with renewed energy, and focus on your health goals. Be careful not to bite off more than you can chew or neglect your self-care amidst the busyness. Stay grounded, balance work and play, and prioritize self-care to master your routine. When the Sun sextiles Neptune, prioritize a sacred practice such as somatic healing or meditation on this day, and you will witness a shift in your approach to life.


Prepare for a burst of creativity and excitement as the stellium of planets illuminates your romantic and creative sphere of life. This week brings opportunities for artistic inspiration, romantic adventures, and joyful experiences. Embrace your inner child, indulge in playful pursuits, and see life as a story only you can write. When Mercury squares Pluto, be mindful of impulsiveness or scattered energy that may lead to distractions or conflicts. Capitalize on the purity behind your decisions. Make all of the unresolved water under the bridge. Stay focused on your goals while allowing yourself to explore new avenues of self-expression and pleasure.


This week spotlights your home and family life. It's a great time to cozy up with loved ones, spruce up your space, and dive into heartfelt conversations. Allow the opportunity to strengthen bonds and create a sense of belonging. The Mercury square Pluto can add a challenge to your mojo, and be aware of some family dynamics or unexpected household issues that might crop up. It is an opportunity to clear the air or share what has been circulating in your mind lately. Stay grounded, open communication lines, and work together to find solutions.


Brainstorming and endless downloads of information are circulating within your mind, Pisces. With the planetary stellium embodying your communications sector, it's like the Universe is giving you a megaphone! Take advantage of this by speaking your truth, connecting with others, and soaking up knowledge like a sponge. But watch out for scattered thoughts or miscommunications that might trip you up. When the Sun sextiles Neptune, stay grounded, keep your focus sharp, and trust your intuition—it's your superpower, especially on that day. This week is about sharing your unique voice and expanding your mind, Pisces. Dive in and make the most of it!

Want to learn the astrology basics and decode your birth chart? Take a look at Lumi's new beginner's astrology workbook

I've got a thing for Reese Witherspoon's book club which is why I couldn't wait to get my hands on Yulin Kuang's debut novel How to End a Love Story. Chosen as Reese's Book Club's May Pick, it features a romance that almost shouldn't make sense. I mean, when's the last time you realized you trauma bonded with someone? Except Helen Zhang and Grant Shepard's character arcs as well as the entire plot of How to End a Love Story doesn't even feel like that.

Instead, Yulin uncannily peels back the layers of what it means to be a layered human being who happens to be carrying trauma, talent, success, imposter syndrome, and burning desire in their hearts. Even that doesn't scratch the surface of who Helen and Grant are. Trying to capture their essence feels like I'm stumbling over my words which points to how great this novel is and that means Yulin's goal has been accomplished.

Though she loves perfectly executed rom-coms and is fortunate to be working on them in the filmmaking space, she doesn't consider How to End a Love Story as one. "...I was searching for something more aligned with the Brontë sensibility of romance in the writing of this book. Less warmth and charm, more id-level storytelling and unchecked carnal desire," she explains.

Yulin Kuang's Journey To "How To End A Love Story"

Image via Zach Wallnau

Some people seem to be born knowing they're destined to right, but some of us stumble into it and realize, "Hey, I'm pretty good at this." For Yulin, her journey to her debut novel How to End a Love Story takes the latter route. Her first dream, you make ask? To be an Olympic figure skater.

"...that didn't pan out so I turned to storytelling," Yulin admits. That pivot led her to set her sights on becoming an author as she began honing her creative writing skills via your classic marble composition notebooks. If you're still wondering if she kept some of them, the answer is yes!

The screenwriter and author then found herself drawn to other aspects of writing and film. She says, "I eventually fell in love with screenwriting and directing while in undergrad at Carnegie Mellon, and I spent my first decade post-grad concentrating on my filmmaking career."

Yulin Kuang's Approach To Filmmaking

It's a reason why her hard work and the stars aligned for her to adapt Emily Henry's Beach Read and People We Meet on Vacation.

When I ask what helps her approach the book-to-film trajectory, she credits writing fan fiction. This feels similar to Christina Lauren's own experience, further proving that fan fiction deserves the utmost praise for helping some of the best literary and film minds who ultimately birth what I could only describe as masterpieces.

Yulin says, "Fan fiction is where I first learned you could play with characters originated by someone else to discover what you’d make them do in your own version." Although it would be easy for anyone to snap their fingers and have their first pitches accepted by everyone, she learned to lean on what writing fan fiction taught her.

