Enroll Early in Our New Online Class for a Chance to Win a Bunch of Goodies!
Introducing Digital Illustrations in Adobe Illustrator: In this class, you’ll learn how to turn your sketches into digitized artwork. Your instructor is illustrator, designer and author Becky Simpson. As one of the first two Adobe Creative Residents, she built and launched her online shop Chipper Things, where you can buy giftable goodies that feature her unique illustrations. Let’s just say, she has a whole arsenal of insider tips and tricks when it comes to design in Adobe Illustrator.
To start your illustration adventures, enroll early in Becky’s class. By enrolling early, you’ll not only get 15 percent off the class, but we’ll even sweeten the deal. Three lucky early enrollees will win a few goodies from Becky’s shop, as well as a few design-related online classes to get you going on your new creative endeavor.
So what do you get? By pre-ordering our Digital Illustration in Adobe Illustrator online class, you’ll automatically be in the running to win:
- Hope We Win Tee (see below)
- Should I Wear Pants Today Notebook (see below)
- A promo code to enroll in Intro to Ink Illustration and Intro to Adobe Photoshop online classes for FREE
- All at a $115 value!
So what are you waiting for? Pre-order for Digital Illustration in Adobe Illustrator online class today! Winners (3) will be contacted via email once the class launches on November 15.
The official giveaway runs from November 9 to November 14, 2016. Anyone who pre-orders for this class during this time will automatically be in the running to win. Three winners will be contacted on November 15 via email.
UPDATE: Congratulations to Destiny D., Kylee B. and Lindsay S. for winning our giveaway!
Excited about this giveaway!? So are we! So make sure to share it with you friends!