Ready to feel old/nostalgic? 20 years ago TODAY, Friends aired its premiere episode. Celebrate with the weirdest shopping spree ever.
15 Weird, Wonderful Friends Items You Can Buy, DIY or DL

*Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun* Oops, sorry that was just us singing to the Friends theme song, not a rare thing to occur here at Brit HQ, but today we have a reason — nay, a HOLIDAY to celebrate. Ready to feel old nostalgic? 20 years ago TODAY, Friends aired its premiere episode. Don’t believe that you were X years old when it all happened? Believe it — if Courteney Cox has to, you do, too. In the spirit of one of our favorite shows of all time and because we love a good WTF purchase now and then, we rounded up some of the craziest Friends stuff that you can buy, bid on or RT.
1. Best Friends Necklace ($105): Sometimes just “Best” and “Friends” don’t cut it. If you have a third in your BFF circle, er, triangle, go for these Monica, Rachel and Phoebe stamped necklaces for the neat freak, princess and free spirit among you.
2. Friends Silhouette Wall Decor ($28): This Australian artist takes quotable TV lines and immortalizes them in retro silhouettes for your wall. We think this would make a stellar addition to any TV room, dontcha think?
3. Friends Peephole ($50): Turn your home into your own grandmother-handed-down dream SoHo apartment with a replica of the yellow frame that hangs on Monica’s door. Etsy seller Abby started making these herself after her hubby searched forever to find one online, then spent way too much money for something that was shipped to her in pieces — that’s a glass half full kinda maker, if we ever saw one!
4. Purple Door Gold Frame Print ($14): Oh, your door doesn’t have a peephole? This print will work too.
5. Friends Beer Cozy ($9 on eBay): You kinda do need a beer cozy that asks “How You Doin’” on it, now that we mention it, right?
6. Joey + Chandler BluePrint Art ($10 to $49): Made especially for the show’s 20th anniversary, this blueprint art maps out the floor plan of Joey and Chandler’s apartment — how cool is that?!
7. Friends Coloring Book ($5): Color in iconic moments from the show and turn this sweet coloring book into wall art or cards for the Monicas and Chandlers you know.
8. Cooking With Friends Cookbook ($20 on eBay): This better not just be one Nestle Toll House recipe.
9. How You Doin Typography Print ($5): Slap this in a colorful frame and stick it in your entryway to welcome all to your abode.
10. You Are My Lobster Cross Stitch ($20): Show a little love for the lobster soulmate in your life with this pretty cross stitch, or DIY with this pattern.
11. Ross Pivot Pillow ($25): Can you honestly think of a more hilarious housewarming gift than this? Didn’t think so. Oh wait, maybe this.
12. Friends Coasters ($10 on eBay): These colorful scenes from the set are begging for your oversized mugs.
13. I Would Drink the Fat for You Card ($5): This is a special one meant for the Ross to your Rachel — perhaps after “a break.”
14. Friends Minimalist Wall Poster ($15 to $37): A classic.
BONUS: Friends Emoji! We couldn’t believe that no one has created Friends Emoji yet (Buzzfeed, GET ON IT — fat-ugly-naked guy, Janice, the dog statue, a Bloomingdales bag, Ross’s shirt, we could go for days) but we were able to dig up this forgotten Twitter account that translates Friends moments using the emoticons we hold so near and dear. Please use it as inspiration to create your own set, people.
Have any Friends memorabilia you need to share? Perhaps one of these in poster form, hanging over your couch? Share that + a favorite Friends memory below!