"Early in my career, I would pitch on book-to-film adaptations and I’d be like, 'Change nothing, just shoot the book!' And I wouldn’t get those jobs, because I didn’t have a clear “take” and because you can’t actually just shoot a book – adaptation is an art form unto itself. So onceI started approaching adaptation with more of a fan fiction mindset – 'What is my take on these characters and this world?' – that helped me approach the book-to-screen trajectory more successfully," she proudly says.

However, this doesn't mean she never questioned if she could still find ways to create new ideas. " 2021, at a time when everything else I was working on was an adaptation, I found myself wondering if I had anything original left within me," she remembers.

It's natural for creatives to experience moments of doubt, but Yulin has been able to turn the tide and discover untapped ideas in her mind. Just don't expect her to set her own expectations about any adaptations she's working on.

She says, "Know that I am an avid reader of romance and a frequent consumer of this genre across mediums, and I will be bringing everything I know going into these adaptations. But more specifically to Beach Read, which I have more creative ownership over as the writer/director."

How Yulin Kuang Relates To Her Main Characters In "How To End A Love Story"

And since How to End a Love Story is truly Yulin's own creative body of work, it makes sense that main characters Helen and Grant have pieces of her personality as well as her characteristics.

"I gave Helen all my hopes and insecurities from high school and gave her the alternate universe path where I had pursued publishing instead of Hollywood. I examined what might have happened if I’d grown into certain qualities I’ve actively tried to grow away from," she says of Helen Zhang.

Right away, readers get the sense that Helen is a whip-smart and hardworking, but her penchant for being cautious about her success also peeks through. Though she's written highly successful YA (read: young adult) novels, Helen waits with bated breath for the moment people will call her bluff. She's relatable because many of us wonder if we're simply cosplaying as versions of ourselves who've reached any level of success.

On the other hand, there's Grant Shepard. He's seemingly this cool, calm, and collected screenwriter who has a complicated past with Helen. Yulin says, "I gave Grant a lot of the qualities I’m proud of and/or have coveted as a working screenwriter, and I certainly relate to many of his thoughts on screenwriting and the current state of our industry."

The more the reader learns about Helen and Grant, the more it becomes obvious that there's more to them than meets the eye. Sure, they are complicated...but who isn't?

"At their core, Helen and Grant are just two kids from Jersey trying to make it in Hollywood, and of course I relate deeply to that," she says.

Yulin Kuang's View Of Rom-Coms

Based on Yulin's genuine interest in romance novels and the fact she's well-versed in adapting them, she knows what it takes to make rom-coms flourish. Her first take? "Romantic tension is key to any romance – I always need to know why our couple can’t be together now. The second that tension is gone, so is audience interest," she points out.

This explains why we can't get enough of reading books about it, listening to albums dedicated to it, or watching films that depict all levels of romance. Still, there are some people who approach the genre with a side eye.

"There seems to be a natural human suspicion of things that make us feel too good – like, 'That can’t possibly be good for us, that’s just candy!' I wonder if it’s something evolutionary at work," she says before doubling down. "You can’t argue with the fact that people absolutely fucking love rom-coms, and I will die on the hill that a well-earned happily ever after is both harder to achieve and more narratively satisfying when it’s pulled off successfully."

She's the type of writer who really appreciates a big kiss that's handled correctly onscreen, but she's also not afraid to "groan every time it's fumbled." But, she knows everyone still won't see romance the way she and so many others view it, but she doesn't really care.

"Ultimately, I don’t concern myself too much with changing minds that don’t want to be changed.There are enough smart people who recognize the power and value of rom-coms, and I’d rather spend my precious time creating art to surprise and delight the people with good taste."

Need I say that this is yet another reason why How to End a Love Story works so well?

How Yulin Kuang Wishes The World Would Celebrate AAPI Month

As much as she's vocal about screenwriting and rom-coms, Yulin also has thoughts about the way society-at-large talks about BIPOC creative artists. "There’s a real, 'This is important, eat your vegetables,' vibe to things. And while that might be true, it’s not the most appealing way to market or discover art," she says.

She admits this could be due to how many diversity-in-film panels she's attended. As a Black woman, the conversations I see every year during Black History Month seem to have a certain "Let's check this box so everyone can be happy" vibe, so I can imagine attending panels about diversity and inclusion can start to sound repetitive after awhile.

