Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-All Bill, Explained

As the buzz around the Republican agenda to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act (AKA Obamacare) has dwindled after multiple unsuccessful attempts to pass new legislation, Senator Bernie Sanders has introduced a bill he’s calling Medicare-for-All. The Independent senator from Vermont made Medicare-for-All, which is also called universal or single-payer health care, a signature issue during his 2016 presidential campaign, and though his competitor, Hillary Clinton, and other Democrats were critical of the plan at the time, several prominent, progressive Democrats are now lending their support.

Senator Sanders’ campaign certainly energized some of his colleagues in Congress and much of the Democrat and left base, but it’s certainly not new. In fact, Democratic Michigan Congressman John Conyers, Jr. has introduced a Medicare-for-All bill to every Congress since 2003, and similar proposals even go back to President Franklin D. Roosevelt. But now, it’s finally garnering significant traction in government. And it’s about time: According to a 2016 report from the Kaiser Family Foundation, 28.5 million Americans were without health insurance in 2015, despite the gains made by the ACA.

Medicare-for-All is also a popular concept among citizens. A recent survey from the Pew Research Center finds that 58 percent of Americans feel the government should be at least somewhat responsible for providing health care coverage to all Americans, with 33 percent saying the government should be solely responsible.

So what exactly would Medicare-for-All look like? How would it work? Here’s a quick guide to the new health care bill, how it would impact young women, and how it’s different from our current health care legislation.

What is medicare-for-all?

Medicare-for-All is basically what it sounds like: Everyone would get health care coverage from the government. The legislation is designed so that Americans will pay for health care via their taxes, eliminating the need to buy private health insurance, especially for those who are unable to afford private or even government marketplace insurance. According to Sanders’ website, the bill would also eliminate employees’ reliance on their employers’ health insurance options, which can still be expensive and/or not provide adequate coverage.

Sanders’ website states that Medicare-for-All will cover “the entire continuum of health care,” including “inpatient to outpatient care; preventive to emergency care; primary care to specialty care, including long-term and palliative care; vision, hearing, and oral health care; mental health and substance abuse services; as well as prescription medications, medical equipment, supplies, diagnostics, and treatments.” Universal health care would also include coverage for abortions. This is a significant expansion of the coverage guaranteed under the ACA, which covers 10 specific areas of “essential care.”

Who supports it?

Among citizens, the idea of universal health care is quite popular. Even some Republican voters agree that the government should play some hand in covering health care. But Medicare-for-All has never received broad support in Congress, even among Democrats. But the tides are changing a bit.

When Sanders introduced the universal health care bill on Wednesday, 16 Democrats, many of whom are potentially eyeing a presidential bid in 2020, according to CNBC, co-sponsored — including California Senator Kamala Harris, New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren.

Will it work?

A lot of people have questions about how Medicare-for-All would actually work in practice. A major concern is the expense. According to Sanders’ website, the Medicare-for-All would cost an estimated $1.38 trillion per year. If the bill passes, it would be paid for largely through increased taxes on the wealthy and contributions from employers.

But as Sanders noted in a New York Times op-ed this week, “We remain the only major country on Earth that allows chief executives and stockholders in the health care industry to get incredibly rich, while tens of millions of people suffer because they can’t get the health care they need.” Though there are concerns about how this model would play out, myriad countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas already offer universal health care or heavily subsidized health care, and have for many years.

The big question right now, however, is whether or not the bill can even pass through Congress. Put bluntly: It doesn’t seem likely, at least not right now. While a number of Democrats are supportive, moderate Democrats especially have been and continue to be resistant to universal health care legislation. And even with more support from Democrats, there’s little chance that a bill this progressive could pass in a Republican-dominated Congress.

What do you think of Medicare-for-All? Tell us @BritandCo!

(Photo via Alex Wong/Getty)

Chances are, you vaguely remember your Sex Ed class in high school. The awkward shuffle of students into the “health” class you all know is code for sex ed. The ancient TV playing videos from the 80s of incredibly cringey (and totally out of date) lessons on the birds and the bees. Maybe they mention STIs (which were definitely still called STDs back then) and why teen pregnancy is the greatest sin on planet Earth (And it was always the woman’s fault, wasn't it?), but they were quick to gloss over sex ed for literally anyone other than heterosexual men and women. Oh, and all of this was being “taught” amidst the giggles of teenage boys, who undeniably made it uncomfortable to ask any questions (provided the genders weren’t segregated, that is).

