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Lena Dunham’s Best OOTD Is from a Shop You’re Overlooking at the Mall

We’ve all had that moment when your co-worker reveals that her new dress you’ve been creepin’ on since your team’s morning all-hands is from somewhere you’d never think to shop. You know, the kind of clothes that warrant a “You got THAT at Forever 21?” kind of response. Your jaw may drop just like that when you find out where Lena Dunham got this cute pattern-clashing getup she selfied on Instagram recently. It’s not from her designer bestie Rachel Antonoff, nor is it a mix-and-match set from an indie designer about to blow up big time. It’s actually an ensemble she pulled together from a trip to LOFT at the mall. Yep, the Ann Taylor offshoot that you haven’t thought of hitting up after Madewell + Zara in forever.
According to the lengthy caption, the finds came as a surprise to Lena too. “Been in the same outfit for going on 3 days — Ann Taylor Loft shirt & shorts from a very unexpectedly fruitful trip through their doors (must I now stop making Ann Taylor jokes?),” the Girls star wrote to accompany the snap of her heart embroidered button up top and gingham high-waisted shorts, both of which you can buy on loft.com for a little more than $100.
Besides serving as a reminder that mixing even the most opposite of prints can have an #OOTD-worthy payoff, Lena’s pic is proof that stepping outside of your sartorial comfort zone, including going to stores you don’t usually go in to shop, can spark pretty amazing style inspiration. Check out these five more LOFT pieces that are just as necessary for your summer wardrobe.
1. LOFT Striped Strappy Cami ($45): Who says your staple tank of the summer can’t also be a standout?
2. LOFT Bloomtime Jumpsuit ($90): For those Fridays you have to play that desk-to-destination game, this jumpsuit is the chic and easy answer.
3. LOFT Beach Polka Dot Tie Romper ($70): With lace-up espadrilles and a bright red lip, this sweet and flirty romper is your toss-on-and-go answer to what to wear on a summer day date.
4. LOFT Love Triangles Midi Skirt ($70): This modern midi is the perfect PIC to your lived-in white tee on the weekends, though that matching top ($40) is definitely the way to go to give your summer work wardrobe a boost.
5. LOFT Relaxed Denim Shorts in Sand Dune Wash ($55): Finally! Cool jean shorts that don’t creep too far up your legs.
Have you shopped at LOFT lately? Tell us where you’ve scored some of your most surprising finds in the comments below.
(Featured photo via Jason Merritt/Getty, photo via @lenadunham)