Yulin doesn't hold back when she says, "I’m a little jaded when people ask me diversity questions at this point. I don’t want to attract the kind of readers who are only showing up to be supportive of my Asian-ness. It’s a bit like showing up to a date where someone says, 'I’m so excited that you’re Asian!!!'" This is an analogy I can so get behind because it makes a lot of sense!

It's one thing to have representation, but I like to think it's always obvious when people are approaching the conversation in a way that 'others' BIPOC people. We're literally not asking for a trophy, but more so an acknowledgement that we shouldn't be excluded from conversations, spaces, and careers or treated differently.

This sentiment is shared by Yulin who says, "That’s the thing about me that I didn’t do on purpose, and while I’m glad you’re excited, I hope there are things that I did do on purpose that you find exciting, too" and feels there is a way to be a genuine ally.

" AAPI creatives by all means, and perhaps begin by celebrating us as individual artists even after the designated month ends. And where applicable, talk about our work like it’s candy, not vegetables. I’d rather be irresistible than important," she states.

Take a page from Yulin Kuang's book and pick up a copy of How to End a Love Story today! You won't regret it!

Looking for more reading recs? Be sure to check out our storefront for more of our fave books!

Brit + Co may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

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Calling all BookTok, bookstagrammers, and leisurely readers: the Amazon Book Sale has landed! I can barely contain myself because there’s so many great titles — including more than a few picks from Reese Witherspoon’s book club — that Amazon is discounting for it’s special reading crowd.

I know I’ve been stuck on romantasy books for a while (sorry, not sorry!), but there’s so many other great picks you’ll be able to snag on sale. And if you’re a Kindle type of woman, you’re not being left out.

Amazon isn’t leaving any stone unturned with this sale so let’s jump right into what to expect and which books are on sale right now!

When is the Amazon Book Sale?

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The Amazon Book Sale began May 15 and will end on May 20, so you still have time to add very discounted books to your TBR list!

What should I expect from the Amazon Book Sale?

Image via Amazon

The Amazon Book Sale will feature titles from different genres that you can save up to 50% on. Not only that, but Kindle users can save up to 80% on books! In case you’re wondering, you're not dreaming — this is really, really good.

The best news about the sale is that you can start shopping deals NOW. So, what are you waiting for! Take a peek at our picks!

Are Kindle books included in the Amazon Book Sale?

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Yes! You'll be able to find a plethora of discounted kindle books during the Amazon Book Sale. The best news is that you can access three months of Kindle Unlimitedfor $0!

Shop Book Editors' Picks During the Amazon Sale

None of This Is True by Lisa Jewell

Alix Summer and Josie Fair quickly become friends after a chance meeting on their birthdays. They seem to have things in common which leads Alix to feature Josie on her podcast. But the closer they get, the more Alix feels conflicted about her new friend.

Before she can piece together her concerns, Josie has found her way into every part of Alix's life and it's only after she disappears that Alix realizes how much danger she's in.

Bad Summer People by Emma Rosenblum

Jen Weinstein and her friend Lauren Parker are ever popular in Salcombe, Fire Island during the summer season. They seem to have a hold on anyone that comes in contact with them, including their husbands. However, there's no denying that grudges have been steadily building over the years due to things unspoken. And Rachel Woolf? Well, she's just there to have a great time even if it's at someone else's expense.

However, who knows more than they're willing to share and who would be so angry that they'd commit a murder?

Weyward by Emilia Hart

Weyward is a moving novel that alternates between various timelines and involves a family's mystical powers.

In the present time of 2019, Kate takes refuge at her great-aunt's cottage that's worlds away from the person she's afraid of. She's not entirely sure, but she can't shake the feeling that there was more to her great-aunt than was outwardly presented.

The timeline of 1619 is then introduced and readers get to know Altha, a woman who's accused of having something to do with a farmer's death. The thing is Altha truly does know magic associated with the world around her, but people are on edge and will do anything to have a witch trial.

Then in 1942, we meet young Violet who feels trapped in more ways than one. She wants nothing more than to live a life that's not confined by hiding behind society's expectations of women. Her only connection to her mother and her past is finding the word 'weyward' in her bedroom, thus setting off a chain of events that lead back to 2019.