Obviously, this isn’t a practical education for anyone in present-day society. Sex is way more complicated than anything taught in high school, and far too many people are learning about STIs, disorders, pregnancy prevention and how to actually have great sex way too late in life. We’re covering the basics for everyone — LGBTQ+ included — so you can be a more informed intimate partner.

Sex ed doesn’t end in high school. Here are 5 important tips you may have missed.

1. Tips for safer sex practices.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio / PEXELS

There are several different ways to have sex — and everyone’s preferences are different. If you’re not comfortable engaging in certain practices, remember: you never, ever have to do anything you don’t feel comfortable with. Consent is key, and just because you've consented to one doesn't mean you've consented to all. We’re going to walk you through safe sex practices for a variety of ways to have sex, so you can make informed decisions that feel right for you.

1. Anal and vaginal sex

This type of sex has the highest risk of contracting an STI or HIV. If you’re having anal sex or vaginal sex, it’s important to use internal condoms or external condomsand a water-based or silicone-based lube. “Make sure that you use a different condom with each partner or when a penis or dildo/sex toy is moved between the vagina and anus,” healthcare company FOLX says. “Infections such as herpes, genital warts, syphilis, and monkeypox can be transmitted through regular skin-to-skin contact. Barrier methods such as condoms, dental dams, or latex gloves can reduce your risk of contracting these infections, but will only cover the protected area.”

2. Oral sex

Oral sex is when someone uses their mouth to stimulate the genitals of another person. With oral sex, there is a low risk of STI or HIV transmission, but it’s still possible to contract unwanted infections. “Using an external condom on a penis during oral sex can help contain body fluids such as semen, ejaculate and pre-ejaculate and reduce the risk of STI transmission,” says FOLX. “Condoms can also be used on a sex toy/dildo, especially if [you plan to use it] with multiple partners without proper cleaning.”

For transgender folks who recently underwent bottom surgery, avoid oral sex until you are fully healed. Anyone who has bleeding gums, mouth ulcers, a sore throat, or has gotten dental work done recently should also avoid oral sex.

Photo by cottonbro studio / PEXELS

3. Rimming

Rimming is when someone uses any function of their mouth around/in someone’s anus. According to FOLX, “this can function as a way to prepare for anal sex and/or as a fun, pleasurable sexual activity in its own right. Rimming has an extremely low risk for HIV, but it’s possible to get hepatitis A or bacterial infections like gonorrhea.” Reduce your risk by practicing good personal hygiene and using a barrier method like a dental dam, especially if you or your partner haven’t had a recent anal STI check.

4. Fingering

“Fingering is when someone uses their hand, finger, or multiple fingers to stimulate and penetrate their partner’s vagina and/or anus,” says FOLX. “Fingering is considered low-risk since there’s only a small chance of spreading an STI. There is a small chance that STIs can spread through fingering if you have any cuts on your hands or fingers, or if there are internal tears in the anus or vaginal tissues.” If you engage in fingering, reduce your risk by practicing good hygiene and washing your hands with soap and water, especially if you’re fingering multiple partners. You can also use latex gloves or finger condoms to cover your fingers for extra protection.

2. The lowdown on STIs.

STIs are sexually transmitted infections (AKA STDs or sexually transmitted diseases) and can be transmitted through different kinds of sexual activities. While there are dozens of unique types of STIs, common STIs to test for include gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, trichomonas, and HIV. If you’re sexually active, it’s important to be tested for STIs, especially since you may have an infection or disease that doesn’t present any noticeable symptoms.

“If left untreated, STIs can cause serious health problems, including cervical cancer, liver disease, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), infertility, and pregnancy problems,” says thewellproject. “Having some STIs (such as chancroid, herpes, syphilis, and trichomoniasis) can increase your risk of acquiring HIV if you are HIV-negative and are exposed to HIV. People living with HIV may also be at greater risk of getting or passing on other STIs.”

For more comprehensive information, visit thewellproject.

3. STI prevention and testing.

Rachel Wakefield

Luckily, there are plenty of ways for us to prevent the transmission of STIs. Many people request any intimate partners to be fully tested for STIs before engaging in sex with them, which is a great way to feel safe and comfortable during sex.

