Need a chic trick or treat bags for your kid? We’ve got a DIY for you! :)
Turn Canvas Totes Into Tricked Out Treat Bags for Your Little Ones

Forget the days of carrying your worn out Peanuts pillowcase as a treat bag. You’re a modern mama and your kiddo’s treat bag is almost chic enough for you to wear. At least, it is if it’s one of these three modern treat bags for stylish tots!
We teamed up with Velcro Industries to turn basic canvas totes into spooky (but still cute) treat bags for a candy-filled adventure. If you plan on attending a lot of different Halloween festivities, it’s easy to create one bag and use the ghost, cat and jack-o-lantern props interchangeably for three different looks.
Ready to get making?
– canvas totes
– glitter foam sheets (silver, gold, purple)
– fabric paint (orange, black, silver)
– glitter (orange, black, silver)
– VELCRO® Brand Sticky Back for Fabrics
– Printable (HERE)
– foam brush
– painter’s tape
Because most of the parents we know don’t have tons of time to spend making bags from scratch, we decided to trick out a canvas totes. We bet you have one or two… or ten of these lying around the house, especially if you’re a California resident ;)
First, we’ll dip our totes in paint and glitter. Tape off a design of your choosing. Then paint! Sprinkle glitter on while paint is still wet. Let dry for an hour or two, then peel off the tape.
We did the same with an orange design, and a silver design.
Now, time to cut out your props. We started with a glittery purple cat. Use the printable (available HERE) as a template.
We’ve got eyes, a nose, whiskers and a mouth. Line everything up.
Then, attach each piece with VELCRO® Brand Sticky Back for Fabrics. We cut our VELCRO® Brand Sticky Back for Fabrics down to size in a matter of minutes. Then use a larger piece of VELCRO® Brand Sticky Back for Fabrics to create a closure for your bag. No one wants to lose all those Snickers minis!
We did the same with a ghost.
And a Jack-O-Lantern.
Boo! There they all are.
We know what you’re thinking — those are some jumbo size treat bags! Well, you’ve gotta make sure they’re big enough to get a little extra candy for the parents, you know? Plus, they can easily be worn across the chest, making sure they don’t fall on the ground too easily.
Now we just need to make a few more costumes… ;)