Stock Up On #BookTok Favorites

It Ends With Us & It Starts With Us Box Set by Colleen Hoover

For the first time ever, get your hands on the limited edition box set of Colleen Hoover's finest, It Ends With Us and It Starts With Us!

It Ends With Us begins with Lily believing that Ryle couldn't be more perfect for her despite his tendency to be rough around the edges. There's also the fact that he's not 100% open to dating. But, they somehow form a sort of love dance that becomes a romantic relationship. However, this is challenged when her first love Atlas comes back into her life.

It Starts With Us finds Lily and Ryle divorced, but they still communicate on friendly terms. But when Atlas comes into the picture again, Lily doesn't hesitate to let him into her world. It shouldn't feel complicated, but she knows that Atlas is the last man Ryle wants around. The ending is just as shocking, poignant, and beautiful as It Ends With Us.

Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston

Still excited that the movie adaptation of Red, White & Royal Blue is getting a sequel that'll premiere on Amazon Prime? Me too, but we'll have to wait for more news to drop about it! Until then, we can revisit our favorite couple by Casey McQuiston's book that's on sale for $15!

House of Ash and Shadow by Leia Stone

Fallon Bane spends a great deal of her life being untouched because of a lethal curse she was born with. Despite her acceptance, she still yearns for intimacy. To make matters worse, her father's own health becomes comprised which leads her to seek out help from a healer fae — Ariyon Madden.

He not only begins helping her, but he always touches her in a way she's never experienced before. Fallon is shocked that she's still ver much alive and things finally seem to look bright for her. That is until Ariyon tells other powerful fae about her.

From there, Fallon learns the truth about who her family is and why her curse exists..

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

Young Feyre commits an offense agains the immortal and very powerful fae that sends her to their magical world. Though she's away from a life of poverty and tension, she misses her family.

Still, she resides in the home of the 'beast' who allows her to live in his home — Tamlin. What she quickly realizes is that he's actually one of the powerful faes and that she's not the kind of prisoner she thinks she is. Even more, she begins questioning everything she'd learned about the Fae world because it's not quite like what mortals say it is.

As the hostility between Feyre and Tamlin dies down, an ancient evil continues spreading through his world and it'll be up to Feyre to help stop it.

Shop More Amazon Book Sale Deals!

The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn

Anna Fox has agoraphobia so she spends time by herself at home by herself and fills her days with drinking, watching comfort movies, and being a nosy neighbor. That's how she knows a new family — The Russells — have moved across from her.

She continues her usually nosy activities and finds herself witnessing something that seems horribly wrong. As she frantically tries to piece together the mystery of what happened, it becomes clear that the lines of her imagination and reality have become blurred.

Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah

Kate Mularkey was never the popular girl until she met her best friend Tully. Their lives are polar opposite, but there's no denying how tight their bond is. Over time we learn that Tully has abandonment issues and looks for anyone — especially men — to love her. Her journey takes her to the big apple where she achieves all the glitz and glamour that life has to offer.

Kate goes on to become a wife and mother, two things she believes she wants, but it becomes clear that she's missing something. That something is what begins to burn a hole in her being and the more she watches her best friend Tully live a successful life, the more she wants that for herself too.

Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng

Elena Richardson and Mia Warren go to warn in this moving novel about classism. It dares to ask readers who deserves to be seen as a shining example of a mother as both women eventually face how far they're willing to go to protect those they love.

For Elena, Shaker Heights is all she's ever known. She's married, has four children, and is well-loved in her community. She believes that she's been able to achieve everything she has because she knows how to be the woman who doesn't color outside of the lines.

On the other hand, Mia is an artist who knows all about creating masterpieces with elements that are otherwise seen as messy. She and her daughter Pearl become a little too close to the Richardsons, finding their lives dangerously intertwined with them.

When a custody battle ensues that involves the young daughter of Mia co-worker, she finds herself willing to dismantle the pretty facade of not only Shaker Heights, but Elena as well.

Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed (Only 2 Left in Stock)

Cheryl Strayed has spent over 10 years dishing out advice as 'Dear Sugar' has touched people with her columns, podcast Dear Sugars, and Substack. Deciding to compile all of the best things she's ever told people, Cheryl Strayed pieced together Tiny Beautiful Things so that readers around the world won't have to look far for her empathetic wisdom.