Obviously, anyone with a penis is advised to wear a condom during any form of sex, especially oral, vaginal, or anal. It’s a simple way to reduce the risk of both partners, which is a win for everyone. For women seeking oral sex or rimming, we recommend wearing Lorals, a FDA-cleared, wearable STI protection to keep both you and your partner safe.

Sex toys/dildos are another great way to reduce the transmission of STIs, but be sure to clean before switching between partners. When searching for the right sex toy(s), make sure they are made of body-safe materials, like medical-grade silicone. We love Bellesa’s line of sex toys because they are made from premium quality silicone, are waterproof and are USB rechargeable. Like they say, “good orgasms are a lifestyle!”

Remember: you need to test for STIs! Regularly! Fortunately, testing for STIs has (literally) never been easier. While you can be fully tested for STIs by your Primary Care Physician or OB/GYN, there are some great at-home tests if a doctor isn’t your jam. stix offers a range of vaginal and sexual test kits delivered straight to your door. We also love Cheeky Bonsai for at-home UTI testing and relief. Oh, and you can order both of these brands on Amazon. Talk about a win-win!

4. Different forms of birth control.

Photo by Pixabay / PEXELS

This ones for all the ladies out there. If you’re not looking to get pregnant now (or ever), then practicing safe sex is a MUST. If you are having sex with someone who has a penis, make sure they have a condom on. It’s seriously the simplest way to ensure there are no babies in your immediate future. In addition to condoms, birth control is the best way to ensure you’re as pregnancy-protected as possible.

You can read up on all of the different types of birth control here, and visit your OB/GYN to get started. If you don't have a doctor who can prescribe you birth control, try NURX or Hey Jane (they offer medical abortions, emergency contraception and UTI/yeast infection treatment too).

A morning-after pill (AKA emergency contraception) is another way to protect yourself against unwanted pregnancy, particularly if you believe your partner ejaculated in you during recent sex. Get fast, discreet emergency contraception delivered straight to your door with Julie, or head to your local CVS or Walmart if you simply cannot wait.

5. How to have pleasurable sex.

Photo by Edward Eyer / PEXELS

Pleasure looks different for everyone, but there are some resources you can reference for better sex. Practical Intimacy gives great advice on how to have incredible sex as a woman, but really, the tips are simple. Give yourself time to get aroused, engage your whole body and your mind, let go of the pressure to orgasm, ask for what you want and make sure your partner is seeking to please you, too. Sex should never be one-sided, and we should all seek to close the orgasm gap, one mind-blowing orgasm at a time.

If you need tips on where to start, we highly recommend watching Angel Ardito’s TikToks. Her tips are informative, practical, and sure to make you (and your partner) much happier people.

And remember: you are way sexier than you think! Negative self-talk deserves no place in your mind or your bedroom, so get it out of there!

This is just the basics of sex ed, and we’re guessing it’s probably more than you ever learned in school. Educating yourself is imperative to engaging in safe sex, so do your research, figure out what’s comfortable for you, vocalize your needs and most of all — have fun.

Stay updated on the latest sex and wellness news with Brit + Co.

Header image courtesy of Rachel Wakefield.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's relationship has captivated us throughout the years. Their story has love, family, loss, and of course, royalty. But how did the Duke and Duchess of Sussex come to be the powerful, independent couple they are today? Here's everything we know about the pair's relationship timeline, starting from the first time they met!

Mike Coppola / Getty Images for 2022 Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Ripple of Hope Gala

July 2016: Meghan and Harry meet

After initially meeting on Instagram (a classic plot point for 21st century relationships), Meghan and Harry met for a first date in London.

“I was scrolling through my feed and someone who was a friend had this video of the two of them [and Meghan], it was like a Snapchat,” Harry said of is digital introduction to Meghan in the Harry & Meghan Netflix docuseries. He remembers asking himself, "Who is that?"

Chris Jackson / Getty Images

November 2016: Meghan and Harry reveal they are officially dating

It was an official statement from Kensington Palace that confirmed Meghan and Harry's relationship.

At the time, Meghan faced mass amounts of sexist and racist backlash through the media for her association with the royal family. Kensington Palace denounced the hate in a statement:

“Some of this has been very public — the smear on the front page of a national newspaper; the racial undertones of comment pieces; and the outright sexism and racism of social media trolls and Web article comments,” the statement read. “Some of it has been hidden from the public — the nightly legal battles to keep defamatory stories out of papers; her mother having to struggle past photographers in order to get to her front door; the attempts of reporters and photographers to gain illegal entry to her home and the calls to police that followed; the substantial bribes offered by papers to her ex-boyfriends; the bombardment of nearly every friend, coworker, and loved one in her life.”

Despite the hate, Meghan and Harry persevered as a couple.

Chris Jackson / Getty Images

September 2017: Meghan shines a light on her relationship with Harry

Meghan revealed even more information about her connection with Harry in a Vanity Faircover story in September 2017.

“We’re a couple. We’re in love,” she told Vanity Fair. “I’m sure there will be a time when we have to come forward and present ourselves, and have stories to tell, but I hope what people will understand is that this is our time. This is for us. It’s part of what makes it so special, that it’s just ours. But we’re happy. Personally, I love a great love story.”

Chris Jackson / Getty Images for Invictus Games Foundation

November 2017: Meghan and Harry are engaged

Meghan officially moved to London in the fall of 2017 and the couple announced their engagement not long after.

Harry proposed to Meghan at Nottingham Cottage on the grounds of Kensington Palace with a ring made from two of Princess Diana's diamonds, and she said "yes" on the spot!

An official statement from the palace detailed their engagement further:

“His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales is delighted to announce the engagement of Prince Harry to Ms. Meghan Markle,” it read. “His Royal Highness and Ms. Markle became engaged in London earlier this month. Prince Harry has informed Her Majesty The Queen and other close members of his family. Prince Harry has also sought and received the blessing of Ms. Markle's parents.”

Meghan recalled the moment Harry proposed on the Harry & Meghan Netflix docuseries:

“He’s down on one knee and I was like, ‘Yes!’ I was so joyful and excited. I was like, ‘Ah we’re doing this."

Ben Birchall / Getty Images

May 2018: Meghan and Harry’s wedding

Meghan and Harry got married at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle. They admitted a few years later that they had actually exchanged vows three days before they walked down the aisle, for the sake of privacy.

“No one knows that,” Meghan said in an interview with Oprah Winfrey. “We called the archbishop and just said, look, this thing, this spectacle is for the world, but we want our union between us, so the vows that we have framed in our room are just the two of us in our backyard with the archbishop of Canterbury.”

Millions of people tuned in for their televised wedding ceremony on May 19, 2018.

October 2018: Meghan announced her first pregnancy

On October 15, 2018, Kensington Palace released a statement informing the public that Meghan and Harry were expecting their first child the following spring.

The news broke while Meghan and Harry were on a 16-day royal tour through Australia, Fiji, Tonga, and New Zealand. The pair returned home and settled in at Windsor Castle's Frogmore Cottage to start prepping for the baby.

Dominic Lipinski / Getty Images

May 2019: Meghan and Harry welcome their first child

The couple welcomed their first son, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, on May 6, 2019."We are pleased to announce that Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex welcomed their firstborn child in the early morning on May 6th, 2019. Their Royal Highnesses’ son weighs 7lbs. 3oz," an Instagram post from @sussexroyal read. "The Duchess and baby are both healthy and well, and the couple thank members of the public for their shared excitement and support during this very special time in their lives."

Chris Jackson / Getty Images

January 2020: The couple steps back from their roles in the royal family

After "many months" of deliberation, Meghan and Harry had decided to "transition" from the royal family in early 2020.

In an official statement, they shared their plans to step back as ‘senior’ members of the royal family, become financially independent from Her Majesty, and split time between the United States and United Kingdom.

"This geographic balance will enable us to raise our son with an appreciation for the royal tradition into which he was born, while also providing our family with the space to focus on the next chapter, including the launch of our new charitable entity," the statement read. "We look forward to sharing the full details of this exciting next step in due course, as we continue to collaborate with Her Majesty The Queen, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge and all relevant parties."

They moved to the U.S. a couple months later, staying in Montecito, California until they bought a home in Santa Barbara in the summer of 2020.

November 2020: Meghan announced she had a miscarriage with her second child

Meghan admitted she experienced a miscarriage with her second pregnancy, writing in a vulnerable New York Times op-ed essay that the loss of her second pregnancy with Prince Harry felt like “an almost unbearable grief.”