Georgie, All Along by Kate Clayborn

Georgia Mulcahy is the ultimate people-pleaser and her career is the epitome of it. She'd probably always be that way had it not been for a unexpected career change that sends her packing back home. Begrudgingly, she goes and soon discovers a diary where she once wrote down all of her heart's desires.

This inspires her to start checking things off her life's to-do list so that she can really start living. It's just that Levi Fanning is somehow her unexpected roommate while she's at her parents' home and his offer to help her complete her list feels like something she didn't know she'd encounter.

The more they spend time together, the more Georgie feels like there's more to life than checking off things on a list.

The Mitford Affair by Marie Benedict

The Mitford sisters have always been the talk of the town, but nothing is as shocking as when one of the sisters decides she'd rather devote herself to a fascist leader. Another sister decides it's worth following her and this leads people to whisper salacious things about her alleged relationship with Hitler.

As the war between Great Britain and Germany threaten to spill over, their sister Nancy can't help but wonder what her sisters have gotten themselves into. She'll have to decide where her own allegiance lies.

Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle

Daphne Bell has always known how long she'll be with a man before moving on to the next one. It's not that she's flighty, but more so that the universe literally tells her what to expect. These little nudges have been in her life for over two decades and it's something she's learned to accept.

However, the universe decides to be cryptic by only clueing her in on the name of the next man she'll spend time with. It's odd because if Jake knew the things she did, there's a chance he could walk away from her forever and that's the last thing Daphne wants.

On a Quiet Street by Seraphina Nova Glass

Brighton Hills appears to be a picturesque place to live. It's a community that beautifully blends luxurious living with the gorgeous nature that surrounds it and the neighbors always have their eyes on each other.

However, Cora's desire to find out if her husband is having an affair leads her to form a partnership with Paige. She's the one neighbor that Cora knows keeps a watchful eye on what's going on in Brighton Hills after her son died.

The two women work together to discover what Cora's husband is really up to, but what they may stumble across will send a shockwave through Brighton Hills.

Discounted Kindle Book Deals

Throne of the Fallen by Kerri Maniscalo

The Prince of Envy is struggling to save his demon court in Throne of the Fallen, but he's determined to find a way to do so. He's not afraid of the magic and mysterious people that keep crossing his path because nothing can stop his fierce desire to regain the control he once has.

Things are seemingly no different from Miss Camilla Antonius because she's facing blackmail by someone who literally makes her skin crawl. In order to change her fate, she reluctantly joins forces with The Prince of Envy and thus begins their dangerous journey through the Underworld.

It's the one place that may pull them together in more ways than one.

The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy by Megan Bannen

Hart spends most of his time patrolling Tanria, but the loneliness does nothing to keep him company. Things couldn't be any different for Mercy though. She's tasked with making sure things are running properly at Birdsall & Son Undertakers and doesn't have time for anyone's foolery.

Ironically, Hart and Mercy both have taken up writing mysterious letters to strangers who have become their friends. The thing is they're not aware they've been communicating with each other.

It's a classic enemies-to-loves fantasy novel that'll make you smile with glee.

The Mystery Guest by Nita Prose

Molly Gray is the Head Maid at the prestigious Regency Grand Hotel and runs a tight ship that makes sure the hotel maintains a flair that guests have become accustomed to. All is going well until successful author J.D. Grimthorpe suddenly collapses and is pronounced dead.

This lands Detective Stark — someone Molly doesn't exactly get along with — back on the scene as it's realized there's something terribly wrong going on. Anyone could be a suspect, including Molly. It'll be up to her to revisit things she's kept secret — like the trip she took to Grimthorpe's property long ago.

Happy Place by Emily Henry

Emily Henry knows exactly what it takes to write a moving novel that's filled with friendship, laughter, and romance. That's why it's not surprising that Happy Place is well loved by #BookTok and #Bookstagram.

It's all about how a once happy couple — Harriet and Wyn — find themselves embroiled in an interesting ruse so their friends don't suspect something's wrong with them. The fact is that they're no longer together and can barely stand being in the same room anymore.

It would be find if they weren't expected to happily show up to the cottage that's become the yearly hub for them and their friends. Still, they begrudgingly decide to make an appearance.

What's the worst that could happen?

For the first time, you'll be able to read Happy Place on Kindle for $5!

We can't wait to see what you snag during the Amazon Book Sale! Check out our storefront for more reading recs!

Brit + Co. may at times use affiliate links to promote products sold by others, but always offers genuine editorial recommendations.

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This post has been updated.