“I knew, as I clutched my firstborn child, that I was losing my second,” Meghan wrote. “Hours later, I lay in a hospital bed, holding my husband’s hand. I felt the clamminess of his palm and kissed his knuckles, wet from both our tears. Staring at the cold white walls, my eyes glazed over. I tried to imagine how we’d heal.”

March 2021: Interview with Oprah

The couple sat down for a very candidinterview with Oprah in March 2021, coming clean on multiple topics that had arose since living in the public eye. From Meghan’s mental health to the dynamic of the royal family – including the racism Meghan had experienced since becoming a member – they spoke honestly.

Yui Mok / Getty Images

June 2021: Meghan and Harry welcome their daughter, Lilibet

The pair publicly announced their second pregnancy in February 2021, welcoming their daughter, Lilibet Diana Mountbatten Windsor, a few months later.

Lilibet was born on June 4, 2021 in Santa Barbara, California.

Kirsty O'Connor / Getty Images

June 2022: Meghan and Harry attend the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Meghan and Harry headed to Buckingham Palace for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, marking their first joint appearance in the U.K. in over two years at that point.

The two weren’t publicly mingling with other senior royalty in attendance, though they reportedly introduced Lilibet to the Queen in private during their trip.

"They aren't part of the [working] royal family anymore, and that's a decision they have taken — but maybe [the public] hasn't quite accepted that yet," a source close to the couple told Peoplein 2022. "Yes, they were low-key. They paid their respects and went home."

September 2022: Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral

Meghan and Harry were called to Windsor Castle on September 8, 2022, shortly after Queen Elizabeth II passed away at age 96.

They briefly reunited with Kate Middleton and Prince William to support the royal family amid the news. According to Kensington Palace, the rare meeting was actually William's idea, with a source noting that it "was an important show of unity at an incredibly difficult time for the family."

Sascha Schuermann / Getty Images for Invictus Games Foundation

December 2022: The Harry & Meghan docuseries drops

The first volume Meghan & Harry Netflix docuseries hit screens on December 8, 2022. The pair addressed their full love story, their new family, and dived deeper on their reasons for distancing from the royal family in the three-part series.

Gareth Cattermole / Getty Images

March 2023: Meghan and Harry were told to leave their royal residence in the U.K.

Meghan and Harry were asked to “vacate” Frogmore Cottage in the spring of 2023.

"We can confirm The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been requested to vacate their residence at Frogmore Cottage," a spokesperson for the couple's Archewell Foundation told People.

Andrew Chin / Getty Images

January 2024: The truth comes to light about Queen Elizabeth’s blessing for Meghan and Harry’s daughter’s name

An inside source disputed the claim that the late Queen Elizabeth had not given Meghan and Harry her blessing to name their daughter after her known nickname, Lilibet.

“Meghan and Harry 100 percent got permission from the queen to use the name Lilibet,” the insider said. “The report is not true. [Harry and Meghan] don’t know where this is coming from...They’re shocked that this is coming now; it seems out of nowhere and out of left field. They just feel like it’s more of the same spear campaign that continues against them.”

Chris Jackson / Getty Images for Invictus Games Foundation

March 2024: Meghan and Harry were in Austin, Texas for SXSW

Meghan was slated to speak on a South by Southwest panel for International Women’s Day 2024, so she and Harry traveled to Austin, Texas.

While they were in Austin, the couple had a date night at Soho House Austin.

“They were happy and in great spirits,” an eyewitness told People. “Harry was very animated throughout the dinner. They were super low key and seemed happy to be around the upbeat vibes at the lively venue.”

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Lead photo by Chris Jackson / Getty Images for Invictus Games Foundation.

Hi there! We’re here to remind you that you need to take care of your sexual health. Chances are, you probably overlook this critical area of care when it comes to monthly (and yearly) medical check-ups. Caring for your sexual health is imperative to ensure a healthy overall wellbeing, and we’ve rounded up a series of brands dedicated to providing at-home care for your sexual health (and pleasure).

Before we jump into the brands, it’s important for us to define what sexual health even is. In short, sexual health includes self-esteem, personal attractiveness, competence, as well as freedom from sexual dysfunction, sexually transmitted diseases, and sexual assault/coercion. It goes beyond testing for the aforementioned STIs and fertility and rather encompasses just as many mental components as physical ones.

Keep reading for our go-to brands for fertility testing, STI care, discreet emergency contraception, sex toys, LGBTQ+ sexual healthcare, and so much more — all of which can be accessed with a simple internet connection.

And don’t worry — these brands operate on the DL to provide you with the best (and safest) care possible.

You Want To Test Your Fertility

Image via Natalist


Natalist is “led by a team of moms and doctors on a mission to reduce the historical shame, misinformation, and outdated product offerings women experience on their path to parenthood. Inspired by [their] own complex fertility journeys, Natalist offers fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum essentials that are science-backed and designed with sustainability in mind.”

Beyond their product offerings (like pregnancy tests, ovulation test kits, male care and supplements), Natalist offers an incredibly thoughtful and thorough blog for anyone interested in parenthood (or anyone in the trenches of it 😂).

​You Need Simple Reproductive Health Tests

Image via bird&be


bird&be is on a mission to assist, coach, fuel, and cheer you on throughout your fertility journey. With a variety of offerings for male and female fertility care, bird&be is a great place for any future American and Canadian parents to start.

​You *Think* You May Have An UTI

Image via Cheeky Bonsai

Cheeky Bonsai

Cheeky Bonsai was founded because of a desire to make everyday health feel like selfcare. With a Harvard Urogynecologist backing up their selection of UTI care and treatments, Cheeky Bonsai is an effective way to alleviate (and test for) any potential UTIs.

​You Need Emergency Contraception, Like, Now

Image via CVS


Julie is a new healthcare company helping people prevent unwanted or mistimed pregnancies with an FDA-approved morning after pill. When taken within 72 hours of having sex, it can help prevent pregnancy by temporarily delaying or stopping ovulation.

​You Want To Test Your Sexual And Vaginal Health

Image via stix


Like so many of us, Stix’s co-founders realized that they both had terrible experiences buying health products — and when it came to learning about and managing their health, there was much to be desired. That’s exactly why they started Stix; to create a convenient, discreet, and judgment-free way to get the products you need. With a variety of science-backed and doctor-approved products that are designed to work for you, Stix also offers “Sex-Ed Without the BS” through real talk, a blog dedicated to answering your most personal questions.

​You Need *Intimate* Care

Image via wisp


Wisp offers healthcare on your terms — with products to treat a variety of conditions. Whether you need a quick prescription or a trusted over-the-counter remedy, wisp connects you with real-time providers and guides to help you safely navigate your symptoms and get back on track.

You’re Looking For Comprehensive Healthcare As An LGBTQ+ Person

Image via FOLX


If you’re a member of the LGBTQ+ community, then you’re well aware of the barriers to comprehensive care within the traditional healthcare system. FOLX is designed for “everybody and every body,'' with a focus on providing quality, specialized healthcare to fit your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for primary care, gender-affirming care, sexual and reproductive care, or something else, they offer plans for both insured and uninsured people as well as an amazing library of info on *literally* any issue you can think of.

​You Want To Add Some (Discreet) Pleasure To Your Life

Image via Bellesa Boutique

Bellesa Boutique

Bellesa is on a mission to close the pleasure gap. Through a wide range of five-star sex toys made with 100% body-safe premium materials, Bellesa empowers their community to embrace, explore and celebrate their sexuality. Unapologetically.

Hopefully these resources will help you, no matter what your sexual health journey looks like. Everyone is deserving of excellent care, so grab a seat, do some research and start on a path towards your healthiest (and happiest) self.

Be your healthiest self with Brit + Co.

Header image courtesy of Bellesa Boutique.

Taylor Swift loves to reference the past in her songs. Every new album adds another layer to a whole web of lore (as the kids say), and The Tortured Poets Department is no different! There are enough pop culture references to to keep you glued to Google for the whole weekend, which is why I read every single lyric to decode each movie and literary reference so you don't have to! Keep reading for the full scoop from our fearless leader: The Chairman of the Department ;).

Literary References In The Tortured Poets Department

Image via engin akyurt/Unsplash

Down Bad — "Did You Take All My Old Clothes, Just To Leave Me Here, Naked And Alone"

While "Down Bad" feels like a reference to aliens, it's also reminding us of the story of Adam and Eve, who were left naked in the Garden of Eden after eating the Fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The "experiments" Taylor Swift references in the first verse (plus the "Fortnight" music video) are also giving Mary Shelley/Frankenstein!

Image via Amazon

So Long, London — "You Left Me At The House By The Heath"

Hampstead Heath is a beautiful area of London that reportedly inspired C.S. Lewis to write The Chronicles of Narnia in the late 30s and early 40s. As Narnia's self-proclaimed biggest fan, I'm totally claiming this indirect literary reference, especially since the Pevensies have to stay at the Professor's house when they're evacuated from London.

Image via Amazon

I Hate It Here — "I Hate It Here So I Will Go To Secret Gardens In My Mind People Need A Key To Get To"

This Taylor Swift song is all about wishing she was somewhere else during an early period of her life, and referencing The Secret Garden makes total sense. In the book, lead character Mary has to access the Secret Garden to discover the hope, joy, and healing she's lost.

Image via İlknur ERDURAN/Pexels

thanK you aIMee — "I Pushed Each Boulder Up The Hill"

This seems to be another Greek mythology reference, this time to Sisyphus. He was forced by the gods to roll a boulder up a hill — and then do it again when it rolled back down. Considering this song seems to reference Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, and the drama that led to Reputation, it feels like a reference to the feud that rears its head over and over again.

Image via Robin Erino/Pexels

Cassandra — "So They Killed Cassandra First Cause She Feared The Worst And Tried To Tell The Town"

In Greek mythology, Cassandra (whose name means "she who entangles men," FYI) was a beautiful woman, and princess of Troy. The god Apollo falls in love with her, and gives her the power of prophecy — that is, until she rejects him and he turns the gift into a curse where no one believes her anymore.

Image via Amazon

The Bolter — "She Fell Through The Ice, Then Came Out Alive"

This is another indirect literary reference I'm claiming that totally reminds me of Amy March from Little Women. Amy falls through the ice when the March sisters are all children living in Massachusetts. Fans have historically hated her character, which is tied to the "A curious child, ever reviled // By everyone except her own father" lyric.

Movie References In Taylor Swift's New Album

Image courtesy Warner Bros. Pictures

My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys — "I Felt More When We Played Pretend Than With All The Kens"

The internet has claimed Taylor Swift as the real-world version of Barbie, and after last year's blockbuster hit (and Taylor referencing Ken in "Hits Different") we get another nod to our favorite doll. Plus, this song reminds me of Syd from Toy Story destroying his toys, and "he was my best friend down at the sandlot" got me thinking about The Sandlot. So many movie references, so little time!

Image via Michele K Short/Sony

Guilty As Sin? — "How Can I Be Guilty As Sin?"

Taylor Swift wrote "Carolina" for the book-to-movie adaptation of Where The Crawdads Sing. In "Carolina," she sings that Kya's community has "said that I was guilty as sin and sleep in a liar’s bed.”

More Pop Culture References

Image via Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Images

  • The Tortured Poets Department — Taylor Swift mentions poet & writer Dylan Thomas, singer-songwriter & poet Patti Smith, and American singer Charlie Puth, boygenius singer Lucy Dacus, producer Jack Antonoff.
  • But Daddy I Love Him — This is a line in both The Little Mermaid and The Notebook.
  • Florida!!! — Florence Welch is featured on this song, which mentions a hurricane. Florence + The Machine has a song titled "Hurricane Love."
  • Guilty As Sin? — Taylor also references "The Downtown Lights" by The Blue Nile, as well as the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus in The Bible.
  • Who's Afraid Of Little Old MeWho's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf revolves around a bitter and aging couple who weaponize the youth of their guests against one another.
  • loml — "The coward claimed he was a lion" is a reference to The Wizard of Oz, while "Mr. Steal Your Girl" is a Trey Songz track.
  • I Can Do It With A Broken Heart — This whole song is about Taylor Swift's Eras Tour.
  • The Alchemy + The Prophecy — In Taylor Swift's TIME interview, she references Harry Potter, which has huge themes around alchemy and prophecies.
  • Clara Bow — This song references Clara Bow, Stevie Nicks, and Taylor herself!
  • So High School — Taylor Swift Mentions video game Grand Theft Auto, Artistotle, and American Pie. She also mentions games like Kiss Marry Kill, Truth or Dare, and Spin the Bottle

Which of these pop culture references in The Tortured Poets Department is your favorite? Check out the latest news on the album here!

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Hearty dinner recipes are always going to be high on our list, but spring and summer tend to call for light lunch ideas to keep us energized and able to enjoy longer hours of sunshine everyday. I'll be the first to say that eating chicken pasta or pizza for lunch often makes me feel sluggish, so I try to stay away from them during the work day. Not only that, but I've noticed I feel better when I eat something that's a little fresher and healthier. If your summer plans include having as much energy as possible, here's 15 light lunch ideas to help you successfully get through your days!

Light Lunch Ideas: Tasty Salads

Chicken Tzatziki Avocado Salad

Light lunch ideas don't have to be tasteless just because they don't cause you to feel sleepy in the middle of the day. One of the best ways to enjoy something tasty is to make a Mediterranean dish. This chicken tzatziki avocado salad is full of season, roasted chicken, feta, kale, and creamy tahini sauce. (via Half Baked Harvest)

Roasted Golden Beet Salad with Farro

This recipe had us at goat cheese! If you haven't had a chance to try it yet, this roasted golden beet salad with farro is a great way to introduce it to your palate. It also features shallots, thyme, and honey to balance out the crunch you'll get from the almonds! (via Brit + Co)

Chicken Cobb Salad

Add this chicken cobb salad your list of non-complicated light lunch ideas! It's full of tasty ingredients like avocados, cherry tomatoes, and eggs that'll hit the spot during lunchtime. (via Brit + Co)

Strawberry and Asparagus Salad with Chicken

Your salad needs an upgrade that involves lightweight fruit like strawberries. You can always exclude the chicken if you've been eating a meatless diet. (via Completely Delicious)

Feta Green Goddess Pasta Salad with Grilled Chicken

We're not sure who made this rule but pasta salad just seems to be one of the light lunch ideas that works extremely well for summer. This recipe features a homemade green goddess dressing that lightly covers the delicious ingredients, making it one of our favorite meals. (via Whole and Heavenly Oven)

Smashed Potato Spring Salad with Creamy Lemon Dressing

We love that this smashed potato spring salad can be eaten during summer. The Creamy lemon dressing complements the butter lettuce, asparagus, and green onions that you'll happily devour. (via Two Peas and Their Pod)

Simple Cold Pasta Salad

Simple light lunch ideas are the stuff that our summer dreams are made of. After all, meals like this cold pasta salad are great alternatives if you're truly looking for something quick and lightweight. (via Barley and Sage)

Summer Sesame Noodles

Is it a salad or noodle dish? Maybe it's both! One thing we know is that you'll get a ton of healthy vegetables and noodles drizzled in a sauce that has sesame paste, vinegar, and more! (via Gastro Plant)

Light Lunch Ideas: Creative Sandwiches, Tacos, and Wraps 

Breakfast Bagel Sandwich with Smoked Salmon

Skipped breakfast? It happens to the best of us! Make up for it during lunch with this breakfast bagel sandwich with smoked salmon. Our mouths are already craving the herbed cream cheese that's on it. (via Vikalinka)

Smoked Turkey Sandwich with Spicy Mayo

Craving a smoked turkey sandwich that has a kick to it? Make this dish for lunch, but don't forget to bring something soothing to drink that'll help counter the mayo's spiciness! (via The Original Dish)

Tasty Tacos

Tacos Rancheros

This is technically another breakfast meal, but we like to think that some meals can double as light lunch ideas! This is a great option if you have to eat lunch early. (via Vanilla and Bean)

Kale Chicken Caesar Wraps

You've never had chicken caesar like this before. The dressing doesn't have a ton of calories so you'll get to eat something that's healthy and yummy! (via The Girl on Bloor)

Light Lunch Ideas: Veggies

Garlic Parmesan Zucchini

Our mouths are watering looking at this garlic parmesan zucchini dish! The fresh garlic and parmesan make for a dish that's full of hearty flavors without making you feel sluggish. (via The Endless Meal)

Mediterranean Sweet Potatoes

Although these aren't considered sweet potato boats, you can think of them that way thanks to their shape. The spicy chickpeas in the center offset the sweetness of the sweet potatoes while the feta adds a lightweight flavor. (via Cozy Cravings)

Roasted Vegetable Quinoa Bowl

This roasted vegetable quinoa bowl is one of the best light lunch ideas we've come across and it's gluten-free! Not only does it feature sweet potatoes, but you'll also get to savor juicy yellow squash! (via Feel Good Foodie)

Follow us on Pinterest for more light lunch ideas to cook this summer!

Lead image via Vanilla and Bean